/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Package: -metadialog- (file meta_profile.txt) The commands at the bottom of this file are placed in your personal Stata profile.do file. They create a Meta-Analysis sub-menu (of the StataCorp-defined User menu) that contains the publicly available meta-analysis commands. You can determine if you have defined a profile.do file by starting Stata and observing whether a line of the form: running C:\data\stata\profile.do ... appears on the screen as part of the initiation sequence. If it does, then add the commands below to that file and resave the file. If the line does not appear then you have not defined a profile. Create a plain text file containing the commands below, name it profile.do and save it somewhere in the Stata path. Only 3 of these 12 programs were authored by me. To avoid a name conflict if the authors of the other 9 programs choose to write a dialog for their programs, I have added my initials to the dialog file names I wrote for their programs. Nonetheless, because dialogs can be invoked via a -db name- command (to run dialog name.dlg), you may wish to remove these initials from the commands below and rename the dialog files to match. Be aware that subsequent downloads of my dialogs will not update these renamed files and downloaded dialogs written by the original authors would replace my files. You may choose not to create the menu and run the dialogs directly from the Stata8 command line via the -db name- command. Thus: command... runs... ----------------------------------------------------------------- db meta_tjs Meta-analysis of Effects (meta) db metan_tjs Meta-analysis of Binary and Continuous (metan) db metap_tjs Meta-analysis of p-values (metap) db meta_tjs Meta-analysis Regression (metareg) db metacum_tjs Cumulative Meta-analysis (metacum) db funnel_tjs Metan-based Funnel Graph (funnel) db labbe_tjs Metan-based L'abbe Graph (labbe) db metaninf Metan-based Influence Analysis (metaninf) db metainf_tjs Meta-based Influence Analysis (metainf) db galbr_tjs Galbraith Plot for Heterogeneity (galbr) db metabias Publication Bias in Meta-analysis (metabias) db metatrim Trim and Fill Analysis (metatrim) The menu creation commands follow... Note: dialogs function only in Stata8. The -if _caller() >= 8 {- and closing -}- lines are needed only if you also run Stata7. --Put-the-following-in-your-profile.do---------------------------------- */ if _caller() >= 8 { window menu clear window menu append submenu "stUser" "Meta-Analysis" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Meta-analysis of Effects (&meta)" "db meta_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Meta-analysis of Binary and Continuous (meta&n)" "db metan_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Meta-analysis of p-values (meta&p)" "db metap_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Meta-analysis Regression (meta®)" "db metareg_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Cumulative Meta-analysis (meta&cum)" "db metacum_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Metan-based Funnel Graph (&funnel)" "db funnel_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Metan-based L'abbe Graph (&labbe)" "db labbe_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Metan-based Influence Analysis (metan&inf)" "db metaninf" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Meta-based Influence Analysis (metain&f)" "db metainf_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Galbraith Plot for Heterogeneity (&galbr)" "db galbr_tjs" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Publication Bias in Meta-analysis (meta&bias)" "db metabias" window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Trim and Fill Analysis (meta&trim)" "db metatrim" window menu refresh }