{smcl} {cmd:help metadata} {hline} {title:Title} {hi: A metadata service for stata hosted at the IDSC of IZA(idsc.iza.org/metadata)} {title:Syntax} {p 8 17 2} {cmd:metadata} ["search" or "registry"] [,from() query()] {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:metadata} is written in order to demonstrate that stata with its hypertext capabilities may be used to publish, browse and search metadata. Anyone can put up such a service and have it listed and searched by metadata. If you need info on how to do this contact the author. {pstd} Currently we offer metadata on Datasets related to the IZA Research Areas. The documentation is based on an RSS feed at idsc.iza.org/metadata which holds the same info and is enriched with Dublin Core elements. The feed is in turn based on DDI 2.1 documentation of the datasets. The datasets ares searchable by means of concepts based on the Hasset Concept Hierarchy modified to suit our needs. For information on the details of the documentation please contact (Georgios Tassoukis at tassoukis@iza.org). {pstd} We are trying to get permission to post dummy datasets as well. This will allow the users to search locate and practice analyzing data from within a stata session. For the moment we post a placeholder dataset. {title:Examples} The command below {phang} {cmd:. metadata search, from(idsc.iza.org) query(Wages and Workers)}{p_end} will search the metadata service at the IDSC for datasets on Wages and Workers. If you simply run: {phang} {cmd:. metadata registry}{p_end} you will be taken to the list of registered service providers while if you say {phang} {cmd:. metadata list, from(idsc.iza.org)}{p_end} you will be taken to the index page of the IDSC metadata service. {title: Author} Nikos Askitas, IZA, Bonn, Germany. Email: nikos@@iza.org