* metan_analysis.ado * Subroutine to run the actual meta-analysis modelling * Called by metan.ado; do not run directly *! version 4.08 David Fisher 17jun2024 *! version 4.08.1 David Fisher 12jul2024 * version 4.08.1 // Minor bug fixes to allow programs to run without error under Stata versions 15 and older program define metan_analysis, rclass syntax varlist(numeric min=3 max=7) [if] [in], OUTVLIST(varlist numeric min=5 max=7) /// [ MODELLIST(namelist) TESTSTATLIST(namelist) BY(varname numeric) XOUTVLIST(varlist numeric) ROWNAMES(namelist) /// CUmulative INFluence PRoportion noOVerall noSUbgroup OVWt SGWt ALTWt TESTBased ISQParam RFDist /// KEEPAll KEEPOrder noTABle noGRaph noHEADER /// IFINOPT USERWGT ALLWTNAMES(namelist) * ] // internal options only (for this subroutine, not for metan_output.ado) local opts_adm `"`macval(options)' xoutvlist(`xoutvlist')"' local oldrownames : copy local rownames gettoken _USE invlist : varlist local params : word count `invlist' marksample touse, novarlist // Form `bylist' here, *before* passing to PerformMetaAnalysis // because if `keepall' we may need to construct matrices with missing columns // if some subgroups have insufficient data for analysis if `"`keeporder'"'!=`""' local keepall keepall // `keeporder' implies `keepall' [MOVED UPWARD] if `"`by'"'!=`""' { if `"`keepall'"'==`""' local anduse1 `"& `_USE'==1"' qui levelsof `by' if `touse' `anduse1', missing local(bylist) // "missing" since `touse' should already be appropriate for missing yes/no local byopts `"by(`by') bylist(`bylist')"' local nby : word count `bylist' } // Now, first model is "primary" and will be displayed on screen and in forest plot // options such as `ovwt', `sgwt', `altwt' apply here // Remaining models are simply fitted, and results saved (in matrices ovstats and bystats). // Hence, loop over models *backwards* so that "primary" model is done last // and hence "correct" outvlist is left behind // Aug 2023: Hence, reverse order of elements of `allwtnames' so that they align with true model list as specified by user if `"`allwtnames'"'!=`""' { foreach el in `allwtnames' { local allwtnames2 `el' `allwtnames2' } local allwtnames : copy local allwtnames2 } gettoken model1 : modellist local UniqModels : list uniq modellist local RefFEModList peto mh iv mu // fixed (common) effect models local RefREModList mp pmm ml pl reml bt dlb // random-effects models where a conf. interval for tausq is estimated // Before looping, create list of unique colnames // (e.g. if same basic model is run twice, with different options) local m = 0 local zca = 0 // initialize marker of "`model'"!="peto" & float(`ccval')==0 local zcb = 0 // initialize marker of inlist("`model'", "peto", "mh") | float(`ccval')>0 local udw = 0 // initialize marker of "user-defined weights" local rest : copy local modellist while `"`rest'"'!=`""' { local ++m gettoken model rest : rest local 0 `", `opts_adm'"' syntax [, model`m'opts(string) * ] local opts_adm `"`macval(options)'"' local 0 `", `model`m'opts'"' syntax [, HETPooled HKSj RObust KRoger BArtlett SKovgaard WGT(passthru) /// CC(string) * ] // <-- cc() for later checking for missing effect size/std. error // May 2022: Extract info on user-defined weights to send to metan_output.ado if `"`wgt'"'!=`""' { local wgtoptlist `wgtoptlist' `wgt' local ++udw } else local wgtoptlist `wgtoptlist' default // if `m'==1 local cc1 : copy local cc // `cc' opt for first model only // In case of zero cells (see below)... // a) identify models *without* CC (& not Peto, but including M-H) // b) identify models which are M-H, Peto or (I-V plus CC) if `params'==4 | "`proportion'"!="" { local 0 `"`cc'"' syntax [anything(name=ccval)] [, *] if "`model'"!="peto" & float(`ccval')==0 local ++zca if inlist("`model'", "peto", "mh") | float(`ccval')>0 local ++zcb } // Append HKSJ if appropriate, since this is a commonly-used option // clearer for users to see labelling e.g. "dl; dl_hksj" rather than "dl_1; dl_2" // ... and similarly for robust variance estimator // and REML Kenward-Roger correction and PL likelihood corrections // ... and pooled (across subgroups) heterogeneity [Sep 2023] if `"`hksj'"'!=`""' local model `model'_hksj if `"`robust'"'!=`""' local model `model'_rob if `"`kroger'"'!=`""' local model `model'_kr if "`model'"=="pl" { if `"`bartlett'"'!=`""' local model `model'_bart if `"`skovgaard'"'!=`""' local model `model'_skov } if `"`hetpooled'"'!=`""' local model `model'_pool if `: list model in mcolnames' { local j=2 local newname `model'_`j' while `: list newname in mcolnames' { local ++j local newname `model'_`j' } local mcolnames `mcolnames' `newname' if "`model'"=="sa" | "`isqparam'"!="" local hetcolnames `hetcolnames' `newname' /* modified May 2023 */ } else { local mcolnames `mcolnames' `model' if "`model'"=="sa" | "`isqparam'"!="" local hetcolnames `hetcolnames' `model' /* modified May 2023 */ } // [Nov 2020:] Note: this forms a copy of `mcolnames' for matrix `hetstats', called `hetcolnames' } if !`udw' local wgtoptlist // cancel if no user-defined weights // [Nov 2020:] If duplicate, e.g. dl dl_2: rename e.g. dl to dl_1 foreach name of local mcolnames { if substr("`name'", -2, 2)=="_2" { local name_orig = substr("`name'", 1, `=length("`name'")-2') local mcolnames = subinstr("`mcolnames'", "`name_orig'", "`name_orig'_1", 1) local hetcolnames = subinstr("`hetcolnames'", "`name_orig'", "`name_orig'_1", 1) } } tempname checkmat ovstats hetstats mwt forvalues j = `m' (-1) 1 { local first = cond(`j'==1, "first", "") // marker of this being the first (aka main, aka primary) model if `j'>1 local testbased // only first model can use `testbased' option local model : word `j' of `modellist' local teststat : word `j' of `teststatlist' cap nois PerformMetaAnalysis `invlist' if `touse' & `_USE'==1, outvlist(`outvlist') /// model(`model') teststat(`teststat') `overall' `subgroup' `cumulative' `influence' `proportion' /// rownames(`rownames') `byopts' `ovwt' `sgwt' `altwt' `model`j'opts' `opts_adm' /// `testbased' `isqparam' `first' if _rc { if inlist(_rc, 2000, 2001, 2002) { if `j'==1 { return add exit _rc } } else { if `"`err'"'==`""' { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis}"' } c_local err noerr exit _rc } } // August 2023 // If requested, store weights from each model under separate varnames if `j' > 1 & `"`allwtnames'"'!=`""' { tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC gettoken wtname allwtnames : allwtnames qui clonevar `wtname' = `_WT' } // create matrices of pooled results if "`model'"!="user" { local mcolname : word `j' of `mcolnames' // if (`"`overall'"'==`""' | `"`ovwt'"'!=`""') { if `"`overall'"'==`""' { matrix define `checkmat' = r(ovstats) cap assert rowsof(`checkmat') > 1 if _rc { nois disp as err `"Matrix r(ovstats) could not be created"' nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis}"' c_local err noerr exit _rc } if !inlist("`r(nsg)'", "0", "", ".") mat colnames `checkmat' = iv else mat colnames `checkmat' = `mcolname' matrix define `ovstats' = `checkmat', nullmat(`ovstats') local rownames_reduced_new `"`r(rownames_reduced)'"' local rownames_reduced : list rownames_reduced | rownames_reduced_new // [SEP 2020:] matrices containing "parametrically-defined" het. statistics if `"`r(hetstats)'"'!=`""' { matrix define `checkmat' = r(hetstats) matrix define `hetstats' = `checkmat', nullmat(`hetstats') } } // if ((`"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""') | `"`sgwt'"'!=`""') { if `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { tempname bystats`j' matrix define `bystats`j'' = r(bystats) cap assert rowsof(`bystats`j'') > 1 if _rc { if `m' > 1 local jj = `j' nois disp as err `"Matrix {bf:r(bystats`jj')} could not be created"' nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis}"' c_local err noerr exit _rc } if !inlist("`r(nsg)'", "0", "", ".") { local bylist2 : coleq `bystats`j'' local nsg_list `r(nsg_list)' local newmcols foreach el of numlist `bylist2' { if `: list el in nsg_list' local newmcols `newmcols' iv else local newmcols `newmcols' `mcolname' } mat colnames `bystats`j'' = `newmcols' } else mat colnames `bystats`j'' = `mcolname' local bystatslist `bystats`j'' `bystatslist' // form list in reverse order // Model-specific subgroup weights matrix define `mwt' = r(mwt) \ nullmat(`mwt') // [SEP 2020:] matrices containing "parametrically-defined" het. statistics if `"`r(byhet)'"'!=`""' { tempname byhet`j' matrix define `byhet`j'' = r(byhet) } } } // end if "`model'"!="user" } // end forvalues j = `m' (-1) 1 cap { confirm matrix `ovstats' assert rowsof(`ovstats') > 1 } if _rc { // can't just clear the matrix, because "return add" above may have already returned (a version of) it // therefore, instead redefine it as missing and (re-)return it. // main routine will then detect that it is missing and discard it. matrix define `ovstats' = . } else { // reduce rows if necessary local rownames_ov : rownames `ovstats' assert `: word count `rownames_ov'' >= `: word count `rownames_reduced'' if `: word count `rownames_ov'' > `: word count `rownames_reduced'' { tempname ovstats_temp local r = rowsof(`ovstats') forvalues i = 1 / `r' { local rn : word `i' of `rownames_ov' if `: list rn in rownames_reduced' { matrix define `ovstats_temp' = nullmat(`ovstats_temp') \ `ovstats'[`i', 1...] } } matrix rownames `ovstats_temp' = `rownames_reduced' matrix colnames `ovstats_temp' = `: colnames `ovstats'' matrix define `ovstats' = `ovstats_temp' } } // else local ovstats // marker of whether (valid) matrix exists // SEP 2020: Same for `hetstats' cap { confirm matrix `hetstats' assert rowsof(`hetstats') > 1 } if _rc { // can't just clear the matrix, because "return add" above may have already returned (a version of) it // therefore, instead redefine it as missing and (re-)return it. // main routine will then detect that it is missing and discard it. matrix define `hetstats' = . } else { // reduce rows if necessary // if no models which estimate tausq CIs, just keep rows containing point estimates if `"`: list UniqModels & RefREModList'"'==`""' { // RefREModList = mp pmm ml pl reml bt dlb matrix define `hetstats' = `hetstats'["tausq", 1...] \ `hetstats'["H", 1...] \ `hetstats'["Isq", 1...] \ `hetstats'["HsqM", 1...] } matrix colnames `hetstats' = `hetcolnames' } // else local hetstats // marker of whether (valid) matrix exists // Sep 2020: Q statistics (associated with "primary" model) // `byQ' contains subgroup-Q values from *first* model // If this model is common-effect, Q_lci will be from non-central chisq; label with "fe" // If this model is random-effects, Q_lci will be from Gamma; label with "re" if `"`by'"'!=`""' & (`"`subgroup'"'==`""' | `"`sgwt'"'!=`""') { // first, check `mwt' (cf. `ovstats' and `hetstats' above) cap { confirm matrix `mwt' assert rowsof(`mwt') == `m' assert colsof(`mwt') == `nby' } if _rc { // can't just clear the matrix, because "return add" above may have already returned (a version of) it // therefore, instead redefine it as missing and (re-)return it. // main routine will then detect that it is missing and discard it. matrix define `mwt' = . } if `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { tempname byQ matrix define `byQ' = r(byQ) if `: list model1 in RefFEModList' matrix colnames `byQ' = fe else if "`model1'"=="user" local colnames `byQ' = user else matrix colnames `byQ' = re } } // Display error messages relating to subgroups and/or cumulative/influence runs; each unique error message is only displayed once if (`"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""') | `"`sgwt'`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' { // added June 2022 if (`"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""') | `"`sgwt'"'!=`""' local text " subgroups" if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' { if "`text'"!="" local text `"`text' and/or"' local text `"`text' {bf:`cumulative'`influence'}"' local text2 `"`text' runs"' } else local text2 : copy local text // process each error marker, returned from PerformMetaAnalysis via c_local, and convert to 0 or 1 for use below foreach el in rc_2000 rc_2002 rc_tausq rc_tsq_lci rc_tsq_uci rc_eff_lci rc_eff_uci { local n`el' = !inlist("`n`el''", "0", "", ".") } if `nrc_2000' disp `"{error}Note: insufficient data in one or more`text2'"' if `nrc_2002' { if "`model1'"=="mh" { disp `"{error}Note: in one or more`text', all studies have zero events in the same arm"' disp `"{error} so that those pooled effects are undefined without continuity correction"' } else disp `"{error}Note: pooling failed in one or more`text2'"' } if `nrc_tausq' disp `"{error}Note: tau{c 178} point estimate not successfully estimated in one or more`text2'"' if `nrc_tsq_lci' disp `"{error}Note: tau{c 178} lower confidence limit not successfully estimated in one or more`text2'"' if `nrc_tsq_uci' disp `"{error}Note: tau{c 178} upper confidence limit not successfully estimated in one or more`text2'"' if `nrc_eff_lci' disp `"{error}Note: lower confidence limit of effect size not successfully estimated in one or more`text2'"' if `nrc_eff_uci' disp `"{error}Note: upper confidence limit of effect size not successfully estimated in one or more`text2'"' } if "`rfdist'"!="" { if !inlist("`r(nrfd)'", "0", "", ".") disp `"{error}Note: Predictive intervals are undefined if less than three studies"' } // Collect numbers of studies and patients (relevant to "primary" model) tempname k totnpts k_mh npts_mh scalar `k' = r(k) scalar `totnpts' = r(n) scalar `k_mh' = r(k_mh) // June 2022: special case: M-H as primary model scalar `npts_mh' = r(npts_mh) // Obtain (updated) `rownames' from `ovstats' or `bystats' // because "return matrix" is destructive local rownames : rownames `ovstats' if "`rownames'"=="r1" { cap local rownames : rownames `: word 1 of `bystatslist'' if _rc | "`rownames'"=="r1" { // nois disp as err "Error in rownames" // exit 198 local rownames } } // markers of specific scenarios e.g. missing data return scalar nsg = !inlist("`r(nsg)'", "0", "", ".") return scalar nzt = !inlist("`r(nzt)'", "0", "", ".") local nmiss = !inlist("`r(nmiss)'", "0", "", ".") if `nmiss' assert inlist(`params', 2, 3) return add forvalues j = 1 / `m' { cap return matrix bystats`j' = `bystats`j'' cap return matrix byhet`j' = `byhet`j'' } cap return matrix ovstats = `ovstats' cap return matrix hetstats = `hetstats' cap return matrix byQ = `byQ' cap return matrix mwt = `mwt' ******************************** * Print summary info to screen * ******************************** tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC ** Handle studies with insufficient data (_USE==2) local keepall_n = 0 // init // if `"`keeporder'"'!=`""' local keepall keepall // `keeporder' implies `keepall' [MOVED UPWARD] if `"`keepall'"'==`""' { // print warning of excluded studies (even if no header) // but defer printing until just before the header // so that other errors can take priority (and be clearly presented) in the meantime qui count if `touse' & `_USE'==2 local keepall_n = r(N) qui replace `touse' = 0 if `_USE'==2 // DF MAY 2022: Note, this is also done in main routine (along with `touse2') } // Updated June 2022: // 1. If there are zero cells and any model is *without* CC (& not Peto, but including M-H), // then there may be studies with _USE==1 with missing _ES or _seES. // 2. If any *other* models are M-H, Peto or I-V plus CC, then the studies are needed; leave them alone. // Then display message "...plus [x] studies with insufficient data for inverse-variance models without continuity correction" (`esmiss'). // 3. But otherwise (including if `m'==1), we can simply set such studies to _USE==2. // (also need to be aware of the case of `influence' + `by' + `sgwt' + subgroups with only a single study; see above) qui count if `touse' & `_USE'==1 & (missing(`_ES', `_seES') | float(`_seES')==0) if r(N) { if `zca' & !`zcb' { qui replace `_USE' = 2 if `touse' & `_USE'==1 & (missing(`_ES', `_seES') | float(`_seES')==0) if `"`keepall'"'==`""' { qui replace `touse' = 0 if `_USE'==2 // affects `touse' only within this subroutine... } // but, since `_USE' is changed "globally", } // we can simply replace `touse'=0 if `_USE'==2 in main routine else if `params'!=4 & `"`proportion'"'==`""' & !(`"`influence'"'!=`""' & `"`sgwt'"'!=`""') { nois disp as err "Error: effect size or standard error is unexpectedly missing" // this should never happen exit 198 } } local esmiss = cond(`m'==1, 0, r(N)) qui count if `touse' & `_USE'==1 & !(missing(`_ES', `_seES') | float(`_seES')==0) assert r(N) == cond(!missing(`k_mh'), `k_mh', `k') if !missing(`totnpts') { summ `_NN' if `touse' & `_USE'==1 & !(missing(`_ES', `_seES') | float(`_seES')==0), meanonly assert r(sum) == cond(!missing(`npts_mh'), `npts_mh', `totnpts') // number of studies with patient nunbers available MAY be less than total number of studies // but only if `nmiss' (and this can only happen if ES+seES or ES+CI) local equals = cond(`nmiss', "<", "==") assert r(N) `equals' cond(!missing(`k_mh'), `k_mh', `k') } if (`zca' & !`zcb') | !(`params'==4 | "`proportion'"!="") { assert !(missing(`_ES', `_seES') | float(`_seES')==0) if `touse' & `_USE'==1 } // Zero-cell considerations for 2x2 data (assuming no CC and not RD): [June 2020, updated June 2022] // If *all* models are I-V, then any zero event causes a failure (and if OR, same applies to any zero *non*-event) // But if M-H / Peto used, then *some* zero-cell studies might be able to be included. If so, leave them alone. // Print deferred warning of excluded studies (even if no header) if `keepall_n' { local studies = cond(`keepall_n'==1, "study", "studies") local these = cond(`keepall_n'==1, "this", "these") if `esmiss' local extra " (for all models)" if `"`ifinopt'"'==`""' & `"`summaryonly'"'==`""' & (`"`table'"'==`""' | `"`graph'"'==`""') local colon `";"' disp `"{error}Note: `keepall_n' `studies' with missing or insufficient data found`extra'`colon'"' if `"`ifinopt'"'!=`""' disp `"{error} within the data range specified by [{it:if}] [{it:in}];"' if `"`summaryonly'"'==`""' & (`"`table'"'==`""' | `"`graph'"'==`""') { disp `"{error} use the {bf:{help metan##options_main:keepall}} option to include `these' `studies' in the "' _c if `"`table'"'==`""' { disp `"{error}summary table"' _c if `"`graph'"'==`""' disp `"{error} and forest plot"' else disp "" // cancel _c } else { if `"`graph'"'==`""' disp `"{error}forest plot"' else disp "" // cancel _c } } } // Instead of passing `ovstats' and `bystats' to PrintDesc, pass "`pool'"=="nopool" if neither exist // if `"`ovstats'`bystatslist'"'==`""' local pool nopool // For PrintDesc and DrawTableAD: // If first model uses continuity correction or user-defined weights, pass these to DrawTableAD // Print summary ("header") text if `"`header'"'==`""' { disp _n _c disp as text "Studies included: " as res `k' qui count if `touse' & `_USE'==2 if `"`keepall'"'!=`""' { if `esmiss' local uc _c if r(N) { local plural = cond(r(N)==1, "study", "studies") disp as text " plus " as res `r(N)' as text " `plural' with insufficient data" `uc' } if `esmiss' disp as text "," // June 2020 } if `esmiss' { local plural = cond(`esmiss'==1, "study", "studies") disp as text " plus " as res `esmiss' as text " `plural' with insufficient data for I-V models without CC" } local dispnpts = cond(missing(`totnpts'), "Unknown", string(`totnpts')) disp as text "Participants included: " as res "`dispnpts'" if `"`keepall'"'!=`""' & !missing(`totnpts') & r(N) { summ `_NN' if `touse' & `_USE'==2, meanonly local dispnpts = cond(!r(N), "Unknown", string(`r(sum)')) local s = cond(r(sum)>1 | !r(N), "s", "") disp as text " plus " as res "`dispnpts'" as text " participant`s' with insufficient data" _c // June 2020 if `esmiss' disp as text "," else disp "" // cancel _c } if `esmiss' { // `_NN' should always exist in this situation, since must be 2x2 count data summ `_NN' if `touse' & `_USE'==1 & (missing(`_ES', `_seES') | float(`_seES')==0), meanonly if `r(sum)'>1 local s s disp as text " plus " as res "`r(sum)'" as text " participant`s' with insufficient data for I-V models without CC" } if `nmiss' { if `"`xoutvlist'"'!=`""' local semicolon ; disp as text `"{error}Note: Patient numbers are missing in one or more trials`semicolon'"' if `"`xoutvlist'"'!=`""' { disp `"{error} individual {bf:`cumulative'`influence'} patient numbers will not be saved"' return local clearnpts clearnpts // clear macro _NN, so that by-trial patient numbers are no longer available } } } ** Generate study-level CIs for "primary" model (unless pre-specified) cap nois GenConfInts `invlist' if `touse' & `_USE'==1, outvlist(`outvlist') /// `cumulative' `influence' `proportion' `opts_adm' if _rc { nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.GenConfInts}"' c_local err noerr exit _rc } ** Finally, switch functions of `outvlist' and `xoutvlist', // so that the cumul/infl versions of _ES, _seES etc. are stored in `outvlist' (so overwriting the "standard" _ES, _seES etc.) // for display onscreen, in forest plot and in saved dataset. // Then `xoutvlist' just contains the remaining "extra" tempvars _tausq, _Q, _Qdf etc. // (Note June 2022: do this *after* the above summary info // so that if `cumulative'`influence' the info is compiled using the "basic" _USE, _seES, _ES, _NN corresponding to *actual studies* if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' { return local oldvlist `outvlist' // Firstly, tidy up: If nokeepvars *and* altwt not specified, then we can drop // any members of `outvlist' that didn't already exist in the dataset if `"`altwt'"'==`""' { local todrop foreach v of local outvlist { if `: list v in tvlist' { // i.e. if `v' was created by either -ipdmetan- or -metan- local todrop `todrop' ``v'' } } return local todrop `todrop' } // [Mar 2020, modified Dec 2020:] // Recall that `xrownames' is derivable from `rownames' // BUT `rownames' may have been altered within PerformMetaAnalysis // so (re-) obtain them from the matrices themselves and check for alterations GetXRowNames `oldrownames', `cumulative' `influence' `opts_adm' local xrownames `s(xrownames)' local npts_el npts local not_xrownames Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci sigmasq _WT2 _WT_Final // these elements *only* appear in `xrownames', *never* in `rownames' local toremove : list xrownames - rownames local toremove : list toremove - not_xrownames local toremove : list toremove - npts_el // June 2020: npts will be removed from `xoutvlist' *anyway* // ... (see note where xoutvlist tempvars are declared, and code a few lines below) // ... so don't also remove it here local oldrownames : list oldrownames - npts_el local test : list oldrownames - rownames cap assert `"`test'"'==`"`toremove'"' if _rc { nois disp as err "Something has gone wrong in metan_analysis.ado" // should never see this error message exit _rc } local xoutvlist `xoutvlist' `_WT' // Added Feb 2024 if `"`toremove'"'!=`""' { tokenize `xoutvlist' foreach el of local toremove { local i : list posof `"`el'"' in xrownames local xoutvlist : list xoutvlist - `i' } // Now rebuild `xrownames' GetXRowNames `rownames', `cumulative' `influence' `opts_adm' local xrownames `s(xrownames)' } assert `: word count `xoutvlist'' == `: word count `xrownames'' tokenize `xoutvlist' args `xrownames' // Finally, we can separate off `xoutvlist', and thereby reset `outvlist' local outvlist `eff' `se_eff' `eff_lci' `eff_uci' `_WT2' `_NN' `_CC' tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC // DF added JUNE 2022 foreach v of varlist `outvlist' { qui replace `v' = . if `_USE'==2 } local xoutvlist : list xoutvlist - outvlist } return local outvlist `outvlist' return local xoutvlist `xoutvlist' // N.B. At this point, data processing should be complete. // From now on, we will be *using* the data rather than processing it. end program define GetXRowNames, sclass syntax namelist(name=rownames) [, CUmulative INFluence SUMMARYONLY SAVING(passthru) CLEAR * ] // Note: a simplified version of `xoutvlist' is also needed if `summaryonly' and saving()/clear if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' /// | (`"`summaryonly'"'!=`""' & !(`"`saving'"'==`""' & `"`clear'"'==`""')) { local toremove npts if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'==`""' { local toremove `toremove' eff se_eff eff_lci eff_uci } local xrownames : copy local rownames local xrownames : list xrownames - toremove local xrownames `xrownames' Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci if `: list posof "tausq" in rownames' local xrownames `xrownames' sigmasq if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' { local xrownames `xrownames' _WT2 _WT_Final } sreturn local xrownames `xrownames' } end ******************************************************************************* * PerformMetaAnalysis // Create list of "pooling" variables // Run meta-analysis on whole dataset ("overall") and, if requested, by subgroup // If cumul/influence, subroutine "CumInfLoop" is run first, to handle the intermediate steps // Then (in any case), subroutine "PerformPooling" is run. // (called directly by metan_analysis.ado) // N.B. [Sep 2018] takes bits of old (v2.2) MainRoutine and PerformMetaAnalysis subroutines // SEP 2019: We are now doing this **one model at a time** program define PerformMetaAnalysis, rclass sortpreserve syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=6) [if] [in], SORTBY(varlist) MODEL(name) /// [BY(varname numeric) BYLIST(numlist miss) SUMMSTAT(name) TESTSTAT(name) QSTAT(passthru) /// TESTBased ISQParam ROWNAMES(namelist) FIRST /* N.B. "first" is marker that this is the first/main/primary model */ /// OUTVLIST(varlist numeric min=5 max=7) XOUTVLIST(varlist numeric) /// noOVerall noSUbgroup OVWt SGWt ALTWt WGT(varname numeric) CUmulative INFluence PRoportion noINTeger /// LOGRank ILevel(passthru) CC(passthru) KRoger HETPooled /// from `opts_model'; needed in main routine * ] local opts_model `"`macval(options)' `kroger' `hetpooled'"' // model`j'opts; add `kroger' and `pooling' back in (this means they are duplicated... // ...but `opts_model' is only used in this subroutine so it shouldn't matter) marksample touse, novarlist // -novarlist- option prevents -marksample- from setting `touse' to zero if any missing values in `varlist' // we want to control this behaviour ourselves, e.g. by using KEEPALL option local invlist : copy local varlist tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC local nrfd = 0 // initialize marker of "less than 3 studies" (for rfdist) local nmiss = 0 // initialize marker of "pt. numbers are missing in one or more trials" local nsg = 0 // initialize marker of "only a single valid estimate" (e.g. for by(), or cumul/infl) local nzt = 0 // initialize marker of "HKSJ has resulted in a shorter CI than IV" (for HKSJ) // sensitivity analysis // [Jan 2020: remove this, but first check how "single tausq" subgroup analysis works (c.f. R book)] /* if "`model'"=="sa" & "`by'"!="" { nois disp as err `"Sensitivity analysis cannot be used with {bf:by()}"' exit 184 } */ * Create list of "pooling" tempvars to pass to ProcessPoolingVarlist // and thereby create final generic list of "pooling" vars to use within MetaAnalysisLoop // (i.e. tempvars that are only needed within this subroutine) // Logic: // If M-H pooling, then M-H heterogeneity // If Peto pooling, then Peto heterogeneity // If generic I-V with 2x2 count data, then either Cochran or M-H heterogeneity (or Breslow-Day, but only if OR) // So: // M-H heterogeneity if (a) M-H pooling or (b) generic I-V (common or random) with 2x2 count data and cochran/breslow not specified (M-H is default in this situation) // Peto heterogeneity if (a) Peto pooling or (b) generic I-V (common or random) with 2x2 count data and cochran/breslow not specified AND OR/HR ONLY // Breslow-Day heterogeneity only if OR and user-specified // Cochran heterogeneity only if generic I-V (and user-specified if necessary) // So: // If OR + M-H then het can be only be M-H // If OR + Peto then het can only be Peto // If OR + Random I-V then het can be M-H (default), Peto, Breslow or Cochran -- the only situation where "peto" option can be combined // If OR + Common I-V then het can be Cochran (default) or Breslow // If HR + Peto then het can only be Peto // If HR + RE I-V then het can be Peto (default) or Cochran // If RR/RD + M-H then het can only be M-H // If RR/RD + RE I-V then het can be M-H (default) or Cochran // If anything else + Common I-V then het can only be Cochran local params : word count `invlist' if `params' > 3 | `"`logrank'`proportion'"'!=`""' { // all except generic inverse-variance input if `params' == 4 { // Binary outcome (OR, Peto, RR, RD) // only really need to define *here* for special case: M-H with all-zero cells in one arm, and Breslow-Day or Tarone requested // but tempvars would have to be defined within ProcessPoolingVarlist in any case, if zero cells tempvar e1_cc f1_cc e0_cc f0_cc local cclist `e1_cc' `f1_cc' `e0_cc' `f0_cc' if "`summstat'"=="or" { if "`model'"=="mh" { // extra tempvars for Mantel-Haenszel OR and/or het tempvar r s pr ps qr qs local tvlist `r' `s' `pr' `ps' `qr' `qs' } if inlist("`teststat'", "chi2", "cmh") | "`model'"=="peto" { // extra tempvars for chi-squared test (incl. Peto OR and M-H CMH test) tempvar oe va local tvlist `tvlist' `oe' `va' } } else if inlist("`summstat'", "rr", "rrr") { // RR/RRR tempvar r s local tvlist `r' `s' if "`model'"=="mh" { // extra tempvars for Mantel-Haenszel OR and/or het tempvar p local tvlist `tvlist' `p' } } else if "`summstat'" == "rd" & "`model'"=="mh" { // RD tempvar rdwt rdnum vnum local tvlist `rdwt' `rdnum' `vnum' } // May 2020: extra tempvar for M-H weights, in case of zero cells if "`model'"=="mh" & "`cc'"!="" { cap assert "`wgt'"=="" if _rc { nois disp as err "User-defined weights can only be used with models based on the inverse-variance method" nois disp as err " which does not include {bf:`model_err'}" exit 184 } tempvar wgt } } // Generate study-level effect size variables `_ES' and `_seES', // plus variables used to generate overall/subgroup statistics cap nois ProcessPoolingVarlist `invlist' if `touse', /// summstat(`summstat') model(`model') teststat(`teststat') outvlist(`outvlist') tvlist(`tvlist') cclist(`cclist') wgt(`wgt') /// `proportion' `integer' `logrank' `cc' if _rc { nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.ProcessPoolingVarlist}"' c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis" exit _rc } local oevlist `s(oevlist)' local mhvlist `s(mhvlist)' // May 2020: if M-H continuity correction not specified, but found to be necessary due to all studies having zero-cells if `"`s(mhallzero)'"'!=`""' { if `"`s(invlist)'"'!=`""' local invlist `s(invlist)' // so that Breslow-Day or Tarone statistics (for ORs) are calculated using corrected counts local opts_model `"`macval(opts_model)' `s(mhallzero)'"' return local mhallzero `s(mhallzero)' } } // end if `params' > 3 | "`logrank'`proportion'"!="" // Special case: need to generate `_seES' if ES + CI were provided; assume normal distribution and 95% coverage else if `params'==3 { if `"`ilevel'"'!=`""' { tokenize `invlist' // if ilevel() option supplied, requesting coverage other than 95%, args _ES_ _LCI_ _UCI_ // need to derive _seES from the *original* confidence limits supplied in `invlist' (assumed to be 95% !!) } else { local _LCI_ `_LCI' local _UCI_ `_UCI' } qui replace `_seES' = (`_UCI_' - `_LCI_') / (2*invnormal(.5 + 95/200)) if `touse' } // If model is "user", // having generated _ES, _LCI and _UCI, normalise user-supplied weights but then exit if "`model'"=="user" { if "`first'"!="" { // if first model is "user" // weights summ `wgt' if `touse', meanonly qui replace `_WT' = 100 * `wgt' / r(sum) if `touse' // total number of studies qui count if `touse' local k_user = r(N) return scalar k = r(N) // total number of patients if `"`_NN'"'!=`""' { summ `_NN' if `touse', meanonly return scalar n = r(sum) if r(N)!=`k_user' c_local nmiss = 1 // marker of "pt. numbers are missing in one or more trials" } // [Nov 2020:] derive Cochran's Q // needed in the special case that first model is "user" but at least one later model is not // (not an issue with previous -metan- code) tempname eff_Q summ `_ES' [aw=1/`_seES'^2] if `touse', meanonly scalar `eff_Q' = r(mean) tempvar Qhet qui gen double `Qhet' = ((`_ES' - `eff_Q')/`_seES')^2 summ `Qhet' if `touse', meanonly return scalar Q = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) return scalar Qdf = cond(r(N), r(N)-1, .) } exit 0 // exit subroutine and continue without error } if `"`_NN'"'!=`""' { confirm numeric var `_NN' local nptsopt npts(`_NN') // to send to PerformPooling / CumInfLoop } // N.B. `npts' is otherwise undefined in this subroutine if "`model'"=="b0" { cap { confirm numeric var `_NN' cap assert `_NN'>=0 & !missing(`_NN') if `touse' } if _rc { nois disp as err `"Participant numbers not available for all studies; cannot calculate B0 tau{c 178} estimator"' exit 416 // 416 = "missing values encountered" } } // numbers of studies and patients, plus Q and Qdf for later calculations // (use tempnames scQ and scQdf to avoid potential conflict with *tempvars* named Q and Qdf, e.g. if cumulative/influence) foreach x in k n scQ scQdf { tempname `x' scalar ``x'' = . } // Moved/amended March 2020 (replaces `cumulflag') if `"`cumulative'`influence'"' != `""' { tempvar obsj qui gen long `obsj' = . } // NEW SEP 2023 // If heterogeneity parameter is "pooled" (i.e. stratified by) subgroup, need to estimate it once, now // and pass it through to subsequent analyses as if it were a "sensitivity analysis" if `"`hetpooled'"'!=`""' { tempvar by2 egen `by2' = group(`by') if `touse', missing qui tab `by2' if `touse' cap assert `r(r)'==`: word count `bylist'' if _rc { disp as err "Error in {bf:by()} groups" // shouldn't ever see this exit _rc } // Prepare to use xi local OldVarsPrefix: char _dta[__xi__Vars__Prefix__] local OldVarsToDrop: char _dta[__xi__Vars__To__Drop__] foreach X in `c(ALPHA)' { local x __`X'`X' cap ds __`X'`X' if _rc==111 continue, break foreach Y in `c(ALPHA)' { local x __`X'`Y' cap ds __`X'`Y' if _rc==111 continue, break } if !_rc { disp as err `"Please remove some variables with names beginning __*"' exit 198 } } if inlist("`model'", "dl", "reml", "mp") { local model2 : copy local model if "`model'"=="dl" local model2 mm else if "`model'"=="mp" local model2 eb cap xi, prefix(`x'): metareg `_ES' i.`by2' if `touse', wsse(`_seES') `model2' local opts_model tsqsa(`e(tau2)') `opts_model' return scalar tsq_pooled = `e(tau2)' } else if "`model'"=="mu" { tempvar precsq gen double `precsq' = 1/`_seES'^2 cap xi, prefix(`x'): regress `_ES' i.`by2' [aw=`precsq'] if `touse' summ `precsq', meanonly local phi_pooled = r(mean)*e(rmse)^2 local opts_model phisa(`phi_pooled') `opts_model' return scalar phi_pooled = `phi_pooled' } else { nois disp as err "Invalid model requested" // shouldn't ever see this exit 198 } if _rc { if "`model'"=="mu" disp as err "Error in {bf:regress}" else disp as err "Error in {bf:metareg}" c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis" exit _rc } cap drop `by2' cap drop `x'* char define _dta[__xi__Vars__Prefix__] `OldVarsPrefix' char define _dta[__xi__Vars__To__Drop__] `OldVarsToDrop' } ******************** * Overall analysis * ******************** if `"`overall'"'==`""' | `"`ovwt'"'!=`""' { // May 2020: Usually, `rN' should equal r(k) // BUT if 2x2 count data (or proportion data) and nocc then mh and peto will use all studies = `rN' // but iv-based methods can only use studies with non-missing _ES and _seES = r(k) // Hence, for later logic-checking, setup r(k)==`rN' or <=`rN' as appropriate. // (Note: back in the main routine, a final check will be made that all observations are handled correctly via _USE) local equals `"=="' cap summ `_CC' if `touse', meanonly if !_rc & r(N) local equals `"<="' // if ovwt, pass `_WT' to PerformPooling to be filled in // otherwise, PerformPooling will generate a tempvar, and `_WT' will remain empty local wtvar = cond(`"`ovwt'"'!=`""', `"`_WT'"', `""') ** Cumulative/influence analysis // Run extra loop to store results of each iteration within the currrent dataset (`xoutvlist') if `"`cumulative'`influence'"' != `""' { // Moved/amended March 2020 qui bysort `touse' (`sortby') : replace `obsj' = _n if `touse' cap nois CumInfLoop `_ES' `_seES' if `touse', sortby(`obsj') /// model(`model') summstat(`summstat') teststat(`teststat') `qstat' `testbased' `isqparam' /// mhvlist(`mhvlist') oevlist(`oevlist') invlist(`invlist') xoutvlist(`xoutvlist') /// wgt(`wgt') wtvar(`wtvar') rownames(`rownames') `nptsopt' /// `cumulative' `influence' `integer' `logrank' `proportion' `ovwt' `opts_model' if _rc { if _rc==2000 local nrc_2000 = 1 else if _rc==2001 local nrc_2001 = 1 else if _rc==2002 local nrc_2002 = 1 else { if `"`err'"'==`""' { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_analysis.CumInfLoop}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.CumInfLoop}"' } c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis" exit _rc } } local xwt `r(xwt)' // extract _WT2 from `xoutvlist' } ** Main meta-analysis // If only one study, display warning message if appropriate // (the actual change in method is handled by PerformPooling) qui count if `touse' local rN = r(N) if `rN'==1 { if !inlist("`model'", "iv", "mh", "peto", "mu") { disp `"{error}Note: Only one estimate found; random-effects model not used"' } } cap nois PerformPooling `_ES' `_seES' if `touse', /// model(`model') summstat(`summstat') teststat(`teststat') `qstat' `testbased' `isqparam' /// mhvlist(`mhvlist') oevlist(`oevlist') invlist(`invlist') `nptsopt' wtvar(`wtvar') wgt(`wgt') /// `integer' `logrank' `proportion' `opts_model' if _rc { if _rc==2002 { if "`model'"=="mh" { nois disp as err _n "All studies have zero events in the same arm" nois disp as err "Mantel-Haenszel model cannot be used without continuity correction" } else nois disp as err "Pooling failed; either pooled effect size or standard error is undefined" if "`teststat'"=="chi2" { return scalar chi2 = r(chi2) return scalar crit = r(crit) return scalar pvalue = r(pvalue) } } if `"`err'"'==`""' { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformPooling}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformPooling}"' } c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.MetaAnalysisLoop" exit _rc } // pooling failed cap assert !missing(r(eff), r(se_eff)) if _rc { nois disp as err "Pooling failed; either pooled effect size or standard error is undefined" exit 2002 } ** If `cumulative', copy pooled results into final cumulative observation if `"`cumulative'"'!=`""' { local toremove npts local xrownames : list rownames - toremove local xrownames `xrownames' Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci if `: list posof "tausq" in rownames' local xrownames `xrownames' sigmasq tokenize `xoutvlist' args `xrownames' _WT2 // Store (non-normalised) weight in the dataset qui replace `_WT2' = r(totwt) if `obsj' == `rN' // Store other returned statistics in the dataset foreach el of local xrownames { qui replace ``el'' = r(`el') if `obsj' == `rN' } // reset tokenize tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC } ** Save statistics in matrix tempname ovstats local r : word count `rownames' matrix define `ovstats' = J(`r', 1, .) matrix rownames `ovstats' = `rownames' // Remove unnecessary rownames from ovstats, e.g. if insufficient data to run desired model local toremove if inlist("`model'", "mh", "peto", "iv", "ivhet", "qe", "mu") /// | inlist("`model'", "bt", "hc", "pl") | "`kroger'"!="" { local toremove rflci rfuci if `"`proportion'"'!=`""' local toremove `toremove' prop_rflci prop_rfuci } // if "`model'"=="peto" | "`teststat'"=="chi2" local toremove `toremove' z if inlist("`teststat'", "chi2", "t") local toremove `toremove' z if inlist("`model'", "peto", "mh", "iv", "mu") local toremove `toremove' tausq /*sigmasq*/ if "`model'"!="mu" local toremove `toremove' phi // added Sep 2023 cap confirm numeric var `_NN' if _rc local toremove `toremove' npts local rownames_reduced : list rownames - toremove return local rownames_reduced `"`rownames_reduced'"' foreach el of local rownames_reduced { local rownumb = rownumb(`ovstats', "`el'") if !missing(`rownumb') { matrix `ovstats'[`rownumb', 1] = r(`el') } } assert r(k) `equals' `rN' scalar `k' = r(k) // overall number of studies scalar `n' = r(npts) // overall number of patients (if available) scalar `scQ' = r(Q) scalar `scQdf' = r(Qdf) // Q and Qdf for later calculations assert `scQdf' < `k' return scalar Qdf = `scQdf' // one fewer than the number of observations for which ES & seES could be estimated // typically, Qdf = k - 1 BUT may not be in specific circumstances // most obviously in the case of uncorrected zero cells // [July 2022] r(k_npts) and r(nzt) will have been updated by PerformPooling if `"`r(k_npts)'"'!=`""' { if r(k_npts) < r(k) local nmiss = 1 } local nzt = !inlist("`r(nzt)'", "0", "", ".") // Warning messages & error codes r.e. confidence limits for iterative tausq if inlist("`model'", "mp", "pmm", "ml", "pl", "reml", "bt") | "`kroger'"!="" { local maxtausq2 = r(maxtausq) // take maxtausq from PerformPooling (10* D+L estimate) local 0 `", `opts_model'"' syntax [, MAXTausq(real -9) MAXITer(real 1000) * ] if !inlist("`model'", "dlb", "bt") { if r(rc_tausq)==1 disp `"{error}Note: tau{c 178} point estimate failed to converge within `maxiter' iterations"' else if r(rc_tausq)==3 { if `maxtausq'==-9 disp `"{error}Note: tau{c 178} greater than default value {bf:maxtausq(}`maxtausq2'{bf:)}; try increasing it"' else disp `"{error}Note: tau{c 178} greater than `maxtausq'; try increasing {bf:maxtausq()}"' } else if missing(r(tausq)) { nois disp as err `"Note: tau{c 178} point estimate could not be found; possible discontinuity in search interval"' exit 498 } return scalar rc_tausq = r(rc_tausq) // whether tausq point estimate converged } if "`model'"!="dlb" { local rc_tsq_lci = r(rc_tsq_lci) if r(rc_tsq_lci)==1 disp `"{error}Note: Lower confidence limit of tau{c 178} failed to converge within `maxiter' iterations; try increasing {bf:maxiter()}"' else if missing(r(tsq_lci)) { disp `"{error}Note: Lower confidence limit of tau{c 178} could not be found; possible discontinuity in search interval"' if `rc_tsq_lci'<=1 local rc_tsq_lci = 498 } local rc_tsq_uci = r(rc_tsq_uci) if r(rc_tsq_uci)==1 disp `"{error}Note: Upper confidence limit of tau{c 178} failed to converge within `maxiter' iterations; try increasing {bf:maxiter()}"' else if r(rc_tsq_uci)==3 { if `maxtausq'==-9 disp `"{error}Note: Upper confidence limit of tau{c 178} greater than default value {bf:maxtausq(}`maxtausq2'{bf:)}; try increasing it"' else disp `"{error}Note: Upper confidence limit of tau{c 178} greater than `maxtausq'; try increasing {bf:maxtausq()}"' } else if missing(r(tsq_uci)) { disp `"{error}Note: Upper confidence limit of tau{c 178} could not be found; possible discontinuity in search interval"' if `rc_tsq_uci'<=1 local rc_tsq_uci = 498 } return scalar rc_tsq_lci = `rc_tsq_lci' // whether tausq lower confidence limit converged return scalar rc_tsq_uci = `rc_tsq_uci' // whether tausq upper confidence limit converged } if "`model'"=="pl" { local rc_eff_lci = r(rc_eff_lci) if r(rc_eff_lci)==1 disp `"{error}Note: Lower confidence limit of effect size failed to converge within `maxiter' iterations; try increasing {bf:maxiter()}"' else if r(rc_eff_lci)>1 | missing(`r(eff_lci)') { disp `"{error}Note: Lower confidence limit of effect size could not be found; possible discontinuity in search interval"' if `rc_eff_lci'<=1 local rc_eff_lci = 498 } local rc_eff_uci = r(rc_eff_uci) if r(rc_eff_uci)==1 disp `"{error}Note: Upper confidence limit of effect size failed to converge within `maxiter' iterations; try increasing {bf:maxiter()}"' else if r(rc_eff_uci)>1 | missing(`r(eff_uci)') { disp `"{error}Note: Upper confidence limit of effect size could not be found; possible discontinuity in search interval"' if `rc_eff_uci'<=1 local rc_eff_uci = 498 } return scalar rc_eff_lci = `rc_eff_lci' // whether ES lower confidence limit converged return scalar rc_eff_uci = `rc_eff_uci' // whether ES upper confidence limit converged } } return add // add anything else returned by PerformPooling to return list of PerformMetaAnalysis // e.g. r(OR), r(RR); tsq-related stuff; chi2; data-derived heterogeneity (e.g. Cochran's Q); matrix hetstats // END OF REFERENCES TO RETURN LIST r() FROM PerformPooling // Normalise weights overall (if `ovwt') if `"`ovwt'"'!=`""' { /* Amended for clarity May 2023 */ local _WT2 = cond(`"`xwt'"'!=`""', `"`xwt'"', `"`_WT'"') // use _WT2 from `xoutvlist' if applicable summ `_WT' if `touse', meanonly qui replace `_WT2' = 100*cond(`"`altwt'"'!=`""', `_WT', `_WT2') / r(sum) if `touse' // ^^ use *original* weights (_WT) rather than cumul/infl weights (_WT2) if `altwt' if `"`xwt'"'!=`""' & `"`altwt'"'==`""' { qui replace `_WT' = 100*`_WT' / r(sum) if `touse' // ^^ if *not* altwt, also normalize the "standard" weight, for storing in memory as _WT // Use the same value of r(sum); this is the cumulative sum applicable to both `_WT' and `_WT2' } } return matrix ovstats = `ovstats' // needs to be returned separately from "return add" above, as it has been edited } // end if `"`overall'"'==`""' | `"`ovwt'"'!=`""' ****************************************** * Analysis within study subgroups (`by') * ****************************************** if `"`by'"'!=`""' & (`"`subgroup'"'==`""' | `"`sgwt'"'!=`""') { // Amended May 2020 tempname Qsum csum avg_eff_num avg_eff_denom scalar `Qsum' = 0 // sum of subgroup-specific Q statistics scalar `csum' = 0 // sum of tausq scaling factors, for deriving tsq_common scalar `avg_eff_num' = 0 // weighted average of subgroup effects (numerator), for deriving Qbet scalar `avg_eff_denom' = 0 // weighted average of subgroup effects (denominator), for deriving Qbet ** Initialize markers of subgroup-related errors // (plus Mata iterative functions failed to converge etc ... this is done on-the-fly for `overall') local nsg = 0 // reset local nsg_list // init list of subgroups with only one study ==> random-effects models become iv/mh ** Initialize counts of studies and of pts., in case not already counted by `overall' tempname kOV nOV scalar `kOV' = 0 scalar `nOV' = . ** Initialise matrix to hold subgroup stats (matrix bystats) // Remove unnecessary rownames from bystats (e.g. oe, v; df_kr; tausq, sigmasq, rfdist) // (N.B. bystats matrices are separated by model, and each model might need different set of rownames // whereas ovstats includes *all* models simultaneously) local toremove if !("`logrank'"!="" | "`model'"=="peto") local toremove OE V if "`teststat'"!="t" local toremove `toremove' df if inlist("`model'", "mh", "peto", "iv", "ivhet", "qe", "mu") /// | inlist("`model'", "bt", "hc", "pl") | "`kroger'"!="" { local toremove `toremove' rflci rfuci if `"`proportion'"'!=`""' local toremove `toremove' prop_rflci prop_rfuci } // [Sep 2020:] // Note: Heterogeneity stats derived from the *data*, independently of model (i.e. Q Qdf H Isq) // are returned in r() rather than stored in a matrix // "parametrically-defined Isq" -based heterogeneity values, if requested [i.e. derived from Isq = tsq/(tsq+sigmasq) ] // are stored in matrix r(hetstats) [and byhet1...byhet`nby' for subgroups] // (plus tsq + CI itself) // model-based tausq confidence intervals if !inlist("`model'", "mp", "pmm", "ml", "pl", "reml", "bt", "dlb") local toremove `toremove' tsq_lci tsq_uci // common-effect models: no tausq if inlist("`model'", "peto", "mh", "iv", "mu") local toremove `toremove' tausq /*sigmasq*/ if "`model'"!="mu" local toremove `toremove' phi // added Sep 2023 foreach el in t chi2 u { if "`teststat'"!="`el'" local toremove `toremove' `el' } local rownames_reduced_by : list rownames - toremove tempname bystats byhet byQ mwt local nby : word count `bylist' // N.B. `bylist' derived within metan_analysis, accounting for `keepall' matrix define `bystats' = J(`: word count `rownames_reduced_by'', `nby', .) matrix rownames `bystats' = `rownames_reduced_by' local modelstr = strtoname("`model'", 0) matrix colnames `bystats' = `modelstr' matrix coleq `bystats' = `bylist' local rownames_byQ Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci if `: list posof "tausq" in rownames_reduced_by' local rownames_byQ `rownames_byQ' sigmasq local r : word count `rownames_byQ' matrix define `byQ' = J(`r', `nby', .) matrix rownames `byQ' = `rownames_byQ' matrix colnames `byQ' = `modelstr' matrix coleq `byQ' = `bylist' // if sgwt, pass `_WT' to PerformPooling to be filled in // otherwise, PerformPooling will generate a tempvar, and `_WT' will remain empty local wtvar if `"`sgwt'"'!=`""' local wtvar `_WT' else { // Jun 2022: else define `mwt' in advance matrix define `mwt' = J(1, `nby', .) matrix colnames `mwt' = `bylist' matrix rownames `mwt' = `modelstr' } forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { local byi : word `i' of `bylist' qui count if `touse' & float(`by')==float(`byi') local rN = r(N) // May 2020: Usually, `rN' should equal r(k) // BUT if 2x2 count data (or proportion data) and nocc then mh and peto will use all studies = `rN' // but iv-based methods can only use studies with non-missing _ES and _seES = r(k) // Hence, for later logic-checking, setup r(k)==`rN' or <=`rN' as appropriate. // (Note: back in the main routine, a final check will be made that all observations are handled correctly via _USE) local equals `"=="' cap summ `_CC' if `touse' & float(`by')==float(`byi'), meanonly if !_rc & r(N) local equals `"<="' ** Cumulative/influence analysis // Run extra loop to store results of each iteration within the currrent dataset (`xoutvlist') local rc = 0 if `"`cumulative'`influence'"' != `""' { // Moved/amended March 2020: mainly for cumulative/influence but useful in small ways regardless qui bysort `touse' `by' (`sortby') : replace `obsj' = _n if `touse' cap nois CumInfLoop `_ES' `_seES' if `touse' & float(`by')==float(`byi'), sortby(`obsj') /// model(`model') summstat(`summstat') teststat(`teststat') `qstat' `testbased' `isqparam' /// mhvlist(`mhvlist') oevlist(`oevlist') invlist(`invlist') xoutvlist(`xoutvlist') /// wgt(`wgt') wtvar(`wtvar') rownames(`rownames') `nptsopt' /// `cumulative' `influence' `integer' `logrank' `proportion' `sgwt' `opts_model' local rc = _rc if _rc { if _rc==2000 local nrc_2000 = 1 else if _rc==2001 local nrc_2001 = 1 else if _rc==2002 local nrc_2002 = 1 else { if `"`err'"'==`""' { if _rc==1 nois disp as err "User break in {bf:metan_analysis.CumInfLoop}" else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.CumInfLoop}"' } c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis" exit _rc } } else { foreach el in rc_tausq rc_tsq_lci rc_tsq_uci rc_eff_lci rc_eff_uci { if !inlist(r(`el'), 0, 2, .) local n`el' = 1 } } local xwt `r(xwt)' // extract _WT2 from `xoutvlist' } ** Main subgroup meta-analysis cap nois PerformPooling `_ES' `_seES' if `touse' & float(`by')==float(`byi'), /// model(`model') summstat(`summstat') teststat(`teststat') `qstat' `testbased' `isqparam' /// mhvlist(`mhvlist') oevlist(`oevlist') invlist(`invlist') `nptsopt' wtvar(`wtvar') wgt(`wgt') /// `integer' `logrank' `proportion' `opts_model' local rc = _rc if _rc { if _rc==2000 local nrc_2000 = 1 else if _rc==2001 local nrc_2001 = 1 else if _rc==2002 local nrc_2002 = 1 else { if `"`err'"'==`""' { if _rc==1 nois disp as err "User break in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformPooling}" else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformPooling}"' } c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis" exit _rc } } else { foreach el in rc_tausq rc_tsq_lci rc_tsq_uci rc_eff_lci rc_eff_uci { if !inlist(r(`el'), 0, 2, .) local n`el' = 1 } } ** If `cumulative', copy pooled results into final cumulative observation if `"`cumulative'"'!=`""' /*& `rc' != 2000*/ { local toremove npts local xrownames : list rownames - toremove local xrownames `xrownames' Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci if `: list posof "tausq" in rownames' local xrownames `xrownames' sigmasq tokenize `xoutvlist' args `xrownames' _WT2 // Store (non-normalised) weight in the dataset qui replace `_WT2' = r(totwt) if float(`by')==float(`byi') & `obsj' == `rN' // Store other returned statistics in the dataset foreach el of local xrownames { qui replace ``el'' = r(`el') if float(`by')==float(`byi') & `obsj' == `rN' } // reset tokenize tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC } // end if `"`cumulative'"'!=`""' & `rc' != 2000 // [SEP 2020:] "parametrically-defined Isq" -based heterogeneity -- do this regardless of _rc if "`isqparam'"!="" { if "`r(hetstats)'"!="" { matrix define `byhet' = nullmat(`byhet'), r(hetstats) } else { // if e.g. pooling failed, or HKSJ but only one study // fill in tausq, Isq and HsqM with zeroes, and H with ones matrix define `byhet' = nullmat(`byhet'), ( J(3, 1, 0) \ J(3, 1, 1) \ J(6, 1, 0) ) } } local sgk = cond(missing(r(k)), 0, r(k)) if `sgk'==0 assert `rc'==2000 assert `sgk' `equals' `rN' scalar `kOV' = `kOV' + `sgk' if !missing(r(npts)) { scalar `nOV' = cond(missing(`nOV'), 0, `nOV') + r(npts) } // [Nov 2020] `nsg' will have been updated by PerformPooling // if `nsg' local nsg_list `nsg_list' `byi' if `sgk'==1 { local nsg_list `nsg_list' `byi' local nsg = 1 } if `sgk'<3 local nrfd = 1 // [July 2022] r(k_npts) and r(nzt) will have been updated by PerformPooling if `"`r(k_npts)'"'!=`""' { if r(k_npts) < r(k) local nmiss = 1 } if "`nzt'"!="1" local nzt = !inlist("`r(nzt)'", "0", "", ".") ** If PerformPooling ran successfully, update `bystats' matrix and return subgroup stats if !`rc' | (`rc'==2002 & "`model'"=="mh") { // update `bystats' matrix foreach el of local rownames_reduced_by { local rownumb = rownumb(`bystats', "`el'") if !missing(`rownumb') { matrix `bystats'[rownumb(`bystats', "`el'"), `i'] = r(`el') } } // update `byQ' matrix foreach el of local rownames_byQ { local rownumb = rownumb(`byQ', "`el'") if !missing(`rownumb') { matrix `byQ'[rownumb(`byQ', "`el'"), `i'] = r(`el') } } // update running sums scalar `Qsum' = `Qsum' + r(Q) scalar `csum' = `csum' + r(c) // scalar `Qbet' = `Qbet' + ((r(eff) - `eff_ov') / r(se_eff))^2 // added Jan 2020 // Amended May 2020, as follows: scalar `avg_eff_num' = `avg_eff_num' + ( r(eff) / (r(se_eff)^2) ) scalar `avg_eff_denom' = `avg_eff_denom' + ( 1 / (r(se_eff)^2) ) // END OF REFERENCES TO RETURN LIST r() FROM PerformPooling // Normalise weights by subgroup (if `sgwt') if `"`sgwt'"'!=`""' { local _WT2 = cond(`"`xwt'"'!=`""', `"`xwt'"', `"`_WT'"') // use _WT2 from `xoutvlist' if applicable summ `_WT' if `touse' & float(`by')==float(`byi'), meanonly qui replace `_WT2' = 100*cond(`"`altwt'"'!=`""', `_WT', `_WT2') / r(sum) /// if `touse' & float(`by')==float(`byi') // use *original* weights (_WT) rather than cumul/infl weights (_WT2) if `altwt' } // Save subgroup weights from multiple models, in matrix `mwt' // N.B. Need to do this here, not within PerformPooling, since otherwise it won't have been normalised else { summ `_WT' if `touse' & float(`by')==float(`byi'), meanonly matrix `mwt'[1, `i'] = r(sum) } } // end if [PerformPooling ran successfully] } // end forvalues i = 1 / `nby' if `"`overall'"'==`""' | `"`ovwt'"'!=`""' { assert `kOV' == `k' // check that sum of subgroup `k's = previously-calculated overall `k' assert `nOV' == `n' // check that sum of subgroup `n's = previously-calculated overall `n' } else { scalar `k' = `kOV' // if no previously-calculated overall `k', *define* it to be sum of subgroup `k's scalar `n' = `nOV' // if no previously-calculated overall `n', *define* it to be sum of subgroup `n's } // Finalise and return `bystats' and byQ' matrices // First: check for any unnecessary rownames (again!) // e.g. if t-based model and all went well, no need for z local toremove local nsg_sum : word count `nsg_list' if !`nsg_sum' { foreach el in z t chi2 u { if "`teststat'"!="`el'" local toremove `toremove' `el' } if "`teststat'"!="t" local toremove `toremove' df } else { return local nsg_list `nsg_list' // Niche case: *all* subgroups turn out to have only one study // ==> revert to IV throughout ==> remove random-effects elements if `nsg_sum'==`nby' { local toremove df rflci rfuci sigmasq local toremove `toremove' tausq tsq_lci tsq_uci local toremove `toremove' H H_lci H_uci local toremove `toremove' Isq Isq_lci Isq_uci local toremove `toremove' HsqM HsqM_lci HsqM_uci foreach el in z t chi2 u { if "`teststat'"!="`el'" local toremove `toremove' `el' } } } if `"`toremove'"'!=`""' { local old_rownames `rownames_reduced_by' local rownames_reduced_by : list rownames_reduced_by - toremove tempname bystats2 matrix define `bystats2' = J(`: word count `rownames_reduced_by'', `nby', .) matrix rownames `bystats2' = `rownames_reduced_by' matrix coleq `bystats2' = `bylist' foreach el of local old_rownames { forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { if `: list el in rownames_reduced_by' { matrix `bystats2'[rownumb(`bystats2', "`el'"), `i'] = `bystats'["`el'", `i'] } else assert missing(`bystats'[rownumb(`bystats', "`el'"), `i']) } } matrix define `bystats' = `bystats2' } tempname avg_eff eff_i se_eff_i Qbet Fstat scalar `avg_eff' = `avg_eff_num' / `avg_eff_denom' scalar `Qbet' = 0 local nby1 = 0 // alternative `nby' reflecting the number of subgroups *with data in* forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { // use `nby' so that the sum becomes missing if any subgroups are missing // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`bystats', "eff") scalar `eff_i' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] local r = rownumb(`bystats', "se_eff") scalar `se_eff_i' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] scalar `Qbet' = `Qbet' + ((`eff_i' - `avg_eff') / `se_eff_i')^2 if !missing(`eff_i'/`se_eff_i') local ++nby1 } scalar `Fstat' = (`Qbet'/(`nby' - 1)) / (`Qsum'/(`scQdf' - `nby' + 1)) // May 2020: // Calculate "common tausq" (across subgroups); and between-subgroup Q statistic // c.f. Borenstein et al (2009) "Introduction to Meta-analysis", chapter 19 tempname tsq_common scalar `tsq_common' = max(0, (`Qsum' - (`k' - `nby1')) / `csum') // Return return scalar tsq_common = `tsq_common' return scalar Qsum = `Qsum' return scalar Qbet = `Qbet' return scalar Fstat = `Fstat' return scalar nby = `nby1' return matrix bystats = `bystats' return matrix byQ = `byQ' // Return `mwt' matrix, containing (normalised) model-specific subgroup weights cap confirm matrix `mwt' if !_rc { matrix colnames `mwt' = `bylist' matrix rownames `mwt' = `modelstr' return matrix mwt = `mwt' } // [SEP 2020]: Return `byhet' matrix, containing "parametrically-defined Isq" -based heterogeneity values cap confirm matrix `byhet' if !_rc { // reduce rows if necessary // if current model does not estimate tausq CIs, just keep rows containing point estimates if inlist("`model'", "iv", "mh", "peto", "mu") { matrix define `byhet' = `byhet'["H", 1...] \ `byhet'["Isq", 1...] \ `byhet'["HsqM", 1...] } else if !inlist("`model'", "mp", "pmm", "ml", "pl", "reml", "bt", "dlb") { matrix define `byhet' = `byhet'["tausq", 1...] \ `byhet'["H", 1...] \ `byhet'["Isq", 1...] \ `byhet'["HsqM", 1...] } matrix colnames `byhet' = `modelstr' matrix coleq `byhet' = `bylist' return matrix byhet = `byhet' } } // end if `"`by'"'!=`""' & (`"`subgroup'"'==`""' | `"`sgwt'"'!=`""') // Error messages /* foreach el in rc_2000 rc_2002 rc_tausq rc_tsq_lci rc_tsq_uci rc_eff_lci rc_eff_uci { c_local n`el' = cond(inlist("`n`el''", "", "."), "0", "`n`el''") } c_local nrfd = cond(inlist("`nrfd'", "", "."), "0", "`nrfd'") // update marker of "one or more subgroups has < 3 studies" (for rfdist) c_local nsg = cond(inlist("`nsg'", "", "."), "0", "`nsg'") // update marker of "one or more subgroups contain only a single valid estimate" c_local nzt = cond(inlist("`nzt'", "", "."), "0", "`nzt'") // update marker of "HKSJ has resulted in a shorter CI than IV in one or more subgroups" // c_local nmiss = cond(inlist("`nmiss'", "", "."), "0", "`nmiss'") // update marker of "Patient numbers are missing in one or more trials" */ foreach el in rc_2000 rc_2002 rc_tausq rc_tsq_lci rc_tsq_uci rc_eff_lci rc_eff_uci { c_local n`el' `n`el'' } return scalar nmiss = `nmiss' return scalar nrfd = `nrfd' return scalar nsg = `nsg' return scalar nzt = `nzt' return scalar n = `n' // number of patients for which `touse' & `_USE'==1 & non-missing effect size return scalar k = `k' // number of observations for which `touse' & `_USE'==1 & non-missing effect size end *************************************************** * Stata subroutines called by PerformMetaAnalysis * (and its subroutines) *************************************************** * ProcessPoolingVarlist // subroutine of PerformMetaAnalysis // subroutine to processes (non-IV) input varlist to create appropriate varlist for the specified pooling method // That is, generate study-level effect size variables, // plus variables used to generate overall/subgroup statistics program define ProcessPoolingVarlist, sclass syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=6 default=none) [if] [in], /// SUMMSTAT(name) MODEL(name) TESTSTAT(name) OUTVLIST(varlist numeric min=5 max=7) /// [ TVLIST(namelist) CCLIST(namelist) /// LOGRank PRoportion noINTeger CC(string) WGT(name) ] sreturn clear marksample touse, novarlist // unpack varlists tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC local invlist : copy local varlist tokenize `invlist' local params : word count `invlist' ** Setup for logrank HR (O-E & V) if "`logrank'"!="" { args oe va qui replace `_ES' = `oe'/`va' if `touse' // logHR qui replace `_seES' = 1/sqrt(`va') if `touse' // selogHR sreturn local oevlist `oe' `va' } ** Setup for proportions else if "`proportion'"!="" { args succ _NN // Continuity correction: already prepared by ParseModel (for `ccval'>0) if `"`cc'"'!=`""' { local 0 `"`cc'"' syntax [anything(name=ccval)] [, MHUNCORR /* Internal option only */ * ] if "`options'"!="" { nois disp as err "options not allowed" exit 101 } cap confirm numeric variable `_CC' local genreplace = cond(_rc, "gen byte", "replace") qui `genreplace' `_CC' = inlist(`succ', 0, `_NN') summ `_CC' if `touse', meanonly local nz = r(sum) if !`nz' local cc // ... if continuity correction is *applicable* else { // (N.B. from now on, -confirm numeric var `ccvar'- will be used to check if cc was applied) tempvar succ_cc fail_cc qui gen double `succ_cc' = cond(`_CC', `succ' + `ccval', `succ') qui gen double `fail_cc' = cond(`_CC', `_NN' - `succ' + `ccval', `_NN' - `succ') } } if `"`cc'"'==`""' { local succ_cc `succ' local fail_cc `_NN' - `succ' } // Proportions on original scale (default) if "`summstat'"=="pr" { qui replace `_ES' = `succ' / `_NN' if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = sqrt(`succ_cc' * (`fail_cc') / (`succ_cc' + `fail_cc')^3 ) if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = . if `touse' & `_seES'==0 } // Transformed proportions, as described by Schwarzer et al, RSM 2019 // (but note: Freeman-Tukey is as originally described, i.e. as sum of arcsines rather than mean // see Freeman & Tukey, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 1950; Miller, American Statistician 1978) else { if "`summstat'"=="ftukey" { qui replace `_ES' = asin(sqrt(`succ' / (`_NN' + 1 ))) + asin(sqrt((`succ' + 1 ) / (`_NN' + 1 ))) if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = 1 / sqrt(`_NN' + .5) if `touse' } else if "`summstat'"=="arcsine" { qui replace `_ES' = asin(sqrt(`succ' / `_NN')) if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = 1 / sqrt(4 * `_NN') if `touse' } else if "`summstat'"=="logit" { qui replace `_ES' = logit(`succ_cc' / (`succ_cc' + `fail_cc')) if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = sqrt((1/`succ_cc') + (1/(`fail_cc'))) if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = . if `touse' & `_seES'==0 } } } ** Otherwise, expect `params' to be 4 or 6 else { ** Generate effect size vars // (N.B. gen as tempvars for now, to accommodate inverse-variance; // but will be renamed to permanent variables later if appropriate) // Binary outcome (OR, RR, RD) if `params' == 4 { // assert inlist("`summstat'", "or", "rr", "irr", "rrr", "rd") // MODIFIED APR 2019 FOR v3.3: REMOVE REFERENCE TO IRR assert inlist("`summstat'", "or", "rr", "rrr", "rd") args e1 f1 e0 f0 // events & non-events in trt; events & non-events in control (aka a b c d) tempvar r1 r0 local type = cond("`integer'"=="", "long", "double") qui gen `type' `r1' = `e1' + `f1' // total in trt arm (aka a + b) qui gen `type' `r0' = `e0' + `f0' // total in control arm (aka c + d) qui replace `_NN' = `r1' + `r0' // overall total // Continuity correction: already prepared by ParseModel if `"`cc'"'!=`""' { local 0 `"`cc'"' syntax [anything(name=ccval id="value supplied to {bf:cc()}")] /// [, ALLifzero OPPosite EMPirical MHUNCORR /* Internal option only */ ] cap confirm numeric variable `_CC' local genreplace = cond(_rc, "gen byte", "replace") qui `genreplace' `_CC' = `e1'*`f1'*`e0'*`f0'==0 summ `_CC' if `touse', meanonly local nz = r(sum) if !`nz' local cc // ... if continuity correction is *applicable* else { // (N.B. from now on, -confirm numeric var `ccvar'- will be used to check if cc was applied) // Sweeting's "opposite treatment arm" correction if `"`opposite'"'!=`""' { tempvar cc1 cc0 qui gen `cc1' = 2*`ccval'*`r1' / (`r1' + `r0') qui gen `cc0' = 2*`ccval'*`r0' / (`r1' + `r0') } // Empirical correction // (N.B. needs estimate of theta using trials without zero cells) else if `"`empirical'"'!=`""' { // common-effect models only if !inlist("`model'", "iv", "peto", "mh", "mu") { nois disp as err "Empirical continuity correction only valid under common-effect models" exit 184 } // at least one study *without* zero counts needed to estimate "prior" // qui count if `touse' if r(N) == r(sum) { nois disp as err "Insufficient data to implement empirical continuity correction" exit 498 } tempvar R cc1 cc0 qui metan `e1' `f1' `e0' `f0' if `touse', model(`model') `summstat' nocc nograph notable nohet qui gen `R' = `r0'/`r1' qui gen `cc1' = 2*`ccval'*exp(r(eff))/(`R' + exp(r(eff))) qui gen `cc0' = 2*`ccval'*`R' /(`R' + exp(r(eff))) drop `R' } else { local cc1 = `ccval' local cc0 = `ccval' } tokenize `cclist' args e1_cc f1_cc e0_cc f0_cc if "`allifzero'"!="" { qui gen double `e1_cc' = `e1' + `cc1' qui gen double `f1_cc' = `f1' + `cc1' qui gen double `e0_cc' = `e0' + `cc0' qui gen double `f0_cc' = `f0' + `cc0' } else { qui gen double `e1_cc' = cond(`_CC', `e1' + `cc1', `e1') qui gen double `f1_cc' = cond(`_CC', `f1' + `cc1', `f1') qui gen double `e0_cc' = cond(`_CC', `e0' + `cc0', `e0') qui gen double `f0_cc' = cond(`_CC', `f0' + `cc0', `f0') } tempvar r1_cc r0_cc t_cc qui gen double `r1_cc' = `e1_cc' + `f1_cc' qui gen double `r0_cc' = `e0_cc' + `f0_cc' qui gen double `t_cc' = `r1_cc' + `r0_cc' if `"`opposite'`empirical'"' != `""' { drop `cc1' `cc0' // tidy up } } } if `"`cc'"'==`""' { local e1_cc `e1' local f1_cc `f1' local e0_cc `e0' local f0_cc `f0' local r1_cc `r1' local r0_cc `r0' local t_cc `_NN' } ** Now branch by outcome measure tokenize `tvlist' if "`summstat'"=="or" { if `: word count `tvlist'' == 2 args oe va // i.e. chi2opt (incl. Peto), but *not* M-H else args r s pr ps qr qs oe va // M-H, and optionally also chi2opt if inlist("`teststat'", "chi2", "cmh") | "`model'"=="peto" { tempvar c1 c0 ea local a `e1' // synonym; makes it easier to read code involving chi2 qui gen `type' `c1' = `e1' + `e0' // total events (aka a + c) qui gen `type' `c0' = `f1' + `f0' // total non-events (aka b + d) qui gen double `ea' = (`r1'*`c1')/ `_NN' // expected events in trt arm, i.e. E(a) where a = e1 qui gen double `va' = `r1'*`r0'*`c1'*`c0'/( `_NN'*`_NN'*(`_NN' - 1)) // V(a) where a = e1 qui gen double `oe' = `a' - `ea' // O - E = a - E(a) where a = e1 sreturn local oevlist `oe' `va' // Peto method if "`model'"=="peto" { qui replace `_ES' = `oe'/`va' if `touse' // log(Peto OR) qui replace `_seES' = 1/sqrt(`va') if `touse' // selogOR } } if "`model'"!="peto" { // M-H or I-V method tempvar v if "`model'"!="mh" { // r and s already exist if "mh", as they are needed for pooling tempvar r s } // calculate individual ORs and variances using cc-adjusted counts // (on the linear scale, i.e. logOR) qui gen double `r' = `e1_cc' * `f0_cc' / `t_cc' qui gen double `s' = `f1_cc' * `e0_cc' / `t_cc' qui gen double `v' = 1/`e1_cc' + 1/`f1_cc' + 1/`e0_cc' + 1/`f0_cc' qui replace `_ES' = ln(`r'/`s') if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = sqrt(`v') if `touse' // setup for Mantel-Haenszel method if "`model'"=="mh" { tempvar p q if `nz' & "`mhuncorr'"!="" { // default; uncorrected // first, check for zero total R or S, as this means that zero correction is unavoidable ("mhallzero") tempvar r2 s2 local mhallzero qui gen double `r2' = `e1' * `f0' / `_NN' // this is uncorrected `r' summ `r2' if `touse', meanonly if r(N) & !r(sum) local mhallzero mhallzero qui gen double `s2' = `f1' * `e0' / `_NN' // this is uncorrected `s' summ `s2' if `touse', meanonly if r(N) & !r(sum) local mhallzero mhallzero if `"`mhallzero'"'!=`""' & `ccval' { sreturn local mhallzero `mhallzero' // notify PerformMetaAnalysis sreturn local invlist `e1_cc' `f1_cc' `e0_cc' `f0_cc' qui gen double `p' = (`e1_cc' + `f0_cc') / `t_cc' qui gen double `q' = (`f1_cc' + `e0_cc') / `t_cc' } else { qui drop `r' `s' qui rename `r2' `r' qui rename `s2' `s' qui gen double `p' = (`e1' + `f0') / `_NN' qui gen double `q' = (`f1' + `e0') / `_NN' // weights: pass to wgt() option, which is otherwise not valid with MH qui gen double `wgt' = `s' } } else { // optional; continuity-corrected MH qui gen double `p' = (`e1_cc' + `f0_cc') / `t_cc' qui gen double `q' = (`f1_cc' + `e0_cc') / `t_cc' } qui gen double `pr' = `p'*`r' qui gen double `ps' = `p'*`s' qui gen double `qr' = `q'*`r' qui gen double `qs' = `q'*`s' sreturn local mhvlist `r' `s' `pr' `ps' `qr' `qs' // for M-H pooling } } } /* end OR */ // setup for RR/IRR/RRR // else if inlist("`summstat'", "rr", "irr", "rrr") { // MODIFIED APR 2019 FOR v3.3: REMOVE REFERENCE TO IRR else if inlist("`summstat'", "rr", "rrr") { args r s p tempvar v qui gen double `r' = `e1_cc'*`r0_cc' / `t_cc' qui gen double `s' = `e0_cc'*`r1_cc' / `t_cc' qui gen double `v' = 1/`e1_cc' + 1/`e0_cc' - 1/`r1_cc' - 1/`r0_cc' qui replace `_ES' = ln(`r'/`s') if `touse' // logRR qui replace `_seES' = sqrt(`v') if `touse' // selogRR // setup for Mantel-Haenszel method if "`model'"=="mh" { if `nz' & "`mhuncorr'"!="" { // default; uncorrected // first, check for zero total R or S, as this means that zero correction is unavoidable ("mhallzero") tempvar r2 s2 local mhallzero qui gen double `r2' = `e1' * `r0' / `_NN' // this is uncorrected `r' summ `r2' if `touse', meanonly if r(N) & !r(sum) local mhallzero mhallzero qui gen double `s2' = `e0' * `r1' / `_NN' // this is uncorrected `s' summ `s2' if `touse', meanonly if r(N) & !r(sum) local mhallzero mhallzero if `"`mhallzero'"'!=`""' & `ccval' { sreturn local mhallzero `mhallzero' // notify PerformMetaAnalysis qui gen double `p' = `r1_cc'*`r0_cc'*(`e1_cc' + `e0_cc')/(`t_cc'*`t_cc') - `e1_cc'*`e0_cc'/`t_cc' } else { drop `r' `s' qui rename `r2' `r' qui rename `s2' `s' qui gen double `p' = `r1'*`r0'*(`e1' + `e0')/(`_NN'*`_NN') - `e1'*`e0'/`_NN' // weights: pass to wgt() option, which is otherwise not valid with MH qui gen double `wgt' = `s' } } else { // optional; continuity-corrected MH qui gen double `p' = `r1_cc'*`r0_cc'*(`e1_cc' + `e0_cc')/(`t_cc'*`t_cc') - `e1_cc'*`e0_cc'/`t_cc' } sreturn local mhvlist `tvlist' // for M-H pooling } } // setup for RD else if "`summstat'" == "rd" { args rdwt rdnum vnum tempvar v // N.B. `_ES' is calculated *without* cc adjustment, to ensure 0/n1 vs 0/n2 really *is* RD=0 qui gen double `v' = `e1_cc'*`f1_cc'/(`r1_cc'^3) + `e0_cc'*`f0_cc'/(`r0_cc'^3) qui replace `_ES' = `e1'/`r1' - `e0'/`r0' if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = sqrt(`v') if `touse' // setup for Mantel-Haenszel method // Note: no need to consider `mhuncorr' here, as RD can always be calculated // Use x_cc, where cc is either 0 (default) or not (user-specified) if "`model'"=="mh" { qui gen double `rdwt' = `r1_cc'*`r1_cc' / `t_cc' qui gen double `rdnum' = (`e1_cc'*`r0_cc' - `e0_cc'*`r1_cc') / `t_cc' qui gen double `vnum' = (`e1_cc'*`f1_cc'*(`r0_cc'^3) + `e0_cc'*`f0_cc'*(`r1_cc'^3)) / (`r1_cc'*`r0_cc'*`t_cc'*`t_cc') sreturn local mhvlist `tvlist' // for M-H pooling } } // end "rd" } // end if `params' == 4 else { cap assert `params' == 6 if _rc { nois disp as err `"Invalid {it:varlist}"' exit 198 } // N mean SD for continuous outcome data assert inlist("`summstat'", "wmd", "cohend", "glassd", "hedgesg") args n1 mean1 sd1 n0 mean0 sd0 qui replace `_NN' = `n1' + `n0' if `touse' if "`summstat'" == "wmd" { qui replace `_ES' = `mean1' - `mean0' if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = sqrt((`sd1'^2)/`n1' + (`sd0'^2)/`n0') if `touse' } else { // summstat = SMD tempvar s qui gen double `s' = sqrt( ((`n1'-1)*(`sd1'^2) + (`n0'-1)*(`sd0'^2) )/( `_NN' - 2) ) if "`summstat'" == "cohend" { qui replace `_ES' = (`mean1' - `mean0')/`s' if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = sqrt((`_NN' /(`n1'*`n0')) + (`_ES'*`_ES'/ (2*(`_NN' - 2)) )) if `touse' } else if "`summstat'" == "glassd" { qui replace `_ES' = (`mean1' - `mean0')/`sd0' if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = sqrt(( `_NN' /(`n1'*`n0')) + (`_ES'*`_ES'/ (2*(`n0' - 1)) )) if `touse' } else if "`summstat'" == "hedgesg" { qui replace `_ES' = (`mean1' - `mean0')*(1 - 3/(4*`_NN' - 9))/`s' if `touse' qui replace `_seES' = sqrt(( `_NN' /(`n1'*`n0')) + (`_ES'*`_ES'/ (2*(`_NN' - 3.94)) )) if `touse' } } } // end else (i.e. if `params' == 6) } // end if `params' > 3 end *************************************************************** ** Extra loop for cumulative/influence meta-analysis // - If cumulative, loop over observations one by one // - If influence, exclude observations one by one program define CumInfLoop, rclass syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=6) [if] [in], SORTBY(varname numeric) /// MODEL(passthru) XOUTVLIST(varlist numeric) /// [CUmulative INFluence OVWt SGWt ROWNAMES(namelist) * ] marksample touse, novarlist local pvlist : copy local varlist // pvlist = "pooling varlist" local toremove npts local xrownames : list rownames - toremove local xrownames `xrownames' Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci if `: list posof "tausq" in rownames' local xrownames `xrownames' sigmasq tokenize `xoutvlist' args `xrownames' _WT2 // return name of `_WT2' in `xoutvlist' return local xwt `_WT2' // Added Jan 2020, amended Mar 2020 qui count if `touse' if !r(N) exit 2000 // Amended Sep 2022 // If `cumulative' or `influence' and no weights (no `sgwt'`ovwt') or only a single observation // exit subroutine early if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' & (`"`sgwt'`ovwt'"'==`""' | r(N)==1) { exit 2001 } // Note: if `cumulative', last analysis will be done separately, by PerformMetaAnalysis // Therefore, if `n'=1 then `jmax'==0 and loop below is skipped local jmax = `r(N)' - (`"`cumulative'"'!=`""') tempvar touse2 forvalues j = 1/`jmax' { // Define `touse' for *input* (i.e. which obs to meta-analyse) if `"`cumulative'"'!=`""' qui gen byte `touse2' = `touse' * inrange(`sortby', 1, `j') // cumulative: obs from 1 to `j' else qui gen byte `touse2' = `touse' * (`sortby' != `j') // influence: all obs except `j' cap nois PerformPooling `pvlist' if `touse2', `model' `options' if _rc { if _rc==2000 c_local nrc_2000 = 1 else if _rc==2001 c_local nrc_2001 = 1 else if _rc==2002 c_local nrc_2002 = 1 else { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformPooling}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.PerformPooling}"' c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.CumInfLoop" exit _rc } } ** Store statistics returned by PerformPooling in the dataset // Same statistics as in `rownames', plus (non-normalised) weights // First, re-define `touse2' for *output* (i.e. where to store the results of the meta-analysis) qui replace `touse2' = `touse' * (`sortby'==`j') // Store (non-normalised) weight in the dataset qui replace `_WT2' = r(totwt) if `touse2' // Store other returned statistics in the dataset foreach el of local xrownames { qui replace ``el'' = r(`el') if `touse2' } drop `touse2' // tidying up } // end forvalues j=`jmin'/`jmax' end ******************************************************************* * PerformPooling // subroutine of PerformMetaAnalysis // This routine actually performs the pooling itself. // non-IV calculations are done in Stata (partly using code taken from metan.ado by Ross Harris et al); // iterative IV analyses are done in Mata. // N.B. study-level results _ES, _seES, _LCI, _UCI are assumed *always* to be on the linear scale (i.e. logOR etc.) // as this makes building the forestplot easier, and keeps things simple in general. // For non-IV 2x2 count data, however, the exponentiated effect size may also be returned, e.g. r(OR), r(RR). program define PerformPooling, rclass syntax varlist [if] [in], MODEL(name) [*] //local nrfd = 0 // initialize marker of "less than 3 studies" (for rfdist) //local nsg = 0 // initialize marker of "only a single valid estimate" (e.g. for by(), or cumul/infl) //local nzt = 0 // initialize marker of "HKSJ has resulted in a shorter CI than IV" (for HKSJ) marksample touse, novarlist // in case of binary 2x2 data with no cases in one or both arms; this will be dealt with later qui count if `touse' if !r(N) { // nois disp as err "no observations" exit 2000 } cap nois { if "`model'"=="mh" PerformPoolingMH `0' else { // Nov 2020: fork depending on whether v16.1+ or not // If v16.1+, use pre-complied Mata library; otherwise use on-the-fly Mata code local v161 = 0 if "`c(stata_version)'"!="" { if c(stata_version) >= 16.1 local v161 = 1 } if `v161' PerformPoolingIV `0' else metan_pooling `0' } } if _rc { c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformPooling" if "`model'"=="mh" return add exit _rc } c_local nzt `nzt' // update marker of "HKSJ has resulted in a shorter CI than IV" (for HKSJ) return add end // Inverse variance (i.e. all except Mantel-Haenszel) program define PerformPoolingIV, rclass syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=2) [if] [in], MODEL(name) /// [SUMMSTAT(name) TESTSTAT(name) QSTAT(passthru) TESTBased ISQParam /// OEVLIST(varlist numeric min=2 max=2) INVLIST(varlist numeric min=2 max=6) /// NPTS(varname numeric) WGT(varname numeric) WTVAR(varname numeric) /// HKsj KRoger BArtlett SKovgaard RObust LOGRank PRoportion TN(string) POVERV(real 2) /*noTRUNCate*/ TRUNCate(string) EIM OIM /// ISQSA(real -99) TSQSA(real -99) PHISA(real -99) HETPooled /*Added Sep 2023*/ QWT(varname numeric) INIT(name) /// OLevel(cilevel) HLevel(cilevel) RFLevel(cilevel) CItype(passthru) /// ITOL(real 1.0x-1a) MAXTausq(real -9) REPS(real 1000) MAXITer(real 1000) QUADPTS(real 100) DIFficult TECHnique(string) * ] // N.B. extra options should just be those allowed for PerformPoolingMH // if no wtvar, gen as tempvar if `"`wtvar'"'==`""' { local wtvar tempvar wtvar qui gen double `wtvar' = . } else { marksample touse, novarlist // June 2022: temporary marksample, consistent across models (c.f. I-V and no CC; see elsewhere) qui replace `wtvar' = . if `touse' } local pvlist `varlist' // for clarity tokenize `pvlist' args _ES _seES qui replace `_seES' = . if float(`_seES')<=0 // added June 2022 marksample touse // note: *NO* "novarlist" option here // Firstly, check whether only one study // if so, cancel random-effects and set to defaults: iv, cochranq, testbased // t-critval ==> es, se, lci, uci returned but nothing else tempname k qui count if `touse' if !r(N) exit 2000 // no observations *after* effect of marksample, novarlist scalar `k' = r(N) if `k' == 1 & "`hetpooled'"=="" { if !inlist("`model'", "peto", "qe") { local model iv local isqparam } local teststat z local hksj } // New June 2022 if `"`npts'"'!=`""' { summ `npts' if `touse', meanonly return scalar k_npts = r(N) if r(N) return scalar npts = r(sum) // if r(N)!=`k' c_local nmiss = 1 // marker of "pt. numbers are missing in one or more trials" } return scalar k = `k' ** Chi-squared test (OR only; includes Peto OR) or logrank HR if "`oevlist'"!="" { tokenize `oevlist' args oe va tempname OE VA chi2 summ `oe' if `touse', meanonly scalar `OE' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) summ `va' if `touse', meanonly scalar `VA' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) scalar `chi2' = (`OE'^2 )/`VA' if "`model'"=="peto" | "`logrank'"!="" { return scalar OE = `OE' return scalar V = `VA' } } ************************************* * Standard inverse-variance methods * ************************************* tempname eff se_eff crit pvalue qui replace `wtvar' = 1/`_seES'^2 if `touse' qui summ `_ES' [aw=`wtvar'] if `touse' /*, meanonly*/ scalar `eff' = r(mean) scalar `se_eff' = 1/sqrt(r(sum_w)) // I-V common-effect SE // Derive Cochran's Q assert r(N) == `k' tempname Q Qdf scalar `Q' = cond(missing(r(Var)), 0, r(Var)*r(sum_w)*(r(N)-1)/r(N)) scalar `Qdf' = r(N) - 1 // Derive sigmasq and tausq tempname c sigmasq tausq summ `wtvar' [aw=`wtvar'] if `touse', meanonly scalar `c' = r(sum_w) - r(mean) scalar `sigmasq' = `Qdf'/`c' // [general note: can this be generalised to other (non-IV) methods?] scalar `tausq' = max(0, (`Q' - `Qdf')/`c') // default: D+L estimator ********************************** * Non-iterative tausq estimators * ********************************** // (other than D+L, already derived above) if "`hetpooled'"=="" { ** Setup two-stage estimators sj2s and dk2s // consider *initial* estimate of tsq if inlist("`model'", "sj2s", "dk2s") { local final `model' local model `"`init'"' /* if substr(trim(`"`model'"'), 1, 2)==`"sa"' { tempname tausq0 scalar `tausq0' = `tausq' _parse comma model 0 : model syntax [, ISQ(string) TAUSQ(string)] if `"`tausq'"'!=`""' & `"`isq'"'==`""' { nois disp as err `"Only one of {bf:isq()} or {bf:tausq()} may be supplied as suboptions to {bf:sa()}"' exit 184 } else if `"`tausq'"'!=`""' { cap confirm number `tausq' if _rc { nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:tausq()} suboption to {bf:sa()}; a single number was expected"' exit _rc } if `tausq' < 0 { nois disp as err `"tau{c 178} value for sensitivity analysis cannot be negative"' exit 198 } local tsqsa = `tausq' local isqsa } else { if `"`isq'"'==`""' local isq = 80 else { cap confirm number `isq' if _rc { nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:isq()} suboption to {bf:sa()}; a single number was expected"' exit _rc } if `isq'<0 | `isq'>=100 { nois disp as err `"I{c 178} value for sensitivity analysis must be at least 0% and less than 100%"' exit 198 } } local isqsa = `isq' local tsqsa = -99 } scalar `tausq' = `tausq0' } */ } ** Hartung-Makambi estimator (>0) // [Note Sep 2023] *NOT* "else if", because of potential role-switch of `model' and `init' above if "`model'"=="hm" { scalar `tausq' = `Q'^2 / (`c'*(`Q' + 2*`Qdf')) } ** Non-iterative, making use of the sampling variance of _ES else if inlist("`model'", "ev", "he", "b0", "bp") { tempname var_eff meanv qui summ `_ES' if `touse' scalar `var_eff' = r(Var) tempvar v qui gen double `v' = `_seES'^2 summ `v' if `touse', meanonly scalar `meanv' = r(mean) // empirical variance (>0) if "`model'"=="ev" { scalar `tausq' = `var_eff'*(`k' - 1)/`k' } // Hedges aka "variance component" aka Cochran ANOVA-type estimator else if "`model'"=="he" { scalar `tausq' = `var_eff' - `meanv' } // Rukhin Bayes estimators else if inlist("`model'", "b0", "bp") { scalar `tausq' = `var_eff'*(`k' - 1)/(`k' + 1) if "`model'"=="b0" { confirm numeric var `npts' summ `npts' if `touse', meanonly scalar `tausq' = `tausq' - ( (`r(sum)' - `k')*`Qdf'*`meanv'/((`k' + 1)*(`r(sum)' - `k' + 2)) ) } } scalar `tausq' = max(0, `tausq') // truncate at zero } } // Sensitivity analysis: use given Isq/tausq and sigmasq to generate tausq/Isq if "`model'"=="sa" | "`hetpooled'"!="" { // modified Sep 2023 if `tsqsa'==-99 scalar `tausq' = `isqsa'*`sigmasq'/(100 - `isqsa') else if `phisa'==-99 scalar `tausq' = `tsqsa' } ****************************** * Iterative tausq estimators * ****************************** // Check validity of iteropts cap assert (`maxtausq'>=0 & !missing(`maxtausq')) | `maxtausq'==-9 if _rc { nois disp as err "maxtausq() cannot be negative" exit 198 } cap assert `itol'>=0 & !missing(`itol') if _rc { nois disp as err "itol() cannot be negative" exit 198 } cap { assert (`maxiter'>0 & !missing(`maxiter')) assert round(`maxiter')==`maxiter' } if _rc { nois disp as err "maxiter() must be an integer greater than zero" exit 198 } // maxtausq: use 10*`tausq' if not specified // (and 10 times that for uci -- done in Mata) local maxtausq = cond(`maxtausq'==-9, max(10*`tausq', 100), `maxtausq') // Iterative, using Mata if "`hetpooled'"=="" & inlist("`model'", "dlb", "mp", "pmm", "ml", "pl", "reml") { // Bootstrap D+L // (Kontopantelis PLoS ONE 2013) if "`model'"=="dlb" { cap { assert (`reps'>0 & !missing(`reps')) assert round(`reps')==`reps' } if _rc { nois disp as err "reps() must be an integer greater than zero" exit 198 } cap nois mata: DLb("`_ES' `_seES'", "`touse'", `olevel', `reps') } // Mandel-Paule aka empirical Bayes (DerSimonian and Kacker CCT 2007) // or median-unbiased estimator suggested by Viechtbauer (2021) // N.B. Mata routine also performs the Viechtbauer Q-profiling routine for tausq CI // (Viechtbauer Stat Med 2007; 26: 37-52) else if inlist("`model'", "mp", "pmm") { cap nois mata: GenQ("`_ES' `_seES'", "`touse'", `hlevel', (`maxtausq', `itol', `maxiter'), "`model'") } // REML // N.B. Mata routine also performs likelihood profiling to give tausq CI else if "`model'"=="reml" { local hmethod = cond("`difficult'"!="", "hybrid", "m-marquardt") // default = m-marquardt if "`technique'"=="" local technique nr // default = nr cap nois mata: REML("`_ES' `_seES'", "`touse'", `hlevel', (`maxtausq', `itol', `maxiter'), "`hmethod'", "`technique'") if `"`r(ll_negtsq)'"'!=`""' { disp `"{error}tau-squared value from last iteration was negative, so has been set to zero"' } return scalar converged = r(converged) return scalar tsq_var = r(tsq_var) return scalar ll = r(ll) } // ML, including Profile Likelihood // with optional Bartlett's (Huizenga Br J Math Stat Psychol 2011) or Skovgaard's (Guolo Stat Med 2012) correction to the likelihood // N.B. Mata routine also performs likelihood profiling to give tausq CI else if inlist("`model'", "ml", "pl") { local mlpl `model' if "`bartlett'"!="" local mlpl plbart else if "`skovgaard'"!="" local mlpl plskov local hmethod = cond("`difficult'"!="", "hybrid", "m-marquardt") // default = m-marquardt if "`technique'"=="" local technique nr // default = nr cap nois mata: MLPL("`_ES' `_seES'", "`touse'", (`olevel', `hlevel'), (`maxtausq', `itol', `maxiter'), "`hmethod'", "`technique'", "`mlpl'") if `"`r(ll_negtsq)'"'!=`""' { disp `"{error}tau-squared value from last iteration was negative, so has been set to zero"' } return scalar converged = r(converged) return scalar tsq_var = r(tsq_var) return scalar ll = r(ll) if "`model'"=="pl" { return scalar eff_lci = r(eff_lci) return scalar eff_uci = r(eff_uci) return scalar rc_eff_lci = r(rc_eff_lci) return scalar rc_eff_uci = r(rc_eff_uci) // Need to store these as scalars, in order to calculate critical values tempname chi2 z scalar `chi2' = r(lr) // Likelihood ratio test statistic scalar `z' = r(sll) // Signed log-likelihood test statistic if "`teststat'"=="chi2" return scalar chi2 = r(lr) // Bartlett's correction to the likelihood else return scalar z = r(sll) // Skovgaard's correction to the likelihood } } if _rc { if _rc==1 exit _rc // User break else if _rc==2000 exit _rc // No studies found with sufficient data to be analysed else if _rc>=3000 { nois disp as err "Mata compile-time or run-time error" exit _rc } else if _rc nois disp `"{error}Error(s) detected during running of Mata code; please check output"' } scalar `tausq' = r(tausq) // check tausq limits and set to missing if necessary tempname tsq_lci tsq_uci scalar `tsq_lci' = r(tsq_lci) scalar `tsq_uci' = r(tsq_uci) if "`model'"!="dlb" { scalar `tsq_lci' = cond(r(rc_tsq_lci)>1 & r(tsq_lci)!=0, ., r(tsq_lci)) scalar `tsq_uci' = cond(r(rc_tsq_uci)>1, ., r(tsq_uci)) } // return extra scalars return scalar maxtausq = `maxtausq' return scalar tsq_lci = `tsq_lci' return scalar tsq_uci = `tsq_uci' return scalar rc_tausq = r(rc_tausq) return scalar rc_tsq_lci = r(rc_tsq_lci) return scalar rc_tsq_uci = r(rc_tsq_uci) } // end if inlist("`model'", "dlb", "mp", "pmm", "ml", "pl", "reml") // [i.e. iterative tausq estimators] // end of "Iterative, using Mata" section ****************************************************** * User-defined weights; finalise two-step estimators * ****************************************************** if `"`wgt'"'!=`""' { qui replace `wtvar' = `wgt' if `touse' } tempvar Qhet tempname Qr // will also be used for post-hoc variance correction if "`final'"!="" { tempvar wt0 qui gen double `wt0' = 1/((`_seES'^2) + `tausq') qui summ `_ES' [aw=`wt0'] if `touse' scalar `eff' = r(mean) assert r(N) == `k' scalar `Qr' = cond(missing(r(Var)), 0, r(Var)*r(sum_w)*(r(N)-1)/r(N)) if "`final'"=="sj2s" { // two-step Sidik-Jonkman // scalar `tausq' = cond(`tausq'==0, `sigmasq'/99, `tausq') * `Qr'/`Qdf' // March 2018: if tsq=0, use Isq=1% scalar `tausq' = `tausq' * `Qr'/`Qdf' /* // Sidik-Jonkman's suggested confidence interval for tausq; not recommended for use tempname tsq_lci tsq_uci scalar `tsq_lci' = `tausq' * `Qdf' / invchi2(`Qdf', .5 - `hlevel'/200) scalar `tsq_uci' = `tausq' * `Qdf' / invchi2(`Qdf', .5 + `hlevel'/200) */ } else if "`final'"=="dk2s" { // two-step DerSimonian-Kacker (MM only) tempname wi1 wi2 wis1 wis2 summ `wt0' [aw=`wt0'] if `touse', meanonly scalar `wi1' = r(sum_w) // sum of weights scalar `wi2' = r(sum) // sum of squared weights summ `wt0' [aw=`_seES'^2] if `touse', meanonly scalar `wis1' = r(sum) // sum of weight * variance summ `wt0' [aw=`wt0' * (`_seES'^2)] if `touse', meanonly scalar `wis2' = r(sum) // sum of squared weight * variance scalar `tausq' = (`Qr' - (`wis1' - `wis2'/`wi1')) / (`wi1' - `wi2'/`wi1') scalar `tausq' = max(0, `tausq') // truncate at zero } local model `final' // switch back, so that `model' contains dk2s or sj2s again } ********************************* * Alternative weighting schemes * ********************************* // (not user-defined) // Quality effects (QE) model (extension of IVhet to incorporate quality scores) // (Doi et al, Contemporary Clinical Trials 2015; 45: 123-9) // DF: Modified Dec 2021 to avoid rounding errors/negative weights when `qwt' is zero if "`model'"=="qe" { // check `qwt' >= 0 cap nois { confirm numeric variable `qwt' summ `qwt' if `touse', meanonly assert r(min) >= 0 } if _rc { nois disp as err `"error in option {bf:qwt()}: variable {bf:`qwt'} must be numeric with no negative values"' exit 2002 } if r(sum)==0 { nois disp as err `"error in option {bf:qwt()}: no non-zero quality weights found"' exit 2002 } // re-scale scores relative to highest value tempname qmax qsum scalar `qmax' = r(max) scalar `qsum' = r(sum) tempvar newqe qui gen double `newqe' = `qwt' / `qmax' tempname sumwt summ `wtvar' if `touse', meanonly scalar `sumwt' = r(sum) // sum of original weights (inverse-variances) // correction to reduce estimator bias (Appendix A of CCT 2015, but without factor of 1/(k-1) as this cancels anyway) tempvar tauqe qui gen double `tauqe' = 0 qui replace `tauqe' = `wtvar' * (1 - `newqe') if `newqe' < 1 summ `tauqe' if `touse', meanonly // Point estimate uses weights = qi/vi + tauhati // ...but expressions presented in CCT 2015 involve addition & subtraction of very similar quantities with risk of rounding error. // Instead, we use the expression below, which can be shown to be equivalent to Equation 7 of CCT 2015 qui replace `wtvar' = `newqe' * (`wtvar' + (r(sum) * `qmax' / `qsum')) if `touse' summ `wtvar' if `touse', meanonly cap assert float(r(sum))==float(`sumwt') // compare sum of new weights with sum of original weights if _rc { local rc = _rc if r(sum)==0 { cap assert `qsum'==0 if !_rc nois disp as err `"error in option {bf:qwt()}: no non-zero quality weights found"' else nois disp as err "Error encountered whilst calculating quality weights" // DF Dec 2021: this error message should never be seen } else nois disp as err "Error encountered whilst calculating quality weights" // DF Dec 2021: this error message should never be seen exit `rc' } } // Biggerstaff and Tweedie approximate Gamma-based weighting // (also derives a variance and confidence interval for tausq_DL) else if "`model'"=="bt" { cap nois mata: BTGamma("`_ES' `_seES'", "`touse'", "`wtvar'", `hlevel', (`maxtausq', `itol', `maxiter', `quadpts')) if _rc { if _rc==1 exit _rc else if _rc>=3000 { nois disp as err "Mata compile-time or run-time error" exit _rc } else if _rc nois disp `"{error}Error(s) detected during running of Mata code; please check output"' } // check tausq limits and set to missing if necessary tempname tsq_lci tsq_uci scalar `tsq_lci' = r(tsq_lci) scalar `tsq_uci' = r(tsq_uci) scalar `tsq_lci' = cond(r(rc_tsq_lci)>1 & `tsq_lci'!=0, ., `tsq_lci') scalar `tsq_uci' = cond(r(rc_tsq_uci)>1, ., `tsq_uci') // return extra scalars return scalar maxtausq = `maxtausq' return scalar rc_tausq = r(rc_tausq) return scalar tsq_var = r(tsq_var) return scalar tsq_lci = `tsq_lci' return scalar tsq_uci = `tsq_uci' return scalar rc_tsq_lci = r(rc_tsq_lci) return scalar rc_tsq_uci = r(rc_tsq_uci) } // Henmi and Copas method also belongs here // (Henmi and Copas, Stat Med 2010; DOI: 10.1002/sim.4029) // Begins along the same lines as IVhet; that is, a RE model with inv-variance weighting // but goes on to estimate the distribution of pivotal quantity U using a Gamma distribution (c.f. Biggerstaff & Tweedie). // `se_eff' is the same as IVhet, but conf. interval around `eff' is different. else if "`model'"=="hc" { cap nois mata: HC("`_ES' `_seES'", "`touse'", `olevel', (`itol', `maxiter', `quadpts')) if _rc { if _rc==1 exit _rc else if _rc>=3000 { nois disp as err "Mata compile-time or run-time error" exit _rc } else if _rc nois disp `"{error}Error(s) detected during running of Mata code; please check output"' } return scalar u = r(u) scalar `crit' = r(crit) scalar `pvalue' = r(p) } // end of "Alternative weighting schemes" section ********************************** * Generate pooled eff and se_eff * ********************************** // Alternative or user-defined weighting if `"`wgt'"'!=`""' | inlist("`model'", "ivhet", "qe", "bt", "hc") { // Apply weighting summ `_ES' [aw=`wtvar'] if `touse', meanonly scalar `eff' = r(mean) // Specify underlying model: IV common-effect, or random-effects with additive heterogeneity // (N.B. if *multiplicative* heterogeneity, factor simply multiplies the final pooled variance) local vi = cond("`model'"=="iv", "`_seES'^2", "`_seES'^2 + `tausq'") tempvar wtvce summ `wtvar' if `touse', meanonly qui gen double `wtvce' = (`vi') * `wtvar'^2 / r(sum)^2 summ `wtvce' if `touse', meanonly scalar `se_eff' = sqrt(r(sum)) // May 2020: // Similarly to M-H and Peto methods, re-calculate Q based on standard variance weights // but with respect to the *weighted* pooled effect size if `"`wgt'"'!=`""' { qui gen double `Qhet' = ((`_ES' - `eff') / `_seES')^2 summ `Qhet' if `touse', meanonly scalar `Q' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) } } // Standard weighting based on additive tau-squared // (N.B. if iv or mu, eff and se_eff have already been calculated) else if !inlist("`model'", "iv", "peto", "mu") & `phisa'==-99 { qui replace `wtvar' = 1/(`_seES'^2 + `tausq') if `touse' summ `_ES' [aw=`wtvar'] if `touse', meanonly scalar `eff' = r(mean) scalar `se_eff' = 1/sqrt(r(sum_w)) } // Return weights for CumInfLoop summ `wtvar' if `touse', meanonly return scalar totwt = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) // sum of (non-normalised) weights ********************************* * Post-hoc variance corrections * ********************************* // First, calculate "generalised" (i.e. random-effects) version of Cochran's Q. // Note that the multiplier sqrt(`Q'/`Qdf') is equal to Higgins & Thompson's (Stat Med 2002) `H' statistic // and that van Aert & Jackson (2019) use H* to refer to a "generalised/random-effects" H-statistic, similar to Qr. tempname Hstar scalar `Qr' = `Q' if !inlist("`model'", "iv", "peto", "mu") | "`wgt'"!="" { // Note: if I-V common-effect (e.g. for "mu"), Qr = Q and Hstar = H cap drop `Qhet' qui gen double `Qhet' = `wtvar'*((`_ES' - `eff')^2) summ `Qhet' if `touse', meanonly scalar `Qr' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) } scalar `Hstar' = sqrt(`Qr'/`Qdf') // Multiplicative heterogeneity (e.g. Thompson and Sharp, Stat Med 1999) // (equivalent to the "full variance" estimator suggested by Sandercock // (https://metasurv.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/ // fixed-or-random-effects-how-about-the-full-variance-model-resolving-a-decades-old-bunfight) // Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman variance estimator // (Roever et al, BMC Med Res Methodol 2015; Jackson et al, Stat Med 2017; van Aert & Jackson, Stat Med 2019) local nzt = 0 if "`model'"=="sa" | "`hetpooled'"!="" { // added Sep 2023 if `phisa'!=-99 { scalar `Hstar' = sqrt(`phisa') scalar `se_eff' = `se_eff' * `Hstar' scalar `Qr' = `Qr'/`phisa' } } else if "`model'"=="mu" | "`hksj'"!="" { tempname tcrit zcrit scalar `zcrit' = invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) scalar `tcrit' = invttail(`Qdf', .5 - `olevel'/200) // van Aert & Jackson 2019: truncate at z/t if "`truncate'"=="zovert" scalar `Hstar' = max(`zcrit'/`tcrit', `Hstar') else { // (e.g.) Roever 2015: truncate at 1 // i.e. don't use if *under* dispersion present if inlist(`"`truncate'"', `"one"', `"1"') scalar `Hstar' = max(1, `Hstar') else if `"`truncate'"'!=`""' { nois disp as err `"invalid use of {bf:truncate()} option"' exit 184 } if "`hksj'"!="" & `Hstar' < `zcrit'/`tcrit' local nzt = 1 // setup error display for later } scalar `se_eff' = `se_eff' * `Hstar' if "`model'"=="mu" scalar `Qr' = `Qr'/(`Hstar'^2) } // Sidik-Jonkman robust ("sandwich-like") variance estimator // (Sidik and Jonkman, Comp Stat Data Analysis 2006) // (N.B. HKSJ estimator also described in the same paper) else if "`robust'"!="" { tempname sumwi tempvar vr_part summ `wtvar' if `touse', meanonly scalar `sumwi' = r(sum) qui gen double `vr_part' = `wtvar' * `wtvar' * ((`_ES' - `eff')^2) / (1 - (`wtvar'/`sumwi')) summ `vr_part' if `touse', meanonly scalar `se_eff' = sqrt(r(sum))/`sumwi' } // Kenward-Roger variance inflation method // (Morris et al, Stat Med 2018) else if "`kroger'"!="" { tempname wi1 wi2 wi3 nwi2 nwi3 summ `wtvar' if `touse', meanonly scalar `wi1' = r(sum) // sum of weights summ `wtvar' [aw=`wtvar'] if `touse', meanonly scalar `wi2' = r(sum) // sum of squared weights summ `wtvar' [aw=`wtvar'^2] if `touse', meanonly scalar `wi3' = r(sum) // sum of cubed weights scalar `nwi2' = `wi2'/`wi1' // "normalised" sum of squared weights [i.e. sum(wi:^2)/sum(wi)] scalar `nwi3' = `wi3'/`wi1' // "normalised" sum of cubed weights [i.e. sum(wi:^3)/sum(wi)] // expected information tempname I scalar `I' = `wi2'/2 - `nwi3' + (`nwi2'^2)/2 // observed information if "`oim'"!="" { tempvar resid resid2 tempname q2 q3 qui gen double `resid' = `_ES' - `eff' summ `resid' [aw=`wtvar'^2] if `touse', meanonly scalar `q2' = r(sum) // quadratic involving squared weights and residual qui gen double `resid2' = `resid'^2 summ `resid2' [aw=`wtvar'^3] if `touse', meanonly scalar `q3' = r(sum) // quadratic involving cubed weights and squared residual scalar `I' = max(0, (`q2'^2)/`wi1' + `q3' - `I') } // corrected se_eff [sqrt(Phi_A) in Kenward-Roger papers] tempname W V scalar `W' = 1/`I' // approximation of var(tausq) scalar `V' = (1/`wi1') + 2*`W'*(`wi3' - (`wi2'^2)/`wi1')/(`wi1'^2) scalar `se_eff' = sqrt(`V') // denominator degrees of freedom tempname A df_kr scalar `A' = `W' * (`V'*`wi2')^2 scalar `df_kr' = 2 / `A' // return scalar df_kr = `df_kr' } // check for successful pooling if missing(`eff', `se_eff') exit 2002 return scalar Hstar = `Hstar' return scalar nzt = `nzt' if "`model'"=="mu" | ("`hetpooled'"!="" & `phisa'!=99) { return scalar phi = `Hstar'^2 } if !inlist("`model'", "iv", "peto") { return scalar Qr = `Qr' } ********************************************** * Critical values, test statistics, p-values * ********************************************** // Predictive intervals // (uses k-2 df, c.f. Higgins & Thompson 2009; but also see e.g. http://www.metafor-project.org/doku.php/faq#for_random-effects_models_fitt) if `k' >= 3 { tempname rfcritval rflci rfuci scalar `rfcritval' = invttail(`k'-2, .5 - `rflevel'/200) scalar `rflci' = `eff' - `rfcritval' * sqrt(`tausq' + `se_eff'^2) scalar `rfuci' = `eff' + `rfcritval' * sqrt(`tausq' + `se_eff'^2) return scalar rflci = `rflci' return scalar rfuci = `rfuci' } // Proportions if "`proportion'"!="" { tempname eff_lci eff_uci scalar `crit' = invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) scalar `eff_lci' = `eff' - `crit' * `se_eff' scalar `eff_uci' = `eff' + `crit' * `se_eff' ** Back-transforms: special case // if k = 1, pass to GenConfIntsPr if `k'==1 { cap nois GenConfIntsPr `invlist' if `touse', `citype' level(`olevel') if _rc { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_analysis.GenConfIntsPr}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.GenConfIntsPr}"' c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis" exit _rc } return scalar prop_eff = r(es) return scalar prop_lci = r(lb) return scalar prop_uci = r(ub) if "`summstat'"=="pr" { // if untransformed, set eff_lci, eff_uci to returned values from GenConfIntsPr scalar `eff_lci' = r(lb) scalar `eff_uci' = r(ub) } } else { tokenize `invlist' args succ _NN ** Perform standard back-transforms // first, truncate intervals at `mintes' and `maxtes' tempname mintes maxtes scalar `mintes' = 0 scalar `maxtes' = 1 // Logit and Single-arcsine if inlist("`summstat'", "logit", "arcsine") { // Logit transform if "`summstat'"=="logit" { summ `_NN' if `touse', meanonly scalar `mintes' = logit(.1/`r(sum)') // use limits of 1/10 difference from `totalN' scalar `maxtes' = logit(1 - (.1/`r(sum)')) } // Single arcsine transform else { scalar `mintes' = 0 scalar `maxtes' = _pi/2 } if `eff' < `mintes' scalar `eff' = `mintes' else if `eff' > `maxtes' scalar `eff' = `maxtes' if `eff_lci' < `mintes' scalar `eff_lci' = `mintes' else if `eff_lci' > `maxtes' scalar `eff_lci' = `maxtes' if `eff_uci' < `mintes' scalar `eff_uci' = `mintes' else if `eff_uci' > `maxtes' scalar `eff_uci' = `maxtes' // Predictive intervals if `k' >= 3 { if `rflci' < `mintes' scalar `rflci' = `mintes' else if `rflci' > `maxtes' scalar `rflci' = `maxtes' if `rfuci' < `mintes' scalar `rfuci' = `mintes' else if `rfuci' > `maxtes' scalar `rfuci' = `maxtes' } ** Perform back-transforms tempname prop_eff prop_lci prop_uci prop_rflci prop_rfuci // Logit transform if "`summstat'"=="logit" { return scalar prop_eff = invlogit(`eff') return scalar prop_lci = invlogit(`eff_lci') return scalar prop_uci = invlogit(`eff_uci') // Predictive intervals if `k' >= 3 { return scalar prop_rflci = invlogit(`rflci') return scalar prop_rfuci = invlogit(`rfuci') } } // Single arcsine back-transform else { return scalar prop_eff = sin(`eff')^2 return scalar prop_lci = sin(`eff_lci')^2 return scalar prop_uci = sin(`eff_uci')^2 // Predictive intervals if `k' >= 3 { return scalar prop_rflci = sin(`rflci')^2 return scalar prop_rfuci = sin(`rfuci')^2 } } } ** Freeman-Tukey double-arcsine transform // Do this separately, for several reasons; one of which is that, as the value of `hmean' is not fixed... // (e.g. suggested as harmonic mean by Miller, but without much justification, with equally reasonable alternatives suggested by e.g. Scharwzer and Doi) // ...there is little justification for truncating the transformed values at `mintes' and `maxtes'. // "Raw" values are therefore presented if option -nopr- // ...but these values *are* truncated prior to back-transformation (if requested) because a specific value of `hmean' then applies. else if "`summstat'"=="ftukey" { tempname hmean qui ameans `_NN' if `touse' if "`tn'"=="arithmetic" scalar `hmean' = r(mean) // Arithmetic mean else if "`tn'"=="geometric" scalar `hmean' = r(mean_g) // Geometric mean else if inlist("`tn'", "", "harmonic") scalar `hmean' = r(mean_h) // Harmonic mean (Miller 1978; default) else if "`tn'"=="ivariance" scalar `hmean' = 1/`se_eff'^2 // Barendregt & Doi's suggestion: inverse of pooled variance else { confirm number `tn' scalar `hmean' = `tn' } // recall: transform is = asin(sqrt(`succ' / (`_NN' + 1 ))) + asin(sqrt((`succ' + 1 ) / (`_NN' + 1 ))) // so to get our limits `mintes' and `maxtes', we subsitute `hmean' for `_NN', and let `succ' vary from 0 to `hmean'. scalar `mintes' = /*asin(sqrt(0 /(`hmean' + 1))) + */ asin(sqrt((0 + 1)/(`hmean' + 1 ))) scalar `maxtes' = asin(sqrt(`hmean'/(`hmean' + 1))) + asin(1) /*asin(sqrt((`hmean' + 1)/(`hmean' + 1 )))*/ // Back-transform tempname prop_eff prop_lci prop_uci scalar `prop_eff' = `eff' if `prop_eff' < `mintes' scalar `prop_eff' = `mintes' else if `prop_eff' > `maxtes' scalar `prop_eff' = `maxtes' scalar `prop_lci' = `eff_lci' if `prop_lci' < `mintes' scalar `prop_lci' = `mintes' else if `prop_lci' > `maxtes' scalar `prop_lci' = `maxtes' scalar `prop_uci' = `eff_uci' if `prop_uci' < `mintes' scalar `prop_uci' = `mintes' else if `prop_uci' > `maxtes' scalar `prop_uci' = `maxtes' scalar `prop_eff' = 0.5 * (1 - sign(cos(`prop_eff')) * sqrt(1 - (sin(`prop_eff') + (sin(`prop_eff') - 1/sin(`prop_eff')) / `hmean')^2 ) ) scalar `prop_lci' = 0.5 * (1 - sign(cos(`prop_lci')) * sqrt(1 - (sin(`prop_lci') + (sin(`prop_lci') - 1/sin(`prop_lci')) / `hmean')^2 ) ) scalar `prop_uci' = 0.5 * (1 - sign(cos(`prop_uci')) * sqrt(1 - (sin(`prop_uci') + (sin(`prop_uci') - 1/sin(`prop_uci')) / `hmean')^2 ) ) // Predictive intervals if `k' >= 3 { tempname prop_rflci prop_rfuci scalar `prop_rflci' = `rflci' if `prop_rflci' < `mintes' scalar `prop_rflci' = `mintes' else if `prop_rflci' > `maxtes' scalar `prop_rflci' = `maxtes' scalar `prop_rfuci' = `rfuci' if `prop_rfuci' < `mintes' scalar `prop_rfuci' = `mintes' else if `prop_rfuci' > `maxtes' scalar `prop_rfuci' = `maxtes' scalar `prop_rflci' = 0.5 * (1 - sign(cos(`prop_rflci')) * sqrt(1 - (sin(`prop_rflci') + (sin(`prop_rflci') - 1/sin(`prop_rflci')) / `hmean')^2 ) ) scalar `prop_rfuci' = 0.5 * (1 - sign(cos(`prop_rfuci')) * sqrt(1 - (sin(`prop_rfuci') + (sin(`prop_rfuci') - 1/sin(`prop_rfuci')) / `hmean')^2 ) ) } if `"`tn'"'==`"ivariance"' { // To avoid problems with boundary values (i.e. proportions ~0 or ~1), // Barendregt & Doi use an extra check/truncation: // s/v < 2 or (1-s)/v < 2 (`poverv' = p/v = 2 by default but can be changed as undocumented option) // where s = sin(eff/2)^2 ~= d/n // and where v = se_eff ~= 1/n // ==> s/v ~= d; (1-s)/v ~= n-d tempname prop_eff_prime scalar `prop_eff_prime' = sin(`eff'/2)^2 if `prop_eff_prime' * `hmean' < `poverv' { scalar `prop_eff' = `prop_eff_prime' scalar `prop_lci' = 0 if `k' >= 3 { scalar `prop_rflci' = 0 } // adjust upper limit(s) if `prop_eff' is now inconsistent if `prop_uci' < `prop_eff' scalar `prop_uci' = 1 if `k' >= 3 { if `prop_rfuci' < `prop_eff' scalar `prop_rfuci' = 1 } } if (1 - `prop_eff_prime') * `hmean' < `poverv' { scalar `prop_eff' = `prop_eff_prime' scalar `prop_uci' = 1 if `k' >= 3 { scalar `prop_rflci' = 1 } // adjust lower limit(s) if `prop_eff' is now inconsistent if `prop_lci' > `prop_eff' scalar `prop_lci' = 0 if `k' >= 3 { if `prop_rflci' > `prop_eff' scalar `prop_rflci' = 0 } } } return scalar prop_eff = `prop_eff' return scalar prop_lci = `prop_lci' return scalar prop_uci = `prop_uci' // Predictive intervals if `k' >= 3 { return scalar prop_rflci = `prop_rflci' return scalar prop_rfuci = `prop_rfuci' } } // end else if "`summstat'"=="ftukey" else { // no transformation; "`summstat'"=="pr" return scalar prop_eff = `eff' return scalar prop_lci = `eff_lci' return scalar prop_uci = `eff_uci' // Predictive intervals if `k' >= 3 { return scalar prop_rflci = `rflci' return scalar prop_rfuci = `rfuci' } } } // end if `k'>1 // Proportions: always use z-statistic tempname z scalar `z' = `eff'/`se_eff' scalar `pvalue' = 2*normal(-abs(`z')) return scalar z = `z' return scalar eff_lci = `eff_lci' return scalar eff_uci = `eff_uci' } // All other data types else { if "`model'"=="pl" { // N.B. PL confidence limits have already been calculated if "`teststat'"=="chi2" { scalar `crit' = invchi2(1, `olevel'/100) scalar `pvalue' = chi2tail(1, `chi2') } else { scalar `crit' = invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) scalar `pvalue' = 2*normal(-abs(`z')) } } else { if "`teststat'"=="chi2" { scalar `crit' = invchi2(1, `olevel'/100) scalar `pvalue' = chi2tail(1, `chi2') return scalar chi2 = `chi2' } else if "`kroger'"!="" { tempname t scalar `crit' = invttail(`df_kr', .5 - `olevel'/200) scalar `t' = `eff'/`se_eff' scalar `pvalue' = 2*ttail(`df_kr', abs(`t')) return scalar t = `t' } else if "`teststat'"=="t" { tempname t scalar `crit' = invttail(`Qdf', .5 - `olevel'/200) scalar `t' = `eff'/`se_eff' scalar `pvalue' = 2*ttail(`Qdf', abs(`eff'/`se_eff')) return scalar t = `t' } else if "`model'"!="hc" { // N.B. HC crit + p-value have already been calculated tempname z scalar `crit' = invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) scalar `z' = `eff'/`se_eff' scalar `pvalue' = 2*normal(-abs(`z')) return scalar z = `z' } // Confidence intervals if "`oevlist'"!="" { // crit.value is chi2, but CI is based on z return scalar eff_lci = `eff' - invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) * `se_eff' return scalar eff_uci = `eff' + invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) * `se_eff' } else { // else we can use crit.value (z or t, or u if HC) return scalar eff_lci = `eff' - `crit' * `se_eff' return scalar eff_uci = `eff' + `crit' * `se_eff' } } } ***************************************** * Derive other heterogeneity statistics * ***************************************** // e.g. H, I-squared and (modified) H-squared; plus Q-based confidence intervals // Sensitivity analysis // (Note: tausq has already been established, whether `tsqsa' or `Isqsa') if "`model'"=="sa" { local tsqlist sa // [May 2023] for -heterogi- ; see below tempname H Isqval HsqM if `tsqsa' == -99 { scalar `H' = sqrt(100 / (100 - `isqsa')) scalar `Isqval' = `isqsa' scalar `HsqM' = `isqsa'/(100 - `isqsa') } else { scalar `H' = sqrt((`tsqsa' + `sigmasq') / `sigmasq') scalar `Isqval' = 100*`tsqsa'/(`tsqsa' + `sigmasq') scalar `HsqM' = `tsqsa'/`sigmasq' } // [Sep 2020] Save values in matrix `hetstats', same as if `isqparam' (see subroutine -heterogi- ) local t2rownames tausq tsq_lci tsq_uci H H_lci H_uci Isq Isq_lci Isq_uci HsqM HsqM_lci HsqM_uci tempname hetstats local r : word count `t2rownames' matrix define `hetstats' = J(`r', 1, .) matrix rownames `hetstats' = `t2rownames' matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "tausq"), 1] = `tausq' matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "H"), 1] = `H' matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "Isq"), 1] = `Isqval' matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "HsqM"), 1] = `HsqM' return matrix hetstats = `hetstats' } if !inlist("`model'", "iv", "peto", "mu") { local tausqlist `tausq' `tsq_lci' `tsq_uci' cap assert "`tausqlist'"!="" if "`isqparam'"!="" if _rc { nois disp as err "Heterogeneity confidence interval not valid" exit 198 } } cap nois Heterogi `Q' `Qdf' if `touse', `testbased' `isqparam' /// stderr(`_seES') tausqlist(`tausqlist') level(`hlevel') if _rc { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_analysis.Heterogi}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.Heterogi}"' c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformPoolingIV" exit _rc } return add // Return scalars return scalar eff = `eff' return scalar se_eff = `se_eff' return scalar crit = `crit' return scalar pvalue = `pvalue' if "`kroger'"!="" return scalar df = `df_kr' else if "`teststat'"=="t" return scalar df = `Qdf' // return scalar k = `k' // k = number of studies (= count if `touse') -- MOVED UPWARDS return scalar Q = `Q' // Cochran's Q heterogeneity statistic return scalar Qdf = `Qdf' // Q degrees of freedom (= `k' - 1) return scalar sigmasq = `sigmasq' // "typical" within-study variance (Higgins & Thompson 2002) return scalar tausq = `tausq' // between-study heterogeneity variance return scalar c = `c' // scaling factor end ** Mantel-Haenszel methods (binary outcomes only) program define PerformPoolingMH, rclass syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=2) [if] [in], /// INVLIST(varlist numeric min=4 max=4) MHVLIST(varlist numeric min=3 max=6) SUMMSTAT(name) /// [ TESTSTAT(name) QSTAT(name) TESTBased OEVLIST(varlist numeric min=2 max=2) /// CMHNocc noINTeger ISQParam NPTS(varname numeric) WGT(name) WTVAR(varname numeric) OLevel(cilevel) * ] // N.B. extra options should just be those allowed for PerformPoolingIV marksample touse, novarlist // in case of binary 2x2 data with no cases in one or both arms; this will be dealt with later local qvlist `varlist' // for heterogeneity // Unpack `invlist' and `hetopt' [added May 2020] tokenize `invlist' args e1 f1 e0 f0 // if no wtvar, gen as tempvar if `"`wtvar'"'==`""' { local wtvar tempvar wtvar qui gen double `wtvar' = . } ** Unpack tempvars for Mantel-Haenszel pooling tokenize `mhvlist' tempvar Qhet tempname Q Qdf if "`summstat'"=="or" { args r s pr ps qr qs assert !missing(`r', `s', `pr', `ps', `qr', `qs') if `touse' // First, carry out CMH test if requested, since this can always be done, even with all-zero cells if "`teststat'"=="chi2" { tokenize `oevlist' args oe va assert !missing(`oe', `va') if `touse' tempname OE VA summ `oe' if `touse', meanonly scalar `OE' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) summ `va' if `touse', meanonly scalar `VA' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) tempname chi2 crit pvalue scalar `chi2' = ((abs(`OE') - cond("`cmhnocc'"!="", 0, 0.5))^2 ) / `VA' scalar `crit' = invchi2(1, `olevel'/100) scalar `pvalue' = chi2tail(1, `chi2') return scalar `teststat' = `chi2' return scalar crit = `crit' return scalar pvalue = `pvalue' } // weight cap confirm numeric variable `wgt' if !_rc qui replace `wtvar' = `wgt' if `touse' // cc-corrected weights, for display purposes else qui replace `wtvar' = `s' if `touse' tempname R S OR eff summ `r' if `touse', meanonly scalar `R' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) summ `s' if `touse', meanonly scalar `S' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) scalar `OR' = `R'/`S' scalar `eff' = ln(`OR') tempname PR PS QR QS se_eff summ `pr' if `touse', meanonly scalar `PR' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) summ `ps' if `touse', meanonly scalar `PS' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) summ `qr' if `touse', meanonly scalar `QR' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) summ `qs' if `touse', meanonly scalar `QS' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) // selogOR scalar `se_eff' = sqrt( (`PR'/(`R'*`R') + (`PS'+`QR')/(`R'*`S') + `QS'/(`S'*`S')) /2 ) // return scalars return scalar OR = `OR' return scalar eff = `eff' return scalar se_eff = `se_eff' * Breslow-Day heterogeneity (M-H Odds Ratios only) // (Breslow NE, Day NE. Statistical Methods in Cancer Research: Vol. I - The Analysis of Case-Control Studies. // Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer 1980) if inlist("`qstat'", "breslow", "tarone") { tempname Q_Breslow Q_Tarone tempvar r1 r0 c1 c0 n local type = cond("`integer'"=="", "long", "double") qui gen `type' `r1' = `e1' + `f1' // total in research arm (= a + b) qui gen `type' `r0' = `e0' + `f0' // total in control arm (= c + d) qui gen `type' `c1' = `e1' + `e0' // total events (= a + c) qui gen `type' `c0' = `f1' + `f0' // total non-events (= b + d) qui gen `type' `n' = `r1' + `r0' // overall total tempvar bfit cfit dfit tempvar sterm cterm root qui gen double `sterm' = `r0' - `c1' + `OR'*(`r1' + `c1') qui gen double `cterm' = -`OR'*`c1'*`r1' qui gen double `root' = (-`sterm' + sqrt(`sterm'*`sterm' - 4*(1 - `OR')*`cterm'))/(2*(1 - `OR')) cap assert !missing(`root') if `touse' if _rc { assert abs(`OR' - 1) < 0.0001 tempvar afit qui gen double afit = `r1'*`c1'/ `n' qui gen double bfit = `r1'*`c0'/ `n' qui gen double cfit = `r0'*`c1'/ `n' qui gen double dfit = `r0'*`c0'/ `n' } else { if `root' < 0 | `root' > `c1' | `root' > `r1' { replace `root' = (-`sterm' - sqrt(`sterm'*`sterm' - 4*(1 - `OR')*`cterm'))/(2*(1 - `OR')) if `root' < 0 | `root' > `c1' | `root' > `r1' { replace `root' = . } } local afit `root' qui gen double `bfit' = `r1' - `afit' qui gen double `cfit' = `c1' - `afit' qui gen double `dfit' = `r0' - `cfit' } drop `sterm' `cterm' qui gen double `Qhet' = ((`e1' - `afit')^2) * ((1/`afit') + (1/`bfit') + (1/`cfit') + (1/`dfit')) summ `Qhet' if `touse', meanonly scalar `Q' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) scalar `Qdf' = cond(r(N), r(N)-1, .) // Tarone correction to Breslow-Day statistic if "`qstat'"=="tarone" { tempvar tarone_num tarone_denom qui gen double `tarone_num' = `e1' - `afit' summ `tarone_num' if `touse', meanonly local tsum = r(sum) qui gen double `tarone_denom' = 1/((1/`afit') + (1/`bfit') + (1/`cfit') + (1/`dfit')) summ `tarone_denom' if `touse', meanonly scalar `Q' = `Q' - (`tsum')^2 / r(sum) drop `tarone_num' `tarone_denom' } drop `Qhet' `afit' `bfit' `cfit' `dfit' } } // end M-H OR // Mantel-Haenszel RR/IRR/RRR // else if inlist("`summstat'", "rr", "irr", "rrr") { // MODIFIED APR 2019 FOR v3.3: REMOVE REFERENCE TO IRR else if inlist("`summstat'", "rr", "rrr") { args r s p assert !missing(`r', `s', `p') if `touse' // weight cap confirm numeric variable `wgt' if !_rc qui replace `wtvar' = `wgt' if `touse' // cc-corrected weights, for display purposes else qui replace `wtvar' = `s' if `touse' tempname R S RR eff summ `r' if `touse', meanonly scalar `R' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) summ `s' if `touse', meanonly scalar `S' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) scalar `RR' = `R'/`S' scalar `eff' = ln(`RR') tempname P se_eff summ `p' if `touse', meanonly scalar `P' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) // selogRR scalar `se_eff' = sqrt(`P'/(`R'*`S')) // return scalars return scalar RR = `RR' return scalar eff = `eff' return scalar se_eff = `se_eff' } // Mantel-Haenszel RD else if "`summstat'"=="rd" { args rdwt rdnum vnum assert !missing(`rdwt', `rdnum', `vnum') if `touse' // weight: note that, unlike for OR and RR, cc-corrected weights are not needed for RD qui replace `wtvar' = `rdwt' if `touse' tempname W eff summ `rdwt' if `touse', meanonly scalar `W' = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) summ `rdnum' if `touse', meanonly scalar `eff' = r(sum)/`W' // pooled RD tempname se_eff summ `vnum' if `touse', meanonly scalar `se_eff' = sqrt( r(sum) /(`W'*`W') ) // SE of pooled RD // return scalars return scalar eff = `eff' return scalar se_eff = `se_eff' } // Standard heterogeneity // [June 2022: need to include "petoq" here in case of multiple models // ...otherwise this ifstmt is not run and `Q' is not defined] tokenize `qvlist' args _ES _seES // needed for heterogeneity calculations // if Cochran's Q, need to calculate I-V effect size if "`qstat'"=="cochranq" { summ `_ES' [aw=1/`_seES'^2] if `touse', meanonly qui gen double `Qhet' = ((`_ES' - r(mean)) / `_seES') ^2 } else qui gen double `Qhet' = ((`_ES' - `eff') / `_seES') ^2 summ `Qhet' if `touse', meanonly if inlist("`qstat'", "mhq", "cochranq", "petoq") { if r(N)>=1 { scalar `Q' = r(sum) scalar `Qdf' = r(N) - 1 } else { scalar `Q' = . scalar `Qdf' = . } } // New June 2022: return k and npts to reflect the studies with non-missing _ES and _seES // IN ADDITION to the "actual" k and npts from *all* studies in `touse' if `"`npts'"'!=`""' { summ `npts' if `touse' & !missing(`Qhet'), meanonly if r(N) return scalar npts_mh = r(sum) } return scalar k_mh = r(N) ** Critical values, p-values, confidence intervals if "`oevlist'"=="" { // i.e. all unless CMH (done previously) tempname crit z pvalue scalar `crit' = invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) scalar `z' = `eff'/`se_eff' scalar `pvalue' = 2*normal(-abs(`z')) return scalar crit = `crit' return scalar z = `z' return scalar pvalue = `pvalue' } // Confidence intervals return scalar eff_lci = `eff' - invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) * `se_eff' return scalar eff_uci = `eff' + invnormal(.5 + `olevel'/200) * `se_eff' ** Derive and return: H, I-squared, and (modified) H-squared cap nois Heterogi `Q' `Qdf', `testbased' `isqparam' if _rc { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_analysis.Heterogi}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.Heterogi}"' c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformPoolingMH" exit _rc } return add // Return other scalars qui count if `touse' return scalar k = r(N) // k = number of studies (= count if `touse') return scalar Q = `Q' // generic heterogeneity statistic (incl. Peto, M-H, Breslow-Day) return scalar Qdf = `Qdf' // Q degrees of freedom (= `k' - 1) if `"`npts'"'!=`""' { summ `npts' if `touse', meanonly if r(N) return scalar npts = r(sum) } // Return weights for CumInfLoop summ `wtvar' if `touse', meanonly local totwt = cond(r(N), r(sum), .) // sum of (non-normalised) weights return scalar totwt = `totwt' // check for successful pooling if missing(`eff', `se_eff', `totwt') exit 2002 end // Based on heterogi.ado from SSC, with release notes: // version 2.0 N.Orsini, I. Buchan, 25 Jan 06 // version 1.0 N.Orsini, J.Higgins, M.Bottai, 16 Feb 2005 // (c.f. Higgins & Thompson Stat Med 2002, "Quantifying heterogeneity") // subroutine called by PerformPoolingIV or PerformPoolingMH program define Heterogi, rclass syntax anything [if] [in], [ TESTBased ISQParam /// STDERR(varname numeric) TAUSQLIST(namelist min=1 max=3) LEVEL(cilevel) ] marksample touse tokenize `anything' assert `"`3'"'==`""' args Q Qdf // setup W1, W2 for tausq if stderr available (e.g. not for M-H) if "`stderr'"!="" { tempvar wtvar qui gen double `wtvar' = 1/`stderr'^2 tempname W1 W2 summ `wtvar' if `touse', meanonly scalar `W1' = r(sum) // sum of weights summ `wtvar' [aw=`wtvar'] if `touse', meanonly scalar `W2' = r(sum) // sum of squared weights tempname sigmasq scalar `sigmasq' = (r(N) - 1) / (`W1' - `W2'/`W1') } ******************** * Standard Q-based * ******************** tempname Q_lci Q_uci scalar `Q_lci' = . scalar `Q_uci' = . ** Confidence intervals: // Test-based interval for ln(Q) [ or, equivalently, ln(H) ] // (Higgins & Thompson, Stats in Medicine 2002) if "`testbased'"!="" { tempname k selogQ scalar `k' = `Qdf' + 1 // Formula 26.4.13 of Abramowitz and Stegun (1965): // Z = sqrt(2Q) - sqrt(2k - 3) is standard normal // Now, expected value of Q is k-1, so form a standard normal variate as follows (taking logs to reduce skew): // Z = [ ln(Q) - ln(k-1) ] / se[ ln(Q) ] // ==> se[ ln(Q) ] = [ ln(Q) - ln(k-1) ] / [ sqrt(2Q) - sqrt(2k - 3) ] scalar `selogQ' = (ln(`Q') - ln(`Qdf')) / ( sqrt(2*`Q') - sqrt(2*`k' - 3) ) // Formula 26.4.36 of Abramowitz and Stegun (1965): // Var[ ln(Q/k-1) ] = [ 2/(k-2) ] * [ 1 - (1/ {3(k-2)^2} ) ] // (use if Q <= k) if `Q' <= `k' { scalar `selogQ' = sqrt( ( 2/(`k'-2)) * (1 - 1/(3*(`k'-2)^2)) ) } tempname Q_lci Q_uci scalar `Q_lci' = max(0, exp( ln(`Q') - invnormal(.5 + `level'/200) * `selogQ' )) scalar `Q_uci' = exp( ln(`Q') + invnormal(.5 + `level'/200) * `selogQ' ) /* // Original code from heterogi.ado // used confidence intervals for lnH rather than for lnQ, but these differ only by a constant: // If, as above, Var[ ln(Q/k-1) ] = [ 2/(k-2) ] * [ 1 - (1/ {3(k-2)^2} ) ] // then if ln(H) = .5 * ln(Q/k-1), then Var[ ln(H) ] = .25 * Var[ ln(Q/k-1) ] = [ 1/ 2(k-2) ] * [ 1 - (1/ {3(k-2)^2} ) ] scalar `selogH' = cond(`Q' > `k', /// .5*( (ln(`Q') - ln(`Qdf')) / ( sqrt(2*`Q') - sqrt(2*`k' - 3) ) ), /// sqrt( ( 1/(2*(`k'-2)) * (1 - 1/(3*(`k'-2)^2)) ) )) scalar `H_lci' = max(1, exp( ln(`H') - invnormal(.5 + `level'/200) * `selogH' )) scalar `H_uci' = exp( ln(`H') + invnormal(.5 + `level'/200) * `selogH' ) */ } // Q-based confidence intervals // using ncchi2 if fixed-effect; Gamma-based if random-effects (ref: Hedges & Pigott, 2001) // ncchi2 previously recommended by JPTH based on personal communications else { if "`tausqlist'"=="" { // fixed (common) effect tempname nc scalar `nc' = max(0, `Q' - `Qdf') // If Q < df, no need to seek the lower bound tempname Q_lci Q_uci scalar `Q_lci' = cond(`nc'==0, 0, invnchi2(`Qdf', `nc', .5 - `level'/200)) scalar `Q_uci' = invnchi2(`Qdf', `nc', .5 + `level'/200) } else { // random-effects cap assert "`stderr'"!="" if _rc { nois disp as err "Heterogeneity confidence interval not valid" exit 198 } tempname W3 tsq_dl summ `wtvar' [aw=`wtvar'^2] if `touse', meanonly scalar `W3' = r(sum) // sum of cubed weights scalar `tsq_dl' = (`Q' - `Qdf') / (`W1' - `W2'/`W1') // non-truncated tsq_DL tempname btVarQ scalar `btVarQ' = 2*`Qdf' + 4*`tsq_dl'*(`W1' - `W2'/`W1') + 2*(`tsq_dl'^2)*(`W2' - 2*`W3'/`W1' + (`W2'/`W1')^2) // If Q < df, no need to seek the lower bound tempname Q_lci Q_uci scalar `Q_lci' = cond(`Q' < `Qdf', 0, invgammap(`Q'^2 / `btVarQ', .5 - `level'/200) * `btVarQ' / `Q') scalar `Q_uci' = invgammap(`Q'^2 / `btVarQ', .5 + `level'/200) * `btVarQ' / `Q' } } // standard, transformed CIs for Isq, as outputted by heterogi.ado // Taken from heterogi.ado by N.Orsini, J.Higgins, M.Bottai, N.Buchan (2005-2006) return scalar Q_lci = `Q_lci' return scalar Q_uci = `Q_uci' return scalar H = max(1, sqrt(`Q' / `Qdf')) return scalar H_lci = max(1, sqrt(`Q_lci' / `Qdf')) return scalar H_uci = sqrt(`Q_uci' / `Qdf') return scalar Isq = 100* max(0, (`Q' - `Qdf') / `Q') return scalar Isq_lci = 100* max(0, (`Q_lci' - `Qdf') / `Q_lci') return scalar Isq_uci = 100* min(1, (`Q_uci' - `Qdf') / `Q_uci') return scalar HsqM = max(0, (`Q' - `Qdf') / `Qdf') return scalar HsqM_lci = max(0, (`Q_lci' - `Qdf') / `Qdf') return scalar HsqM_uci = max(0, (`Q_uci' - `Qdf') / `Qdf') ********************* * Tau-squared based * ********************* if "`isqparam'"!="" { tokenize `tausqlist' args tausq tsq_lci tsq_uci // Save values in matrix `hetstats' local t2rownames tausq tsq_lci tsq_uci H H_lci H_uci Isq Isq_lci Isq_uci HsqM HsqM_lci HsqM_uci tempname hetstats local r : word count `t2rownames' matrix define `hetstats' = J(`r', 1, .) matrix rownames `hetstats' = `t2rownames' if "`tausqlist'"!="" { matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "tausq"), 1] = `tausq' matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "H"), 1] = sqrt((`tausq' + `sigmasq') / `sigmasq') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "Isq"), 1] = 100* `tausq' / (`tausq' + `sigmasq') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "HsqM"), 1] = `tausq' / `sigmasq' } // If `tausq' not defined for this model, store H, Isq and HsqM (& CIs) based on Q instead else { matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "H"), 1] = max(1, sqrt(`Q' / `Qdf')) matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "Isq"), 1] = 100* max(0, (`Q' - `Qdf') / `Q') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "HsqM"), 1] = max(0, (`Q' - `Qdf') / `Qdf') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "H_lci"), 1] = max(1, sqrt(`Q_lci' / `Qdf')) matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "Isq_lci"), 1] = 100* max(0, (`Q_lci' - `Qdf') / `Q_lci') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "HsqM_lci"), 1] = max(0, (`Q_lci' - `Qdf') / `Qdf') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "H_uci"), 1] = max(1, sqrt(`Q_uci' / `Qdf')) matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "Isq_uci"), 1] = 100* max(0, (`Q_uci' - `Qdf') / `Q_uci') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "HsqM_uci"), 1] = max(0, (`Q_uci' - `Qdf') / `Qdf') } // Confidence intervals, if appropriate if `"`tsq_lci'"'!=`""' { matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "tsq_lci"), 1] = `tsq_lci' matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "H_lci"), 1] = sqrt((`tsq_lci' + `sigmasq') / `sigmasq') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "Isq_lci"), 1] = 100* `tsq_lci' / (`tsq_lci' + `sigmasq') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "HsqM_lci"), 1] = `tsq_lci' / `sigmasq' matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "tsq_uci"), 1] = `tsq_uci' matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "H_uci"), 1] = sqrt((`tsq_uci' + `sigmasq') / `sigmasq') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "Isq_uci"), 1] = 100* `tsq_uci' / (`tsq_uci' + `sigmasq') matrix `hetstats'[rownumb(`hetstats', "HsqM_uci"), 1] = `tsq_uci' / `sigmasq' } return matrix hetstats = `hetstats' } end *********************************************************** * Program to generate confidence intervals for individual studies (NOT pooled estimates) // subroutine of PerformMetaAnalysis program define GenConfInts, sortpreserve syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=6 default=none) [if] [in], /// CItype(name) OUTVLIST(varlist numeric min=5 max=7) /// [ SUMMSTAT(name) noINTeger CUmulative INFluence PRoportion PRVLIST(varlist numeric min=3 max=3) NOPR DF(varname numeric) ILevel(cilevel) * ] marksample touse, novarlist local invlist `varlist' // list of "original" vars passed by the user to the program // unpack varlists tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC local params : word count `invlist' // if no data to process, exit without error // return scalar level = `ilevel' qui count if `touse' if !r(N) exit // Confidence limits need calculating if: // - not supplied by user (i.e. `params'!=3); or // - desired coverage is not c(level)% if `params'==3 & `ilevel'==c(level) exit * Proportions if "`proportion'"!="" { tokenize `invlist' args n N tempname alpha z scalar `alpha' = .5 + `ilevel'/200 scalar `z' = invnormal(`alpha') // if "`summstat'"!="pr" & "`nopr'"=="" // then `prvlist' exists, containing _Prop_ES _Prop_LCI _Prop_UCI // = back-transformed (original) scale // (and _ES, _LCI, _UCI contain values on *transformed* scale) // else if "`summstat'"!="pr" (i.e. & "`nopr'"!="") // `nopr' suppresses the back-transform // _ES, _LCI, _UCI on transformed scale; no need for `prvlist' // else (i.e. if "`summstat'"=="pr") // proportions are presented & pooled entirely on their original scale // (i.e. equivalent of "back-transformed", although there was no actual transform in the first place) // use _ES, _LCI, _UCI for this; no need for `prvlist' if "`summstat'"!="pr" { // _ES _LCI _UCI are on transformed (interval) scale // so generate CIs using normal distribution qui replace `_LCI' = `_ES' - `z' * `_seES' if `touse' qui replace `_UCI' = `_ES' + `z' * `_seES' if `touse' // Now, _Prop_ES _Prop_LCI _Prop_LCI (in `prvlist') contain proportion & CI on "original" (back-transformed) scale // March 2021: Don't do this if cumulative/influence, as in this case // all observations are mini meta-analyses, so have had _Prop_ES _Prop_LCI _Prop_UCI calculated already via back-transform if `"`prvlist'"'!=`""' & `"`cumulative'`influence'"'==`""' { tokenize `prvlist' args _Prop_ES _Prop_LCI _Prop_UCI qui replace `_Prop_ES' = `n' / `N' if `touse' local newoutvlist `_Prop_ES' `_Prop_LCI' `_Prop_UCI' } } else local newoutvlist `_ES' `_LCI' `_UCI' if "`newoutvlist'"!="" { // i.e. all except "`summstat'"!="pr" & !(`"`prvlist'"'!=`""' & `"`cumulative'`influence'"'==`""') tokenize `newoutvlist' args es lb ub // if citype=="transform", summstat cannot be "pr" and we must have `prvlist' if "`citype'"=="transform" { cap { assert "`summstat'"!="pr" assert "`prvlist'"!="" } if _rc { nois disp as err "option {bf:citype(transform)} is not compatible with some other aspect of the command and/or data" exit 198 } if "`summstat'"=="logit" { qui replace `lb' = invlogit(`_LCI') qui replace `ub' = invlogit(`_UCI') } else if "`summstat'"=="arcsine" { qui replace `lb' = sin(`_LCI')^2 qui replace `ub' = sin(`_UCI')^2 } else if "`summstat'"=="ftukey" { qui replace `lb' = 0.5 * (1 - sign(cos(`_LCI')) * sqrt(1 - (sin(`_LCI') + (sin(`_LCI') - 1/sin(`_LCI')) / `N')^2 ) ) qui replace `ub' = 0.5 * (1 - sign(cos(`_UCI')) * sqrt(1 - (sin(`_UCI') + (sin(`_UCI') - 1/sin(`_UCI')) / `N')^2 ) ) } else { nois disp as err "option {bf:citype(transform)} is not compatible with {bf:transform(}`summstat'{bf:)}" exit 198 } } // else, if `prvlist' exists, use it; if not, assume `outvlist' contains _Prop_ES _Prop_LCI _Prop_UCI else { cap nois GenConfIntsPr `invlist' if `touse', citype(`citype') outvlist(`newoutvlist') level(`ilevel') if _rc { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_analysis.GenConfIntsPr}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_analysis.GenConfIntsPr}"' c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_analysis.PerformMetaAnalysis" exit _rc } } } // end if "`newoutvlist'"!="" } * Calculate confidence limits for original study estimates using specified `citype' // (unless limits supplied by user) else if "`citype'"=="normal" { // normal distribution - default qui replace `_LCI' = `_ES' - invnormal(.5 + `ilevel'/200) * `_seES' if `touse' qui replace `_UCI' = `_ES' + invnormal(.5 + `ilevel'/200) * `_seES' if `touse' } // else if inlist("`citype'", "t", "logit") { // t or logit distribution else if "`citype'"=="t" { cap confirm numeric variable `df' if !_rc { summ `df' if `touse', meanonly // use supplied df if available cap assert r(max) < . if _rc { nois disp as err `"Degrees-of-freedom variable {bf:`df'} contains missing values;"' nois disp as err `" cannot use {bf:`citype'}-based confidence intervals for study estimates"' exit 198 } } else { cap confirm numeric variable `_NN' if !_rc { summ `_NN' if `touse', meanonly // otherwise try using npts cap assert r(max) < . if _rc { nois disp as err `"Participant numbers not available for all studies;"' nois disp as err `" cannot use {bf:`citype'}-based confidence intervals for study estimates"' exit 198 } tempvar df qui gen `: type `_NN'' `df' = `_NN' - 2 // use npts-2 as df for t distribution of df not explicitly given disp `"{error}Note: Degrees of freedom for {bf:`citype'}-based confidence intervals not supplied; using {it:n-2} as default"' } else { nois disp as err `"Neither degrees-of-freedom nor participant numbers available;"' nois disp as err `" cannot use {bf:`citype'}-based confidence intervals for study estimates"' exit 198 } } tempvar critval qui gen double `critval' = invttail(`df', .5 - `ilevel'/200) qui replace `_LCI' = `_ES' - `critval'*`_seES' if `touse' qui replace `_UCI' = `_ES' + `critval'*`_seES' if `touse' } else if inlist("`citype'", "cornfield", "exact", "woolf") { // options to pass to -cci-; summstat==OR only tokenize `invlist' args a b c d // events & non-events in trt; events & non-events in control (c.f. -metan- help file) // sort appropriately, then find observation number of first relevant obs tempvar obs qui bysort `touse' : gen long `obs' = _n if `touse' // N.B. MetaAnalysisLoop uses -sortpreserve- sort `obs' // so this sorting should not affect the original data summ `obs' if `touse', meanonly forvalues j = 1/`r(max)' { `version' qui cci `=`a'[`j']' `=`b'[`j']' `=`c'[`j']' `=`d'[`j']', `citype' level(`ilevel') qui replace `_LCI' = ln(`r(lb_or)') in `j' qui replace `_UCI' = ln(`r(ub_or)') in `j' } } end * Program to generate confidence intervals for individual studies (NOT pooled estimates) // SPECIFICALLY FOR PROPORTIONS // run if either: // - nointeger; i.e. some non-integer n, N so that -cii- fails; or // - `"`citype'"'==`"transform"', so back-transformed LCI, UCI is required, which cannot be done by -cii- // subroutine of GenConfInts program define GenConfIntsPr, rclass version 11.0 syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=2 default=none) [if] [in], CItype(name) /// [ OUTVLIST(varlist numeric min=3 max=3) Level(cilevel) SCALAR ] marksample touse, novarlist tokenize `varlist' args n N if `"`outvlist'"'!=`""' { tokenize `outvlist' args es lb ub } else { tempvar es lb ub qui gen `es' = `n' / `N' if `touse' qui gen `lb' = . qui gen `ub' = . } tempname alpha crit scalar `alpha' = .5 + `level'/200 scalar `crit' = invnormal(`alpha') if "`citype'"=="exact" { qui replace `lb' = cond(float(`n')==0, 0, invbinomialtail(`N', `n', 1-`alpha')) if `touse' qui replace `ub' = cond(float(`n')==`N', 1, invbinomial( `N', `n', 1-`alpha')) if `touse' } else if "`citype'"=="wald" { qui replace `lb' = cond(inlist(float(`es'), 0, 1), `es', `es' - `crit' * sqrt(`es' * (1 - `es') / `N')) if `touse' qui replace `ub' = cond(inlist(float(`es'), 0, 1), `es', `es' + `crit' * sqrt(`es' * (1 - `es') / `N')) if `touse' } else if inlist("`citype'", "wilson", "agresti") { tempvar n_tilde N_tilde p_tilde qui gen double `n_tilde' = `n' + (`crit'^2) / 2 qui gen double `N_tilde' = `N' + (`crit'^2) qui gen double `p_tilde' = `n_tilde' / `N_tilde' if "`citype'"=="wilson" { qui replace `lb' = cond(float(`n'==0), 0, `p_tilde' - (`crit' * sqrt(`N') / `N_tilde') * sqrt(`es'*(1 - `es') + (`crit'^2)/(4*`N') )) if `touse' qui replace `ub' = cond(float(`n'==0), min(1, 2*`p_tilde'), `p_tilde' + (`crit' * sqrt(`N') / `N_tilde') * sqrt(`es'*(1 - `es') + (`crit'^2)/(4*`N') )) if `touse' } else { // Agresti-Coull qui replace `lb' = max(0, `p_tilde' - `crit' * sqrt(`p_tilde' * (1 - `p_tilde') / `N_tilde')) if `touse' qui replace `ub' = min(1, `p_tilde' + `crit' * sqrt(`p_tilde' * (1 - `p_tilde') / `N_tilde')) if `touse' } } else if "`citype'"=="jeffreys" { qui replace `lb' = invibeta(`n' + .5, `N' - `n' + .5, 1-`alpha') if `touse' qui replace `ub' = invibeta(`n' + .5, `N' - `n' + .5, `alpha') if `touse' } else { nois disp as err "invalid {bf:citype()}" exit 198 } // Return mean values -- but note these are meaningless unless there is only a single observation in the sample // This is for use if called from within PerformPoolingIV in the special case of pooling where there is only one valid study summ `es' if `touse', meanonly if r(N)==1 { return scalar es = r(mean) summ `lb' if `touse', meanonly return scalar lb = r(mean) summ `ub' if `touse', meanonly return scalar ub = r(mean) } end