* metan_output.ado * Subroutine to handle outputs following a meta-analysis, * principally on-screen table and saved dataset (with optional call to -forestplot-) * Called by metan.ado; do not run directly *! version 4.08 David Fisher 17jun2024 *! version 4.08.1 David Fisher 12jul2024 * version 4.08.1 // Minor bug fixes to allow programs to run without error under Stata versions 15 and older program define metan_output, rclass // [Note: this subroutine handles output only and does not itself return any values ] // [rclass only for -return add- following call to -forestplot-] syntax varlist(numeric min=3 max=7 default=none) [if] [in] , STUDY(varname numeric) /// [ TOUSE2(varname) SAVING(passthru) CLEAR CLEARSTACK BY(varname numeric) noTABle noGRaph /// noHEADER noINTeger HETPooled * ] /* <-- not needed for this subroutine; parse them and then discard */ local use_invlist `varlist' // for clarity: this contains `_USE' `invlist' marksample touse, novarlist // -novarlist- option prevents -marksample- from setting `touse' to zero if any missing values in `varlist' // we want to control this behaviour ourselves, e.g. by using KEEPALL option // June 2022: because of use of both `touse' and `touse2' in metan_output.ado // need to construct bylist once before passing to subroutines, particularly BuildResultsSet if `"`by'"'!=`""' { qui levelsof `by' if `touse', missing local(bylist) // "missing" since `touse' should already be appropriate for missing yes/no local byopts by(`by') bylist(`bylist') } if `"`clearstack'"'!=`""' local clear clearstack // Unless no table AND no graph AND no saving/clear, store study value labels in new var "_LABELS" if !(`"`table'"'!=`""' & `"`graph'"'!=`""' & `"`saving'"'==`""' & `"`clear'"'==`""') { cap confirm numeric var `touse2' if !_rc local useflag useflag else local touse2 `touse' tempvar _LABELS cap decode `study' if `touse2', gen(`_LABELS') // if value label // if _rc qui gen `_LABELS' = string(`study') if `touse2' // if no value label if _rc==182 qui gen `_LABELS' = "" // if no value label else if _rc { decode `study' if `touse2', gen(`_LABELS') // otherwise force exit, with appropriate error message } qui replace `_LABELS' = strofreal(`study', `"`: format `study''"') if `touse2' & missing(`_LABELS') // ^^ added Aug 2020; if *some* values are labelled but *not* all, take the values themselves // -decode- replaces with missing if no label defined for a particular value // hence, use these lines regardless of whether a value label exists // missing values of `study' // string() works with ".a" etc. but not "." -- contrary to documentation?? // qui replace `_LABELS' = "." if `touse2' & missing(`_LABELS') & !missing(`study') } ************************** * Print to screen: * * - summary description * * - results table * ************************** cap nois DrawTableAD `use_invlist' if `touse', labels(`_LABELS') `byopts' `table' `options' local options `"`s(opts_adm)'"' if `"`s(fpnote)'"'!=`""' local fpnote `"fpnote(`s(fpnote)')"' if _rc { nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_output.DrawTableAD}"' c_local err noerr exit _rc } ******************************** * Build forestplot results set * ******************************** // Store contents of existing characteristics // with same names as those to be used by BuildResultsSet local char_fpuseopts `"`char _dta[FPUseOpts]'"' local char_fpusevlist `"`char _dta[FPUseVarlist]'"' // Blanked out Mar2022 -- variable labels should already be applied /* if `"`_STUDY'"'!=`""' { label variable `_STUDY' `"`svarlab'"' } if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' { label variable `_BY' `"`byvarlab'"' } */ * 1. Create the results-set structure // (including some tempvars; hence the subroutine) * 2. Send the data to -forestplot- to create the forest plot * 3. Save the results-set (in Stata "dta" format) // (after renaming tempvars to permanent names) // and with characteristics set so that "forestplot, useopts" can be called. // July 2021: // Only need to do this if: // - saving a results set // - creating a forest plot // - clearing the original data, to leave the results set in memory if `"`saving'"'!=`""' | `"`clear'"'!=`""' | `"`graph'"'==`""' { cap nois BuildResultsSet `use_invlist' if `touse2', labels(`_LABELS') `useflag' study(`study') /// `fpnote' `graph' `saving' `clear' `options' // <-- passed back from PrintDesc if _rc { if `"`err'"'==`""' { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan_output.BuildResultsSet}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_output.BuildResultsSet}"' nois disp as err `"(Note: meta-analysis model was fitted successfully)"' } c_local err noerr local rc = _rc // clear/restore characteristics char _dta[FPUseOpts] `char_fpuseopts' char _dta[FPUseVarlist] `char_fpusevlist' exit `rc' } // end if _rc return add // [May 2023] from -forestplot- } end ******************************************************************************** * Routine to draw output table ( -metan- version) // Could be done using "tabdisp", but doing it myself means it can be tailored to the situation // therefore looks better (I hope!) program define DrawTableAD, sclass sortpreserve ** First, print to screen a description of the summary statistic and method syntax varlist(numeric min=3 max=7) [if] [in] [, LABELS(varname string) * ] // ^^ these options have already been parsed in the main routine metan_output.ado, so don't return them in s(options) marksample touse, novarlist // -novarlist- option prevents -marksample- from setting `touse' to zero if any missing values in `varlist' gettoken _USE invlist : varlist cap nois PrintDesc if `touse', `options' if _rc { nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan_output.PrintDesc}"' c_local err noerr exit _rc } local nzt = cond("`s(nzt)'"=="", 0, `s(nzt)') sreturn local opts_adm `"`s(options)'"' ** Now setup for output table local 0 `", `s(opts_adm)'"' syntax , SORTBY(varlist) MODELLIST(namelist) TESTSTATLIST(namelist) QSTAT(name) OUTVLIST(varlist numeric min=5 max=7) /// [ SUMMSTAT(name) LABTITLE(string) EFFECT(string) noMODELLABels /* <-- NEW NOV 2020 */ /// BY(varname numeric) BYLIST(numlist miss) BYSTATSLIST(namelist) BYQ(name) QLIST(numlist miss min=2 max=7) /// HETSTATS(namelist) MWT(name) OVSTATS(name) PRoportion PRVLIST(varlist numeric min=3 max=3) DENOMinator(real 1) /// CUmulative INFluence noOVerall noSUbgroup noSECsub SUMMARYONLY OVWt SGWt EFORM /// noTABle noHET noBETWeen noWT KEEPOrder ILevel(cilevel) OLevel(cilevel) HLevel(cilevel) TESTBased ISQParam * ] // [Nov 2020:] // extra options may include: // - `opts_adm' -- general options // - model#opts(string) -- model options, in particular `model1opts' for display based on main/primary model // - label#opt(string) -- model label (e.g. IV, or Fixed); c.f. "desc" in "first(es lci uci desc)" or "second(...)" // - extra#opt(string) -- "extra" label (e.g. heterogeneity, for forest plot); c.f. firststats(), secondstats() // - user#stats(numlist min=3 max=3) -- c.f. "es lci uci" in "first(es lci uci desc)" or "second(...)" // June 2024: improve error message due to similarity between hetstats (matrix) and hetinfo (option) if `: word count `hetstats''>1 { nois disp as err "option hetstats(): too many names specified" nois disp as err "Check whether the option {bf:hetinfo()} was intended instead" exit 103 } // unpack outvlist tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC // rename `labels' to `_LABELS' to avoid confusion with label#opt() labelling options local _LABELS : copy local labels // Maintain original order if requested if `"`keeporder'"'!=`""' { tempvar tempuse qui gen byte `tempuse' = `_USE' qui replace `tempuse' = 1 if `_USE'==2 // keep "insufficient data" studies in original study order (default is to move to end) } else local tempuse `_USE' sort `touse' `by' `tempuse' `sortby' tempvar obs qui gen long `obs' = _n // Having assembled `coeffs', we want to display proportions on their original scale // (unless -nopr- , but then also no `prvlist' ) // so point DrawTableAD to _Prop_ES etc. if `"`prvlist'"'!=`""' { tokenize `prvlist' args _ES _LCI _UCI local eff prop_eff local eff_lci prop_lci local eff_uci prop_uci } else { // defaults local eff eff local eff_lci eff_lci local eff_uci eff_uci } ** Create table of results * Multiple models: extract labels etc. before we start // Note: `modellist' and `teststatlist' include user-defined models (marked with "user") // ... label`j'opt, user`j'stats and wgtopt`j' (latter obtained from within model`j'opts) also include user-defined models // However, `ovstats' only has columns for *non* user-defined models // ... and `bystatslist' only has elements for *non* user-defined models // ... similar for `byhet', `mwt' gettoken model1 : modellist local m : word count `modellist' local options2 : copy local options forvalues j = `m' (-1) 1 { // in reverse so that `model1opts' are left in memory local 0 `", `options2'"' syntax [, MODEL`j'opts(string) LABEL`j'opt(string) USER`j'stats(numlist min=3 max=3) * ] local options2 `"`macval(options)'"' local 0 `", `model`j'opts'"' syntax [, WGT(varname) CC(string) ISQSA(real 80) TSQSA(real -99) HKSj KRoger RObust BArtlett SKovgaard * ] local wgtopt`j' : copy local wgt if "`: word `j' of `modellist''"=="sa" & `"`label`j'opt'"'=="SA" { if `tsqsa'==-99 local label`j'opt `"SA(I{c 178}=`isqsa'%)"' else local label`j'opt = `"SA(tau{c 178}="' + strofreal(`tsqsa', "%05.3f") + `")"' } } // Subgroups: some work needed beforehand in case of -noTABle- local swidth = 1 tempvar vlablen if `"`by'"'!=`""' { // qui levelsof `by' if `touse', missing local(bylist) // "missing" since `touse' should already be appropriate for missing yes/no // [Mar 2020] Moved oustide DrawTableAD so that subgroups with all _USE==2 are still displayed local bylab : value label `by' tempvar bylabels cap decode `by', gen(`bylabels') if _rc local bylabels `"string(`by')"' qui gen long `vlablen' = length(`bylabels') summ `vlablen' if `touse', meanonly local swidth = r(max) cap drop `bylabels' qui drop `vlablen' } local nby = max(1, `: word count `bylist'') tempname _ES_ _seES_ // will need these two regardless of `table' * Expand `cc' if `"`cc'"'!=`""' { local 0 `cc' syntax anything(name=ccval id="value supplied to {bf:cc()}") [, *] confirm number `ccval' } else local ccval = 0 if `"`table'"'==`""' { * Find maximum length of labels in LHS column qui gen long `vlablen' = length(`_LABELS') if "`cc'"!="" & "`_CC'"!="" { // cc used with "primary" model qui replace `vlablen' = `vlablen' + 2 if `_CC' // for a space and asterisk if cc } // update swidth [fixed Mar 2020] summ `vlablen' if `touse', meanonly local swidth = max(`swidth', r(max)) drop `vlablen' * Find maximum length of study title and effect title // Allow them to spread over several lines, but only up to a maximum number of chars // If a single line must be more than 32 chars, truncate and stop local uselen = cond("`tarone'"=="", 20, 24) if `swidth' > `uselen' local uselen = min(`swidth', 31) SpreadTitle `"`labtitle'"', target(`uselen') maxwidth(31) // study (+ subgroup) title local swidth = 1 + max(`uselen', `r(maxwidth)') local slines = r(nlines) forvalues i = 1 / `slines' { local stitle`i' `"`r(title`i')'"' } SpreadTitle `"`effect'"', target(10) maxwidth(15) // effect title (i.e. "Odds ratio" etc.) local ewidth = 1 + max(10, `r(maxwidth)') local elines = r(nlines) local diff = `elines' - `slines' if `diff'<=0 { forvalues i = 1 / `slines' { local etitle`i' `"`r(title`=`i'+`diff'')'"' // stitle uses most lines (or equal): line up etitle with stitle } } else { forvalues i = `elines' (-1) 1 { // run backwards, otherwise macros are deleted by the time they're needed local etitle`i' `"`r(title`i')'"' local stitle`i' = cond(`i'>=`diff', `"`stitle`=`i'-`diff'''"', `""') // etitle uses most lines: line up stitle with etitle } } // June 2020, modified March 2024: now calculate `nl'... local nl = max(`elines', `slines') if "`wt'"=="" & (`m' > 1 | `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""') local nl = max(`nl', 2) // ...and arrange etitle & stitle so they appear together on the lowest lines local old_nl = max(`elines', `slines') if `old_nl' < `nl' { local diff = `nl' - `old_nl' forvalues i = `elines' (-1) 1 { // run backwards, otherwise macros are deleted by the time they're needed local etitle`=`i'+`diff'' : copy local etitle`i' } forvalues i = `slines' (-1) 1 { // run backwards, otherwise macros are deleted by the time they're needed local stitle`=`i'+`diff'' : copy local stitle`i' } forvalues i = 1 / `diff' { local etitle`i' local stitle`i' } } * Now display the title lines, starting with the "extra" lines and ending with the row including CI & weight local nl = max(`elines', `slines') local wtitle`nl' local wwidth = 1 // nowt if "`wt'"=="" { local wwidth = 11 if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' { local nl = max(`nl', 2) local wtitle`=`nl'-1' `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+27'}Ratio of"' local wtitle`nl' `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+27'}Variances"' } else if `m' > 1 { local nl = max(`elines', `slines', 2) local wtitle`=`nl'-1' `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+27'}% Weight,"' if length("`label1opt'") < 5 { local wtitle`nl' `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+30'}`label1opt'"' } else { local abbr = abbrev(`"`label1opt'"', 7) local wtitle`nl' `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+28'}`abbr'"' } } else local wtitle`nl' `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+27'}% Weight"' } disp as text _n `"{hline `swidth'}{c TT}{hline `=`ewidth'+24+`wwidth''}"' if `nl' > 1 { forvalues i = 1 / `=`nl'-1' { disp as text `"`stitle`i''{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |} "' %~`ewidth's `"`etitle`i''"' %~`wwidth's `"`wtitle`i''"' } } disp as text `"`stitle`nl''{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |} "' /// %~`ewidth's `"`etitle`nl''"' `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+4'}[`ilevel'% Conf. Interval]`wtitle`nl''"' ** Loop over studies, and subgroups if appropriate if "`by'"!="" { tempvar touse2 gen byte `touse2' = `touse' } else local touse2 `touse' tempname _LCI_ _UCI_ _WT_ critval local xexp = cond("`eform'"!="", "exp", "") forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { // this will be 1/1 if no subgroups disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c +}{hline `=`ewidth'+24+`wwidth''}"' if `"`by'"'!=`""' { local byi : word `i' of `bylist' qui replace `touse2' = `touse' * (float(`by')==float(`byi')) if `"`bylab'"'!=`""' { local bylabi : label `bylab' `byi' } else local bylabi `"`byi'"' local nodata summ `_ES' if `touse2', meanonly if !r(N) local nodata `"{col `=`swidth'+4'} (No subgroup data)"' disp as text substr(`"`bylabi'"', 1, `swidth'-1) + `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}`nodata'"' local nodata // clear macro } summ `obs' if `touse2', meanonly if r(N) & `"`summaryonly'"'==`""' { forvalues k = `r(min)' / `r(max)' { if `_USE'[`k']==2 | missing(`_seES'[`k']) | float(`_seES'[`k'])==0 { if `_USE'[`k']==1 & "`model1'"!="qe" /*& `: list posof "mh" in modellist'*/ { // June 2020, updated June 2022, updated Jan 2024 disp as text substr(`_LABELS'[`k'], 1, 32) `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'} (Insufficient data for IV)"' } else if !missing(`_ES'[`k']) { // June 2020 scalar `_ES_' = `denominator' * `_ES'[`k'] disp as text substr(`_LABELS'[`k'], 1, 32) /// as text `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'-6'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_ES_') as text `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+10'} (Insufficient data)"' } else { disp as text substr(`_LABELS'[`k'], 1, 32) `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'} (Insufficient data)"' } } else { scalar `_ES_' = `denominator' * `_ES'[`k'] scalar `_LCI_' = `denominator' * `_LCI'[`k'] scalar `_UCI_' = `denominator' * `_UCI'[`k'] if "`wt'"=="" { scalar `_WT_' = `_WT'[`k'] local wttext `"as res %7.2f `_WT_'"' } local _labels_ = `_LABELS'[`k'] local _cc_ local lwidth = 32 cap confirm numeric var `_CC' if !_rc & `ccval' { if `_CC'[`k'] local _cc_ `" *"' local lwidth = 30 } disp as text substr(`"`_labels_'"', 1, `lwidth') as res `"`_cc_'"' /// as text `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'-6'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_ES_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+5'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_LCI_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+15'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_UCI_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+26'}"' /// `wttext' } } } * Subgroup effects if `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' & `"`cumulative'"'==`""' { if `ilevel'==`olevel' disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}"' else { disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+3'}{hline 1}[`olevel'% Conf. Interval]{hline 1}"' } // Multiple models forvalues j = 1 / `m' { // User-defined second model, or nosecsub local model : word `j' of `modellist' if (`j' > 1 & "`secsub'"!="") | "`model'"=="user" { // Note: "user" as model1 cannot be used with "by" continue, break } if `"`modellabels'"'==`""' & trim(`"`label`j'opt'"')!=`""' { local modText `", `label`j'opt'"' // Nov 2020; added `modellabels' Apr 2021 } local wgtstar if `"`wgtopt`j''"'!=`""' local wgtstar " **" local bystats : word `j' of `bystatslist' // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`bystats', "`eff'") scalar `_ES_' = `denominator' * `bystats'[`r', `i'] if missing(`_ES_') { disp as text `"Subgroup`modText'`wgtstar'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'} (Insufficient data)"' } else { local r = rownumb(`bystats', "`eff_lci'") scalar `_LCI_' = `denominator' * `bystats'[`r', `i'] local r = rownumb(`bystats', "`eff_uci'") scalar `_UCI_' = `denominator' * `bystats'[`r', `i'] disp as text `"Subgroup`modText'`wgtstar'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'-6'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_ES_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+5'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_LCI_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+15'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_UCI_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+26'}"' _c // subgroup sum of (normalised) weights: will be 1 unless `ovwt' // N.B. `mwt' should always exist if `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' & `"`sgwt'"'==`""' if `j' > 1 | "`wt'"!="" di "" // cancel the _c else { scalar `_WT_' = 100 if `"`ovwt'"'!=`""' { scalar `_WT_' = `mwt'[`j', `i'] } disp as res %7.2f `_WT_' } } } // end forvalues j = 1 / `m' } // end if `by' } // end forvalues i = 1 / `nby' * Overall effect if `"`overall'"'==`""' & `"`cumulative'"'==`""' { if !(`"`summaryonly'"'!=`""' & `nby'==1) { if `ilevel'==`olevel' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c +}{hline `=`ewidth'+24+`wwidth''}"' else { disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c +}{hline `=`ewidth'+2'}[`olevel'% Conf. Interval]{hline `=`ewidth'+`wwidth'-9'}"' } } // Multiple models local index = 0 forvalues j = 1 / `m' { local model : word `j' of `modellist' if `"`modellabels'"'==`""' & trim(`"`label`j'opt'"')!=`""' { local modText `", `label`j'opt'"' // Apr 2021 if "`model'"=="dlc" & `"`label`j'opt'"'==`"DL (Common)"' local modText `", DL"' // May 2023 } if "`model'"=="user" { tokenize `user`j'stats' args _ESuser_ _LCIuser_ _UCIuser_ disp as text %-20s `"Overall`modText'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'-6'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_ESuser_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+5'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_LCIuser_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+15'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_UCIuser_') _c if `j'==1 & "`wt'"=="" disp as res `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+26'}"' %7.2f 100 else di "" // cancel the _c } else { local ++index local wgtstar if `"`wgtopt`j''"'!=`""' local wgtstar " **" // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "`eff'") scalar `_ES_' = `denominator' * `ovstats'[`r', `index'] if missing(`_ES_') { disp as text `"Overall`modText'`wgtstar'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'} (Insufficient data)"' } else { local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "`eff_lci'") scalar `_LCI_' = `denominator' * `ovstats'[`r', `index'] local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "`eff_uci'") scalar `_UCI_' = `denominator' * `ovstats'[`r', `index'] // N.B. sum of (normalised) weights: will be 1 unless `sgwt' disp as text %-20s `"Overall`modText'`wgtstar'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'-6'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_ES_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+5'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_LCI_') `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+15'}"' /// as res %7.3f `xexp'(`_UCI_') _c if `j'==1 & `"`sgwt'`wt'"'==`""' disp as res `"{col `=`swidth'+`ewidth'+26'}"' %7.2f 100 else di "" // cancel the _c } } } } disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline `=`ewidth'+24+`wwidth''}"' } // end if `"`table'"'==`""' ** Test statistics and p-values local xtext = cond(`"`cumulative'"'!=`""', `"cumulative "', `""') // n/a for influence local null = (`"`eform'"'!=`""') // test of pooled effect equal to zero if `swidth'<=1 local swidth = 21 // define `swidth' in case -noTABle- *and* no `by' local hetWidth = 35 * Count number of "user-supplied" models [Nov 2020] forvalues j = 1 / `m' { local model : word `j' of `modellist' if "`model'"!="user" { local indexlist `indexlist' `j' } } local m2 : word count `indexlist' tempname testStat df pvalue * Display by subgroup if `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { disp as text _n `"Tests of subgroup `xtext'effect size = "' as res `null' as text ":" forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { local byi: word `i' of `bylist' if `"`bylab'"'!=`""' { local bylabi : label `bylab' `byi' } else local bylabi `byi' // Multiple models forvalues j = 1 / `m2' { local index : word `j' of `indexlist' local model : word `index' of `modellist' local teststat : word `index' of `teststatlist' local bystats : word `index' of `bystatslist' // User-defined second model, or nosecsub if (`j' > 1 & "`secsub'"!="") { // Note: no need to specify "`model'"!="user" as we are within a loop involving `m2' continue, break } local wgtstar if `m' > 1 & `"`wgtopt`index''"'!=`""' local wgtstar " **" // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`bystats', "`teststat'") scalar `testStat' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] scalar `df' = . if "`teststat'"=="t" { local r = rownumb(`bystats', "df") scalar `df' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] // if only one study, revert to z [IN PRACTICE, THIS SHOULD ALREADY HAVE BEEN DETECTED] if `df'==0 { local teststat z local r = rownumb(`bystats', "`teststat'") scalar `testStat' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] scalar `df' = . } } local r = rownumb(`bystats', "pvalue") scalar `pvalue' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] // Text to display: chisq distributions local testDist local testStatFormat if "`teststat'"=="chi2" { if "`model'"=="pl" local testDist "LR chi{c 178}" else if "`model'"=="mh" & "`cmhnocc'"=="" local testDist "CMH chi{c 178}" else local testDist "chi{c 178}" local testStatFormat "%6.2f" local dfFormat "%1.0f" scalar `df' = 1 } // Text to display: t distribution else if "`teststat'"=="t" { local testStatFormat "%7.3f" local dfFormat "%3.0f" if `"`: word 1 of `: colnames `bystats'''"'=="reml_kr" local dfFormat "%6.2f" // [NOV 2020] Kenward-Roger } // Other text formatting if "`testDist'"=="" local testDist `teststat' if "`testStatFormat'"=="" local testStatFormat "%7.3f" local testdistlen = length(`"`= subinstr("`testDist'", "{c 178}", "c", .)'"') local testfmtlen = fmtwidth("`testStatFormat'") // If only a single model, (potentially truncated) subgroup labels are followed immediately by test statistics. // If multiple models, subgroup labels (`bylabi') are printed as headings, // then on subsequent lines, a list of model labels (label`index'opt) followed by test statistics. local labtext : copy local label`index'opt if `m'==1 { local labtext // clear macro local continue _c local pos = `swidth' + 1 } else local pos = 20 - `testdistlen' + 1 if `j'==1 { disp as text substr("`bylabi'", 1, `swidth'-1) `continue' } if `"`labtext'`wgtstar'"'!=`""' disp as text `" `labtext'`wgtstar' "' _c if missing(`testStat') disp as text `"{col `pos'}(Insufficient data)"' else { disp as res `"{col `pos'}`testDist'"' as text " = " as res `testStatFormat' `testStat' _c local pos = `pos' + `testdistlen' + 3 + `testfmtlen' + 2 if !missing(`df') { local dffmtlen = fmtwidth("`dfFormat'") disp as text "{col `pos'}on " as res `dfFormat' `df' as text " df," _c local pos = `pos' + 3 + `dffmtlen' + 6 } disp as text "{col `pos'}p = " as res %5.3f `pvalue' } } // end forvalues j = 1 / `m' } // end forvalues i = 1 / `nby' } // end if `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { * Display overall if `"`overall'"'==`""' { forvalues j = 1 / `m2' { local index : word `j' of `indexlist' local model : word `index' of `modellist' local teststat : word `index' of `teststatlist' // Extract test statistics from `ovstats' // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "`teststat'") scalar `testStat' = `ovstats'[`r', `j'] scalar `df' = . if "`teststat'"=="t" { local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "df") scalar `df' = `ovstats'[`r', `j'] } local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "pvalue") scalar `pvalue' = `ovstats'[`r', `j'] // Text to display: chisq distributions local testDist if "`teststat'"=="chi2" { if "`model'"=="pl" local testDist "LR chi{c 178}" else if "`model'"=="mh" & "`cmhnocc'"=="" local testDist "CMH chi{c 178}" else local testDist "chi{c 178}" local testStatFormat "%6.2f" local dfFormat "%1.0f" scalar `df' = 1 } // Text to display: t distribution else if "`teststat'"=="t" { local testStatFormat "%7.3f" local dfFormat "%3.0f" if `"`: word `j' of `: colnames `ovstats'''"'=="reml_kr" local dfFormat "%6.2f" // [NOV 2020] Kenward-Roger } // Text to display: Signed log-likelihood statistic else if "`teststat'"=="z" & "`model'"=="pl" { local testDist "LL z" local testStatFormat "%7.3f" } // Other text formatting if "`testDist'"=="" local testDist `teststat' if "`testStatFormat'"=="" local testStatFormat "%7.3f" local testdistlen = length(`"`= subinstr("`testDist'", "{c 178}", "c", .)'"') local testfmtlen = fmtwidth("`testStatFormat'") local wgtstar if `"`wgtopt`index''"'!=`""' local wgtstar " **" if `m2'==1 { // if only one model (default) if missing(`testStat') { disp as text `"Overall{col `=`swidth'+1'}(Insufficient data)"' } else { if `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { disp as text `"Overall`wgtstar'{col `=`swidth'+1'}"' _c local pos = `swidth' + 1 disp as res `"{col `pos'}`testDist'"' as text " = " as res `testStatFormat' `testStat' _c local pos = `pos' + `testdistlen' + 3 + `testfmtlen' + 2 if !missing(`df') { local dffmtlen = fmtwidth("`dfFormat'") disp as text "{col `pos'}on " as res `dfFormat' `df' as text " df," _c local pos = `pos' + 3 + `dffmtlen' + 6 } disp as text "{col `pos'}p = " as res %5.3f `pvalue' } else { disp as text _n `"Test of overall `xtext'effect = "' as res `null' as text ": " _c disp as res "`testDist'" as text " = " as res `testStatFormat' `testStat' _c if !missing(`df') { disp as text " on " as res `dfFormat' `df' as text " df," _c } disp as text " p = " as res %5.3f `pvalue' } } } else { if `j'==1 { // if multiple models; only display text once disp as text _n `"Tests of overall `xtext'effect = "' as res `null' as text ":" } local pos = 20 - `testdistlen' + 1 disp as text " `label`index'opt'`wgtstar'" as res "{col `pos'}`testDist'" as text " = " as res `testStatFormat' `testStat' _c local pos = `pos' + `testdistlen' + 3 + `testfmtlen' + 2 if !missing(`df') { local dffmtlen = fmtwidth("`dfFormat'") disp as text "{col `pos'}on " as res `dfFormat' `df' as text " df," _c local pos = `pos' + 3 + `dffmtlen' + 6 } disp as text "{col `pos'}p = " as res %5.3f `pvalue' } } // end forvalues i = 1 / `m2' } * User-defined weights local udw = 0 local dnl _n forvalues j = 1 / `m2' { local index : word `j' of `indexlist' if `"`wgtopt`index''"'!=`""' { local udw = 1 if `"`table'`overall'"'==`""' { local wgttitle : variable label `wgtopt`index'' if `"`wgttitle'"'==`""' local wgttitle `wgtopt`index'' if `m'==1 { disp as text _n "** Note: pooled using user-defined weights " as res "`wgttitle'" } else { disp as text `dnl' "** Note: `label`index'opt' pooled using user-defined weights " as res "`wgttitle'" local dnl } } } } // Added Jan 2020 in response to advice from Dan Jackson if `nzt' { disp _n `"{error}Note: Untruncated HKSJ method is anti-conservative relative to common-effect equivalent"' if `nby' > 1 disp `"{error} in one or more subgroups. Consider using the {bf:truncate()} option."' else disp `"{error}Consider using the {bf:truncate()} option."' } ** Heterogeneity statistics // In all cases, first table of heterogeneity statistics: // (If multiple models, use "primary" Q from first model) // - Q (+ df & p-value) // - H, Isq & HsqM, with CIs; // ... by default using ncchi2 if fixed-effect, or Gamma-based if random-effects (ref: Hedges & Pigott, 2001) // ... but could also have -testbased- (test-based CI for lnQ or lnH; Higgins & Thompson 2002) // If random-effects, present table entitled "Heterogeneity variance estimates" // - CIs for tausq (MP, ML, REML, BT) are presented where appropriate. // If option -isqparam- is specified: // (N.B. this option reflects the fact that Isq is to be defined as tau2/(tau2+sigma2) rather than (Q-df)/Q ) // - additional table of Isq's, based on the tausq's and CIs from the previous table. // - direct user to r(ovstats) and/or r(bystats) for other heterogeneity statistics // (N.B. if "sa", then present a hybrid of random-effects and -isqparam- results, but without Conf. Intervals of course) // Finally: if more than one *subgroup*, present table of Q by subgroup, plus between and within, // - using the *first* of multiple models if relevant // - and with no table of Isq or tausq // - direct user to r(ovstats) and/or r(bystats) for other heterogeneity statistics summ `_ES' if `touse' & `_USE'==1, meanonly local het = cond(`r(N)'==1, "nohet", "`het'") // don't present overall het stats if only one estimate if `"`subgroup'`het'"'!=`""' local between nobetween // added June 2022 if "`het'"=="" & "`model1'"!="user" { * Setup: How many unique (tsq + CI) random-effects models are specified? local UniqModels : list uniq modellist local UniqREModels = subinword("`UniqModels'", "ivhet", "dl", .) // tsq + CI for IVhet are the same as for D+L local UniqREModels = subinword("`UniqREModels'", "qe", "dl", .) // tsq + CI for QE are the same as for D+L local UniqREModels = subinword("`UniqREModels'", "hc", "dl", .) // tsq + CI for HC are the same as for D+L local UniqREModels = subinword("`UniqREModels'", "pl", "ml", .) // tsq + CI for PL are the same as for ML local UniqREModels : list uniq UniqREModels local toremove user iv mh peto mu local UniqREModels : list UniqREModels - toremove local TotUniqREModels : word count `UniqREModels' tempname /*Q Qdf*/ Qpval Isq Isqmax scalar `Isqmax' = 0 // Sep 2020: Unpack `qlist' // DF JUNE 2022: REVISIT -- ADD SOME ASSERT CHECKS HERE?? // updated May 2023 tokenize `qlist' if `"`overall'"'!=`""' { assert inlist(`: word count `qlist'', /*0,*/ 3) args Qsum Qbet nbyQ // if nooverall, only have between-subgroup Q } else { assert inlist(`: word count `qlist'', /*0,*/ 2, 4, 7) tokenize `qlist' args Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci Qsum Qbet nbyQ } ********************** * Multiple subgroups * ********************** // In this case, just present table of Q statistics (between, within, total etc.) // plus I-squared statistics for each subgroup if `nby' > 1 & `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { local bystats : word 1 of `bystatslist' if "`qstat'"=="petoq" disp as text _n(2) "Peto Q statistics for heterogeneity" else if "`qstat'"=="mhq" disp as text _n(2) "Mantel-Haenszel Q statistics for heterogeneity" else if "`qstat'"=="breslow" disp as text _n(2) "Breslow-Day homogeneity statistics" else if "`qstat'"=="tarone" disp as text _n(2) "Breslow-Day-Tarone homogeneity statistics" else disp as text _n(2) "Cochran's Q statistics for heterogeneity" disp as text `"(other heterogeneity measures are stored in "' _c if `"`overall'"'==`""' { disp as text `"matrices "' as res `"{bf:{stata mat list r(ovstats):r(ovstats)}}"' as text `" and "' _c } else disp as text `"matrix "' _c disp as res `"{bf:{stata mat list r(bystats):r(bystats)}}"' as text `")"' local hetWidth = 44 // Added Oct 2020 disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c TT}{hline `hetWidth'}"' disp as text `"Measure{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+7'}Value{col `=`swidth'+18'}df{col `=`swidth'+26'}p-value{col `=`swidth'+40'}I{c 178}"' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c +}{hline `hetWidth'}"' forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { local byi : word `i' of `bylist' if `"`bylab'"'!=`""' { local bylabi : label `bylab' `byi' } else local bylabi `"`byi'"' if `"`bylabi'"'!="." local bylabi = substr(`"`bylabi'"', 1, `swidth'-1) disp as text `"`bylabi'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}"' _c tempname Qi Qdfi scalar `Qi' = `byq'[1, `i'] scalar `Qdfi' = `byq'[2, `i'] // Update `Isqmax' scalar `Isq' = max(0, 100*(`Qi' - `Qdfi') / `Qi') if `Qi'==0 | `Qdfi'==0 scalar `Isq' = . scalar `Isqmax' = max(`Isqmax', `Isq') if missing(`Qi') disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}(Insufficient data)"' else { scalar `Qpval' = chi2tail(`Qdfi', `Qi') disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' as res %7.2f `Qi' `"{col `=`swidth'+18'}"' %3.0f `Qdfi' `"{col `=`swidth'+25'}"' %7.3f `Qpval' `"{col `=`swidth'+38'}"' %4.1f `Isq' _c if !missing(`Isq') disp as res "%" else disp "" } } if `"`overall'"'==`""' { disp as text `"Overall{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}"' _c if missing(`Q') disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}(Insufficient data)"' else { scalar `Qpval' = chi2tail(`Qdf', `Q') scalar `Isq' = max(0, 100*(`Q' - `Qdf') / `Q') if `Q'==0 | `Qdf'==0 scalar `Isq' = . disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' as res %7.2f `Q' `"{col `=`swidth'+18'}"' %3.0f `Qdf' `"{col `=`swidth'+25'}"' %7.3f `Qpval' `"{col `=`swidth'+38'}"' %4.1f `Isq' _c if !missing(`Isq') disp as res "%" else disp "" } } // Mar 2020: want `nby' to reflect the number of subgroups *with data in* // so restrict to `_USE'==1 tempname Qbetpval scalar `Qbetpval' = chi2tail(`nbyQ' - 1, `Qbet') if `"`between'"'!=`""' { disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline `hetWidth'}"' } else { if "`model1'"!="iv" | `"`overall'"'!=`""' { disp as text `"Between{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}"' as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' /// as res %7.2f `Qbet' `"{col `=`swidth'+18'}"' %3.0f `nbyQ' - 1 `"{col `=`swidth'+25'}"' %7.3f `Qbetpval' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline `hetWidth'}"' if "`model1'"!="iv" { if "`model1'"=="peto" local hetlabel Peto else if "`model1'"=="ivhet" local hetlabel IVhet else if "`model1'"=="dlb" local hetlabel DLb else if "`model1'"=="dlc" local hetlabel "DL (Common)" /* Added May 2023 */ else if "`model1'"=="ev" local hetlabel "Emp. Var." else if inlist("`model1'", "bp", "b0") local hetlabel = "Rukhin " + upper("`model1'") else local hetlabel = upper("`model1'") if "`hksj'"!="" local hetlabel "`hetlabel'+HKSJ" else if "`kroger'"!="" local hetlabel "`hetlabel'+KR" else if "`robust'"!="" local hetlabel "`hetlabel'+Rob." else if "`bartlett'"!="" local hetlabel "`hetlabel'+Bart." else if "`skovgaard'"!="" local hetlabel "`hetlabel'+Skov." disp as text `"Note: between-subgroup heterogeneity calculated using `hetlabel' subgroup weights"' } // Jan 2020: between-subgroups Q can be calculated using either fixed and random-effects // c.f. Borenstein et al (2009) "Introduction to Meta-analysis", chapter 19 } // I-V model, overall pooled result available else { tempname Fstat Fpval scalar `Fstat' = (`Qbet'/(`nbyQ' - 1)) / (`Qsum'/(`Qdf' - `nbyQ' + 1)) // corrected 17th March 2017 scalar `Fpval' = Ftail(`nbyQ' - 1, `Qdf' - `nbyQ' + 1, `Fstat') disp as text `"Between{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}"' as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' /// as res %7.2f `Qbet' `"{col `=`swidth'+18'}"' %3.0f `nbyQ' - 1 `"{col `=`swidth'+25'}"' %7.3f `Qbetpval' disp as text `"Between:Within (F){col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}"' as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' /// as res %7.2f `Fstat' `"{col `=`swidth'+14'}"' %3.0f `nbyQ' - 1 as text "," /// as res %3.0f `Qdf' - `nbyQ' + 1 `"{col `=`swidth'+25'}"' %7.3f `Fpval' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline `hetWidth'}"' // DISPLAY BETWEEN-GROUP TEST WARNINGS [taken from -metan- v3.04] if `Isqmax' > 0 { if `Isqmax' < 50 { disp as text "Note: Some heterogeneity observed (I{c 178} up to " /// as res %4.1f `=`Isqmax'' "%" as text ") in one or more subgroups;" disp as text " tests for heterogeneity between subgroups may not be valid" } else if `Isqmax' < 75 { disp as text "Note: Moderate heterogeneity observed (I{c 178} up to " /// as res %4.1f `=`Isqmax'' "%" as text ") in one or more subgroups;" disp as text " tests for heterogeneity between subgroups are likely to be invalid" } else if !missing(`Isqmax') { disp as text "Note: Considerable heterogeneity observed (I{c 178} up to " /// as res %4.1f `=`Isqmax'' "%" as text ") in one or more subgroups;" disp as text " tests for heterogeneity between subgroups are likely to be invalid" } } } // end if "`model1'"=="iv" } // end if `"`between'"'==`""' } // end if `nby' > 1 & `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' **************** * General case * **************** else { if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' local totality "totality of " disp as text _n(2) `"Heterogeneity measures, calculated from the `totality'data"' if `m'==1 & "`model1'"=="sa" { if `udw' local hetextra `"(based on standard inverse-variance weights)"' } else { disp as text `"with Conf. Intervals based on "' _c if "`testbased'"!="" { disp as res "Test-based confidence interval for H" } else if inlist("`model1'", "peto", "mh", "iv", "mu") { disp as res `"non-central chi{c 178} (common-effect)"' as text `" distribution for Q"' } else disp as res `"Gamma (random-effects)"' as text `" distribution for Q"' } disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c TT}{hline `hetWidth'}"' disp as text `"Measure{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+7'}Value{col `=`swidth'+18'}df{col `=`swidth'+26'}p-value"' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c +}{hline `hetWidth'}"' ** Display first ("primary") Q, together with H and Isq // Plus CIs: if fixed-effect model, using noncentral chi-squared; if random-effects, using Gamma-based // Then, if appropriate, present remainder of multiple Qs if "`qstat'"=="petoq" local hetText1 "Peto Q" else if "`qstat'"=="mhq" local hetText1 "Mantel-Haenszel Q" else if "`qstat'"=="breslow" local hetText1 "Breslow-Day test" else if "`qstat'"=="tarone" local hetText1 "Breslow-Day-Tarone" else local hetText1 "Cochran's Q" disp as text `"`hetText1'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}"' _c if missing(`Q') disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}(Insufficient data)"' else { scalar `Qpval' = chi2tail(`Qdf', `Q') disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' as res %7.2f `Q' `"{col `=`swidth'+18'}"' %3.0f `Qdf' `"{col `=`swidth'+25'}"' %7.3f `Qpval' } // Special case: Single sensitivity analysis if `m'==1 & "`model1'"=="sa" { disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline `hetWidth'}"' // end previous box disp as text _n `"Heterogeneity measures (based on user-defined "' _c if `tsqsa'==-99 disp "I{c 178} = " as res "`isqsa'%" as text ")" else disp `"tau{c 178} = "' as res `"`=strofreal(`tsqsa', "%05.3f")'"' as text `")"' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c TT}{hline 13}"' disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+7'}Value"' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c +}{hline 13}"' // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context foreach x in tausq H Isq HsqM { tempname `x' local r = rownumb(`hetstats', "`x'") scalar ``x'' = `hetstats'[`r', 1] } disp as text `"tau{c 178} {col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'}"' as res %8.4f `tausq' disp as text `"H {col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' as res %7.3f `H' disp as text `"I{c 178} (%) {col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'}"' as res %7.1f `Isq' "%" disp as text `"Modified H{c 178} {col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' as res %7.3f `HsqM' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline 13}"' } // General case (NOT if sensitivity analysis): // H and I-squared, based on Q else { disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+14'}{hline 1}[`hlevel'% Conf. Interval]{hline 1}"' tempname Isq Isq_lci Isq_uci scalar `Isq' = max(0, 100*(`Q' - `Qdf') / `Q') scalar `Isq_lci' = max(0, 100*(`Q_lci' - `Qdf') / `Q_lci') scalar `Isq_uci' = max(0, 100*(`Q_uci' - `Qdf') / `Q_uci') tempname H H_lci H_uci scalar `H' = sqrt(`Q' / `Qdf') scalar `H_lci' = max(1, sqrt(`Q_lci' / `Qdf')) scalar `H_uci' = sqrt(`Q_uci' / `Qdf') disp as text `"H {col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+5'}"' /// as res %7.3f `H' `"{col `=`swidth'+15'}"' /// as res %7.3f `H_lci' `"{col `=`swidth'+25'}"' %7.3f `H_uci' disp as text `"I{c 178} (%) {col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'}"' /// as res %7.1f `Isq' `"%{col `=`swidth'+14'}"' /// as res %7.1f `Isq_lci' `"%{col `=`swidth'+24'}"' %7.1f `Isq_uci' "%" disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline `hetWidth'}"' if "`qstat'"=="breslow" local hetText1 "Breslow-Day statistic" else if "`qstat'"=="tarone" local hetText1 "Breslow-Day-Tarone statistic" disp as text `"H = relative excess in `hetText1' over its degrees-of-freedom"' disp as text `"I{c 178} = proportion of total variation in effect estimate due to between-study heterogeneity (based on Q)"' ** Model parameters: heterogeneity variance tausq // Present this/these separately from Q, H, I-squared // The above stats are calculated directly from the data, independently of the model // whereas tausq is model-based. (c.f. dicussion with JPTH 1st Sep 2020) // CIs for tausq (MP, ML, REML, BT) are presented where appropriate. local tsq_ci_warn = 0 if `TotUniqREModels' { if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' local totality ", calculated from the totality of data" disp as text _n(2) "Heterogeneity variance estimates`totality'" local RefModList mp pmm ml pl reml bt dlb if `"`: list UniqModels & RefModList'"'==`""' local newHetWidth = 13 else { local newHetWidth = `hetWidth' disp as text `"with Conf. Intervals as appropriate to the method (see {help metan:help metan})"' } disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c TT}{hline `newHetWidth'}"' disp as text `"Method{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+7'}tau{c 178}"' _c if `"`: list UniqModels & RefModList'"'==`""' disp "" // cancel _c else { disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+15'}[`hlevel'% Conf. Interval]"' } disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c +}{hline `newHetWidth'}"' foreach mod of local UniqREModels { local c : list posof "`mod'" in modellist // sort out "duplicate" tsq + CIs associated with more than one model if "`mod'"=="ml" { if !`c' local c : list posof "pl" in modellist local hetlab`c'opt "ML/PL" } else if "`mod'"=="dl" { if !`c' local c : list posof "ivhet" in modellist if !`c' local c : list posof "qe" in modellist if !`c' local c : list posof "hc" in modellist local hetlab`c'opt DL } else if "`mod'"=="reml" local hetlab`c'opt REML // in case of Kenward-Roger else if "`mod'"=="dlb" local hetlab`c'opt DLb else if "`mod'"=="ev" local hetlab`c'opt "Emp. Var." else if inlist("`mod'", "bp", "b0") local hetlab`c'opt = "Rukhin " + upper("`mod'") else local hetlab`c'opt = upper("`mod'") local c_list `c_list' `c' // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context tempname tausq local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "tausq") scalar `tausq' = `ovstats'[`r', `c'] disp as text `"`hetlab`c'opt'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'}"' /// as res %8.4f `tausq' _c if `"`: list mod & RefModList'"'==`""' disp "" // cancel _c else { tempname tsq_lci tsq_uci local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "tsq_lci") scalar `tsq_lci' = `ovstats'[`r', `c'] local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "tsq_uci") scalar `tsq_uci' = `ovstats'[`r', `c'] disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+14'}"' /// as res %8.4f `tsq_lci' `"{col `=`swidth'+24'}"' %8.4f `tsq_uci' if !(`tsq_lci'<=`tausq' & `tausq'<=`tsq_uci') & !missing(`tsq_lci', `tsq_uci') local tsq_ci_warn = 1 } } // end forvalues disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline `newHetWidth'}"' // June 2020: Display tsq_ci warning if `tsq_ci_warn' { if !inlist("`mod'", "mh", "peto", "mu") local tsq_warn_txt "tau{c 178}" else local tsq_warn_txt "I{c 178}" disp `"{error}Note: `tsq_warn_txt' point estimate does not lie within estimated confidence limits;"' disp `"{error} some modelling assumptions may be incompatible with the data"' } ** Optional: Display set of I-squared values (+ CIs) defined as = tausq / (tausq + sigmasq) // (rather than defined as Q - df / Q) if "`isqparam'"!="" { disp as text _n(2) `"Estimates of I{c 178}, defined parametrically as tau{c 178} / (tau{c 178} + sigma{c 178})"' disp as text `"(where sigma{c 178} is the estimated "typical" within-study variance of Higgins & Thompson)"' if `"`: list UniqModels & RefModList'"'==`""' { disp as text `"with Conf. Intervals as appropriate to the method (see {help metan:help metan})"' } disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c TT}{hline `newHetWidth'}"' disp as text `"Method{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+7'}I{c 178} (%)"' _c if `"`: list UniqModels & RefModList'"'==`""' disp "" // cancel _c else disp as text `"{col `=`swidth'+15'}[`hlevel'% Conf. Interval]"' disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c +}{hline `newHetWidth'}"' local i = 0 foreach c of numlist `c_list' { foreach x in Isq Isq_lci Isq_uci { tempname `x' local r = rownumb(`hetstats', "`x'") scalar ``x'' = `hetstats'[`r', `c'] } // N.B. `hetlab`c'opt' has already been parsed; no need to do so again disp as text `"`hetlab`c'opt'{col `=`swidth'+1'}{c |}{col `=`swidth'+4'}"' /// as res %7.1f `Isq' `"%{col `=`swidth'+14'}"' _c local ++i local mod : word `i' of `UniqREModels' if `"`: list mod & RefModList'"'==`""' disp "" // cancel _c else { disp as res %7.1f `Isq_lci' `"%{col `=`swidth'+24'}"' %7.1f `Isq_uci' "%" } } // end foreach c disp as text `"{hline `swidth'}{c BT}{hline `newHetWidth'}"' } } // end if `TotUniqREModels' } // end else (i.e. general case, no sensitivity analysis) } // end else (i.e. general case, no subgroups) } // end if `"`het'"'==`""' end ************************** * PrintDesc // Print descriptive text to screen, above table // subroutine of DrawTableAD program define PrintDesc, sclass // First, parse options needed *only* in this subroutine; don't return these to DrawTableAD syntax [if] [in], [, LOG /// ESTEXP(string) EXPLIST(passthru) /* passed through from -ipdmetan */ /// noPOOL noSORTED MHALLZERO EXTRA(numlist integer min=2 max=2) /* Internal options */ * ] // Now parse additional options needed here but also in DrawTableAD tokenize `extra' args nsg nzt sreturn local nzt `nzt' sreturn local options `"`macval(options)'"' marksample touse local 0 `", `options'"' syntax [if] [in], MODELLIST(namelist) OUTVLIST(varlist numeric min=5 max=7) /// [SUMMSTAT(name) SORTBY(varlist) BY(varname numeric) BYLIST(numlist miss) /// LOGRank CUmulative INFluence PRoportion SUMMARYONLY INTERaction SGWt ALTWt ISQParam /// noOVerall noSUbgroup noBETWeen noTABle noGRaph /// TOUSE2(passthru) * ] // <--just need to know if this exists marksample touse local m : word count `modellist' local nby = max(1, `: word count `bylist'') gettoken model1 rest : modellist gettoken model2 rest : rest tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC // Extract model options (from first model if multiple) // Plus user-defined weights local opts_adm `"`macval(options)'"' local toparse1 CC(string) ISQSA(real -99) TSQSA(real -99) PHISA(real -99) HETPooled INIT(name) BArtlett HKsj KRoger RObust SKovgaard TRUNCate(string) local udw = 0 forvalues j = 1 / `m' { local 0 `", `opts_adm'"' syntax [, MODEL`j'opts(string) * ] local opts_adm `"`macval(options)'"' if `"`model`j'opts'"'==`""' continue local 0 `", `model`j'opts'"' syntax [, WGT(varname) `toparse1' * ] local toparse1 // cancel for `j' > 1 if `"`wgt'"'!=`""' { if "`: word `j' of `modellist''"!="user" local ++udw if `j'==1 { local wgttitle : variable label `wgt' if `"`wgttitle'"'==`""' local wgttitle `wgt' } } } // Build up description of effect estimate type (interaction, cumulative etc.) local pooltext = cond(`"`cumulative'"'!=`""', "Cumulative meta-analysis of", /// cond(`"`influence'"'!=`""', "Influence meta-analysis of", /// cond(`"`pool'"'==`""' | "`model1'"=="user", "Meta-analysis pooling of", "Presented values are"))) // NOTE: if no pooling the message is "Presented values are..." (not "...effect estimates are...") // because the phrase "effect estimates" may be used in the text below // Again, if passed from -ipdmetan- with "generic" effect measure, // print non-standard text including `estexp': if "`estexp'"!="" { if `"`interaction'"'!=`""' local pooltext "`pooltext' interaction effect estimate" else if `"`explist'"'!=`""' local pooltext "`pooltext' user-specified effect estimate" else local pooltext "`pooltext' main (treatment) effect estimate" di _n as text "`pooltext'" as res " `estexp'" } // Standard -metan- text: else if `"`summstat'"'==`""' { if `"`pool'"'==`""' | `"`model1'"'=="user" | `"`touse2'"'!=`""' di _n as text "`pooltext' aggregate data" } else { local logtext = cond(`"`log'"'!=`""', `"log "', `""') // add a space if `log' if "`summstat'"=="rr" local efftext `"`logtext'Risk Ratios"' else if "`summstat'"=="irr" local efftext `"`logtext'Incidence Rate Ratios"' else if "`summstat'"=="rrr" local efftext `"`logtext'Relative Risk Ratios"' else if "`summstat'"=="or" local efftext `"`logtext'Odds Ratios"' else if "`summstat'"=="rd" local efftext `" Risk Differences"' else if "`summstat'"=="hr" local efftext `"`logtext'Hazard Ratios"' else if "`summstat'"=="shr" local efftext `"`logtext'Sub-hazard Ratios"' else if "`summstat'"=="tr" local efftext `"`logtext'Time Ratios"' else if "`summstat'"=="wmd" local efftext `" Weighted Mean Differences"' else if inlist("`summstat'", "cohend", "glassd", "hedgesg") { local efftext "Standardised Mean Differences" local ss_proper = strproper(reverse(substr(reverse("`summstat'"), 2, .))) // local efftextf `" as text " by the method of " as res "`ss_proper'""' } else if "`proportion'"!="" { if "`summstat'"=="pr" local efftext "(untransformed) Proportions" else if "`summstat'"=="logit" local efftext "Logit-transformed Proportions" else if "`summstat'"=="arcsine" local efftext "Arcsine-transformed Proportions" else if "`summstat'"=="ftukey" local efftext "Freeman-Tukey transformed Proportions" } // Study-level effect derivation method if "`logrank'"!="" local efftext "Peto (logrank) `efftext'" else if "`model1'"=="peto" & `m'==1 local efftext "Peto `efftext'" disp _n as text "`pooltext'" as res " `efftext'" `efftextf' `continue' if "`ss_proper'"!="" { disp as text " by the method of " as res "`ss_proper'" } } if `"`pool'"'!=`""' { if `"`model1'"'=="user" { disp as text "with " as res "user-specified pooled estimates" } } else { if `m' > 1 disp as text "using " as res "multiple analysis methods" else { // fpnote = "NOTE: Weights are from Mantel-Haenszel model" // or "NOTE: Weights are from random-effects model" // or "NOTE: Weights are user-defined" // NOTE for multiple models: fpnote refers to weights ==> first model only // [Jan 2020] // If `by', may need to explain that between-subgroup heterogeneity was derived from random-effects model if `"`subgroup'`het'"'!=`""' local between nobetween // added June 2022 if `nby' > 1 & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' & `"`between'"'==`""' { local insert `"and between-subgroup heterogeneity test "' } // Pooling method (Mantel-Haenszel; common-effect; IVhet; random-effects) if "`model1'"=="mh" { disp as text "using the " as res "Mantel-Haenszel" as text " method" local fpnote "NOTE: Weights `insert'are from Mantel-Haenszel model" // for forestplot } else if !inlist("`model1'", "ivhet", "qe", "peto") { if "`model1'"=="iv" { local modeltext "common-effect inverse-variance" if `m' > 1 local fpnote "NOTE: Weights are from common-effect model" // for forestplot, if multiple models } else { if "`model1'"=="mu" local modeltext "inverse-variance" else { local modeltext "random-effects inverse-variance" if "`model1'"!="sa" local fpnote "NOTE: Weights `insert'are from random-effects model" // for forestplot } } local the = cond("`model1'"=="qe", "", "the ") disp as text `"using `the'"' as res `"`modeltext'"' as text " model" } // Doi's IVhet and Quality Effects models else if inlist("`model1'", "ivhet", "qe") { local modeltext = cond("`model1'"=="ivhet", "Doi's IVhet", "Doi's Quality Effects") disp as text "using " as res `"`modeltext'"' as text " model" local fpnote `"NOTE: Weights `insert'are from `modeltext' model"' // for forestplot } else { cap assert "`model1'"=="peto" if _rc { disp as err "Error identifying model" nois disp as err _n `"Error in {bf:metan_output.PrintDesc}"' c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_output.DrawTableAD" exit _rc } } // Profile likelihood if "`model1'"=="pl" { local continue = cond(`"`bartlett'`skovgaard'"'!=`""', "_c", "") disp as text `"estimated using "' as res "Profile Likelihood" `continue' if "`bartlett'"!="" disp as text " with " as res `"Bartlett's correction"' else if "`skovgaard'"!="" disp as text " with " as res `"Skovgaard's correction"' } // Biggerstaff-Tweedie approximate Gamma alternative weighting else if "`model1'"=="bt" { disp as text `"with "' as res "Biggerstaff-Tweedie approximate Gamma" as text `" weighting"' } // HKSJ, Kenward-Roger, and SJ Robust variance estimators else if `"`hksj'`kroger'`robust'"'!=`""' { local the "the " if "`hksj'"!="" { if `"`truncate'"'==`""' local vcetext `" (untruncated)"' else if inlist(`"`truncate'"', `"one"', `"1"') local vcetext `" (truncated at 1)"' else if `"`truncate'"'==`"zovert"' local vcetext `" (truncated at {it:z}/{it:t})"' local vcetext `"Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman`vcetext'"' } else if "`robust'"!="" local vcetext "Sidik-Jonkman robust" else { local vcetext "Kenward-Roger" local the } disp as text "with `the'" as res "`vcetext'" as text " variance estimator" } // Henmi-Copas else if "`model1'"=="hc" { disp as text "estimated using " as res `"Henmi and Copas's approximate exact distribution"' } // Multiplicative heterogeneity model else if "`model1'"=="mu" { if "`hetpooled'"!="" local pooledtext ", pooled across subgroups" disp as text "with " as res `"multiplicative heterogeneity`pooledtext'"' } // Two-step estimators else if "`model1'"=="sj2s" { disp as text "with the " as res `"Sidik-Jonkman two-step tau{c 178} estimator"' } else if "`model1'"=="dk2s" { disp as text "with the " as res `"DerSimonian-Kacker two-step tau{c 178} estimator"' } // Estimators of tausq if !inlist("`model1'", "mh", "peto", "iv", "mu") { if inlist("`model1'", "dl", "bt", "ivhet", "qe", "hc", "dlc") local tsqtext "DerSimonian-Laird" else if "`model1'"=="dlb" local tsqtext "Bootstrap DerSimonian-Laird" else if "`model1'"=="mp" local tsqtext "Mandel-Paule" else if "`model1'"=="pmm" local tsqtext "Median-unbiased Mandel-Paule" else if "`model1'"=="he" local tsqtext "Hedges's" else if "`model1'"=="ev" local tsqtext "Empirical variance" else if "`model1'"=="hm" local tsqtext "Hartung-Makambi" else if inlist("`model1'", "ml", "pl") local tsqtext ML else if "`model1'"=="reml" | "`kroger'"!="" local tsqtext REML else if "`model1'"=="bp" local tsqtext "Rukhin's BP" else if "`model1'"=="b0" local tsqtext "Rukhin's B0" local linktext = cond(`"`hksj'`kroger'`robust'"'!=`""' | inlist("`model1'", "pl", "bt", "ivhet", "qe", "hc"), "based on", "with") // Added May 2023, modified Sep 2023 if "`hetpooled'"!="" local pooledtext ", pooled across subgroups" // Sensitivity analysis if "`model1'"=="sa" { disp as text "Sensitivity analysis with user-defined " _c if `isqsa'!=-99 { disp "I{c 178} = " as res "`isqsa'%" local fpnote `"Sensitivity analysis with user-defined I{c 178}"' } else if `tsqsa'!=-99 { disp `"tau{c 178} = "' as res `"`=strofreal(`tsqsa', "%05.3f")'"' local fpnote `"Sensitivity analysis with user-defined tau{c 178}"' } else if `phisa'!=-99 { disp `"phi = "' as res `"`=strofreal(`phisa', "%05.3f")'"' local fpnote `"Sensitivity analysis with user-defined multiplicative heterogeneity"' } } // Two-step estimators else if inlist("`model1'", "sj2s", "dk2s") { if "`init'"=="he" local inittxt "Hedges's" else local inittxt = upper("`init'") disp as text `"with "' as res "`inittxt'" as text `" initial estimate of tau{c 178}"' } // Default else disp as text `"`linktext' "' as res `"`tsqtext'"' as text `" estimate of tau{c 178}`pooledtext'"' } } } // end if `"`pool'"'==`""' // User-defined weights if `"`wgttitle'"'!=`""' { // if *first* model has user-defined weights if `"`pool'"'==`""' { disp as text "and with user-defined weights " as res `"`wgttitle'"' } else disp as text "Weights " as res `"`wgttitle'"' as text " are user-defined" if `"`fpnote'"'!=`""' local fpnote `"`fpnote' and with user-defined weights"' else local fpnote `"NOTE: Weights `insert'are based on user-defined quantities"' } else if `udw' { // else if any other model(s) have user-defined weights if `"`pool'"'==`""' { disp as text "and with user-defined weights for one or more models; see below" } else disp as text "Weights are user-defined for one or more models; see below" if `"`fpnote'"'!=`""' local fpnote `"`fpnote' and with user-defined weights for some models"' else local fpnote `"NOTE: Weights for some models are user-defined"' } // Continuity correction cap confirm numeric var `_CC' if !_rc & `"`cc'"'!=`""' { summ `_CC' if `touse', meanonly if r(sum) { local 0 `cc' syntax anything(name=ccval id="value supplied to {bf:cc()}") [, ALLifzero OPPosite EMPirical MHUNCORR /*Internal option only*/ ] local mhpeto mh peto if `ccval' & !("`model1'"=="mh" & "`mhuncorr'"!="" & `"`summaryonly'`table'"'!=`""') { if `"`opposite'"'!=`""' disp as text _n "Opposite-arm continuity correction" _c else if `"`empirical'"'!=`""' disp as text _n "Empirical continuity correction" _c else { local ccvallen = length(strofreal(`ccval')) // Modified Nov 2020 local plus = `ccvallen' + 1 local minus = `ccvallen' - 1 disp as text _n "Continuity correction of " as res %0`plus'.`minus'f `ccval' _c } local mhcorrtext = cond("`mhallzero'"=="", "uncorrected", "corrected") local plural = cond(`nby' > 1, "effects are", "effect is") if `"`allifzero'"'!=`""' { disp as text " applied to all studies" local allifzerotext "studies with zero cells " } else disp as text " applied to studies with zero cells" if `"`summaryonly'`table'"'==`""' { if "`model1'"=="mh" { if "`mhuncorr'"!="" { local andfplot = cond("`graph'"=="", "and forest plot ", "") disp as text `" for inclusion in summary table `andfplot'(`allifzerotext'marked with "' as res "*" as text ")" disp as text "Mantel-Haenszel pooled `plural' estimated from " as res "`mhcorrtext'" as text " counts" if "`mhallzero'"!="" disp as text " due to all studies having zero events in the same arm" } else { disp as text " (`allifzerotext'marked with " as res "*" as text ")" disp as text "Mantel-Haenszel pooled `plural' estimated from " as res "corrected" as text " counts" } } else { disp as text " (marked with " as res "*" as text ")" } } } // end if `cc' & !("`model1'"=="mh" & "`mhuncorr'"!="" & `"`summaryonly'`table'"'!=`""') if `ccval' & !("`model1'"=="mh" & "`mhuncorr'"!="") { if `"`fpnote'"'!=`""' local fpnote `"`fpnote'; continuity correction applied to studies with zero cells"' else local fpnote `"NOTE: Continuity correction applied to studies with zero cells"' } else if !`ccval' & `: list posof "mh" in modellist' & `"`: list modellist - mhpeto'"'!=`""' { local s = cond(`nby' > 1, "s", "") disp as text _n "Note: Continuity correction suppressed, but Mantel-Haenszel pooled effect`s'" disp as text " still estimated using all studies with sufficient data" } } } // cumulative/influence notes // (N.B. all notes (`fpnote') are passed to -forestplot- regardless of `nowarning'; this is then implemented within forestplot.ado) if `"`fpnote'"'!=`""' & !inlist("`model1'", "iv", "mh") & `"`altwt'"'!=`""' { if `"`cumulative'"'!=`""' { local fpnote `""`fpnote';" "changes in heterogeneity may mean that cumulative weights are not monotone increasing""' } else if `"`influence'"'!=`""' { local fpnote `""`fpnote'," "expressed relative to the total weight in the overall model""' } } if `"`cumulative'"'!=`""' { if `"`sorted'"'!=`""' local sortby : sort if `"`sortby'"'!=`""' { disp as text _n "Studies added cumulatively in order of " as res `"`sortby'"' } } // SEP 2020: // "Parametrically-defined Isq" -based heterogeneity [i.e. based on tausq & sigmasq] /* if "`isqparam'"!="" & "`model1'"!="dl" { local fptext `"Heterogeneity measures based on {&tau}{sup:2} and {&sigma}{sup:2} rather than on Q"' if `"`fpnote'"'!=`""' { local fpnote `"`"`fpnote'."' `"`fptext'"'"' // add full stop and new line before continuing } else local fpnote `"NOTE: `fptext'"' // else just use text as-is sreturn local fpnote `"`fpnote'"' } */ // Print message regarding single estimates within subgroups // local m : word count `modellist' if `nsg' & `"`by'"'!=`""' & !inlist("`model1'", "iv", "mh", "peto", "mu") { if `"`influence'"'!=`""' & `"`sgwt'"'!=`""' local comma , disp as text _n "Note: one or more subgroups contain only a single valid estimate;" disp as text " common-effect models have been fitted in those subgroups`comma'" if `"`influence'"'!=`""' & `"`sgwt'"'!=`""' { disp as text " and {bf:influence} analysis cannot be done within them" } } sreturn local fpnote `"`fpnote'"' end **************************** * Subroutine to "spread" titles out over multiple lines if appropriate // Updated July 2014 // Copied directly to updated version of admetan.ado September 2015 without modification // August 2016: identical program now used here, in forestplot.ado, and in ipdover.ado // May 2017: updated to accept substrings delineated by quotes (c.f. multi-line axis titles) // August 2017: updated for better handling of maxlines() // March 2018: updated to receive text in quotes, hence both avoiding parsing problems with commas, and maintaining spacing // May 2018 and Nov 2018: updated truncation procedure // subroutine of DrawTableAD program define SpreadTitle, rclass syntax [anything(name=title id="title string")] [, TArget(integer 0) MAXWidth(integer 0) MAXLines(integer 0) noTRUNCate noUPDATE ] * Target = aim for this width, but allow expansion if alternative is wrapping "too early" (i.e before line is adequately filled) // (may be replaced by `titlelen'/`maxlines' if `maxlines' and `notruncate' are also specified) * Maxwidth = absolute maximum width ... but will be increased if a "long" string is encountered before the last line * Maxlines = maximum no. lines (default 3) * noTruncate = don't truncate final line if "too long" (even if greater than `maxwidth') * noUpdate = don't update `target' if `maxwidth' is increased (see above) tokenize `title' if `"`1'"'==`""' { return scalar nlines = 0 return scalar maxwidth = 0 exit } if `maxwidth' & !`maxlines' { cap assert `maxwidth'>=`target' if _rc { nois disp as err `"{bf:maxwidth()} must be greater than or equal to {bf:target()}"' exit 198 } } ** Find length of title string, or maximum length of multi-line title string // First run: strip off outer quotes if necessary, but watch out for initial/final spaces! gettoken tok : title, qed(qed) cap assert `"`tok'"'==`"`1'"' if _rc { gettoken tok rest : tok, qed(qed) assert `"`tok'"'==`"`1'"' local title1 title1 // specifies that title is not multi-line } local currentlen = length(`"`1'"') local titlelen = length(`"`1'"') // Subsequent runs: successive calls to -gettoken-, monitoring quotes with the qed() option macro shift while `"`1'"'!=`""' { local oldqed = `qed' gettoken tok rest : rest, qed(qed) assert `"`tok'"'==`"`1'"' if !`oldqed' & !`qed' local currentlen = `currentlen' + 1 + length(`"`1'"') else { local titlelen = max(`titlelen', `currentlen') local currentlen = length(`"`1'"') } macro shift } local titlelen = max(`titlelen', `currentlen') // Save user-specified parameter values separately local target_orig = `target' local maxwidth_orig = `maxwidth' local maxlines_orig = `maxlines' // Now finalise `target' and calculate `spread' local maxlines = cond(`maxlines_orig', `maxlines_orig', 3) // use a default value for `maxlines' of 3 in these calculations local target = cond(`target_orig', `target_orig', /// cond(`maxwidth_orig', min(`maxwidth_orig', `titlelen'/`maxlines'), `titlelen'/`maxlines')) local spread = min(int(`titlelen'/`target') + 1, `maxlines') local crit = cond(`maxwidth_orig', min(`maxwidth_orig', `titlelen'/`spread'), `titlelen'/`spread') ** If substrings are present, delineated by quotes, treat this as a line-break // Hence, need to first process each substring separately and obtain parameters, // then select the most appropriate overall parameters given the user-specified options, // and finally create the final line-by-line output strings. tokenize `title' local line = 1 local title`line' : copy local 1 // i.e. `"`title`line''"'==`"`1'"' local newwidth = length(`"`title`line''"') // if first "word" is by itself longer than `maxwidth' ... if `maxwidth' & !(`maxlines' & (`line'==`maxlines')) { // ... reset parameters and start over while length(`"`1'"') > `maxwidth' { local maxwidth = length(`"`1'"') local target = cond(`target_orig', cond(`"`update'"'!=`""', `target_orig', `target_orig' + `maxwidth' - `maxwidth_orig'), /// cond(`maxwidth', min(`maxwidth', `titlelen'/`maxlines'), `titlelen'/`maxlines')) local spread = min(int(`titlelen'/`target') + 1, `maxlines') local crit = cond(`maxwidth', min(`maxwidth', `titlelen'/`spread'), `titlelen'/`spread') } } macro shift local next : copy local 1 // i.e. `"`next'"'==`"`1'"' (was `"`2'"' before macro shift!) while `"`1'"' != `""' { // local check = `"`title`line''"' + `" "' + `"`next'"' // (potential) next iteration of `title`line'' local check `"`title`line'' `next'"' // (amended Apr 2018 due to local x = "" issue with version <13) if length(`"`check'"') > `crit' { // if longer than ideal... // ...and further from target than before, or greater than maxwidth if abs(length(`"`check'"') - `crit') > abs(length(`"`title`line''"') - `crit') /// | (`maxwidth' & (length(`"`check'"') > `maxwidth')) { if `maxlines' & (`line'==`maxlines') { // if reached max no. of lines local title`line' : copy local check // - use next iteration anyway (to be truncated) macro shift local next : copy local 1 local newwidth = max(`newwidth', length(`"`title`line''"')) // update `newwidth' continue, break } else { // otherwise: local ++line // - new line // if first "word" of new line (i.e. `next') is by itself longer than `maxwidth' ... if `maxwidth' & (length(`"`next'"') > `maxwidth') { // ... if we're on the last line or last token, continue as normal ... if !((`maxlines' & (`line'==`maxlines')) | `"`2'"'==`""') { // ... but otherwise, reset parameters and start over local maxwidth = length(`"`next'"') local target = cond(`target_orig', cond(`"`update'"'!=`""', `target_orig', `target_orig' + `maxwidth' - `maxwidth_orig'), /// cond(`maxwidth', min(`maxwidth', `titlelen'/`maxlines'), `titlelen'/`maxlines')) local spread = min(int(`titlelen'/`target') + 1, `maxlines') local crit = cond(`maxwidth', min(`maxwidth', `titlelen'/`spread'), `titlelen'/`spread') // restart loop tokenize `title' local tok = 1 local line = 1 local title`line' : copy local 1 // i.e. `"`title`line''"'==`"`1'"' local newwidth = length(`"`title`line''"') macro shift local next : copy local 1 // i.e. `"`next'"'==`"`1'"' (was `"`2'"' before macro shift!) continue } } local title`line' : copy local next // - begin new line with next word } } else local title`line' : copy local check // else use next iteration } else local title`line' : copy local check // else use next iteration macro shift local next : copy local 1 local newwidth = max(`newwidth', length(`"`title`line''"')) // update `newwidth' } // (N.B. won't be done if reached max no. of lines, as loop broken) * Return strings forvalues i = 1 / `line' { // truncate if appropriate (last line only) if `i'==`line' & "`truncate'"=="" & `maxwidth' { local title`i' = substr(`"`title`i''"', 1, `maxwidth') } return local title`i' `"`title`i''"' } * Return values return scalar nlines = `line' return scalar maxwidth = min(`newwidth', `maxwidth') return scalar target = `target' end ************************************************ ** BuildResultsSet // Having performed the meta-analysis (see PerformMetaAnalysis subroutine) // ... and displayed results on-screen (see DrawTableAD subroutine) // ... optionally prepare "results set" for either saving, or for constructing the forest plot (using forestplot.ado). // The saving and/or running of -forestplot- is done from within this subroutine, due to tempvars being created. // Note that meta-analysis is now complete, with stats returned in r(); if error in BuildResultsSet, error message explains this. // (called directly by metan_output.ado) // [N.B. mostly end part of old (v2.2) MainRoutine subroutine] program define BuildResultsSet, rclass ***************** * Initial setup * ... starting with "required options" (plus by() and source() ) ***************** syntax varlist(numeric min=3 max=7) [if] [in], STUDY(varname numeric) LABELS(varname) /// OUTVLIST(varlist numeric min=5 max=7) MODELLIST(namelist) QSTAT(name) SORTBY(varlist) /// TESTSTATLIST(namelist) [ noTABle /// <-- May 2022: options not needed in BuildResultsSet, but parse out here to prevent passing to -twoway- BY(varname numeric) BYLIST(numlist miss) SOURCE(varname numeric) /// CLEARNPTS * ] /* <-- internal options from elsewhere [July 2022, May 2023] */ marksample touse, novarlist // -novarlist- option prevents -marksample- from setting `touse' to zero if any missing values in `varlist' // we want to control this behaviour ourselves, e.g. by using KEEPALL option qui keep if `touse' tempvar obs qui gen long `obs' = _n // unpack varlists gettoken _USE invlist : varlist local params : word count `invlist' tokenize `outvlist' args _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _CC // Multiple models local m : word count `modellist' gettoken model1 : modellist forvalues j = 1 / `m' { local 0 `", `options'"' syntax [, MODEL`j'opts(string) LABEL`j'opt(string asis) EXTRA`j'opt(string asis) USER`j'stats(numlist min=3 max=3) * ] } local opts_adm `"`macval(options)'"' local 0 `", `model1opts'"' syntax [, WGT(varname) CC(string) ISQSA(real 80) TSQSA(real -99) * ] // rename locals for consistency with rest of -metan- local _BY `by' local _STUDY `study' local _LABELS `labels' local _SOURCE `source' if `"`clearnpts'"'!=`""' local _NN // [July 2022] cancel _NN if cumul/infl but at least one missing value else if `"`_NN'"'!=`""' local NN_opt _NN // [AUG 2021] for `tosave' further down ******************************** * Subgroup and Overall effects * ******************************** // Create new observations to hold subgroup & overall effects (_USE==3, 5) // (these can simply be removed again to restore the original data.) // N.B. Such observations may already have been created if passed through from -ipdmetan- // but in any case, cover all bases by checking for (if applicable) a _USE==3 corresponding to each `by'-value, // plus a single overall _USE==5. local 0 `", `opts_adm'"' syntax [, noOVerall noSUbgroup noSECsub QLIST(numlist miss min=2 max=7) /// BYSTATSLIST(namelist) OVSTATS(name) HETSTATS(namelist) BYHETLIST(namelist) BYQ(name) /// MWT(name) SGWt OVWt ALLWTNAMES(namelist) CUmulative INFluence /// XOUTVLIST(varlist numeric) PRVLIST(varlist numeric min=3 max=3) RFDist USEFLAG * ] // June 2024: improve error message due to similarity between hetstats (matrix) and hetinfo (option) if `: word count `hetstats''>1 { nois disp as err "option hetstats(): too many names specified" nois disp as err "Check whether the option {bf:hetinfo()} was intended instead" exit 103 } // Sep 2020: Unpack `qlist' tokenize `qlist' if `"`overall'"'!=`""' args Qsum Qbet nbyQ // if nooverall, only have between-subgroup Q else args Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci Qsum Qbet nbyQ // Setup "translation" from ovstats/bystats matrix rownames to stored varnames if `"`xoutvlist'"'!=`""' { local rownames cap local rownames : rownames `ovstats' if _rc cap local rownames : rownames `: word 1 of `bystatslist'' if `"`rownames'"'!=`""' { // [DEC 2020:] re-form `xrownames' from `rownames' local core eff se_eff eff_lci eff_uci npts local xrownames : list rownames - core local xrownames `xrownames' Q Qdf Q_lci Q_uci if `: list posof "tausq" in rownames' local xrownames `xrownames' sigmasq if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' local xrownames `xrownames' WT_Final local nx : word count `xoutvlist' assert `nx' == `: word count `xrownames'' forvalues i = 1 / `nx' { local el : word `i' of `xrownames' if `"`el'"'==`"Q_lci"' local vnames `vnames' _Qlci else if `"`el'"'==`"Q_uci"' local vnames `vnames' _Quci else if `"`el'"'==`"prop_eff"' local vnames `vnames' _Prop_ES else if `"`el'"'==`"prop_lci"' local vnames `vnames' _Prop_LCI else if `"`el'"'==`"prop_uci"' local vnames `vnames' _Prop_UCI else local vnames `vnames' _`el' local rnames `rnames' `el' } tokenize `xoutvlist' args `vnames' // for later } } else if "`prvlist'"!="" { local PR_vnames _Prop_ES _Prop_LCI _Prop_UCI local PR_rnames prop_eff prop_lci prop_uci tokenize `prvlist' args `PR_vnames' } local vnames _ES _seES _LCI _UCI `PR_vnames' `vnames' local rnames eff se_eff eff_lci eff_uci `PR_rnames' `rnames' // if rfdist, obtain appropriate varnames if `"`rfdist'"'!=`""' { tempvar _rfLCI _rfUCI qui gen double `_rfLCI' = . qui gen double `_rfUCI' = . local RFDnames _rfLCI _rfUCI local vnames `vnames' `RFDnames' if "`prvlist'"!="" local rnames `rnames' prop_rflci prop_rfuci else local rnames `rnames' rflci rfuci } local na : word count `vnames' // subgroup effects (`_USE'==3) local nby = max(1, `: word count `bylist'') if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { local allwtnames2 : copy local allwtnames local byi : word `i' of `bylist' summ `obs' if `touse' & `_USE'==3 & `_BY'==`byi', meanonly // should be a maximum of one, if created by -ipdmetan- // if none, add to end; if one, expand. That way, they are all together // Also: Note that `obs' will not needed beyond this section, so use it to identify models if r(N)==0 { local omin = _N local omax = `omin' + `m' qui set obs `omax' local ++omin qui replace `_BY' = `byi' in `omin'/`omax' qui replace `_USE' = 3 in `omin'/`omax' qui replace `touse' = 1 in `omin'/`omax' } else if r(N)==1 { local omin = r(min) qui expand `m' if `obs' == `omin' local omax = `omin' + `m' } else { // this should never actually happen nois disp as err "Error in data structure: more than one observation with _USE==3" exit 198 } // insert statistics from `bystats' local index = 0 forvalues j = 1 / `m' { local model : word `j' of `modellist' if (`j' > 1 & "`secsub'"!="") | "`model'"=="user" { qui drop in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' / `omax' continue, break } if `j' > 1 gettoken wtname allwtnames2 : allwtnames2 local ++index local bystats : word `index' of `bystatslist' local byhet : word `index' of `byhetlist' forvalues k = 1 / `na' { local v : word `k' of `vnames' local el : word `k' of `rnames' if "`bystats'"!="" { local r = rownumb(`bystats', "`el'") if !missing(`r') { qui replace ``v'' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } // ... or from `hetstats' else if "`byhet'"!="" { local r = rownumb(`byhet', "`el'") if !missing(`r') { qui replace ``v'' = `byhet'[`r', `i'] in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } // ... or from `byQ' else if "`byQ'"!="" { local r = rownumb(`byq', "`el'") if !missing(`r') { qui replace ``v'' = `byq'[`r', `i'] in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } else { // this should never happen nois disp as err "matrix {bf:byQ} not found" exit 198 } } // `mwt' should always exist if `"`by'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' & `"`sgwt'"'==`""' if `"`sgwt'"'==`""' { cap assert "`mwt'"!="" if _rc { // this should never happen nois disp as err "matrix {bf:mwt} not found" exit 198 } if `j'==1 qui replace `_WT' = `mwt'[`index', `i'] in `omin' else if `"`wtname'"'!=`""' { qui replace `wtname' = `mwt'[`index', `i'] in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } else { if `j'==1 qui replace `_WT' = cond(!missing(`_ES'), 100, .) in `omin' else if `"`wtname'"'!=`""' { qui replace `wtname' = cond(!missing(`_ES'), 100, .) in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } qui replace `obs' = `j' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } // end forvalues j = 1 / `m' } // end forvalues i = 1 / `nby' } // end if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' // overall effect (`_USE'==5) if `"`overall'"'==`""' { local allwtnames2 : copy local allwtnames summ `obs' if `_USE'==5 & `touse', meanonly // should be a maximum of one, if created by -ipdmetan- // if none, add to end; if one, expand. That way, they are all together if r(N)==0 { local omin = _N local omax = `omin' + `m' qui set obs `omax' local ++omin qui replace `_USE' = 5 in `omin'/`omax' qui replace `touse' = 1 in `omin'/`omax' } else if r(N)==1 { local omin = r(min) qui expand `m' if `obs' == `omin' local omax = `omin' + `m' } else { // this should never actually happen nois disp as err "Error in data structure: more than one observation with _USE==5" exit 198 } local index = 0 forvalues j = 1 / `m' { local model : word `j' of `modellist' if `j' > 1 gettoken wtname allwtnames2 : allwtnames2 qui replace `obs' = `j' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' // insert user-defined stats if appropriate... if "`model'"=="user" { tokenize `user`j'stats' // Modified Apr 2021: wherever `_ES' `_LCI' `_UCI' appear, use "_Prop" versions instead if `prvlist' if "`prvlist'"!="" { qui replace `_Prop_ES' = `1' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' qui replace `_Prop_LCI' = `2' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' qui replace `_Prop_UCI' = `3' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } else { qui replace `_ES' = `1' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' qui replace `_LCI' = `2' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' qui replace `_UCI' = `3' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } // ... o/w insert statistics from `ovstats' else if "`ovstats'"!="" { local ++index forvalues k = 1 / `na' { local v : word `k' of `vnames' local el : word `k' of `rnames' local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "`el'") if !missing(`r') { qui replace ``v'' = `ovstats'[`r', `index'] in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } // ... or from `hetstats' else if "`hetstats'"!="" { local r = rownumb(`hetstats', "`el'") if !missing(`r') { qui replace ``v'' = `hetstats'[`r', `index'] in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } // ... or from `qlist' else if "`el'"=="Q" qui replace ``v'' = `Q' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' else if "`el'"=="Qdf" qui replace ``v'' = `Qdf' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' else if "`el'"=="Q_lci" qui replace ``v'' = `Q_lci' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' else if "`el'"=="Q_uci" qui replace ``v'' = `Q_uci' in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } if `"`ovwt'"'!=`""' { if `j'==1 qui replace `_WT' = cond(!missing(`_ES'), 100, .) in `omin' else if `"`wtname'"'!=`""' { qui replace `wtname' = cond(!missing(`_ES'), 100, .) in `=`omin' - 1 + `j'' } } } // end forvalues j = 1 / `m' } // end if `"`overall'"'==`""' // June 2020: If passed from -ipdmetan- , may need to remove `_USE'==3, 5 if `nooverall' / `nosubgroup' (e.g. if `influence') // March 2021: modified to use the option `useflag' as the identifying characteristic if `"`useflag'"'!=`""' { if `"`subgroup'"'!=`""' cap drop if `_USE'==3 if `"`overall'"'!=`""' cap drop if `_USE'==5 // June 2021: niche case - passed from -ipdmetan- with subgroup observations (_USE==3) for which no data // - need to set `obs' to something else to avoid being caught by "assert" if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' { local bylist2 : subinstr local bylist " " ",", all qui replace `obs' = -`obs' if `_USE'==3 & !inlist(`_BY', `bylist2') qui replace `touse' = 0 if `_USE'==3 & !inlist(`_BY', `bylist2') } } // `obs' is not needed anymore, so use it to identify models for USE==3, 5 qui replace `obs' = 0 if `touse' & !inlist(`_USE', 3, 5) cap assert inrange(`obs', 1, `m') if `touse' & `obs' > 0 if _rc { nois disp as err `"error in {bf:use(}{it:varname}{bf:)}"' exit 198 } local useModel `obs' // rename // _BY will typically be missing for _USE==5, so need to be careful when sorting // Hence, generate marker of _USE==5 to sort on *before* _BY tempvar use5 qui gen byte `use5' = 0 if `touse' qui count if `_USE'==5 // if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' & r(N) { qui replace `use5' = 1 if `touse' & `_USE'==5 //} ******************************* * Fill down counts, npts, oev * ******************************* local 0 `", `options'"' syntax [, SUMMSTAT(string) COUNTS(string asis) EBShrinkage EFFIcacy OEV LRVLIST(varlist numeric) LOGRank /*CUmulative INFluence*/ ALTWt /// PRoportion NOPR DENOMinator(real 1) * ] local opts_adm `"`macval(options)'"' // because -syntax- used below with `counts' // Setup `counts' and `oev' options if `"`counts'"'!=`""' | `"`oev'"'!=`""' { tokenize `invlist' if `"`counts'"'!=`""' { if `params' == 6 args n1 mean1 sd1 n0 mean0 sd0 // `invlist' else { tempvar sum_e1 sum_e0 // Log-rank (Peto) HR from -ipdmetan- // counts = "events/total in research arm; events/total in control arm" if `"`lrvlist'"'!=`""' { cap assert `params'==2 & "`logrank'"!="" if _rc { nois disp as err _n `"Error in communication between {bf:ipdmetan} and {bf:metan}"' exit 198 } tokenize `lrvlist' args n1 n0 e1 e0 } // Binary outcome (OR, Peto, RR, RD) // counts = "events/total in research arm; events/total in control arm" else if `params'==4 { args e1 f1 e0 f0 // `invlist' tempvar n1 n0 qui gen long `n1' = `e1' + `f1' qui gen long `n0' = `e0' + `f0' } // Single-group proportion data else if "`proportion'"!="" args e0 n0 else { disp _n `"{error}Note: {bf:counts} is only valid with 2x2 count data, continuous outcome data,"' disp `"{error} or single-group proportion data, so will be ignored"' local counts } } } if `"`oev'"'!=`""' { if "`logrank'"!="" { tokenize `invlist' args _OE _V } else if "`model1'"=="peto" { tempvar _OE _V qui gen double `_OE' = `_ES' / `_seES'^2 qui gen double `_V' = 1 / `_seES'^2 } else { disp _n `"{error}Note: {bf:oev} is not applicable without log-rank data or Peto ORs, so will be ignored"' local oev } } if `"`oev'"'!=`""' { local OEV_vlist _OE _V label variable `_OE' `"O-E(o)"' label variable `_V' `"V(o)"' format `_OE' %6.2f format `_V' %6.2f } } // end if `"`counts'"'!=`""' | `"`oev'"'!=`""' // Create `sumvlist' containing list of vars to fill down if `"`counts'"'!=`""' { if "`proportion'"!="" { // local sumvlist e0 n0 local sumvlist e0 // DF 2022: only e0, because n0 and _NN are the same; don't repeat tempvar _counts0 } else { local sumvlist n1 n0 if inlist(`params', 2, 4) { // i.e. either logrank or 2x2 binary local sumvlist `sumvlist' e1 e0 } tempvar _counts1 _counts0 } } local sumvlist `sumvlist' `OEV_vlist' `NN_opt' if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' & `"`altwt'"'==`""' { foreach x of local sumvlist { tempvar sum_`x' } } // Now do the actual "filling down". // If `cumulative' or `influence', keep *both* versions: the original (to be stored in the current dataset, unless `nokeepvars') // and the "filled down" (for the forestplot and/or saved dataset)... // ...unless `altwt', in which case just keep the original. qui isid `touse' `use5' `_BY' `_USE' `useModel' `_SOURCE' `sortby', sort missok tempvar tempsum // subgroup totals if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { foreach x of local sumvlist { local xtype : type ``x'' local xtype = cond(inlist("`xtype'", "float", "double"), "double", "long") qui by `touse' `use5' `_BY' : gen `xtype' `tempsum' = sum(``x'') if `touse' qui replace ``x'' = `tempsum' if `touse' & `_USE'==3 & `useModel'==1 // only for first model, as will repeat qui replace ``x'' = . if `touse' & `_USE'==3 & `useModel' >1 if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' & `"`altwt'"'==`""' { if `"`influence'"'!=`""' { qui gen `xtype' `sum_`x'' = `tempsum' if `touse' & `_USE'==3 // `useModel' not relevant as cumulative/influence not compatible with multiple models qui by `touse' `use5' `_BY' : replace `tempsum' = ``x''[_N] qui replace `sum_`x'' = `tempsum' - ``x'' if `touse' & `_USE'==1 } else qui gen `xtype' `sum_`x'' = `tempsum' } drop `tempsum' } } // overall totals if `"`overall'"'==`""' { foreach x of local sumvlist { local xtype : type ``x'' local xtype = cond(inlist("`xtype'", "float", "double"), "double", "long") qui gen `xtype' `tempsum' = sum(``x'') if `touse' & `_USE'!=3 qui replace ``x'' = `tempsum' if `touse' & `_USE'==5 & `useModel'==1 // only for first model, as will repeat qui replace ``x'' = . if `touse' & `_USE'==5 & `useModel' >1 if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' & `"`altwt'"'==`""' { if `"`influence'"'!=`""' { summ ``x'' if `touse' & `_USE'==5, meanonly // Note: `useModel' not relevant as cumulative/influence not compatible with multiple models if !(`"`_BY'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""') { qui gen `xtype' `sum_`x'' = `tempsum' if `touse' & `_USE'==5 qui replace `sum_`x'' = r(sum) - ``x'' if `touse' & `_USE'==1 } else { qui replace `sum_`x'' = `tempsum' if `touse' & `_USE'==5 } } // modified March 2020 else { if !(`"`_BY'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""') qui gen `xtype' `sum_`x'' = `tempsum' else qui replace `sum_`x'' = `tempsum' if `touse' & `_USE'==5 } } drop `tempsum' } } // Reassign locals `x' to reference vars previously referenced by locals `sum_`x'' // That is, "rename" our filled-down vars to their "original/natural" names. // (N.B. vars n1, n0, e1, e0, _OE, _V are only relevant to *saved* datasets, not to the *original* dataset... // ... plus _NN needs to be treated differently) // [Corrected Jan 2020] if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' & `"`altwt'"'==`""' /// & ((`"`_BY'"'!=`""' & `"`subgroup'"'==`""') | `"`overall'"'==`""') { foreach x of local sumvlist { local `x' `sum_`x'' } } ** Finally, create `counts' string for forestplot if `"`counts'"'!=`""' { // option "counts" is guaranteed to be present (see ParseFPlotOpts); hence going forward local counts = "counts" local 0 `", `counts'"' syntax [, COUNTS GROUP1(string asis) GROUP2(string asis) ] // Titles // amended Feb 2018 due to local x = "" issue with version <13 // local title1 = cond(`"`group2'"'!=`""', `"`group2'"', `"Treatment"') // local title0 = cond(`"`group1'"'!=`""', `"`group1'"', `"Control"') if `"`group1'"'!=`""' local title0 `"`group1'"' if "`proportion'"=="" { if `"`group2'"'!=`""' local title1 `"`group2'"' else local title1 "Treatment" if `"`group1'"'==`""' local title0 "Control" } else if `"`group2'"'!=`""' { disp _n `"{error}Note: {bf:group2()} is only valid with 2x2 count data or continuous outcome data, so will be ignored"' local group2 } // Binary data, proportion data or logrank HR if inlist(`params', 2, 4) { qui gen `_counts0' = string(`e0') + "/" + string(`n0') if inlist(`_USE', 1, 2) | (inlist(`_USE', 3, 5) & `useModel'==1) label variable `_counts0' `"`title0' n/N"' if "`proportion'"=="" { qui gen `_counts1' = string(`e1') + "/" + string(`n1') if inlist(`_USE', 1, 2) | (inlist(`_USE', 3, 5) & `useModel'==1) label variable `_counts1' `"`title1' n/N"' drop `n1' `n0' // tidy up } } // N mean SD for continuous outcome data // counts = "N, mean (SD) in research arm; N, mean (SD) events/total in control arm" else { tempvar _counts1msd _counts0msd qui gen long `_counts1' = `n1' if inlist(`_USE', 1, 2) | (inlist(`_USE', 3, 5) & `useModel'==1) qui gen `_counts1msd' = string(`mean1', "%7.2f") + " (" + string(`sd1', "%7.2f") + ")" if inlist(`_USE', 1, 2) label variable `_counts1' "N" label variable `_counts1msd' `"`title1' Mean (SD)"' qui gen long `_counts0' = `n0' if inlist(`_USE', 1, 2) | (inlist(`_USE', 3, 5) & `useModel'==1) qui gen `_counts0msd' = string(`mean0', "%7.2f") + " (" + string(`sd0', "%7.2f") + ")" if inlist(`_USE', 1, 2) label variable `_counts0' "N" label variable `_counts0msd' `"`title0' Mean (SD)"' // Find max number of digits in `_counts1', `_counts0' summ `_counts1', meanonly if r(N) { local fmtlen = floor(log10(`r(max)')) format `_counts1' %`fmtlen'.0f } summ `_counts0', meanonly if r(N) { local fmtlen = floor(log10(`r(max)')) format `_counts0' %`fmtlen'.0f } } if "`proportion'"!="" local COUNTSvl _counts0 else local COUNTSvl _counts1 _counts0 if `params'==6 local COUNTSvl `COUNTSvl' _counts1msd _counts0msd } // end if `"`counts'"'!=`""' // end of "filling-down counts" section ** Vaccine efficacy // (carried over from -metan- ) tempvar strlen if `"`efficacy'"'!=`""' { // check: OR and RR only cap assert inlist("`summstat'", "or", "rr") if _rc { nois disp as err _n "Vaccine efficacy statistics only possible with odds ratios and risk ratios" exit _rc } tempvar _VE qui gen `_VE' = string(100*(1 - exp(`_ES')), "%4.0f") + " (" /// + string(100*(1 - exp(`_LCI')), "%4.0f") + ", " /// + string(100*(1 - exp(`_UCI')), "%4.0f") + ")" if `_USE'==1 | (inlist(`_USE', 3, 5) & `useModel'==1) label variable `_VE' "Vaccine efficacy (%)" local VE_opt _VE // for `tosave' below qui gen `strlen' = length(`_VE') summ `strlen', meanonly format %`r(max)'s `_VE' qui compress `_VE' drop `strlen' } ** [FEB 2024] Empirical Bayes shrinkage estimates // (carried over from -metan5- ) if `"`ebshrinkage'"'!=`""' { tempvar _EBS_ES _EBS_seES qui gen double `_EBS_ES' = . qui gen double `_EBS_seES' = . format %6.3f `_EBS_ES' `_EBS_seES' label variable `_EBS_ES' "Empirical Bayes shrinkage estimate" label variable `_EBS_seES' "Standard error of empirical Bayes shrinkage estimate" local EBS_opt _EBS_ES _EBS_seES // for `tosave' below tempname eff se_eff tausq if `"`sgwt'"'!=`""' { local bystats : word 1 of `bystatslist' // use first model only forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { local byi : word `i' of `bylist' // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`bystats', "eff") scalar `eff' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] local r = rownumb(`bystats', "se_eff") scalar `se_eff' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] local r = rownumb(`bystats', "tausq") scalar `tausq' = `bystats'[`r', `i'] qui replace `_EBS_ES' = (`_ES'*`tausq' + `eff'*`_seES'^2) / (`_seES'^2 + `tausq') if `_USE'==1 & `_BY'==`byi' qui replace `_EBS_seES' = sqrt( `_seES'^2 *`tausq'/(`_seES'^2 + `tausq') + (`se_eff'*`_seES'^2 / (`_seES'^2 + `tausq'))^2 ) if `_USE'==1 & `_BY'==`byi' } } else { // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "eff") scalar `eff' = ovstats[`r', 1] // use first model only local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "se_eff") scalar `se_eff' = ovstats[`r', 1] local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "tausq") scalar `tausq' = ovstats[`r', 1] qui replace `_EBS_ES' = (`_ES'*`tausq' + `eff'*`_seES'^2) / (`_seES'^2 + `tausq') if `_USE'==1 qui replace `_EBS_seES' = sqrt( `_seES'^2 *`tausq'/(`_seES'^2 + `tausq') + (`se_eff'*`_seES'^2 / (`_seES'^2 + `tausq'))^2 ) if `_USE'==1 } } ** Weights // Aug 2023: moved upwards, and expand to include multiple models if `allwtnames' // May 2020: if modeltext is included, use compound quotes to force "% Weight" into a single line, with modeltext underneath if `m' > 1 { label variable `_WT' `"`"% Weight,"' `"`label1opt'"'"' if `"`allwtnames'"'!=`""' { local allwtnames2 : copy local allwtnames forvalues j = 2/`m' { gettoken wtname allwtnames2 : allwtnames2 format `wtname' %6.2f label variable `wtname' `"`"% Weight,"' `"`label`j'opt'"'"' local newwtnamej = strtoname(`"_WT_`label`j'opt'"') local newwtnames `newwtnames' `newwtnamej' } tokenize `allwtnames' args `newwtnames' // for `tosave' below } } // NEW JAN 2024: If cumulative or influence, replace "% Weight" with "Ratio of Variances" else if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' { label variable `_WT' `"`"Ratio of"' `"Variances"'"' label variable `_WT_Final' "% Weight from final model" } else label variable `_WT' "% Weight" format `_WT' %6.2f ***************************************** * Rename tempvars to permanent varnames * ***************************************** local 0 `", `opts_adm'"' syntax [, SAVING(string) CLEAR CLEARSTACK RFLevel(cilevel) ILevel(cilevel) OLevel(cilevel) HLevel(cilevel) /// PREfix(name local) LCols(varlist) RCols(varlist) * ] /* <-- NEW JUL 2021*/ local opts_adm `"`macval(options)'"' // because -syntax- used below with `saving' * Test validity of lcols/rcols // Cannot be any of the names -metan- (or -ipdmetan- etc.) uses for other things // To keep things simple, forbid any varnames: // - beginning with a single underscore followed by a capital letter // - beginning with "_counts" // (Oct 2018: N.B. was `badnames'; Nov 2021 new `badnames' code added below) local badnames _USE _SOURCE _STUDY _LABELS _BY local badnames `badnames' _ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT _NN _rfLCI _rfUCI _OE _V _CC _VE _EBS_ES _EBS_seES if `"`cumulative'`influence'"'!=`""' { local badnames `badnames' _crit _chi2 _dfkr _pvalue _Q _Qdf _Qlci _Quci _H _Isq _HsqM _sigmasq _tausq _tsq_lci _tsq_uci _WT_Final } // also _Prop*, _counts* ; see below local lrcols `lcols' `rcols' local check = 0 if trim(`"`lrcols'"') != `""' { // local cALPHA `c(ALPHA)' foreach el of local lrcols { foreach bad of local badnames { local el_len = length(`"`el'"') local badlen = length(`"`bad'"') if (substr(`"`el'"', 1, `badlen')==`"`bad'"') | (substr(`"`bad'"', 1, `el_len')==`"`el'"') { nois disp as err _n `"Error in option {bf:lcols()} or {bf:rcols()}:"' nois disp as err `" Variable name {bf:`el'} is reserved for use by {bf:ipdmetan}, {bf:ipdover} and {bf:forestplot}."' nois disp as err `"In order to save the results set, please rename this variable or use {bf:{help clonevar}}."' exit 101 } } /* local el2 = substr(`"`el'"', 2, 1) if substr(`"`el'"', 1, 1)==`"_"' & `: list el2 in cALPHA' { nois disp as err _n `"Error in option {bf:lcols()} or {bf:rcols()}: Variable names such as {bf:`el'}, beginning with an underscore followed by a capital letter,"' nois disp as err `" are reserved for use by {bf:ipdmetan}, {bf:ipdover} and {bf:forestplot}."' nois disp as err `"In order to save the results set, please rename this variable or use {bf:{help clonevar}}."' exit 101 } */ else if substr(`"`el'"', 1, 7)==`"_counts"' { nois disp as err _n `"Error in option {bf:lcols()} or {bf:rcols()}: Variable names beginning {bf:_counts} are reserved for use by {bf:ipdmetan}, {bf:ipdover} and {bf:forestplot}."' nois disp as err `"In order to save the results set, please rename this variable or use {bf:{help clonevar}}."' exit 101 } else if `"`proportion'"'!=`""' & substr(`"`el'"', 1, 6)==`"_Prop_"' { nois disp as err _n `"Error in option {bf:lcols()} or {bf:rcols()}: Variable names beginning {bf:_Prop_} are reserved for use by {bf:ipdmetan}, {bf:ipdover} and {bf:forestplot}."' nois disp as err `"In order to save the results set, please rename this variable or use {bf:{help clonevar}}."' exit 101 } // Added Aug 2023 else if `"`allwtnames'"'!=`""' & substr(`"`el'"', 1, 4)==`"_WT_"' { nois disp as err _n `"Error in option {bf:lcols()} or {bf:rcols()}: Variable names beginning {bf:_WT_} are reserved for use by {bf:ipdmetan}, {bf:ipdover} and {bf:forestplot}."' nois disp as err `"In order to save the results set, please rename this variable or use {bf:{help clonevar}}."' exit 101 } // `saving' / `clear' only: // Test validity of (value) *label* names: just _BY, _STUDY, _SOURCE as applicable // Value labels are unique within datasets. Hence, not a problem for a var in lcols/rcols to have same value label as the by() or study() variable. // However, a var in lcols/rcols **cannot** use the label name _BY or _STUDY **unless** the by() or study() variable is already sharing that label name. // (Also, cannot use _SOURCE as a value label if `"`_SOURCE'"'!=`""') if `"`saving'"'!=`""' | `"`clear'`clearstack'"'!=`""' { local lrlab : value label `el' if `"`lrlab'"'==`"`prefix'_BY"' { if `"`_BY'"'==`""' local check = 1 else { if `"`: value label `_BY''"'!=`"`prefix'_BY"' local check = 1 } } if `"`lrlab'"'==`"`prefix'_STUDY"' { if `"`_STUDY'"'==`""' local check = 1 else { if `"`: value label `_STUDY''"'!=`"`prefix'_STUDY"' local check = 1 } } if `"`lrlab'"'==`"`prefix'_SOURCE"' { if `"`_SOURCE'"'==`""' local check = 1 else { if `"`: value label `_SOURCE''"'!=`"`prefix'_SOURCE"' local check = 1 } } if `check' { nois disp as err _n `"Error in option {bf:lcols()} or {bf:rcols()}: Label name {bf:`lrlab'} attached to variable {bf:`el'}"' nois disp as err `" is reserved for use by {bf:metan} and {bf:forestplot}."' nois disp as err `"In order to save the results set, please rename the label attached to this variable (e.g. using {bf:{help label copy}})."' exit 101 } } // end if `"`saving'"'!=`""' | `"`clear'"'!=`""' } // end foreach el of local lrcols } // end if trim(`"`lrcols'"') != `""' // Initialize varlists to save in Results Set: // `core': "core" variables (N.B. *excluding* _NN) local core _ES _seES _LCI _UCI `PR_vnames' _WT // tosave': additional "internal" vars created by specific options // [may contain: _NN; _OE _V if `oev'; `COUNTSvl' if `counts'; _VE if `efficacy'; _EBS_ES _EBS_seES if `ebshrinkage'; _CC if `cc'; _rfLCI _rfUCI if `rfdist'] cap confirm numeric var `_CC' if !_rc local CC_opt _CC local tosave `NN_opt' `OEV_vlist' `COUNTSvl' `VE_opt' `EBS_opt' `CC_opt' `RFDnames' `newwtnames' if `"`xoutvlist'"'!=`""' local tosave : list tosave | vnames local tosave : list tosave - core // "Labelling" variables: _USE, _STUDY, _BY etc. local labelvars _USE if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' local labelvars `labelvars' _BY if `"`_SOURCE'"'!=`""' local labelvars `labelvars' _SOURCE local labelvars `labelvars' _STUDY _LABELS // If `saving' / `clear', finish off renaming tempvars to permanent varnames // ...in order to store them in the *saved* dataset (NOT the data in memory) // ... also, if `saving', need to extract `stacklabel' option // [July 2021: moved downwards] if `"`saving'"'!=`""' { // use modified version of built-in _prefix_saving.ado my_prefix_saving `saving' local fname `"`s(filename)'"' local 0 `", `s(opts_saving)'"' syntax [, REPLACE STACKlabel ] } if `"`clearstack'"'!=`""' { local clear clear local stacklabel stacklabel // July 2021; see explanation above } local allwtnames local finalvars local tocheck `labelvars' `core' `tosave' foreach v of local tocheck { confirm variable ``v'' if `"`saving'"'!=`""' | `"`clear'"'!=`""' { // For "saved" variable names, // check if pre-existing var (``v'') has the "correct" name (`prefix'`v'). // If it does not, first drop any existing var named `prefix'`v' (e.g. left over from previous -metan- call), then rename. if `"``v''"'!=`"`prefix'`v'"' { cap drop `prefix'`v' // If ``v'' is in `lrcols' or `sortby', use -clonevar-, so as also to keep original name if `: list `v' in lrcols' | `: list `v' in sortby' { qui clonevar `prefix'`v' = ``v'' if `touse' } else qui rename ``v'' `prefix'`v' } // Similar logic also applies to value labels for numeric _STUDY, _BY and _SOURCE: // check if pre-existing var (``v'') has the "correct" value label name (`prefix'`v'). // If it does not, drop any existing value label `v', and copy current value label across to `prefix'`v'. if inlist("`v'", "_STUDY", "_BY", "_SOURCE") { if `"`: value label `prefix'`v''"' != `""' & `"`: value label `prefix'`v''"' != `"`prefix'`v'"' { cap label drop `prefix'`v' label copy `: value label `prefix'`v'' `prefix'`v' label values `prefix'`v' `prefix'`v' } } // IF RENAMING, DON'T REFORMAT; KEEP ORIGINAL FORMAT // SO THAT -forestplot- USES ORIGINAL FORMAT // APPLIES TO _ES, _seES, _LCI, _UCI else if inlist("`v'", "_ES", "_seES", "_LCI", "_UCI") { // format %6.3f `prefix'`v' label variable `prefix'`v' `"`prefix'`v'"' } local `v' `prefix'`v' // for use with subsequent code } // end if `"`saving'"'!=`""' | `"`clear'"'!=`""' local finalvars `finalvars' ``v'' // Aug 2023 if `: list v in newwtnames' local allwtnames `allwtnames' ``v'' } // end foreach v of local tocheck // Now, label variables with short-ish names for display on forest plots // and apply characteristics to store longer, explanatory names // [July 2022] Note: ApplyLabels works independently of re-naming above, including use of `prefix' ApplyLabels if `touse', tvlist(`finalvars') vnames(`tocheck') xoutvlist(`xoutvlist') /// summstat(`summstat') `cumulative' `influence' `proportion' `nopr' `rfdist' /// rflevel(`rflevel') ilevel(`ilevel') olevel(`olevel') hlevel(`hlevel') ********************* * Insert extra rows * ********************* // ... for headings, labels, spacings etc. // Note: in the following routines, "half" values of _USE are used temporarily to get correct order // and are then replaced with whole numbers at the end local 0 `", `opts_adm'"' syntax [, SUMMARYONLY noBETWeen LABTITLE(string asis) EXTRALine(string) NPTS noMODELLABels noHET HETINFO(string) ISQParam * ] local opts_adm `"`macval(options)'"' // Variable name (titles) for "_LABELS" or `stacklabel' [modified Mar 2022] if `"`stacklabel'"'!=`""' | (`"`_BY'"'==`""' & `"`summaryonly'"'!=`""') { label variable `_LABELS' // no title if `stacklabel', or if `summaryonly' without by() } else label variable `_LABELS' `"`labtitle'"' // Extra line for heterogeneity in forest plot local extraline = trim(`"`extraline'"') if inlist(`"`extraline'"', "off", "n", "no", "non", "none") local extraline no else if inlist(`"`extraline'"', "on", "y", "ye", "yes") local extraline yes else if `"`extraline'"'!=`""' { nois disp as err `"invalid option {bf:extraline(`extraline')}"' exit 198 } // If `npts', `counts', `oev' or `efficacy' requested for display on forest plot // then heterogeneity stats will need to be on a new line [ unless manually overruled with extraline(off) ] if `"`het'`extraline'"'==`""' & `"`npts'`counts'`oev'`efficacy'"'!=`""' local extraline yes // [May 2020] Similarly if `ilevel'!=`olevel', implying extra text for subgroup/overall effects if `ilevel'!=`olevel' local extraline yes // Now temporarily multiply `_USE' and `useModel' by 10 // to enable intermediate numberings for sorting the extra rows qui replace `_USE' = `_USE' * 10 tempvar expand * Subgroup headings // Idea is to expand for "all values of _BY", but leave the "overall" row(s) alone (_USE==5). // _BY is missing for _USE==5, but this won't work as "missing" could equally be a legitimate value for _BY!! // So, instead, we have generated `use5' to mark those observations (_USE==5) where we don't want _BY groups to be expanded. if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' { if `"`summaryonly'"'==`""' { qui bysort `touse' `_BY' (`sortby') : gen byte `expand' = 1 + 2*`touse'*(_n==1)*(!`use5') qui expand `expand' qui replace `expand' = !(`expand' > 1) // `expand' is now 0 if expanded and 1 otherwise (for sorting) sort `touse' `_BY' `expand' `_USE' `useModel' `_SOURCE' `sortby' qui by `touse' `_BY' : replace `_USE' = 0 if `touse' & !`expand' & _n==2 // row for headings (before) qui by `touse' `_BY' : replace `_USE' = 41 if `touse' & !`expand' & _n==3 // row for blank line (after) } else { summ `_BY' if `touse', meanonly qui bysort `touse' `_BY' (`sortby') : gen byte `expand' = 1 + `touse'*(`_BY'==`r(max)')*(_n==_N)*(!`use5') qui expand `expand' qui replace `expand' = !(`expand' > 1) // `expand' is now 0 if expanded and 1 otherwise (for sorting) sort `touse' `_BY' `expand' `_USE' `useModel' `_SOURCE' `sortby' qui by `touse' `_BY' : replace `_USE' = 41 if `touse' & !`expand' & _n==2 // row for blank line (only after last subgroup) } drop `expand' qui replace `useModel' = . if `_USE'==41 // ensure blank lines come at the end // Subgroup spacings & heterogeneity // if "`subgroup'"=="" & `"`extraline'"'==`"yes"' & !(`m' > 1 & inlist("`model1'", "iv", "mh", "peto", "mu")) { // if "`subgroup'"=="" & `"`extraline'"'==`"yes"' { // modified Sep 2020 if "`subgroup'"=="" & `"`het'"'==`""' { // modified Aug 2023 qui bysort `touse' `_BY' (`sortby') : gen byte `expand' = 1 + 2*`touse'*(_n==_N)*(!`use5') qui expand `expand' qui replace `expand' = !(`expand' > 1) // `expand' is now 0 if expanded and 1 otherwise (for sorting) sort `touse' `_BY' `expand' `_USE' `useModel' `_SOURCE' `sortby' qui by `touse' `_BY' : replace `_USE' = 38 if `touse' & !`expand' & _n==2 // extra row after *first* model (may not be needed) qui replace `useModel' = 1 if `_USE'==38 qui by `touse' `_BY' : replace `_USE' = 39 if `touse' & !`expand' & _n==3 // extra row after *last* model (may not be needed) qui replace `useModel' = `m' if `_USE'==39 drop `expand' } } // end if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' // Predictive intervals if `"`rfdist'"'!=`""' { local oldN = _N qui gen byte `expand' = 1 + `touse'*inlist(`_USE', 30, 50) * !missing(`_rfLCI') qui expand `expand' drop `expand' qui replace `_USE' = 35 if `touse' & _n>`oldN' & `_USE'==30 qui replace `_USE' = 55 if `touse' & _n>`oldN' & `_USE'==50 } // Blank out effect sizes etc. in `expand'-ed rows // Dec 2019: don't blank out `_rfLCI' `_rfUCI', as they haven't been copied across yet local tosave2 : list tosave - RFDnames foreach x in _LABELS `core' `tosave2' { cap confirm numeric var ``x'' if !_rc qui replace ``x'' = . if `touse' & !inlist(`_USE', 10, 20, 30, 50) else qui replace ``x'' = "" if `touse' & !inlist(`_USE', 10, 20, 30, 50) } // In the above foreach x... , the elements are tempvars. // Now blank out `lrcols', which (if defined) contains actual variables. // Dec 2018: if `_BY' is also in `lrcols', exclude from this procedure if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' { local lrcols2 : list lrcols - _BY } else local lrcols2 : copy local lrcols if `"`lrcols2'"'!=`""' { foreach v of varlist `lrcols2' { cap confirm numeric var `v' if !_rc qui replace `v' = . if `touse' & !inlist(`_USE', 10, 20, 30, 50) else qui replace `v' = "" if `touse' & !inlist(`_USE', 10, 20, 30, 50) } } if `"`summaryonly'"'==`""' { if `"`_STUDY'"'!=`""' { qui replace `_STUDY' = . if `touse' & !inlist(`_USE', 10, 20) } } // extra row to contain what would otherwise be the leftmost column heading if `stacklabel' specified // (i.e. so that heading can be used for forestplot stacking) // cap drop `use5' // qui gen byte `use5' = 0 if `touse' if `"`stacklabel'"' != `""' { local newN = _N + 1 qui set obs `newN' qui replace `touse' = 1 in `newN' qui replace `use5' = -1 in `newN' qui replace `_USE' = -10 in `newN' qui replace `_LABELS' = `"`labtitle'"' in `newN' } ** Now insert label info into new rows if trim(`"`hetinfo'"')==`""' { local defhetinfo defhetinfo // default, to match with -metan- v3.04, is Isq + p-value local hetinfo isq p // -- unless `isqparam', in which case default is Isq alone if `"`isqparam'"'!=`""' local hetinfo isq // -- or if `model1' is sensitivity analysis with tausq, in which case default is tausq (+ Isq if `isqparam') local sa sa if `: list sa in modellist' { local hetinfo tausq if `"`isqparam'"'!=`""' local hetinfo tausq isq } } // local disperr_tsqb = 0 // init local disperr_tausq = 0 // init local derived = 0 // init -- added Aug2023 local index_ov = 0 local index_by = 0 local allwtnames2 : copy local allwtnames // Multiple models forvalues j = 1 / `m' { local model : word `j' of `modellist' local first = cond(`j'==1, cond(`m'==1, "firstonly", "first"), "") // marker of this being the first (aka main, aka primary) model // "overall" labels if `"`overall'"'==`""' { local ovhetlab1 local ovhetlab2 if `"`het'"'==`""' { if `"`extra`j'opt'"'!=`""' | "`model'"=="user" { // May 2023: if model=user, `extra`j'opt' might be blank; still don't want to run ParseHetInfo local ovhetlab1 : copy local extra`j'opt if `"`defhetinfo'"'==`""' { nois disp `"{error}Note: option {bf:extra`j'label()} will take precedence over {bf:hetinfo()}"' } } else { local ++index_ov ParseHetInfo `hetinfo', ovstats(`ovstats') hetstats(`hetstats') /// col(`index_ov') model(`model') `first' qlist(`Q' `Qdf') `isqparam' local ovhetlab1 `"`s(hetlab1)'"' // Modified Aug2023 local ovhetlab2 `"`s(hetlab2)'"' } if `"`first'"'!=`""' { // Heterogeneity info to be placed after the *first* model if extraline=yes (modified Aug 2023) if `"`ovhetlab1'"'!=`""' & `"`extraline'"'==`"yes"' { local newN = _N + 1 qui set obs `newN' qui replace `touse' = 1 in `newN' cap confirm variable `use5' if !_rc { qui replace `use5' = 1 in `newN' } qui replace `_USE' = 58 in `newN' qui replace `useModel' = 1 in `newN' qui replace `_LABELS' = `"(`ovhetlab1')"' in `newN' local ovhetlab1 // ovlabel on line below so no conflict with lcols; then clear macro } // Final heterogeneity info to be placed after the *last* model (modified Aug 2023) if `"`ovhetlab2'"'!=`""' { local newN = _N + 1 qui set obs `newN' qui replace `touse' = 1 in `newN' cap confirm variable `use5' if !_rc { qui replace `use5' = 1 in `newN' } qui replace `_USE' = 59 in `newN' qui replace `useModel' = `m' in `newN' qui replace `_LABELS' = `"(`ovhetlab2')"' in `newN' // N.B. `ovhetlab2' is not used henceforth } } // end if `"`first'"'!=`""' } // end if `"`het'"'==`""' // Model labels (including hetinfo if appropriate) local addText if `"`modellabels'"'==`""' & trim(`"`label`j'opt'"')!=`""' { local addText `", `label`j'opt'"' // Nov 2020 if "`model'"=="dlc" & `"`label`j'opt'"'==`"DL (Common)"' local addtext `", DL"' // May 2023 } if `ilevel'!=`olevel' local addText `"`addText' (`olevel'% CI)"' if `"`ovhetlab1'"'!=`""' local addText `"`addText' (`ovhetlab1')"' qui replace `_LABELS' = `"Overall`addText'"' if `_USE'==50 & `useModel'==`j' } // end if `"`overall'"'==`""' // subgroup ("by") headings & labels if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' { tempname Qi Qdfi if "`model'"!="user" local ++index_by forvalues i = 1 / `nby' { local bystats : word `index_by' of `bystatslist' if "`byhetlist'"!="" { local byhet : word `index_by' of `byhetlist' } // headings local byi : word `i' of `bylist' local bylabi : label (`_BY') `byi' if `"`summaryonly'"'==`""' { qui replace `_LABELS' = "`bylabi'" if `_USE'==0 & `_BY'==`byi' } // labels + heterogeneity if `"`subgroup'"'==`""' { if `"`summaryonly'"'!=`""' local sglabel `"`bylabi'"' else local sglabel "Subgroup" // amended Feb 2018 due to local x = ... issue with version <13 local sghetlab1 local sghetlab2 if `"`het'"'==`""' { // User-defined second model, or nosecsub local model : word `j' of `modellist' if ("`first'"=="" & "`secsub'"!="") | "`model'"=="user" { // Note: "user" as model1 cannot be used with "by" continue, break } // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`byq', "Q") scalar `Qi' = `byq'[`r', `i'] local r = rownumb(`byq', "Qdf") scalar `Qdfi' = `byq'[`r', `i'] ParseHetInfo `hetinfo', ovstats(`bystats') hetstats(`byhet') /// col(`i') model(`model') `first' qlist(`=`Qi'' `=`Qdfi'') `isqparam' local sghetlab1 `"`s(hetlab1)'"' // Modified Aug2023 local sghetlab2 `"`s(hetlab2)'"' if `"`first'"'!=`""' { // Heterogeneity info to be placed after the *first* model if extraline=yes (modified Aug 2023) if `"`sghetlab1'"'!=`""' & `"`extraline'"'==`"yes"' { qui replace `_LABELS' = `"(`sghetlab1')"' if `_USE'==38 & `_BY'==`byi' & `useModel'==1 local sghetlab1 // sghetlab on line below so no conflict with lcols; then clear macro } else qui drop if `_USE'==38 & `_BY'==`byi' & `useModel'==1 // Final heterogeneity info to be placed after the *last* model (modified Aug 2023) if `"`sghetlab2'"'!=`""' { qui replace `_LABELS' = `"(`sghetlab2')"' if `_USE'==39 & `_BY'==`byi' & `useModel'==`m' } else qui drop if `_USE'==39 & `_BY'==`byi' & `useModel'==`m' } } // end if `"`het'"'==`""' // Model labels (including hetinfo if appropriate) local addText if `"`modellabels'"'==`""' & trim(`"`label`j'opt'"')!=`""' { local addText `", `label`j'opt'"' // Nov 2020 } if `ilevel'!=`olevel' local addText `"`addText' (`olevel'% CI)"' if `"`sghetlab1'"'!=`""' local addText `"`addText' (`sghetlab1')"' qui replace `_LABELS' = `"`sglabel'`addText'"' if `_USE'==30 & `_BY'==`byi' & `useModel'==`j' } // end if `"`subgroup'"'==`""' } // end forvalues i = 1 / `nby' // add between-group heterogeneity info // ONLY USE "PRIMARY" (FIRST) MODEL // Amended Jan 2020 to use Qbet rather than Qdiff: if `"`subgroup'`het'"'!=`""' local between nobetween // added June 2022 if "`first'"!="" & `"`between'"'==`""' { local newN = _N + 1 qui set obs `newN' qui replace `touse' = 1 in `newN' qui replace `use5' = 0 in `newN' qui replace `_USE' = 49 in `newN' qui replace `useModel'=1 in `newN' tempname Qbetpval scalar `Qbetpval' = chi2tail(`nbyQ' - 1, `Qbet') qui replace `_LABELS' = "Heterogeneity between groups: p = " + string(`Qbetpval', "%5.3f") in `newN' } } // end if `"`_BY'"'!=`""' } // end forvalues j = 1 / `m' // Added Sep 2020, modified Aug 2023 if `disperr_tausq' { disp _n disp `"{error}Note: Element {bf:tausq} to option {bf:hetinfo()} is not applicable to "' _c if `m'==1 disp `"{error}model {bf:`model1'}"' else disp `"{error}all models"' } // Insert predictive interval data (will be checked later) if `"`rfdist'"'!=`""' { qui replace `_LABELS' = `"with estimated `rflevel'% predictive interval"' if inlist(`_USE', 35, 55) if "`prvlist'"!="" { qui replace `_Prop_LCI' = `_rfLCI' if inlist(`_USE', 35, 55) qui replace `_Prop_UCI' = `_rfUCI' if inlist(`_USE', 35, 55) } else { qui replace `_LCI' = `_rfLCI' if inlist(`_USE', 35, 55) qui replace `_UCI' = `_rfUCI' if inlist(`_USE', 35, 55) } // qui drop if missing(`_LCI', `_UCI') & inlist(`_USE', 35, 55) // if predictive interval was undefined } // If proportion with denominator, scale appropriately if "`proportion'"!="" & "`nopr'"=="" { if `denominator'!=1 { if "`prvlist'"!="" local toscale _Prop_ES _Prop_LCI _Prop_UCI else local toscale _ES _LCI _UCI if "`rfdist'"!="" local toscale `toscale' _rfLCI _rfUCI foreach v of local toscale { qui replace ``v'' = `denominator' * ``v'' } } local denom_opt denominator(`denominator') // March 2021: for forest plot } ********************* * Sort, and tidy up * ********************* local 0 `", `opts_adm'"' syntax [, KEEPALL KEEPOrder noWT noSTATs noWARNing noGRaph INTERaction PLOTID(string) EFORM EFFect(string asis) WGT(varname numeric) /// CREATEDBY(string) FORESTplot(string asis) FPNOTE(string asis) SFMTLEN(integer 8) * ] local twowayopts `"`macval(options)'"' if `"`keeporder'"'!=`""' { tempvar tempuse qui gen byte `tempuse' = `_USE' qui replace `tempuse' = 10 if `_USE'==20 // keep "insufficient data" studies in original study order (default is to move to end) local keepall keepall } else local tempuse `_USE' /* MAY 2024 */ local 0 `plotid' syntax [name(name=plname id="plotid")] [, *] if `"`plname'"'==`"_BYAD"' { cap confirm numeric variable `_SOURCE' if _rc { nois disp as err "option {bf:plotid(_BYAD)} supplied, but identifier of data source not found" exit 198 } local plotid `"plotid(`_SOURCE', `options')"' } else if `"`plname'"'!=`""' local plotid `"plotid(`plotid')"' qui isid `touse' `use5' `_BY' `useModel' `tempuse' `_SOURCE' `sortby', sort missok ** Tidy up `_USE' (and scale back down by 10) cap drop `use5' quietly { // gen byte `use5' = inlist(`_USE', 35, 55) // now `use5' is a marker of predictive interval data, if applicable replace `_USE' = 0 if `_USE' == -10 // 0 = blank row // replace `_USE' = 30 if `_USE' == 35 // 3 = subgroup pooled effect replace `_USE' = 40 if inlist(`_USE', 38, 39, 49, 58, 59) // 4 = heterogeneity info (either between-subgroup, or extra rows for het. stats if needed) // replace `_USE' = 50 if `_USE' == 55 // 5 = overall pooled effect replace `_USE' = 60 if `_USE' == 41 // 6 = blank line replace `_USE' = 70 if inlist(`_USE', 35, 55) // 7 = predictive interval data (if applicable) replace `_USE' = `_USE' / 10 } // Check predictive interval data (after sorting and finalising _USE) // March 2020: added "& !missing(`_LCI')" to end of 3rd & 4th lines, in case of "empty" subgroups // May 2020: if `rflevel' < `olevel' and low heterogeneity, then (rfLCI, rfUCI) might be tighter than (LCI, UCI) if `"`rfdist'"'!=`""' { cap { if "`prvlist'"!="" { assert float(`_rfLCI') <= float(`_Prop_LCI') if `touse' & !missing(`_rfLCI', `_Prop_LCI') & `rflevel'>=`olevel' assert float(`_rfUCI') >= float(`_Prop_UCI') if `touse' & !missing(`_rfUCI', `_Prop_UCI') & `rflevel'>=`olevel' assert `_USE'==7 & missing(`_Prop_ES') if `touse' & !missing(`_Prop_LCI') & float(`_rfLCI')==float(`_Prop_LCI') & float(`_rfUCI')==float(`_Prop_UCI') assert `_USE'==7 & !missing(`_Prop_ES'[_n-1]) if `touse' & !missing(`_Prop_LCI') & float(`_rfLCI')==float(`_Prop_LCI') & float(`_rfUCI')==float(`_Prop_UCI') } else { assert float(`_rfLCI') <= float(`_LCI') if `touse' & !missing(`_rfLCI', `_LCI') & `rflevel'>=`olevel' assert float(`_rfUCI') >= float(`_UCI') if `touse' & !missing(`_rfUCI', `_UCI') & `rflevel'>=`olevel' assert `_USE'==7 & missing(`_ES') if `touse' & !missing(`_LCI') & float(`_rfLCI')==float(`_LCI') & float(`_rfUCI')==float(`_UCI') assert `_USE'==7 & !missing(`_ES'[_n-1]) if `touse' & !missing(`_LCI') & float(`_rfLCI')==float(`_LCI') & float(`_rfUCI')==float(`_UCI') } assert missing(`_ES') if `touse' & `_USE'==7 // added June 2023 } if _rc { nois disp as err _n "Error in predictive interval data" exit _rc } } // `extraline' then becomes `nolcolscheck' for passing to -forestplot- // Logic here is: `extraline' can be "yes", "no" or missing (i.e. undefined) // If definitely "yes", suppress the check in -forestplot- for columns which might clash with heterogeneity info etc. // Hence, it is possible to suppress this check *even if* such columns actually exist, if we think they *don't* in fact clash. local lcolscheck = cond(`"`extraline'"'==`"yes"', `"nolcolscheck"', `""') // Feb 2021: above line (and comments) moved down from earlier // Having added "overall", het. info etc., re-format _LABELS using `sfmtlen' // Feb 2021: unless filled-down variables (counts, npts, efficacy, OEV) if `"`npts'`counts'`oev'`efficacy'"'!=`""' { qui gen `strlen' = length(`_LABELS') // Aug 2023: account for SMCL code within labels, which makes `strlen' excessively large // Note: currently this code only corrects SMCL generated from within -metan- itself, i.e. heterogeneity-related stuff // Future work may involve generalization to detect and correct for *any* SMCL found in _LABELS forvalues i=1/`=_N' { if !inlist(`_USE'[`i'], 3, 5) continue local labstr = `_LABELS'[`i'] if strpos(`"`labstr'"', `"{&tau}"') qui replace `strlen' = `strlen' - 5 in `i' if strpos(`"`labstr'"', `"{sup:2}"') qui replace `strlen' = `strlen' - 6 in `i' if strpos(`"`labstr'"', `"{sub:M}"') qui replace `strlen' = `strlen' - 6 in `i' } summ `strlen' if `touse' & inlist(`_USE', 1, 2, 3, 5) & `useModel'<2, meanonly local newsfmtlen = r(max) drop `strlen' // Format as left-justified; default length equal to longest study name // But, niche case: in case study names are very short, look at title as well // If user really wants ultra-short width, they can convert to string and specify %-s format tokenize `"`: variable label `_LABELS''"' while `"`1'"'!=`""' { local newsfmtlen = max(`newsfmtlen', length(`"`1'"')) macro shift } local sfmtlen = max(`sfmtlen', `newsfmtlen') // Sep 2023 } else local sfmtlen = abs(`sfmtlen') format `_LABELS' %-`sfmtlen's // left justify _LABELS // cap drop `use5' // Define varlist for passing to forestplot if "`prvlist'"!="" local fpvlist `_Prop_ES' `_Prop_LCI' `_Prop_UCI' else local fpvlist `_ES' `_LCI' `_UCI' foreach x in _LABELS _STUDY _BY _USE _WT { local fp`x' : copy local `x' } // Generate effect-size column *here*, // so that it exists immediately when results-set is opened (i.e. before running -forestplot-) // for user editing e.g. adding p-values etc. // However, *if* it is edited, -forestplot- must be called as "forestplot, nostats rcols(_EFFECT)" otherwise it will be overwritten! // (or use option `nokeepvars') if `"`saving'"'!=`""' | `"`clear'"'!=`""' { tokenize `fpvlist' args _ES _LCI _UCI // need to peek into forestplot options to extract `dp' local 0 `", `forestplot'"' syntax [, DP(integer 2) * ] if `"`eform'"'!=`""' local xexp exp summ `_UCI' if `touse', meanonly local fmtx = max(1, ceil(log10(abs(`xexp'(r(max)))))) + 1 + `dp' local _EFFECT `prefix'_EFFECT cap drop `_EFFECT' qui gen str `_EFFECT' = string(`xexp'(`_ES'), `"%`fmtx'.`dp'f"') if !missing(`_ES') qui replace `_EFFECT' = `_EFFECT' + " " if !missing(`_EFFECT') qui replace `_EFFECT' = `_EFFECT' + "(" + string(`xexp'(`_LCI'), `"%`fmtx'.`dp'f"') + ", " + string(`xexp'(`_UCI'), `"%`fmtx'.`dp'f"') + ")" qui replace `_EFFECT' = `""' if !(`touse' & inlist(`_USE', 1, 3, 5)) qui replace `_EFFECT' = "(Insufficient data)" if `touse' & `_USE'==2 qui replace `_EFFECT' = "(Insufficient data for IV)" if `touse' & `_USE'==1 & (missing(`_ES') | float(`_LCI')==float(`_UCI')) // added June 2022, in case of IV+noCC qui replace `_EFFECT' = "(Insufficient data)" if `touse' & inlist(`_USE', 3, 5) & missing(`_LCI') // added March 2020, in case of "empty" subgroups local f = abs(fmtwidth(`"`: format `_EFFECT''"')) format `_EFFECT' %-`f's // left-justify label variable `_EFFECT' `"`effect' (`ilevel'% CI)"' // July 2022: // prefix() is only applied if saving | clear (see "Rename tempvars to permanent varnames" above) // But -forestplot- automatically applies prefix() (if supplied) to "core" variables // Therefore, in this case do not explicitly send these varnames to -forestplot- local fpvlist foreach x in LABELS STUDY BY USE WT { local fp_`x' } local noprefixwarn noprefixwarn // suppress "using default varlist" message in -forestplot- } *************** * Forest plot * *************** // May 2020: // Assume that remaining options (stored in `twowayopts' from last -syntax- call) are valid -twoway- options (if they are not, -forestplot- will exit with error!) // These may have been valid with -metan9- (i.e. metan v3.x and earlier) and hence must also be allowed here, for backwards compatibility. // However, if no graph, but `saving' or `clear' is requested, we are in -metan- v4+ territory // and therefore *any* remaining option is an error if `"`twowayopts'"'!=`""' & `"`graph'"'!=`""' & (`"`saving'"'!=`""' | `"`clear'"'!=`""') { local op : word 1 of `twowayopts' nois disp as err _n `"Option {bf:`op'} may only be supplied as a sub-option to the {bf:forestplot()} option; see {help metan:help metan}"' exit 198 } // Otherwise: after -metan- has taken back control from -forestplot- , check these options again and print warning message if applicable. // Finalise forestplot options // (do this whether or not `"`graph'"'==`""', so that options can be stored!) ** Save _dta characteristic containing all the options passed to -forestplot- // so that they may be called automatically using "forestplot, useopts" // (N.B. `_USE', `_LABELS' and `_WT' should always exist) // May 2020: remove unnecessary spacing where possible // *BUT* watch out for options that contain text strings! They must be left alone. // This involves: effect() and note(), plus `forestplot' and `twowayopts' which could contain anything // if "`prvlist'"=="" local proportion // only pass `proportion' to -forestplot- if on original scale local useopts if `"`prefix'"'!=`""' local useopts prefix(`prefix') foreach x in USE LABELS WT { local lowerx = cond("`x'"=="WT", "wgt", lower("`x'")) if `"`fp_`x''"'!=`""' local useopts `"`useopts' `lowerx'(`fp_`x'')"' } local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' `cumulative' `influence' `denom_opt' `eform'"' if `"`effect'"'!=`""' local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' effect(`effect')"' local useopts = trim(itrim(`"`macval(useopts)' `interaction' `keepall' `overall' `subgroup' `het' `wt' `stats' `warning' `plotid'"')) // lcols() option [tweaked AUG 2021] if `"`npts'"'!=`""' local lcols_opt `_NN' local lcols_opt = trim(itrim(`"`lcols' `lcols_opt' `_counts1' `_counts1msd' `_counts0' `_counts0msd' `_OE' `_V'"')) if `"`lcols_opt'"'!=`""' { // July 2023: fix bug if user passes "nolcolscheck" as an undocumented option to forestplot() local lcolscheck2 : copy local lcolscheck local 0 `", `forestplot'"' syntax [, noLCOLSCHeck * ] local forestplot `"`macval(options)'"' if `"`lcolscheck2'"'!=`""' local lcolscheck nolcolscheck local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' lcols(`lcols_opt') `lcolscheck'"' } if `"`forestplot'"'!=`""' local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' `forestplot'"' if `"`twowayopts'"'!=`""' local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' `twowayopts'"' if `"`fp_BY'"'!=`""' local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' by(`fp_BY')"' if `"`allwtnames'`_VE'`rcols'"' != `""' local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' rcols(`allwtnames' `_VE' `rcols')"' // modified Aug 2023 if `"`rfdist'"'!=`""' local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' rfdist(`_rfLCI' `_rfUCI')"' // August 2023: finalize fpnote option(s) if `derived' & "`model1'"!="dl" { local fptext `"Heterogeneity measures based on {&tau}{sup:2} and {&sigma}{sup:2} rather than on Q"' if `"`fpnote'"'!=`""' { local fpnote `"`"`fpnote'."' `"`fptext'"'"' // add full stop and new line before continuing } else local fpnote `"NOTE: `fptext'"' // else just use text as-is } if `"`fpnote'"'!=`""' local useopts `"`macval(useopts)' note(`fpnote')"' // Store data characteristics // NOTE: Only relevant if `saving' / `clear' (but setup anyway; no harm done) // if `"`prefix'"'!=`""' char define _dta[FPUsePrefix] `prefix' char define _dta[FPUseOpts] `"`useopts'"' char define _dta[FPUseVarlist] `fpvlist' // If `summaryonly', limit observations to _USE==1 or 2 if `"`summaryonly'"'!=`""' { qui replace `touse' = 0 if inlist(`_USE', 1, 2) } ** Pass to forestplot if `"`graph'"'==`""' { cap nois forestplot `fpvlist' if `touse', `useopts' `noprefixwarn' if _rc { if `"`err'"'==`""' { if _rc==1 nois disp as err _n `"User break in {bf:forestplot}"' else nois disp as err _n `"Error in {bf:forestplot}"' } c_local err noerr // tell -metan- not to also report an "error in metan_output.BuildResultsSet" exit _rc } return add // add scalars returned by -forestplot- // May 2020: // Now check `twowayopts' again, and print warning message if applicable (see earlier explanations) // (N.B. `twowaynote' is set, via c_local, by -forestplot- ) if `"`twowayopts'"'!=`""' & `"`twowaynote'"'==`""' { gettoken op : twowayopts, bind disp _n `"{error}Note: with {bf:metan} version 4 and above, the preferred syntax is for options such as {bf:`op'}"' disp `"{error} to be supplied as sub-options to the {bf:forestplot()} option; see {help metan:help metan}"' } } ** Finally, save dataset if `"`saving'"'!=`""' | `"`clear'"'!=`""' { qui keep if `touse' // Note: recall that `finalvars' is formed from `labelvars' `core' `tosave' keep `finalvars' `_EFFECT' `_WT' `lrcols' order `finalvars' `_EFFECT' `_WT' `lrcols' if `"`createdby'"'==`""' local createdby metan label data `"Results set created by `createdby'"' qui compress if `"`saving'"'!=`""' { qui save `"`fname'"', `replace' } } end * Modified version of _prefix_saving.ado // Previous version April 2018, for admetan v2.2 // This version June 2022, for metan v4.6 / ipdmetan v4.3 // subroutine of BuildResultsSet program define my_prefix_saving, sclass cap nois syntax anything(id="file name" name=fname) [, EXISTS REPLACE * ] local rc = `c(rc)' if !`rc' { opts_exclusive "`exists' `replace'" `""' 184 if `"`exists'"'!=`""' { cap confirm file `"`fname'"' if _rc { // try adding ".dta" suffix confirm file `"`fname'.dta"' } } else if `"`replace'"'==`""' { // use code from _prefix_saving.ado local ss : subinstr local fname ".dta" "" confirm new file `"`ss'.dta"' } } if `rc' { di as err "invalid saving() option" exit `rc' } sreturn local filename `"`fname'"' sreturn local opts_saving `"`replace' `options'"' end // Program to label "saved variables" with short-ish names for display on forest plots // and apply characteristics to store longer, explanatory names program define ApplyLabels syntax [if] [in] [, TVLIST(varlist) VNAMES(namelist) XOUTVLIST(passthru) /// SUMMSTAT(name) CUmulative INFluence PRoportion NOPR RFDist /// RFLevel(cilevel) ILevel(cilevel) OLevel(cilevel) HLevel(cilevel) ] marksample touse tokenize `tvlist' args `vnames' if "`summstat'"=="pr" { char define `_ES'[Desc] "Proportion" char define `_seES'[Desc] "Standard error of proportion" char define `_LCI'[Desc] "`ilevel'% lower confidence limit for proportion" char define `_UCI'[Desc] "`ilevel'% upper confidence limit for proportion" } else if "`proportion'"!="" { char define `_ES'[Desc] "Effect size on transformed scale" char define `_seES'[Desc] "Standard error of transformed effect size" char define `_LCI'[Desc] "`ilevel'% lower confidence limit of transformed effect size" char define `_UCI'[Desc] "`ilevel'% upper confidence limit of transformed effect size" if "`nopr'"=="" { char define `_Prop_ES'[Desc] "Proportion" char define `_Prop_LCI'[Desc] "`ilevel'% lower confidence limit for proportion" char define `_Prop_UCI'[Desc] "`ilevel'% upper confidence limit for proportion" char define `_Prop_LCI'[Level] `ilevel' char define `_Prop_UCI'[Level] `ilevel' char define `_Prop_LCI'[LevelPooled] `olevel' char define `_Prop_UCI'[LevelPooled] `olevel' } } else { char define `_ES'[Desc] "Effect size" char define `_seES'[Desc] "Standard error of effect size" char define `_LCI'[Desc] "`ilevel'% lower confidence limit" char define `_UCI'[Desc] "`ilevel'% upper confidence limit" } char define `_LCI'[Level] `ilevel' char define `_UCI'[Level] `ilevel' char define `_LCI'[LevelPooled] `olevel' char define `_UCI'[LevelPooled] `olevel' // variable name (title) and format for "_NN" (if appropriate) if `"`_NN'"'!=`""' { if `"`: variable label `_NN''"'==`""' label variable `_NN' "No. pts" tempvar strlen qui gen `strlen' = length(string(`_NN')) summ `strlen' if `touse', meanonly local fmtlen = max(`r(max)', 3) // min of 3, otherwise title ("No. pts") won't fit format `_NN' %`fmtlen'.0f // right-justified; fixed format (for integers) if `"`cumulative'"'!=`""' label variable `_NN' "Cumulative no. pts" else if `"`influence'"'!=`""' label variable `_NN' "Remaining no. pts" } if `"`rfdist'"'!=`""' { label variable `_rfLCI' "rfLCI" label variable `_rfUCI' "rfUCI" char define `_rfLCI'[Desc] "`rflevel'% lower limit of predictive distribution" char define `_rfUCI'[Desc] "`rflevel'% upper limit of predictive distribution" char define `_rfLCI'[RFLevel] `rflevel' char define `_rfUCI'[RFLevel] `rflevel' } if `"`xoutvlist'"'!=`""' { if `"`_crit'"'!=`""' { label variable `_crit' "Crit. val." char define `_crit'[Desc] "Critical value" format %6.2f `_crit' } if `"`_chi2'"'!=`""' { label variable `_chi2' "chi2" char define `_chi2'[Desc] "Chi-square statistic" format %6.2f `_chi2' } if `"`_dfkr'"'!=`""' { label variable `_dfkr' "Kenward-Roger df" char define `_dfkr'[Desc] "Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom" format %6.2f `_dfkr' } if `"`_pvalue'"'!=`""' { label variable `_pvalue' "p" char define `_pvalue'[Desc] "p-value for effect size" format %05.3f `_pvalue' } if `"`_Q'"'!=`""' { label variable `_Q' "Q" char define `_Q'[Desc] "Cochran's Q heterogeneity statistic" format %6.2f `_Q' } if `"`_Qdf'"'!=`""' { label variable `_Qdf' "Q df" char define `_Qdf'[Desc] "Degrees of freedom for Cochran's Q" format %6.0f `_Qdf' } if `"`_Qlci'"'!=`""' { label variable `_Qlci' "Q LCI" char define `_Qlci'[Desc] "`hlevel'% lower confidence limit for Q" format %6.2f `_Qlci' } if `"`_Quci'"'!=`""' { label variable `_Quci' "Q UCI" char define `_Quci'[Desc] "`hlevel'% upper confidence limit for Q" format %6.2f `_Quci' } if `"`_H'"'!=`""' { label variable `_H' "H" char define `_H'[Desc] "H heterogeneity statistic" format %6.2f `_H' } if `"`_Isq'"'!=`""' { label variable `_Isq' "I2" char define `_Isq'[Desc] "I-squared heterogeneity statistic" format %6.1f `_Isq' } if `"`_HsqM'"'!=`""' { label variable `_HsqM' "HsqM" char define `_HsqM'[Desc] "Modified H-squared (H^2 - 1) heterogeneity statistic" format %6.2f `_HsqM' } if `"`_sigmasq'"'!=`""' { label variable `_sigmasq' "sigma2" char define `_sigmasq'[Desc] "Estimated average within-trial heterogeneity" format %6.3f `_sigmasq' } if `"`_tausq'"'!=`""' { label variable `_tausq' "tau2" char define `_tausq'[Desc] "Estimated between-trial heterogeneity" format %6.3f `_tausq' } if `"`_tsq_lci'"'!=`""' { label variable `_tsq_lci' "tau2 LCI" char define `_tsq_lci'[Desc] "`hlevel'% lower confidence limit for tau-squared" format %6.3f `_tsq_lci' } if `"`_tsq_uci'"'!=`""' { label variable `_tsq_uci' "tau2 UCI" char define `_tsq_uci'[Desc] "`hlevel'% upper confidence limit for tau-squared" format %6.3f `_tsq_uci' } } end * Subroutine to parse requested heterogeneity info for display on forest plot // Sep 2020 program define ParseHetInfo, sclass syntax anything, OVSTATS(name) /// /* matrix containing overall/subgroup stats (required) COL(numlist integer min=1 max=1 >0) /// /* ... and column index for referencing matrix QLIST(numlist min=2 max=2 miss) /// /* Q and Qdf for current analysis (required) */ MODEL(name) /// /* model - for whether to display additional stats or not */ [ISQParam HETSTATS(name) /// /* matrix containing het. stats based on "parametric" Isq (optional) */ FIRST FIRSTONLY ] /* marker that model is the first/main/primary model */ // first, unpack `qlist' tokenize `qlist' args Q Qdf // `hetinfo' can contain [hetinfo] in any order, with optional formats // where [hetinfo] can be: // - tausq // - Q = Q + df // - p = p-value for Q + df // - H, Isq, HsqM are based on Q... // ... *unless* option -isqparam- specified, in which case Isq is defined "parametrically" [i.e. based on tausq & sigmasq] // Clarifying note (Aug 2023): `r(hetstats)' only exists if (a) -isqparam- *or* (b) if model==sa // Therefore, we cannot rely on `r(hetstats)'==isqparam; have to check for isqparam explicitly local hetlab1 local hetlab2 tokenize `anything' while "`1'"!="" { local part1 local part2 // default: if not `isqparam', parse other elements only for *first* model; tausq is a special case if inlist("`1'", "tausq", "tau2") { local tausq = . local r = rownumb(`ovstats', "tausq") if !missing(`r') { local tausq = `ovstats'[`r', `col'] } if missing(`tausq') c_local disperr_tausq = 1 else { if substr(`"`2'"', 1, 1) == `"%"' local fmt : copy local 2 else local fmt "%05.3f" // special case: if element is tausq and *not* `isqparam', // it is still displayed alongside each model rather than with other heterogeneity stats (e.g. Q) // [Modified Aug 2023] local part1 = `"{&tau}{sup:2} = "' + string(`tausq', "`fmt'") } } // if not `isqparam', parse other elements only for *first* model else if `"`first'`firstonly'"'!=`""' | (`"`isqparam'"'!=`""' & !inlist("`model'", "iv", "mh", "peto", "mu")) { if lower("`1'")=="q" { if substr(`"`2'"', 1, 1) == `"%"' local fmt : copy local 2 else local fmt "%5.2f" // Modified Aug 2023 if `"`firstonly'"'!=`""' local part_opt part1 else local part_opt part2 local `part_opt' = `"Q = "' + string(`Q', "`fmt'") + `" on `=`Qdf'' df"' } else if inlist("`1'", "p", "pv", "pva", "pval", "pvalu", "pvalue") { local Qpval = chi2tail(`Qdf', `Q') if substr(`"`2'"', 1, 1) == `"%"' local fmt : copy local 2 else local fmt "%05.3f" confirm format `fmt' local yes = regexm(strtrim("`fmt'"), "^%[0-9]+.([0-9]+)[efg]c?$") if !`yes' { nois disp as err `"'`fmt'' found where format expected"' exit 7 } local dp = regexs(1) // Modified Aug 2023 if `"`firstonly'"'!=`""' local part_opt part1 else local part_opt part2 if -log10(`Qpval') > `dp' { local `part_opt' = `"p < "' + string(1e-`dp', "`fmt'") } else local `part_opt' = `"p = "' + string(`Qpval', "`fmt'") } else if inlist("`1'", "h", "H") { if `"`hetstats'"'!=`""' { // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`hetstats', "H") local H = `hetstats'[`r', `col'] } else local H = sqrt(`Q' / `Qdf') if substr(`"`2'"', 1, 1) == `"%"' local fmt : copy local 2 else local fmt "%5.2f" if `"`firstonly'"'!=`""' | (`"`isqparam'"'!=`""' & !inlist("`model'", "iv", "mh", "peto", "mu")) { local part_opt part1 // Modified Aug 2023 } else if `"`isqparam'"'==`""' local part_opt part2 if `"`part_opt'"'!=`""' { local `part_opt' = `"H = "' + string(`H', "`fmt'") if `"`isqparam'"'!=`""' c_local derived = 1 // Added Aug 2023 } } else if inlist(lower("`1'"), "isq", "i2") { if "`hetstats'"!="" { // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`hetstats', "Isq") local Isq = `hetstats'[`r', `col'] } else local Isq = max(0, 100*(`Q' - `Qdf') / `Q') if substr(`"`2'"', 1, 1) == `"%"' local fmt : copy local 2 else local fmt "%5.1f" if `"`firstonly'"'!=`""' | (`"`isqparam'"'!=`""' & !inlist("`model'", "iv", "mh", "peto", "mu")) { local part_opt part1 // Modified Aug 2023 } else if `"`isqparam'"'==`""' local part_opt part2 if `"`part_opt'"'!=`""' { local `part_opt' = `"I{sup:2} = "' + string(`Isq', "`fmt'") + `"%"' if `"`isqparam'"'!=`""' c_local derived = 1 // Added Aug 2023 } } else if inlist(lower("`1'"), "h2m", "hsqm") { if "`hetstats'"!="" { // Modified July 2024 to avoid errors with Stata 15 and older // "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context local r = rownumb(`hetstats', "HsqM") local HsqM = `hetstats'[`r', `col'] } else local HsqM = `Isq' / (100 - `Isq') if substr(`"`2'"', 1, 1) == `"%"' local fmt : copy local 2 else local fmt "%5.2f" if `"`firstonly'"'!=`""' | (`"`isqparam'"'!=`""' & !inlist("`model'", "iv", "mh", "peto", "mu")) { local part_opt part1 // Modified Aug 2023 } else if `"`isqparam'"'==`""' local part_opt part2 if `"`part_opt'"'!=`""' { local `part_opt' = `"H{sup:2}{sub:M} = "' + string(`HsqM', "`fmt'") if `"`isqparam'"'!=`""' c_local derived = 1 // Added Aug 2023 } } else if `"`1'"'!=`""' { nois disp as err `"Error in option {bf:hetinfo()}: element {bf:`1'} is invalid"' exit 198 } } // end else if !(`col' > 1 & `"`isqparam'"'==`""') /* Special case [TO DO/REVISIT JAN 2024] If `"`part1'"'!=`""' & `"`part2'"'!=`""' but DL is the only random-effects model then concatenate `part1' and `part2' together, and return as `part2' */ // nois disp `"part1: `part1'"' // nois disp `"part2: `part2'"' if `"`part1'"'!=`""' { if `"`hetlab1'"'==`""' local hetlab1 : copy local part1 else local hetlab1 `"`hetlab1', `part1'"' } if `"`part2'"'!=`""' { if `"`hetlab2'"'==`""' local hetlab2 : copy local part2 else local hetlab2 `"`hetlab2', `part2'"' } if substr(`"`2'"', 1, 1) == `"%"' macro shift 2 else macro shift } // end while "`1'"!="" sreturn clear sreturn local hetlab1 `"`hetlab1'"' // sreturn local part_tausq `"`part_tausq'"' // only in special case; see above sreturn local hetlab2 `"`hetlab2'"' // only in special case; see above [added Aug2023] end