* -metani- * "Immediate" form of -metan- * for quick pooling of, say, 2 or 3 estimates * version 1.0 David Fisher 11may2017 // (part of version 2.0 of -ipdmetan- package) * version 1.01 David Fisher 14sep2017 // (part of version 2.1 of -ipdmetan- package) * version 3.0 David Fisher 08nov2018 // (N.B. only changed very slightly from v1.01 ... this is actually more v1.02!) * version 4.0 David Fisher 25nov2020 // changed from -admetani- to -metani- // upversioned to match with the rest of -metan- package * version 4.01 David Fisher 12feb2021 * version 4.02 David Fisher 23feb2021 * version 4.03 David Fisher 28apr2021 * version 4.04 David Fisher 16aug2021 // No changes; upversioned to match with the rest of -metan- package * version 4.05 David Fisher 29nov2021 // added ability to specify a value label for studies, instead of rownames // syntax notes: // - studylabel() on its own = apply label to studies labelled "naturally" i.e. 1, 2, ... // - studylabel() + rownames = label studies with (numeric) rownames; then apply label to those values // - rowfullnames, roweq work the same way. // If row[eq|[full]names] are non-numeric with studylabel(), exit with error. * version 4.06 David Fisher 12oct2022 * version 4.07 David Fisher 15sep2023 *! version 4.08 David Fisher 17jun2024 // No changes; upversioned to match with the rest of -metan- package program metani, rclass version 11.0 * Valid inputs are: // a matrix name, e.g. A // a matrix inputted by hand, e.g. (1, 2 \ 3, 4); see help matrix define // the syntax of tabi, e.g. 1 2 \ 3 4; see help tabi cap syntax anything [, NPTS(string) noKEEPVars noRSample /// ROWNames ROWFullnames ROWEq Quoted ROWTitle(string) ROWLabel(name) /// STUDYTitle(string) STUDYLabel(name) VARiances * ] // (these last options are just needed to decide what to do with extra obs, if relevant) local metan_opts : copy local options * If -syntax- didn't work, assume due to commas but no brackets if _rc { disp as err "invalid syntax" disp as err "Valid syntaxes are:" disp as err `" matrix-style input {bf:(} {it:a}{bf:,} {it:b} {bf:\} {it:c}{bf:,} {it:d} {bf:)}; see {help matrix define}"' disp as err `" or {bf:tabi}-style input {it:a} {it:b} {bf:\} {it:c} {it:d}; see {help tabi}"' exit _rc } tempname A cap matrix define `A' = `anything' * If -matrix define- didn't work, try "tabi"-style syntax if _rc { local c = 1 gettoken tok rest : anything, parse(",\() ") while (`"`tok'"'!="" & `"`tok'"'!=",") { if !inlist(`"`tok'"', `"("', `"("') { if `"`tok'"' != `"\"' { local anything2 = cond(`c'==1, `"`anything2' `tok'"', `"`anything2', `tok'"') local ++c } else { local anything2 `"`anything2' \ "' local c = 1 } } gettoken tok rest : rest, parse(",\() ") } // try again matrix define `A' = (`anything2') } capture { local nr = rowsof(`A') local nc = colsof(`A') } if _rc { disp as err "matrix {bf:`A'} not found" exit 111 } if `nc' > 6 { disp as err `"Note: matrix {bf:`A'} has more than six columns; extra columns will be ignored"' } local rsample = cond(`"`keepvars'"'!=`""', `"norsample"', `"`rsample'"') // no point in keeping _rsample without keepvars in this context! // my own "hacked" version of svmat.ado, allowing temp varnames for the columns forvalues j = 1/`nc' { tempvar tv`j' } local old_N = _N if `nr' > _N { if `"`rsample'"'!=`""' preserve nois set obs `nr' } capture { local j = 1 while `j' <= `nc' { qui gen `tv`j'' = matrix(`A'[_n, `j']) in 1/`nr' local ++j } } if _rc { qui drop if _n > `old_N' exit _rc } cap compress `tv1'-`tv`nc'' // labelling of rownames; pass to -metan- as study names opts_exclusive `"`rownames' `rowfullnames' `roweq'"' `""' 184 if `"`rowlabel'"'!=`""' | `"`studylabel'"'!=`""' { if `"`rowlabel'"'!=`""' & `"`studylabel'"'!=`""' { nois disp as err `"only one of {bf:rowlabel()} and {bf:studylabel()} is allowed"' exit 184 } if `"`rowlabel'"'!=`""' local labelopt rowlabel else local labelopt studylabel } if `"`rowtitle'"'!=`""' & `"`studytitle'"'!=`""' { nois disp as err `"only one of {bf:rowtitle()} and {bf:studytitle()} is allowed"' exit 184 } // matrix rownames/equation names if `"`rownames'`rowfullnames'`roweq'"'!=`""' { local rc = 0 tempvar study qui gen `study' = "" local names : `rownames'`rowfullnames'`roweq' `A', `quoted' tokenize `"`names'"' local i = 0 while `"`1'"' != `""' { local ++i if `i' > `nr' { local rc = 9 continue, break } qui replace `study' = `"`1'"' in `i' mac shift } cap assert `i'==`nr' local rc = max(`rc', _rc) if `rc' { nois disp as err `"Number of elements in list of matrix row[eq]names does not match with matrix size"' exit `rc' } } // value label if `"`rowlabel'`studylabel'"'!=`""' { // try to apply to rownames if `"`rownames'`rowfullnames'`roweq'"'!=`""' { qui destring `study', replace cap { confirm numeric variable `study' label values `study' `rowlabel'`studylabel' } if _rc { nois disp as err `"Error when applying value label {bf:`rowlabel'`studylabel'}"' nois disp as err `"Check that values stored in matrix row[eq]names are integers"' exit _rc } } // else, generate study as 1, 2, ... and apply there else { nois disp `"{error}Note: value label {bf:`rowlabel'`studylabel'} will be applied to studies numbered sequentially from 1"' tempvar study qui gen `study' = _n in 1 / `nr' cap label values `study' `rowlabel'`studylabel' if _rc { nois disp as err `"Error when applying value label {bf:`rowlabel'`studylabel'}"' exit _rc } } } // variable label ("title") cap confirm variable `study' if !_rc { if `"`rowtitle'`studytitle'"'!=`""' { label variable `study' `"`rowtitle'`studytitle'"' } else label variable `study' `"Matrix rowname"' local metan_opts `"study(`study') `metan_opts'"' } // extract npts if `"`npts'"'!=`""' { tempvar nptsvar qui gen long `nptsvar' = . cap numlist "`npts'", missingok // if numlist if !_rc { cap assert `: word count `npts'' == `nr' if _rc { disp as err "Number of elements in {bf:npts()} does not match with dimensions of inputted data" exit 198 } tokenize `npts' forvalues i = 1/`nr' { qui replace `nptsvar' = ``i'' in `i' } } // else, test if vector else { cap { assert `: word count `npts'' == 1 confirm matrix `npts' } if _rc { disp as err "option {bf:npts()} should contain either a {it:numlist} or a matrix name" exit 198 } cap assert colsof(`npts')==1 if _rc { cap assert rowsof(`npts')==1 if _rc { disp as err "matrix {bf:npts()} is not of the required dimensions" exit 198 } cap assert colsof(`npts')==`nr' if _rc { disp as err "Number of elements in {bf:npts()} does not match with dimensions of inputted data" exit 198 } forvalues i = 1/`nr' { qui replace `nptsvar' = `npts'[1, `i'] in `i' } } else { cap assert rowsof(`npts')==`nr' if _rc { disp as err "Number of elements in {bf:npts()} does not match with dimensions of inputted data" exit 198 } forvalues i = 1/`nr' { qui replace `nptsvar' = `npts'[`i', 1] in `i' } } } local metan_opts `"npts(`nptsvar') `metan_opts'"' } // convert variances to standard errors if necessary if `"`variances'"'!=`""' { if `nc'!=2 { disp as err "option {bf:variances} is only relevant to two-element syntax, and will be ignored" } else qui replace `tv2' = sqrt(`tv2') } // pass to -metan- cap nois metan `tv1'-`tv`nc'', `keepvars' `rsample' `metan_opts' if _rc { if `"`err'"'==`""' { if _rc==1 nois disp as err `"User break in {bf:metan}"' else nois disp as err `"Error in {bf:metan}"' } qui drop if _n > `old_N' exit _rc } return add if `"`keepvars'"'!=`""' qui drop if _n > `old_N' end