/* *! metareg dialog version 1.0.1, 13 May 2003, T. J. Steichen, steichen@triad.rr.com *! for metareg version 1.06, Jan 1998, Stephen Sharp, stephen.j.sharp@gsk.com Meta-analysis regression ------------------------ Syntax: metareg y varlist [if exp] [in range] , { wsse(varname)| wsvar(varname) } [ bsest(string) toleran(#) level(#) noiter ] To install in User Statistics menu via Stata commands: . window menu append item "stUserStatistics" "Meta-analysis Regression (meta®)" "db metareg" . window menu refresh To permanently install, place the commands in your -profile.do- file. */ VERSION 8.0 INCLUDE _std_small INCLUDE header HELP hlp1, view("help metareg") RESET res1, label("Reset") DIALOG main, label("metareg 1.06 - Meta-analysis Regression") tabtitle("Main") BEGIN TEXT tx_theta 10 5 110 ., /// label("Dependent (y):") VARNAME vn_theta 110 5 230 ., /// label("Var for theta") CHECKBOX cb_id 10 35 100 ., /// label("Covariates:") /// onclickon(main.vl_covar.enable) /// onclickoff(main.vl_covar.disable) VARLIST vl_covar 110 35 230 ., /// label("Vars for covariates") GROUPBOX gb_ws 5 60 340 _ht3h, /// label("Within-study Varibility:") RADIO r_se 15 80 85 ., /// label("Std. Error") first /// option("wsse") RADIO r_var 155 80 75 ., /// label("Variance") last /// option("wsvar") TEXT tx_ws 10 100 110 ., /// label("Variable name:") VARNAME vn_ws 110 100 230 ., /// label("WS Variable") GROUPBOX gb_bsest 5 130 175 _ht3h, /// label("BS Method") RADIO r_reml 15 150 55 ., /// label("ReML") first /// option("bsest(reml)") RADIO r_ml 15 170 55 ., /// label("ML") middle /// option("bsest(ml)") RADIO r_eb 85 150 85 ., /// label("EmBayes") middle /// option("bsest(eb)") RADIO r_mm 85 170 85 ., /// label("Moments") last /// option("bsest(mm)") CHECKBOX cb_noiter 210 135 95 ., /// label("No Iteration") /// option("noiter") CHECKBOX cb_level 210 155 85 ., /// label("CI Level:") /// onclickon(main.ed_level.enable) /// onclickoff(main.ed_level.disable) EDIT ed_level 300 @ 40 ., /// label("Level") /// numonly default(95) /// option("level") CHECKBOX cb_tol 210 175 85 ., /// label("Tolerance:") /// onclickon(main.ed_tol.enable) /// onclickoff(main.ed_tol.disable) EDIT ed_tol 300 @ 40 ., /// label("Tolerance") /// numonly default(4) /// option("toleran") END INCLUDE ifin PROGRAM command BEGIN put "metareg " varlist main.vn_theta [main.vl_covar] INCLUDE _ifin_pr beginoptions if main.r_se { put "wsse(" } if main.r_var { put "wsvar(" } put main.vn_ws put ")" option radio(main r_reml r_ml r_eb r_mm) option main.cb_noiter optionarg main.ed_level optionarg main.ed_tol endoptions END