{smcl} {* 18jun2007}{...} {cmd:help mata tostack()} {cmd:help mata enter()} {cmd:help mata swapst()} {cmd:help mata rotst()} {hline} {* index rpn stack function mata}{...} {* index tostack()}{...} {* index enter()}{...} {* index swapst()}{...} {* index rotst()}{...} {title:Title} {p 4 4 2} {bf:Commands to manipulate the internal stack set up by rpnfcn()} {title:Syntax} {p 16 12 2} {bf:{ul:Command name}}{space 5} {ul:Argument} {p 16 12 2} {cmd:&tostack()}{space 7} {it:x} {p 16 12 2} {cmd:&enter()}{space 9} NULL {p 16 12 2} {cmd:&swapst()}{space 8} NULL {p 16 12 2} {cmd:&rotst()}{space 9} NULL {title:Description} {p 4 4 2} These functions are used to place matrices into the appropriate places in the stack used by {cmd:rpnfcn()}. {cmd:&tostack()} places the matrix {it:x} in a new top element of the stack. {cmd:&enter()} copies the current top element of the stack to a new top element in the stack. {cmd:&swapst()} swaps the two top elements of the stack. {cmd:&rotst()} rotates the stack one step down, meaning that the bottom-most element becomes the top element, while all others are shifted one step down. {title:Remarks} {p 4 4 2} The commands {cmd:&tostack()} and {cmd:&enter()} both copies the indicated matrix, and for very large matrices the user must thus ensure that Stata has sufficient memory to execute the command. The commands {cmd:&swapst()} and {cmd:&rotst()} on the other hand do not move or copy matrices as such, but rather rearranges their labels (the pointers in the stack) so as to create the desired effect. {title:Source code} {p 4 4 2} {view rpnstackfcn.mata, adopath asis:rpnstackfcn.mata} {title:Author} {p 4 4 2}{browse "http://www.almen.dk/hstovring":Henrik Støvring}, Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark. Please email {browse "mailto:hstovring@health.sdu.dk":hstovring@health.sdu.dk} if you have comments, questions or observe any problems. {title:Also see} {p 4 13 2} Manual: {hi:[M] Mata Reference Manual} {p 4 13 2} Online: help for {bf:{help mata:[M-0] mata}}, {bf:{help mf_rpnfcn: Evaluation of algorithm matrix using RPN}}, {bf:{help mf_rpnbinop:RPN binary operators}}, {bf:{help mf_rpndist:RPN distribution functions}}, {bf:{help mf_rpnint:RPN functions for integration}} {p_end}