*! version 2.1.3 22May2024 MLB program define mkproject_work version 15.1 syntax [anything], calling(string) [TEMPLate1(string) debug CREATE(string) query remove(string) default(string) RESETDEFault] * if `"`calling'"' != "project" & `"`calling'"' != "boilerplate" { di as err "{p}mkproject_work can only be called from mkproject or boilerplate{p_end}" exit 198 } if "`default'" != "" & "`resetdefault'" != "" { di as err "{p}Cannot specify default() and resetdefault together{p_end}" exit 198 } if `"`create'`query'`default'`resetdefault'`anything'`remove'"' == "" { di as err "{p}A name for your project is required{p_end}" exit 198 } if "`create'`query'`default'`resetdefault'`remove'" != "" & `"`anything'"' != "" { di as err "{p}A name for a project cannot be specified together with the create(), remove(), query, default(), resetdefault options{p_end}" exit 198 } if "`create'`query'`default'`resetdefault'`remove'" != "" & "`type'" != "" { di as err "{p}A type cannot be specified together with the create(), remove(), query, default(), resetdefault options{p_end}" exit 198 } if `"`remove'"' != "" & `"`create'`default'`resetdefault'"' != "" { di as err "{p}cannot combine the the remove() option with either create(), default(), or resetdefault{p_end}" exit 198 } local proj mkproject__class_instance if `"`create'"' != "" { capture noisily Create `create', proj(`proj') calling("`calling'") `options' Cleanup , proj(`proj') rc(`=_rc') `debug' if "`query'`default'`resetdefault'" == "" exit } if `"`default'"' != "" { capture noisily Default `default', proj(`proj') calling("`calling'") Cleanup , proj(`proj') rc(`=_rc') `debug' if "`query'`resetdefault'" == "" exit } if "`resetdefault'" != "" { capture noisily Resetdefault, proj(`proj') calling("`calling'") Cleanup , proj(`proj') rc(`=_rc') `debug' if "`query'" == "" exit } if `"`remove'"' != "" { capture noisily Remove, proj(`proj') calling("`calling'") remove(`"`remove'"') Cleanup, proj(`proj') rc(`=_rc') `debug' if "`query'" == "" exit } if "`query'" != "" { capture noisily Query, proj(`proj') calling("`calling'") Cleanup, proj(`proj') rc(`=_rc') `debug' exit } capture noisily mkproject_main `anything', `options' proj(`proj') template(`template1') calling("`calling'") Cleanup, proj(`proj') rc(`=_rc') `debug' end program define Create syntax anything(name=create), proj(string) calling(string) [replace plus] * mata: `proj' = mpcreate() mata: `proj'.create("`calling'") end program define Query syntax, proj(string) calling(string) mata: `proj' = mpquery() mata: `proj'.run("`calling'") end program define Default syntax anything(name=default), proj(string) calling(string) mata: `proj' = mpdefaults() mata: `proj'.write_default("`calling'", "`default'") end program define Resetdefault syntax, proj(string) calling(string) mata: `proj' = mpdefaults() mata: `proj'.reset("`calling'") end program define Remove syntax, proj(string) calling(string) remove(string) mata: `proj' = mpcreate() mata: `proj'.remove("`remove'", "`calling'") end program define mkproject_main version 10 syntax anything, proj(string) calling(string) /// [ DIRectory(string) TEMPLate1(string)] if "`calling'" == "project" { mata: `proj' = mkproject() mata: `proj'.run() } else if "`calling'" == "boilerplate" { if `"`directory'"' != "" { di as err "{p}option {bf:directory()} not allowed{p_end}" exit 198 } mata: `proj' = boilerplate() mata: `proj'.parse_anything() mata: `proj'.copy_boiler(`"`anything'"', "`template1'") doedit `"`anything'"' } end program define Cleanup version 10 syntax, proj(string) rc(integer) [debug] if `rc' { mata:`proj'.graceful_exit() } if "`debug'" == "" { mata: mata drop `proj' } if `rc' { exit `rc' } end