*!mktable version 0.2.0 *!Written 05May2018 *!Written by Sergio Venturini and Mehmet Mehmetoglu *!The following code is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3) program mktable version 15.1 syntax , matrix(string) [ FIRSTCOLName(string) FIRSTCOLWidth(integer 25) /// COLWidth(integer 15) Title(string) HLines(numlist >0 integer sort) /// NOVLines DIGits(integer 3) Path STats TOTal CORr CUToff(real 0) /// BINary(namelist min=1) REBus FIMix CONsistent ] /* Options: -------- matrix(string) --> matrix containing the numbers to display firstcolname(string) --> first column's name firstcolwidth(integer 25) --> first column's width (default 25) colwidth(integer 15) --> other columns' width (default 15) title(string) --> table's main title hlines --> rows at which to insert an horizontal line novlines --> no vertical lines between columns digits(integer 3) --> number of digits to display (default 3) path --> indicate that the table is for the path coefficients stats --> table of summary statistics for indicators total --> table of total effects corr --> correlation table cutoff(real 0) --> do not show correlation smaller than cutoff binary(namelist min=1) --> binary indicators/latent variables rebus --> indicator that the table refers to REBUS-PLS or FIMIX-PLS results fimix --> indicator that the table refers to FIMIX-PLS results consistent --> indicator for consistent PLS (PLSc) */ local skip0 = 0 local skip1 = 1 local skip2 = 2 local skip3 = 3 local skip4 = 4 if (strlen("`firstcolname'") > `firstcolwidth' - 2*`skip1') { local firstcolname = abbrev("`firstcolname'", `firstcolwidth' - 2*`skip1') } if (`colwidth' < 9) { display as error "'colwidth' option must be larger than 8 to properly show the table" exit } local props = e(properties) local boot_lbl "bootstrap" local isboot : list boot_lbl in props local firstcolwidth_p1 = `firstcolwidth' + 1 local ncols = colsof(`matrix') local nrows = rowsof(`matrix') local ncols_m1 = `ncols' - 1 local matrownames : rownames `matrix' local matcolnames : colnames `matrix' local mateqnames : coleq `matrix' local nulleqnames = 0 forvalues s = 1/`ncols' { if ("`: word `s' of `mateqnames''" == "_") { local ++nulleqnames } } local usable = `colwidth' - 2*`skip1' local usable2 = `colwidth' - 2*`skip2' if (`digits' >= `usable') { display as error "the number of digits chosen is too large" exit } if ("`hlines'" != "") { numlist "`hlines'" local hlinestodisp = r(numlist) } if ("`novlines'" == "") { local tvlines: display "{c TT}" local bvlines: display "{c BT}" local mvlines: display "{c +}" local vlines: display _skip(`skip1') "{c |}" } else { local tvlines: display "{c -}" local bvlines: display "{c -}" local mvlines: display "{c -}" local vlines: display _skip(`skip2') } local firstline: display "{hline ""`firstcolwidth'""}{c TT}" if (`nulleqnames' < `ncols') { local title1_eq: display _col(`firstcolwidth_p1') "{c |}" } local todisp "`firstcolname'" if (strlen("`todisp'") > `firstcolwidth' - 2*`skip1') { local todisp = abbrev("`todisp'", `firstcolwidth' - 2*`skip1') } local tmp_skip = `firstcolwidth' - strlen("`todisp'") - 2*`skip1' local title1: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip') "`firstcolname'" /// _col(`firstcolwidth_p1') "{c |}" local secondline: display "{hline ""`firstcolwidth'""}{c +}" local lastline: display "{hline ""`firstcolwidth'""}{c BT}" if ("`corr'" != "") { local nr = rowsof(`matrix') local nc = colsof(`matrix') forvalues i = 1/`nr' { forvalues j = 1/`nc' { if (!missing(`matrix'[`i', `j']) & abs(`matrix'[`i', `j']) < `cutoff') { matrix `matrix'[`i', `j'] = . } } } } forvalues j = 1/`ncols_m1' { local firstline "`firstline'" "`: display "{hline ""`colwidth'""}`tvlines'"'" if (`nulleqnames' < `ncols') { if ("`: word `j' of `mateqnames''" != "_") { local todisp : word `j' of `mateqnames' if (strlen("`todisp'") >= `usable') { local todisp = abbrev("`todisp'", `usable' - 1) } local tmp_skip = `usable' - strlen("`todisp'") - 1 local title1_eq "`title1_eq'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip')'" "`todisp'" ":`vlines'" } } local todisp : word `j' of `matcolnames' if (strpos("`todisp'", "_")) { //local todisp = subinstr("`todisp'", "_", " ", .) } if (strlen("`todisp'") > `usable') { local todisp = abbrev("`todisp'", `usable') } local tmp_skip = `usable' - strlen("`todisp'") local title1 "`title1'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip')'" abbrev("`todisp'", `colwidth') "`vlines'" local secondline "`secondline'" "`: display "{hline ""`colwidth'""}`mvlines'"'" local lastline "`lastline'" "`: display "{hline ""`colwidth'""}`bvlines'"'" } local firstline "`firstline'" "`: display "{hline ""`colwidth'""}"'" if (`nulleqnames' < `ncols') { if ("`: word `ncols' of `mateqnames''" != "_") { local todisp : word `ncols' of `mateqnames' if (strlen("`todisp'") >= `usable') { local todisp = abbrev("`todisp'", `usable' - 1) } local tmp_skip = `usable' - strlen("`todisp'") - 1 local title1_eq "`title1_eq'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip')'" "`todisp'" ":" } } local todisp : word `ncols' of `matcolnames' if (strpos("`todisp'", "_")) { //local todisp = subinstr("`todisp'", "_", " ", .) } if (strlen("`todisp'") > `usable') { local todisp = abbrev("`todisp'", `usable') } local tmp_skip = `usable' - strlen("`todisp'") local title1 "`title1'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip')'" abbrev("`todisp'", `colwidth') "" local secondline "`secondline'" "`: display "{hline ""`colwidth'""}"'" local lastline "`lastline'" "`: display "{hline ""`colwidth'""}"'" /* Start printing in Results window */ display display as text _skip(`skip0') "`title'" display as text "`firstline'" if (`nulleqnames' < `ncols') { display as text "`title1_eq'" } display as text "`title1'" display as text "`secondline'" forvalues i = 1/`nrows' { local rownametodisp : word `i' of `matrownames' if ("`rownametodisp'" != ".") { if ("`fimix'" != "") { local rownametodisp = subinstr("`rownametodisp'", "%%", " ", 1) } if ("`total'" != "") { local rownametodisp = subinstr("`rownametodisp'", "->", " -> ", 1) } if (strlen("`rownametodisp'") > (`firstcolwidth' - 2*`skip1')) { local rownametodisp = abbrev("`rownametodisp'", `firstcolwidth' - 2*`skip1') } local tmp_skip = `firstcolwidth' - strlen("`rownametodisp'") - 2*`skip1' local rownametodisp "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip')'" "`rownametodisp'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') "{c |}"'" } else { local rownametodisp "`: display _col(`firstcolwidth_p1') "{c |}"'" } display as text "`rownametodisp'" _continue local rownametodisp : word `i' of `matrownames' local rowtodisp "" forvalues j = 1/`ncols_m1' { if (!missing(`matrix'[`i', `j'])) { if ("`rownametodisp'" != ".") { if (`j' == `ncols_m1' & "`stats'" != "") { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `j'], "%`usable'.0f")) if (strlen("`todisp'") > `usable') { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `j'], "%`usable'.2e")) } } else { if ("`rebus'" != "") & (`i' == 1) { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `j'], "%`usable'.0f")) } else { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `j'], "%`usable'.`digits'f")) } if (strlen("`todisp'") > `usable') { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `j'], "%`usable'.2e")) } } local tmp_skip = `usable' - strlen("`todisp'") local rowtodisp "`rowtodisp'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip') "`todisp'`vlines'"'" } else { if ("`rebus'" != "") & (`i' == 1) { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `j'], "%`usable2'.0f")) } else { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `j'], "%`usable2'.`digits'f")) } if (strlen("`todisp'") > `usable2') { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `j'], "%`usable2'.2e")) } local todisp = "(`todisp')" local tmp_skip = `usable' - strlen("`todisp'") local rowtodisp "`rowtodisp'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip') "`todisp'`vlines'"'" } } else { local rowtodisp "`rowtodisp'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`usable') "`vlines'"'" } } if (!missing(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'])) { if ("`rownametodisp'" != ".") { if ("`stats'" != "") { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'], "%`usable'.0f")) if (strlen("`todisp'") > `usable') { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'], "%`usable'.2e")) } } else { if ("`rebus'" != "") & (`i' == 1) { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'], "%`usable'.0f")) } else { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'], "%`usable'.`digits'f")) } if (strlen("`todisp'") > `usable') { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'], "%`usable'.2e")) } } local tmp_skip = `usable' - strlen("`todisp'") local rowtodisp "`rowtodisp'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip') "`todisp'"'" } else { if ("`rebus'" != "") & (`i' == 1) { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'], "%`usable2'.0f")) } else { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'], "%`usable2'.`digits'f")) } if (strlen("`todisp'") > `usable2') { local todisp = strtrim(string(`matrix'[`i', `ncols'], "%`usable2'.2e")) } local todisp = "(`todisp')" local tmp_skip = `usable' - strlen("`todisp'") local rowtodisp "`rowtodisp'" "`: display _skip(`skip1') _skip(`tmp_skip') "`todisp'"'" } } display as result "`rowtodisp'" foreach num in `hlinestodisp' { if (`num' == `i') { if (`num' < `nrows') { display as text "`secondline'" } else if (`num' == `nrows') { display as text "`lastline'" } break } } } if ("`path'" != "") { if (("`consistent'" != "") & (!`isboot')) { display as text _skip(`skip1') "p-values not shown (use the 'boot' option)" } else { display as text _skip(`skip1') "p-values in parentheses" } } if ("`binary'" != "") { local binary : list clean binary local numbin : word count `binary' local numbinm1 = `numbin' - 1 local new_binary `: word 1 of `binary'' if (`numbin' > 1) { forvalues i = 2/`numbinm1' { local tmpbinary `: word `i' of `binary'' local new_binary "`new_binary', `tmpbinary'" } local tmpbinary `: word `numbin' of `binary'' local new_binary "`new_binary' and `tmpbinary'" } display as text _skip(`skip1') "results for `new_binary' use a logit model" } end