*!mktable_corr version 0.2.0 *!Written 06Feb2024 *!Written by Sergio Venturini and Mehmet Mehmetoglu *!The following code is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3) program mktable_corr version 15.1 syntax , matrix(string) [ Title(string) CUToff(real 0) DIGits(integer 4) ] /* Options: -------- matrix(string) --> matrix containing the numbers to display title(string) --> table's main title cutoff(real 0) --> do not show correlation smaller than cutoff digits(integer 4) --> number of digits to display (default 4) */ local skip0 = 0 local len_cell = 5 + `digits' local len_num = 3 + `digits' display display as text _skip(`skip0') "`title'" local allvars : rownames `matrix' tokenize `allvars' local nvar : word count `allvars' local j0 = 1 while (`j0' <= `nvar') { local j1 = min(`j0' + `len_cell', `nvar') local j = `j0' local l = `len_cell'*(`j1' - `j0' + 1) display as text "{hline 13}{c TT}{hline `l'}" display as text _skip(13) "{c |}" _continue while (`j' <= `j1') { display as text %`len_cell's abbrev("``j''", `len_cell' - 1) _continue local j = `j' + 1 } display as text _newline "{hline 13}{c +}{hline `l'}" local i = `j0' while (`i' <= `nvar') { display as text %12s abbrev("``i''", 12) " {c |} " _continue local j = `j0' while (`j' <= min(`j1', `i')) { if (!missing(`matrix'[`i', `j']) & abs(`matrix'[`i', `j']) < `cutoff') { local c`j' = . } else { local c`j' = `matrix'[`i', `j'] } local j = `j' + 1 } local j = `j0' while (`j' <= min(`j1', `i')) { if (`c`j'' < .) { display as result " " %`len_num'.`digits'f `c`j'' " " _continue } else { display as result _skip(`len_cell') _continue } local j = `j' + 1 } display local i = `i' + 1 } local j0 = `j0' + 10 display as text "{hline 13}{c BT}{hline `l'}" } end