{smcl} {* *! version 2.1.3}{...} {vieweralsosee "mkproject" "help mkproject"}{...} {vieweralsosee "boilerplate" "help boilerplate"}{...} {title:Title} {phang} project template course {hline 2} Small research project as part of a course {title:Description} {pstd} This template is for a small research project that takes place over a short period of time that does not require snapshots. A typical example would be a project someone has to do for a course. {title:File structure} {pstd} This template will create the following sub-directories and files: proj_abbrev / ├── ana / | ├── {help mp_b_ana:proj_abbrev_ana01.do} | ├── {help mp_b_dta_c:proj_abbrev_dta01.do} | └── {help mp_b_main:proj_abbrev_main.do} ├── data / ├── docu / | └── {help mp_b_rlogc:research_log.md} └── txt / {title:Commands} {pstd} After creating these sub-directories and files it will change the working directory to {it:proj_abbrev} directory. Subsequently it will execute the following commands:{p_end} {pmore}{cmd:dirtree}{p_end} {title:Source code} {view "c:\ado\plus/m\mp_course.mpp":mp_course.mpp}