p m_stats module to implement interpoint distance distribution analysis p mac_unab module to unabbreviate Global Macro Lists p macrof module to compute the macroF evaluation criterion for multi-class outcomes p madfuller module to perform Dickey-Fuller test on panel data p madot module to create dot plot for summarizing pooled estimates of multiple outcomes from meta-analysis p mads module to calculate Median Absolute Deviations p magreg module to calculate maximum agreement regression p mahapick module to select matching observations based on a Mahalanobis distance measure p mail module to send progress reports (Mac OSX/Linux/Unix) p majority module for majority calculations for real or hypothetical elections p makeddi module to improve the quality and efficiency of meta-data documentation production p makehlp module to automatically create a help file p makeid module to create a unique ID for every observation in the dataset. p makematrix module to make a matrix of results from other commands p maketex module to generate LaTeX code from a text file p malmq2 module to compute Malmquist Productivity Index p manski_ci module to use Manski type bounds (Manski 2003) to calculate confidence intervals around a treatment variable's regression coefficient in a (covariate-adjusted) regression p manyweakiv module to implement the weak-identification robust jackknife AR test from Mikusheva and Sun (2022) p map module to map string variables using an external dictionary file p mapch module map chains of events p mapsm module to perform multiple arms propensity score matching p maptile module to map a variable p margdistfit module to check the distributional assumptions underlying a parametric regression model p margeff module to compute average marginal effects for categorical and limited dependent variable models p margfx module to compute mean marginal effects with nonlinear models p margin module to compute average marginal effects for categorical and limited dependent variable models p marginscontplot2 module to graph margins for continuous predictors p margintegrate module to estimate non-parametric smooth functions for generalized additive models p marglmean module to compute marginal log means from regression models p margprev module to compute marginal prevalences from binary regression models p marhis module to produce predictive margins and marginal effects plots with histogram after regress, logit, xtmixed and mixed p marimekko module for marikmekko charts p mark_changes module to generate a variable indicating where one or more variables changes value p markdoc module for literate programming p marker module to generate indicator variable marking desired sample p markov module to generate Markov probabilities p markstat module to support literate data analysis using Stata and Markdown p marktouse module to mark the observations to be used p markupest module for markup estimation via Micro and Macro approaches p mat2txt module to write matrix to ASCII file p matamatrix module to enable using Mata functions on Stata matrices p matchit module to match two datasets based on similar text patterns p matdrop module to delete multiple row and/or column using labels from matrix p matin4-matout4 module to import and export matrices p matmap module to perform elementwise calculations for matrices p matnames module to return matrix row and column names p matodd modules to produce various matrix tasks p matpwcorr module to takes the output from pwcorr and creates the corresponding matrices p matrixof module to produce matrix or vector of results for paired or single variables p matrixtools module to build, present and style Stata matrices p matsave module to save and load matrices p matsort module to sort a matrix by a given column p matstat module to format tabstat, assembling of results in one matrix p matvsort module for sorting vectors or rows or columns of matrices p matwrite module to write Stata variables as MATLAB matrices p mauchly module to compute Mauchly’s sphericity test for repeated measures ANOVA models p maxdrawdown module to calculate the maximum drawdown of a stock, fund or other financial product p maxsum module to compute the maximum value of a rolling sum p maxwell module for computing Maxwell's random error (RE) coefficient of agreement between 2 raters for binary data p mbitobit module to fit bivariate Tobit regression p mbsens module to compute Sensitivity metric for matched sample using McNemar's test p mc module to calculate a matched concordance index p mca module to perform multiple correspondence analysis p mcenter module to center variables at their means p mces module for Marginal Comparison Effect Sizes p mcib module to estimate income distribution and inequality statistics from grouped data p mcl module to estimate multinomial conditional logit models p mcmccqreg module to perform simulation assisted estimation of censored quantile regression using adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo p mcmclinear module for MCMC sampling of linear models p mcmcstats module to compute convergence and summary statistics for MCMC estimation p mcqscore module to score the Monetary Choice Questionnaire using logistic regression p mcwr module to compute Markov chain with rewards calculations p mdensity module for univariate kernel density estimation, for variables or groups p mdepriv module to compute synthetic indicators of multiple deprivation p mdesc module to tabulate prevalence of missing values p mean2 module to make a table of estimate means with subpopulation differences p mean_ci_plot module to plot means and confidence intervals p meaning module to use internet search for the meaning for a word or phrase p medcouple module to compute medcouple measure of asymmetry and heaviness of the tails p median module to perform the median test p mediation module for causal mediation analysis and sensitivity analysis p medoid module to calculate medoids p medsem module to perform mediation analysis using structural equation modelling p medsurv module to calculate the median survival time after Cox/Poisson regression p mehetprob module to compute marginal effects at means and their standard errors after hetprob p meloreg2 module to perform Minimum Expected Loss (MELO) Instrumental Variables Regression p melt module to melt variables into a dataset containing aggregated data by variable p meoprobit module to compute marginal effects after estimation of ordered probit p mequate module to calculate equating constants using the Mean/Mean and Mean/Sigma methods p meresc module to rescale the results of mixed nonlinear probability models p mergeall module to merge multiple files p mergemany module to merge many files p mergepoly module to merge adjacent polygons from a shapefile p merlin module to fit mixed effects regression for linear and non-linear models p meta_analysis module to perform subgroup and regression-type fixed- and random-effects meta-analyses p meta_lr module to graph positive and negative likelihood ratios in diagnostic test p metaaggr modules for meta-analysis of aggregate data p metaan module to perform fixed- or random-effects meta-analyses p metabias module to test for small-study effects in meta-analysis p metacum module to perform cumulative meta-analysis, with graphics p metadata module to enable access to metadata p metadialog module to provide sub-menu and dialogs for meta-analysis commands p metadta module to perform fixed- and random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression of diagnostic accuracy studies p metaeff module to perform effect sizes calculations for meta-analyses p metafrag module to compute the fragility index for meta-analysis p metafunnel module to produce funnel plots for meta-analysis p metagen module to perform meta-analysis of genetic-association studies p metagraph module to draw Forrest plot after meta command p metamiss module to perform meta-analysis with missing data p metamiss2 module accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis p metan module for fixed and random effects meta-analysis p metandi module to perform meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy p metaninf module to evaluate influence of a single study in meta-analysis estimation p metaparm module to perform meta-analysis and transformations using parmest resultssets p metapow module for simulation based sample size calculations for designing new clinical trials and diagnostic test accuracy studies to update an existing meta-analysis p metapred module producing outlier and influence diagnostics for meta-analysis p metapreg module to compute fixed and random effects meta-analysis and meta-regression of proportions p metaprop module to perform fixed and random effects meta-analysis of proportions p metaprop_one module to perform fixed and random effects meta-analysis of proportions p metareg module to perform meta-analysis regression p metastrong module for estimating the proportion of true effect sizes above or below a threshold in random-effects meta-analysis p metatef module to perform IPD meta analysis of an interaction between treatment and a continuous covariate p metatrend module to implement regression methods for detecting trends in cumulative meta-analysis p metatrim module to perform nonparametric analysis of publication bias p mfcurve module for plotting results from multifactorial research designs p mfelogit module to estimate marginal effects (AME) and average treatment effects (ATE) in fixed effect logit models p mfilegr module to view and save multiple graphs with filenames based on a numeric identifier p mfpi module for modelling and displaying interactions p mfpigen module for modelling and displaying interactions between continuous predictors p mfpmi module to build multivariable fractional polynomial models in multiply imputed data p mfx2 module to enhance mfx command for obtaining marginal effects or elasticities after estimation p mgbe module to compute Multimodel Generalized Beta Estimator p mgen module to apply generate to a matrix p mgof module to perform goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial data p mhl module to compute Hodges and Lehman (1963) robust measure of location p mhtexp module to perform multiple hypothesis testing correction procedure p mhtreg module for multiple hypothesis testing controlling for FWER p mi_impute_from module to impute using an external imputation model p mi_impute_wlogit module to perform weighted multiple imputation for binary/categorical variables p mi_mvncat module to assign "final" values to (mvn) imputed categorical variables p mi_twoway module for computing scores on questionnaires containing missing item responses p mibmi module for cleaning and multiple imputation algorithm for body mass index (BMI) in longitudinal datasets p mice module for multiple imputation of missing values p mice7 module for multiple imputation of missing values (version 7) p mict module to provide Multiple imputation for Categorical Time-series p midas module for meta-analytical integration of diagnostic test accuracy studies p miesize module to estimate effect sizes from multiply imputed data p mif2dta module convert MapInfo Interchange Format boundary files to Stata boundary files p miinc module to conduct multi-model inference using information criteria p mim module to analyse and manipulate multiply imputed datasets p mimix module to perform reference based multiple imputation for sensitivity analysis of longitudinal clinical trials with protocol deviation p mimpt module to impute missing values and persist in case of non-convergence p mimrgns module to run margins after mi estimate p mimstack module to stack multiply-imputed datasets into format required by mim p minap module to calculate minimum average partial correlation for principal components p minmse module to create balanced groups for treatment in experiments with one or several treatment arms p mint module to examine across-groups equivalence of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) measurement model parameters p miparallel module to perform parallel estimation for multiple imputed datasets p mipolate module to interpolate values p mira module to compute Rubin's measure for multiple imputation regression analysis p missing module to replace missing values p missingplot module to draw plot showing patterns of missing values in a dataset p missings module to manage missing values p misum module to calculate summary statistics in MI dataset p mivcausal module for testing the hypothesis about the signs of the 2SLS weights p mivif module to calculate variance inflation factors after mi estimate regress p mixlelast module to compute mixed logit sample elasticities and marginal effects p mixlogit module to fit mixed logit models by using maximum simulated likelihood p mixlogitwtp module to estimate mixed logit models in WTP space p mixmcm module to estimate finite mixtures of non-stationary Markov chain models by maximum likelihood (ML) and the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm p mixmixlogit module to estimate mixed-mixed multinomial logit model p mixrandregret module for fitting mixed random regret minimization models p mkbilogn module to create bivariate lognormal variables p mkcorr module to generate correlation table formatted for easy inclusion in articles p mkdat module providing easy SOEP retrievals p mkdensity module to graph kernel densities of several variables p mkern module to perform multivariate nonparametric kernel regression p mkest module to convert variables to estimates matrix p mkprofile module to create or edit your 'profile.do' p mkproject module to create a project folder with some boilerplate code and research log p mkstrsn modules to format Social Security number variables p mktab module to print table of estimates in delimited or screen-presentation format p mlad module to perform maximum likelihood using automatic differentiation p mlboolean module to implement Boolean logit and probit p mlcoint module to compute Johansen cointegration tests p mlmr2 module to compute r-squared measures for models estimated by mixed p mlogitroc module to calculate multiclass ROC Curves and AUC from Multinomial Logistic Regression p mlogpred module to produce predicted probabilities after mlogit and svymlog p mlowess module for lowess smoothing with multiple predictors p mlr2sls module for 2SLS estimation with multiple-LATEs robust standard error under treatment effect heterogeneity p mlt module to provide multilevel tools p mmat2tex module to output Mata matrix as LaTeX table p mmeiv module to perform Multiple Marginal Effects IV Estimation p mmerge module: Safer and easier to use variant of merge. p mmodes module to calculate the mode for a numeric varlist p mmqreg module to estimate quantile regressions via Method of Moments p mmsel module to simulate (counterfactual) distributions from quantile regressions (w/optional sample selection correction) p mmsrm module to estimate Multidimensional Marginally Sufficient Rasch Model (MMSRM) p mmws module to perform marginal mean weighting through stratification p mnthplot module for scatter plot for monthly data with repetition of data p mod11 module to generate Chile's National Identification Number (RUT) check digit (DV) (modulo 11) p modeldiag module to generate graphics after regression p modlpr module to estimate long memory in a timeseries p mog module to produce one way or two way tables of means (or totals) p mol module to evaluate literacy level p moments module to compute moment-based statistics p moments2 module to compute skewness and kurtosis measures p momentsets module for moment-based measures collected as datasets p moranplot module to produce Moran scatter plots p moransi module to compute Moran's I p more_clarify module to estimate quantities of interest through simulation and resampling methods p moremata module (Mata) to provide various functions p moreobs module to add observations to dataset p moss module to find multiple occurrences of substrings p motivate module providing motivation to users p motivatedolly module to provide quotes, lyrics and links to motivational songs from Dolly Parton p mountainplot module to produce folded empirical distribution function curves (mountain plots) p movavg module using Mata to generate Moving Averages p movestay module for maximum likelihood estimation of endogenous regression switching models p mpi module to compute the Alkire-Foster multidimensional poverty measures and their decomposition by deprivation indicators and population sub-groups p mpitb module to estimate and analyze multidimensional poverty indices (MPI) p mplotoffset module to produce marginsplots with offset plotting symbols p mpovline module to calculate FGT0, FGT1 and FGT2 by intervals of multiple thresholds p mpr module for computing the Medication Possession Ratio p mqgamma module to estimate quantiles of potential-outcome distributions p mrdum module to create dummy variables and summary table for multiple response data p mrobust module to estimate model robustness and model influence p mrprobit module to estimate probit with Misclassification of the Dependent Variable p mrsprep module to estimate marginal relative survival models p mrtab module to compute one- and two-way tables of multiple responses p mscatter module to produce multiple scatter plots p mscologit module to estimate multiscale ordered logit model p msdeco module to calculate the Mookherjee & Shorrocks (1982) over-time inequality decomposition by subgroup p msdirb module to create a dataset of file names from the output of a MS-DOS dir/b command (Windows only) p mseffect module to estimate the mean effect size of (binary/multiple group) treatment on multiple outcomes p msp module to perform the Mokken Scale Procedure p msplot module for multiple median-spline plots p mss module to perform heteroskedasticity test for quantile and OLS regressions p mstdize module to produce marginal standardization of two-way tables p mstore module to Store and Retrieve Matrices with Dataset p mswtable module to provide wrapper for putdocx table p mtab module to store results in a matrix p mtad module to perform Multinomial Test of Agglomeration and Dispersion p mtebinary module to compute Marginal Treatment Effects (MTE) With a Binary Instrument p mtefe module to compute marginal treatment effects with factor variables p mtemore module to compute Marginal Treatment Effects (MTE) With a Binary Instrument p mtpi module for the modified Toxicity Probability Interval design p mtreatreg module to fits models with multinomial treatments and continuous, count and binary outcomes using maximum simulated likelihood p mulogit module to calculate multivariate and univariate odds ratios in logistic regression p multencode module to encode multiple string variables into numeric p multibar module to produce bar and dot graphs for use with overlapping over() categories p multicoefplot module to produce advanced repeated cross-section graphical analysis p multidensity module for kernel density estimation for many variables or groups p multidot module for multiple panel dot charts and similar p multif module to construct multiple if-restrictions with the same value for different variables p multiline module for multiple panel line plots p multimport module to import multiple non-Stata datafiles into memory, appending them automatically p multipurt module to run 1st and 2nd generation panel unit root tests for multiple variables and lags p multishell module to allot do files and variations of loops across parallel instances of Windows Stata and computers efficiently p multistate module to perform multi-state survival analysis p multivrs module to conduct multiverse analysis p mundlak module to estimate random-effects regressions adding group-means of independent variables to the model p muxplot module to produce scatter plots with y versus multiple x variables p muxyplot module to produce scatter plots with multiple x and y variables p mvcorr module to generate moving-window correlation or autocorrelation in time series or panel p mvdcmp module to compute multivariate decomposition for nonlinear response models p mvfiles module to provide a convenient way to move/copy matched files from a specified input directory (also including, if wanted, additionally recursively matched subsets of files within distinctly matched offspring-directories) to a specified output directory p mvfilter module to compute multivariate time-series filter p mvmeta module to perform multivariate random-effects meta-analysis p mvnxpb module for computation of multivariate normal probabilities using bivariate conditioning p mvport module for Collection, Optimization and Backtest of Financial Portfolios p mvprobit module to calculate multivariate probit regression using simulated maximum likelihood p mvsamp1i module to determine sample size and power for multivariate regression p mvsampsi module to determine sample size and power for multivariate regression p mvsktest module to test for multivariate skewness and kurtosis p mvsumm module to generate moving-window descriptive statistics in time series or panel p mvtest module to perform multivariate F tests p mvtnorm module to work with the multivariate normal and multivariate t distributions, with and without variable truncation p mvtobit module to calculate multivariate tobit models by simulated maximum likelihood (SML) p myaxis module to reorder categorical variable by specified sort criterion p mycd10 module to process ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure codes p mycolours module for setting a palette of colours through local macros p mydatelabels module to generate axis labels with a label every time a component changes p mylabels module for axis labels or ticks on transformed scales or for daily dates p mypkg module to inform on packages installed over net p myweeks module for generating numbered weeks from daily date variables