{smcl} {hline} index of NJC's best Stata stuff (version 12 June 2024) {hline} {title:Description} {p 4 4 2}This is a list of what I regard as my best Stata packages or commands that are in the public domain. If a help file is not accessible to you, use {help search} to find out where the files are. The help files carry details on people who kindly reported bugs or made useful suggestions. A fuller list is available at {help njc_stuff:NJC stuff}. {title:Contributor to official Stata commands} {space 4}command version added {space 4}{hline 33} {space 4} {space 4}{help dataex} 14.2, 15.1 update {space 4}{help clonevar} 8 update {space 4}{help tostring} 8 update {space 4}{help ci} 8 update (advisor) {space 4}{help cumul} 8 update {space 4}{help ds} 8 update {space 4}{help levels} 8 update ({help levelsof} in 9 up) {space 4}{help duplicates} 8 {space 4}{help split} 8 {space 4}{help ssc} 7 update {space 4}{help findit} 7 update {space 4}{help destring} 7 {space 4}{help egen} 7 {space 4}{help contract} 6 {space 4}{help separate} 6 {space 4}{help serrbar} 6 {space 4}{help spikeplot} 6 {title:Packages, mostly on SSC} {title:General graphics commands} {space 4}{help aaplot} scatter plot with linear and/or quadratic fit, automatically annotated {space 4}{help binsm} bin smoothing and summary on scatter plots {space 4}{help catplot} plots of categorical data {space 4}{help ciplot} plots of confidence intervals {space 4}{help combineplot} combine similar plots for different variables {space 4}{help corrtable} correlation matrix as graphical table {space 4}{help crossplot} scatter (twoway) plots for each y vs each x {space 4}{help cycleplot} cycle plots (seasonal subseries plots) {space 4}{help depthplot} plot variable(s) with depth as vertical axis {space 4}{help designplot} graphical summary of response given one or more factors {space 4}{help diagsm} diagonal smoothing {space 4}{help distplot} distribution function plots {space 4}{help domdiag} dominance diagrams {space 4}{help doublesm} double smoothing {space 4}{help dpplot} density probability plots {space 4}{help eofplot} plot coefficients or loadings after PCA or factor analysis {space 4}{help eqprhistogram} equal probability histograms {space 4}{help fabplot} plots for each subset, rest of data as backdrop {space 4}{help favplots} formatted added-variable plot(s) {space 4}{help floatplot} floating or sliding stacked bar plot {space 4}{help fractileplot} smoothing with distribution function predictors {space 4}{help jaccard} Jaccard similarity or dissimilarity of sets {space 4}{help kaplansky} graph examples of distributions of varying kurtosis {space 4}{help linkplot} linked scatter plots {space 4}{help localp} kernel-weighted local polynomial smoothing {space 4}{help missingplot} plot showing patterns of missing values in a dataset {space 4}{help mlowess} lowess smoothing with multiple predictors {space 4}{help modeldiag} model diagnostics after regression-type commands {space 4}{help multidot} multiple panel dot charts and similar {space 4}{help multiline} multiple panel line plots {space 4}{help multqplot} multiple quantile plots {space 4}{help mycolours} set a palette of colours through local macros {space 4}{help mylabels} axis labels or ticks on specified scales {space 4}{help nicelabels} nice axis labels for general scales {space 4}{help niceloglabels} nice axis labels for logarithmic scales {space 4}{help pairplot} plots of paired observations {space 4}{help parplot} parallel coordinates plots {space 4}{help pdplot} Pareto dot plots {space 4}{help polarsm} polar smoothing {space 4}{help ppplot} P-P plots {space 4}{help qplot} quantile plots {space 4}{help qqplotg} quantile-quantile plots, generalized {space 4}{help rcspline} restricted cubic spline smoothing {space 4}{help sdline} SD line (reduced major axis) {space 4}{help sepscatter} scatter plots separated by a third variable {space 4}{help skewplot} skewness plots {space 4}{help sliceplot} time series or other plot in slices {space 4}{help sparkline} sparkline-type plots {space 4}{help spineplot} spine plots for two-way categorical data {space 4}{help statplot} plots of summary statistics {space 4}{help stemplot} stem-and-leaf plots {space 4}{help stripplot} strip plots {space 4}{help tabplot} one-, two- and three-way bar charts for tables {space 4}{help transplot} plots for trying out transformations {space 4}{help triplot} triangular plots {space 4}{help trimplot} plots of trimmed means {space 4}{help twoway__whistogram_gen} {space 4} histogram subroutine supporting aweights and iweights {space 4}{help upsetplot} Euler or Venn diagrams mapped to bar charts, upsetplot style {space 4}{help vennbar} Euler or Venn diagrams mapped to bar or dot charts {space 4}{help zmap} binned scatter maps {title:Distribution fitting and plotting} {space 4}qenv generate quantile envelopes for quantile-quantile plots ({help qenvnormal}, {help qenvgamma}, etc.) {space 4}{help betafit} beta distribution {space 4}{help pbeta} {space 4}{help qbeta} {space 4}{help dirifit} Dirichlet distribution {space 4}{help pexp} exponential distribution {space 4}{help qexp} {space 4}{help gammafit} gamma distribution {space 4}{help pgamma} {space 4}{help qgamma} {space 4}{help gumbelfit} Gumbel distribution {space 4}{help pgumbel} {space 4}{help qgumbel} {space 4}{help invgammafit} inverse gamma distribution {space 4}{help pinvgamma} {space 4}{help qinvgamma} {space 4}{help invgaussfit} inverse Gaussian distribution {space 4}{help pinvgauss} {space 4}{help qinvgauss} {space 4}{help weibullfit} Weibull distribution {space 4}{help pweibull} {space 4}{help qweibull} {space 4}{help diagplots2:qpfit} Dagum, generalized beta (second kind), {space 4} lognormal, Singh-Maddala distributions {title:Other statistics} {space 4}{help bkrosenblatt} Blum, Kiefer and Rosenblatt test of bivariate independence {space 4}{help circular} circular statistics {space 4}{help concord} concordance correlation {space 4}{help corrci}, {help corrcii} correlation with z-based confidence intervals {space 4}{help cpcorr} correlations for each row vs each column variable {space 4}{help diptest} dip statistic to test for unimodality {space 4}{help entropyetc} entropy and related measures for categories {space 4}{help extremes} list extreme values {space 4}{help find_denom} minimum sample size from percentages {space 4}{help firstdigit} first digits of numeric variables {space 4}{help glmcorr} correlation and RMS error for GLMs {space 4}{help group1d} grouping or clustering in one dimension {space 4}{help hdquantile} Harrell-Davis estimator of quantiles {space 4}{help hsmode} half-sample modes {space 4}{help iquantile} interpolated quantiles {space 4}{help lmoments} L-moments and derived statistics {space 4}{help lvalues} letter value calculation {space 4}{help modes} tabulation of modes {space 4}{help moments} moment-based statistics {space 4}{help multidensity} kernel density estimation for one or more variables or groups {space 4}{help nruns} number of runs compared with random shuffles {space 4}{help omninorm} omnibus test for univariate or multivariate normality {space 4}{help pcacoefsave} save results of PCA to new dataset {space 4}{help qsbayes}, {help qsbayesi} quasi-Bayes smoothing of categorical frequencies {space 4}{help rangerun} run commands on observations within range {space 4}{help rangestat} generate statistics using observations within range {space 4}{help shorth} descriptive statistics based on shortest halves {space 4}tab_chi {help chitest}, {help chitesti}, {help tabm}, {help tabsplit} especially {space 4}{help transint} transformations help {space 4}{help trimmean} trimmed means as descriptive statistics {title:Data management and programming} {space 4}{help charlist} list characters present in string variables {space 4}{help countvalues} list counts of integer values across variables {space 4}{help dataex} generate formatted data example for Statalist {space 4}{help distinct} display number of distinct values of variables {space 4}{help egenmore} extension to generate (more extras) {space 4}{help fedit} find and edit text file from within Stata {space 4}{help findname} list variables matching name patterns or other properties {space 4}{help fixsort} sort variables and align in sorted order {space 4}{help fs} show names of files in compact form {space 4}{help groups} list group frequencies {space 4}{help labmask} values or value labels of one variable as value labels of another {space 4}{help listfirst} list so many observations {space 4}{help longshape} reshape to long (limited alternative) {space 4}{help mipolate} interpolate missing values {space 4}{help missings} utilities for managing missing values {space 4}{help moss} multiple occurrences of substrings {space 4}{help multencode} encode multiple string variables into numeric {space 4}{help myaxis} reorder categorical variable by specified sort criterion {space 4}{help myweeks} numbered weeks from daily dates {space 4}{help numdate} generate numeric date-time variable {space 4}{help panelthin} observations for thinned panel dataset {space 4}{help rowranks} row ranks of a set of variables {space 4}{help rowsort} row sort a set of variables {space 4}{help seqvar} assign integer numlists to variables {space 4}{help tabcount} tabulate frequencies {space 4}{help tsegen} invoke egen using tsvarlist as argument {space 4}{help tsspell} identification of spells in time series {space 4}{help tuples} selecting all possible tuples from a list {space 4}{help xtpatternvar} generate variable describing panel patterns {title:Collaborators} {p 4 4 2} {bind:C.F. Baum,} {bind:M. Blasnik,} {bind:E.A. Booth,} {bind:A. Brady,} {bind:J. Brogger,} {bind:M.L. Buis,} {bind:R. Ferrer,} {bind:R. Goldstein,} {bind:W. Gould,} {bind:J.P. Gray,} {bind:R.G. Gutierrez,} {bind:S.P. Jenkins,} {bind:S. Juul,} {bind:P. van Kerm,} {bind:D. Klein,} {bind:U. Kohler,} {bind:G. Longton,} {bind:J.N. Luchman,} {bind:S. Merryman,} {bind:T. Morris,} {bind:R. Picard,} {bind:B. Rising,} {bind:G. Rossman,} {bind:P. Royston,} {bind:I.H. Salgado-Ugarte,} {bind:P. Sasieni,} {bind:M. Shimizu,} {bind:N. Smeeton,} {bind:T.J. Steichen,} {bind:S. Stillman,} {bind:T. Taniuchi,} {bind:A. Tobias,} {bind:Z. Wang,} {bind:J. Weesie,} {bind:J.B. Wernow,} {bind:V. Wiggins,} {bind:D.E. Williams,} {bind:N. Winter,} {bind:F. Wolfe} {title:Author} {p 4 4 2}Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University{break} n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk