*! number_exporting: number_exporting formats a given numeric value (numeric_value) based on user specifications. It outputs the formatted number into a LaTeX compatible .tex file. The function can handle absolute values, percentages, and specific decimal formatting, making it suitable for saving numeric data for reports or publications in LaTeX format. *! Version: June, 2024 *! Authors: Olena Bogdan, Adrien Matray, Pablo E. Rodriguez, and Chenzi Xu program define number_exporting syntax anything, Name(string) [percent digits(integer 2) absolute] version 13.0 // Ensure the specified name includes the full path and filename local filepath `"`name'"' // Check if the .tex extension is included, if not, add it if strpos("`filepath'", ".tex") == 0 { local filepath = "`filepath'.tex" } // Take absolute value if specified if "`absolute'" != "" { local anything = abs(`anything') } // Format the input value based on specified digits, and percent options local digits_format = "%9." + string(`digits') + "fc" // Format for percentage if specified if "`percent'" != "" { local anything = `anything' * 100 local anything = string(`anything', "`digits_format'") local temp = "`anything'\%%" // Escape the percent sign for LaTeX local anything = "`temp'" } else { local anything = string(`anything', "`digits_format'") } // Print output di "Final formatted output: `anything'" // Set up file write using the specified path and filename file open myfile using "`filepath'", write text replace file write myfile "`anything'" file close myfile end