p nb_adjust module to identify and adjust outliers of a variable assumed to follow a negative binomial distribution p nbercycles module to generate graph command (and optionally graph) timeseries vs. NBER recession dating p nbfit module for fitting negative binomial distribution by maximum likelihood p nbinreg module to estimate negative binomial regression models p nbstrat module to estimate Negative Binomial with Endogenous Stratification p nca module to perform Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) p ncf modules related to the noncentral F distribution p nct modules related to the noncentral t distribution p ndbci module extending ci for single variable with exposure time. p nearest module to calculate nearest neighbours from point coordinates p nearmrg module to provide nearest-match merging of datasets p nearstat module to calculate distance-based variables and export distance matrix to text file p nehurdle module for estimation of models with corner solutions p neoclassical module to estimate neoclassical education transitions model p netplot module to provide social network visualization p netreg module to perform linear regression of a network response with the exchangeable assumption p network module to perform network meta-analysis p newey2 module to extend newey (HAC covariance estimation) p newsimpact module to compute news impact curve for ARCH models p next module to perform regression discontinuity p ngram module to provide n-gram feature extractor p nharvey module to perform Nyblom-Harvey panel test of common stochastic trends p nicedates module for nice dates, especially for time series graphs p niceest module to export regression table to excel p nicelabels module for nice axis labels for general scales p niceloglabels module to produce nice axis labels for logarithmic scales p nicewords module to pay compliments p njc_stuff module documenting Stata programs and help files by Nicholas J. Cox p nlcheck module to check linearity assumption after model estimation p nlcorr module to compute correlation metric for cross-sample comparisons using non-linear probability models p nlls module to compute non-negative least squares in Stata p nmissing module to show numbers of missing or present values p nnest module to perform J test and Cox-Pesaran-Deaton test for nonnested models p nnipolate module for nearest neighbour interpolation p nnls module to compute non-negative least squares p nnmatch module to compute nearest-neighbor bias-corrected estimators p nonparmde module to calculate the minimum detectable effect in randomized experiment p nopo module to perform Nopo (2008) matching decompositions p nopomatch module to implement Nopo's decomposition p norm module to normalize variables p norm_dist module providing normal and inverse normal distribution functions with added mean and standard deviation p normalbvr module to generate Normal bivariate ridits p normalizepath module to parse (and normalize) files' paths p normalrir module to calculate ridits of inverse ridits between Normal populations p normtest module to perform tests of univariate kurtosis and skewness p npeivreg module for estimation of nonparametric errors-in-variables (EIV) regression and construction of its uniform confidence band p npinfo module to merge network-based nodal characteristics p npiv module to perform Nonparametric instrumental-variable regression on a scalar endogenous regressor p nproc module to produce nonparametric receiver operating curves p npseries module to perform Nonparametric Power Series Estimation p npss module to estimate nonparametric heteroskedastic state space models p npsynth module to implement Nonparametric Synthetic Control Method p nrow module to rename variables as their nth-row values p nruns module to compute number of runs compared with random shuffles p nscale module to scale data p nsplit module to split numeric variable into components p nstage module for multi-arm, multi-stage (MAMS) trial designs for time-to-event outcomes p nstagebin module to provide facilities for optimising and designing multi-arm multi-stage (MAMS) randomised controlled trials with binary outcomes p nstagebinopt module to compute admissible multi-arm multi-stage trial designs with binary outcomes p ntreatreg module for estimation of treatment effects in the presence of neighbourhood interactions p num2base26 module to provide an interface to Mata's numtobase26() function p num2words module to convert numbers to text p number_exporting module to format a numeric value and export in LaTeX format p numdate module to generate date-times or components p nvars module to count the number of variables p nw_fromlist module to build a network from a list of long-form data p nw_projection module to project a bipartite network into one of its two dimensions p nw_wcc module to calculate Weighted Clustering Coefficients (WCC) in Complex Direct Networks p nwannd module to compute ANND (average nearest neighbor degree) and related measures p nwassortativity module to compute network assortativity coefficient p nwcluster module to compute the clustering coefficient of a network's vertices p nwdisparity module to calculate the disparity of a network's nodes p nwind module to compute Newey-Windmeijer VCE after ivreg2 GMM-CUE estimation p nwreciprocity module to calculate reciprocity metrics for (weighted) directed networks p nwstrengthcent module to compute Freeman's centrality index (1979) for strength centrality p nysiis module to calculate nysiis codes from string variables p nytimes module to display top news stories from the New York Times