odi calculates the ^ODI^ (Oswestry Disability Index) from your records
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------- ^DISCLAIMER^: Terms and Conditions for using the ODI version 2.1a apply In order to use the ODI version 2.1a and scoring algorithms you must register > at: http://www.mapi-trust.org/services/questionnairelicensing/cataloguequestionnair > es/128-odi Every effort is made to test code as thoroughly as possible but user must accep > t responsibility for use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ----------
^odi^ varlist, gen(name)
^varlist^ needs to contain 10 variables, one for each of the sections of the OD > I.
^gen(^name^)^ specifies the name of the generated ODI variable and needs to be > specified. Any name is admissible.
^odi^ varlist, gen(odi) Supported Versions: This algorithm supports ODI versions 1.0, 2.0, and 2.1a. Admissible Values: All variables need to be scored from 5 - 0. The following value labels apply: 0: First Statement (No Pain) 1: Second Statement 2: Third Statement 3: Fourth Statement 4: Fifth Statement 5: Last Statement (Worst Pain) Values outside this range for any variable will terminate the program. Calculation of Values:
This algorithm computes the mean score across all sections of the ODI, divides > it by 5, and subsequently multiplies it by 100 to generate percentages. Values are rounded to the nearest full percentage. Treatment of Missing Data: Missing data in one section is replaced by the average score for all sections. There is a limit of 1 missing section. More than 1 missing section will result in a missing score. References: Fairbank JCT, Pynsent PB. The Oswestry Disability Index. SPINE 25(22): 2940-2953, 2000.
________________________________________________________ AO Clinical Investigation and Documentation Program author: Johann Blauth and Monica Daigl Date: 26.04.2012