{smcl} {cmd:help open2 {stata "help open2_cn": 中文版本}} {title:Title} {hi:open2} — Open files, directories, or execute commands across platforms {title:Syntax} {cmd:open2} [{it:anything}] [{cmd:using/}] [, {cmd:cd}] {title:Description} {pstd}{cmd:open2} is a versatile command that opens files, directories, or executes system commands. It automatically detects the operating system (Windows, macOS, or others) and applies the appropriate logic to handle the request. {title:Options} {phang}{opt cd} Opens the current working directory in the system's file explorer. {title:Remarks} {pstd}If no {cmd:using} or {cmd:cd} is specified, {cmd:open2} will attempt to execute the given command or open the specified file/application directly.{p_end} {pstd}The command determines the operating system using Stata's {cmd:c(os)} macro and applies platform-specific behavior.{p_end} {title:Examples} {phang}{bf:Open a file or application (Windows):}{p_end} {cmd:. open2 using "C:\path\to\yourfile.txt"} {phang}{bf:Change directory and open it in file explorer:}{p_end} {cmd:. open2 , cd} {phang}{bf:Execute a command (e.g., open an application):}{p_end} {cmd:. open2 "notepad"} {phang}{bf:Open a file on macOS:}{p_end} {cmd:. open2 using "/path/to/yourfile.txt"} {title:Examples2} *- Open a txt file {phang}{stata "open2 门槛回归结果.txt"}{p_end} *- Open a csv file {phang}{stata "open2 auto.csv"}{p_end} *- Open a Word file {phang}{stata "open2 门槛回归结果.doc"}{p_end} *- Open a pdf file {phang}{stata "open2 C:\Users\Metrics\Desktop\Stata命令汇总表.pdf"}{p_end} {phang}{stata "open2 D:\Stata16\Stata16\bcuse\enwei.pdf"}{p_end} *- Open a markdown file {phang}{stata "open2 什么叫图床.md"}{p_end} *- Open a web page {phang}{stata "open2 常用链接.html"}{p_end} *- Open the current directory defined by cd {phang}{stata "open2 ,cd"}{p_end} *- Open an application {phang}{stata "open2 D:\Stata16\Stata16\StataSE-64.exe"}{p_end} {title:Details} {pstd}{cmd:open2} processes the request as follows:{p_end} {phang}{ul:Windows:}{p_end} {pstd}- Uses {cmd:winexec} to execute commands, open files, or applications.{p_end} {pstd}- Opens the file explorer if {cmd:cd} is specified.{p_end} {phang}{ul:macOS:}{p_end} {pstd}- Uses {cmd:shell open} to open files, directories, or applications.{p_end} {pstd}- Opens Finder if {cmd:cd} is specified.{p_end} {phang}{ul:Other operating systems:}{p_end} {pstd}- Attempts to execute the command using {cmd:shell}.{p_end} {title:Author} {phang} {cmd:Wang Qiang} , Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.{break} E-mail: {browse "740130359@qq.com":740130359@qq.com}. {break} {marker also see}{...} {title:also see} {psee}在线帮助:{help cnuse}, {help topsis}, {help open}, {help open2}{p_end}