*! version 1.1 P.MILLAR 06Sep2005 - Adds N and p value for significance *! version 1.2 P.MILLAR 11Mar2008 -Bugs fixed, allows unlimited sizes, speed improvements *! This software can be used for non-commercial purposes only. *! The copyright is retained by the developer. *! Copyright 2005-2008 Paul Millar program define optifact, byable(recall) syntax varlist(numeric) [aweight fweight] [if] [in], [top(integer 10) smallest(integer 3) criteria(string) largest(integer 99) minslope(real 0.01) maxfact(integer 1) SIG BIC PRE type(string)] version 7.0 if "`type'" == "" { local type="pf" } if "`type'" != "pf" & "`type'" != "pcf" & "`type'" != "ml" { di as error "Type must be one of the following: pc, pcf ipf or ml" di {smcl} See help for {help factor} exit 198 } local ver=c(version) if `ver' >= 9.0 { local ver="9.0" version 9.0 } else { local ver="7.0" version 7.0 } if `ver' < 9.0 & "`pre'" == "pre" { di as err "PRE not vailable for Stata version earlier than 9.0" exit 198 } if `ver' < 9.0 & "`sig'" == "sig" { di as err "SIG not vailable for Stata version earlier than 9.0" exit 198 } if "`sig'" == "sig" { local type="ml" } local preval=0 local bicval=0 local sigp=0 tokenize `varlist' local word="`1'" local nvars=0 while "`word'" !="" { local var`nvars'="`word'" local nvars=`nvars'+1 local word="``nvars'+1'" } local nvars=`nvars'-1 /* save the items to be processed */ forvalues i=1/`nvars' { local item`i'="``i''" } if `smallest' < 2 { local smallest = 2 } else if `smallest' > `nvars' { local smallest = `nvars' } if `largest' < 2 { local largest = 2 } else if `largest' > `nvars' { local largest = `nvars' } /* save the names of the variables in the row names of a matrix */ matrix savevars =J(`nvars',1,0) matrix rownames savevars = `invars' di as text "`nvars' items will be processed" local sum=0 local maxcomb=0 forvalues i=`smallest'/`largest' { local combs=comb(`nvars',`i') local sum=`sum'+`combs' if `combs' > `maxcomb' { local maxcomb=`combs' } } di as text " " di as text "There are `sum' potential scales, maximum `maxcomb' for a single number of items (k)" /* this is the main loop */ forvalues size=`smallest'/`largest' { local count=0 local rejects=0 local width=`nvars'+8 /* check for enough memory, matsize */ local matsize=c(matsize) local maxmat =c(max_matsize) local combs=comb(`nvars',`size') local nrows=min(`combs',`top') if `matsize' < `nrows' { if `nrows' > `maxmat' { di as error "Too many models requested" exit 198 } if `matsize' < `nrows' { set matsize `nrows' } } matrix stor = J(`nrows',`width',0) forvalues i=1/`size' { local digit`i'=`i' local max`i'=`nvars'-`size'+`i' local min`i'=`i' } local digit`size'=`digit`size''-1 while `digit1' <= `max1' { local digit`size'= `digit`size''+1 if `digit`size'' > `nvars' { local inc=0 local j=`size' while `inc' ==0 { local j=`j'-1 if `j' <= 0 { local digit1 = `digit1' + 1 local inc = 1 } else if `digit`j'' < `max`j'' { local digit`j'=`digit`j''+1 local inc=1 } } local next=`j'+1 if `next' > 1 { forvalues k=`next'/`size' { local prev=`k'-1 local digit`k'=`digit`prev''+1 } local digit`size' = `digit`size'' - 1 } } else { forvalues j=1/10 { local varstr`j'=" " } local nvarstr=1 forvalues i=1/`size' { local lstr=length("`varstr`nvarstr''")+length("`var`digit`i''' ") if `lstr' > 80 { local nvarstr=`nvarstr'+1 } local varstr`nvarstr' = "`varstr`nvarstr''" + "`var`digit`i''' " } qui factor `varstr1' `varstr2' `varstr3' `varstr4' `varstr5' `varstr6' `varstr7' `varstr8' `varstr9' `varstr10' [`weight'`exp'] `if' `in' ,`type' if "`type'" == "ml" & `ver' >= 9.0 { local factors=e(f) local ncases=e(N) local bicval=-`e(chi2_i)' + ((`e(df_m)') * ln(`e(N)') ) local df_i =e(df_i) local chi2_i =e(chi2_i) local sigp=1-chi2(`df_i',`chi2_i') } else { local factors=r(k_f) local ncases=r(N) } /* Calc PRE value */ if "`pre'" == "pre" { local e1=`e(df_m)'*`e(f)' mat fload=e(L) local k=`e(df_m)' local err=0 forvalues i=1/`k' { local h=fload[`i',1] local U=1-(`h'*`h') local err=`err'+`U' } local e2=`err' local preval=(`e1'-`e2')/`e1' } if `factors' <= `maxfact' { quietly alpha `varstr1' `varstr2' `varstr3' `varstr4' `varstr5' `varstr6' `varstr7' `varstr8' `varstr9' `varstr10' `if' `in' local alpha = r(alpha) if "`alpha'" == "." { local alpha=0 } local k = r(k) local cov = r(cov) local count = `count' + 1 local rownum=`count' local rowalpha=0 if `count' > `nrows' { local minalpha=1 local minrow=0 forvalues j=1/`nrows' { local curalpha=stor[`j',2] if `curalpha'<`minalpha' { local minalpha=`curalpha' local minrow=`j' } } local rownum=`minrow' local rowalpha=stor[`minrow',2] } local s : rownames stor // di as result "count=`count', rownum=`rownum' nrows=`nrows'" if `alpha' > `rowalpha' { matrix stor[`rownum',1] = `k' matrix stor[`rownum',2] = `alpha' matrix stor[`rownum',3] = `cov' matrix stor[`rownum',4] = `ncases' matrix stor[`rownum',5] = `bicval' matrix stor[`rownum',6] = `sigp' matrix stor[`rownum',7] = `preval' matrix stor[`rownum',8] = `factors' local last=8+`size' forvalues ii=9/`last' { local jj=`ii'-8 matrix stor[`rownum',`ii']=`digit`jj'' } } } else { local rejects = `rejects' + 1 } } } matrix colnames stor = k alpha cov N BIC Sigp PRE NFact Item1 di as text " " if `maxfact'==1 { di as text "`count' combinations of `size' items had one factor, `rejects' had more than one factor" } else { di as text "`count' combinations of `size' items had up to `maxfact' factors, `rejects' had more than `maxfact' factor(s)" } /* --------------------------------- */ /* sort the matrix in order of alpha */ /* --------------------------------- */ matsort stor 2 down replace /* now re-run the top ten and print them out */ local end=min(`top',`count') di as text " " local prelength=0 local siglength=0 local biclength=0 if "`pre'" == "pre" { local prelength=6 } if "`sig'" == "sig" { local siglength=6 } if "`bic'" == "bic" { local biclength=10 } if `end' > 0 { local totlength=`prelength'+`siglength'+`biclength' local posn=`totlength'+30 di as text "Top `end' scales using `size' items" di as text " " /* 1st Title Line */ di as text " Avg. Can " /* 2nd Title Line */ di as text " K Alpha Cov. Chk N NF " _continue if "`pre'" == "pre" { di as text _continue " PRE " } if "`sig'" == "sig" { di as text _continue " Sigp " } if "`bic'" == "bic" { di as text _continue " BIC " } di as text _col(`posn') "Items" /* 3rd Title Line */ di as text " - ----- ----- --- ----- -- " _continue if "`pre'" == "pre" { di as text _continue " -----" } if "`sig'" == "sig" { di as text _continue " -----" } if "`bic'" == "bic" { di as text _continue " ---------" } di as text as text _col(`posn') "-----" } forvalues i=1/`end' { forvalues j=1/10 { local varstr`j'=" " } local nvarstr=1 forvalues j=1/`size' { local col=`j'+8 local itemno=stor[`i',`col'] local lstr=length("`varstr`nvarstr''")+length("`item`itemno'' ") if `lstr' > 80 { local nvarstr=`nvarstr'+1 } local varstr`nvarstr' = "`varstr`nvarstr'' " + "`item`itemno''" } local allpos=" . " local allneg=" . " if "`criteria'" != "" { quietly canon (`varstr1' `varstr2' `varstr3' `varstr4' `varstr5' `varstr6' `varstr7' `varstr8' `varstr9' `varstr10') (`criteria') matrix slope = e(b) local allpos="Yes" local allneg="Yes" forvalues j=1/`size' { local check=slope[1,`j'] if `check' < `minslope' { local allpos="No " } if `check' > -`minslope' { local allneg="No " } } } local k =stor[`i',1] local alpha =stor[`i',2] if `alpha' == 0 { local alpha="." } local cov =stor[`i',3] local ncases=stor[`i',4] local bicval=stor[`i',5] local sigp =stor[`i',6] local preval=stor[`i',7] local nfacts=stor[`i',8] local allgood="`allpos'" if "`allneg'" == "Yes" { local allgood="Yes" } if `cov' > 9.999 { local covfmt="%6.3g" } else { local covfmt="%6.3f" } di as text %3.0f real("`i'") as result %3.0f real("`k'") %6.3f real("`alpha'") `covfmt' real("`cov'") " `allgood'" _col(23) %6.0f real("`ncases'") %3.0f real("`nfacts'") " " _continue if "`pre'" == "pre" { di as result %6.3f `preval' _continue } if "`sig'" == "sig" { di as result %6.3f `sigp' _continue } if "`bic'" == "bic" { di as result %10.2f `bicval' _continue } di as text _col(`posn') as text "`varstr1' `varstr2' `varstr3' `varstr4' `varstr5' `varstr6' `varstr7' `varstr8' `varstr9' `varstr10'" } mat drop stor } end