** Author: Federico Belotti, Giulia Mancini and Giovanni Vecchi *! version 3.2.1 - 29may2024 *! See the end of ado file for versioning version 15 program define outdetect, rclass byable(recall, noheader) sortpreserve syntax varlist(max=1) [if] [in] [pw aw/] [, /// REWeight /// noZero noNegative /// REPLACE noGENerate /// NORMalize(string) BESTnormalize SEEBEST /// OUTliers(string) Graph(string) EXCEL(string) /// ZSCORE(string) PLine(string) /// noPERCent Alpha(real 3) MADFactor(real 1.4826022) SFormat(string) IFormat(string) /// SFactor(real 1.1926) QFactor(real 2.2219) /// NOI FORCE FORCEFraction(real 0.5) TIMER NORMVAR(string) SMALL ] capt findfile lmoremata.mlib if _rc { di in yel "Installing dependence: package -moremata- ...", _cont qui ssc install moremata di in gre "done" } * Timer option (not documented) loc cutoff `alpha' if "`timer'"!="" timer clear if "`timer'"!="" timer on 1 if "`replace'"!="" & "`generate'"!="" { di as error "replace and nogenerate options are mutually exclusive" error 198 } *** Get sample of interest marksample touse *** From now-on j contains the varname local j "`varlist'" ********************************** **** Parsing of table formats **** ********************************** if "`sformat'"=="" loc sfmt %9.2f else loc sfmt "`sformat'" if "`iformat'"=="" loc ifmt %9.4f else loc ifmt "`iformat'" ********************************** ***** Parsing of svy settings **** ********************************** tempvar wvar loc svyyes 0 loc weightyes 0 qui svyset if ("`r(wvar)'"!="" & "`weight'"=="") | /// ("`r(wvar)'"!="" & "`weight'"!="") /// { if ("`r(wvar)'"!="" & "`weight'"!="") { di in gr "Warning: survey settings are currently specified via {help svyset}. di _col(10) in gr "Option {help weight} is ignored." } loc svyyes 1 loc wvar_name "`r(wvar)'" qui gen double `wvar'=`r(wvar)' if `touse' loc weight_type "`r(wtype)'" if "`r(strata1)'"!="" loc _strata "`r(strata1)'" if "`r(strata2)'"!="" { // TOCHECK:Is that really true?? di as error "outdetect cannot handle multiple-stage sampling designs." error 198 } } else if "`r(wvar)'"=="" & "`weight'"!="" { qui clonevar `wvar'=`exp' if `touse' loc weight_type "`weight'" loc wvar_name "`exp'" loc weightyes 1 } else if "`r(wvar)'"=="" & "`weight'"=="" { qui gen byte `wvar'= 1 if `touse' loc weight_type "" } ***************************************** ******** Parsing of normalization ******* ***************************************** ParseNorm normalize : `"`normalize'"' ************************************ ******** Parsing of outliers ******* ************************************ ParseOut _out_type : `"`outliers'"' ********************************** ******** Parsing of bysort ******* ********************************** if "`_byvars'"!="" { loc _nby: word count `_byvars' if `_nby'>1 { noi di as error "Only one byvariable is allowed" error 198 } else { qui levelsof `_byvars' /*if `touse'*/ *noi di "`r(levels)'" loc levels_by "`r(levels)'" di in smcl as text "{hline `=c(linesize)-1'}" loc _byind = _byindex() loc _bylev :word `_byind' of `levels_by' di as text "-> `_byvars' = `_bylev'" } } ********************************** ***** Parsing of graph() ********* ********************************** gettoken graph gph_options : graph, parse(",") ParseG, `graph' ** Get s(macros) from parsing if "`s(itc)'"!="" loc _itc_trim_extent `s(itc)' if "`s(hoc)'"!="" loc _hoc_trim_extent `s(hoc)' if "`s(qqplot)'"!="" loc _qqplot "`s(qqplot)'" if "`s(qqpareto)'"!="" loc _qqpareto "`s(qqpareto)'" if "`s(zipf)'"!="" loc _zipf "`s(zipf)'" if "`s(zipf_opt)'"!="" loc _zipf_opt "`s(zipf_opt)'" if "`s(plinevar)'"!= "" local _g_plinevar "`s(plinevar)'" if "`_g_plinevar'"=="" local _g_plinevar 0 if "`s(pline)'"!="" loc _g_pline "`s(pline)'" if "`s(_table_note)'"!= "" local _g_table_note "`s(_table_note)'" if "`s(itc_stat)'"!= "" local _itc_stat "`s(itc_stat)'" if "`s(itc_param)'"!= "" local _itc_param "`s(itc_param)'" if "`s(itc_abs)'"!= "" local _itc_abs "`s(itc_abs)'" if "`_itc_abs'"=="abs" local _itc_abs 1 else if "`_itc_abs'"!="abs" & "`s(hoc)'"=="" local _itc_abs 0 if "`s(hoc_stat)'"!= "" local _hoc_stat "`s(hoc_stat)'" if "`s(hoc_param)'"!= "" local _hoc_param "`s(hoc_param)'" if "`s(hoc_abs)'"!= "" local _hoc_abs "`s(hoc_abs)'" if "`_hoc_abs'"=="abs" local _hoc_abs 1 else local _hoc_abs 0 if inlist("`_itc_stat'", "ge", "atk")==0 local _itc_param . if inlist("`_hoc_stat'", "ge", "atk")==0 local _hoc_param . * Check if svyset is on and warn if itc or ifc qui svyset if "`r(wvar)'"!="" & !mi("`_itc_stat'`_hoc_stat'") { if "`_itc_stat'"!="" loc warntext itc if "`_hoc_stat'"!="" loc warntext ifc di in gr "Warning: survey settings are currently specified via {help svyset}. `warntext'(`_itc_stat'`_hoc_stat') can be non monotonic } *********************************************** ****** Parsing of method() and zscore() ******* *********************************************** gettoken stat1 stat2: zscore ParseLoc loc : `"`stat1'"' ParseMeth method : `"`stat2'"' if ("`_itc_trim_extent'" == "" & "`_hoc_trim_extent'" == "" & "`_zipf'"=="" & "`_qqpareto'"=="") { /* Initialize _out variable */ /* Check before if -clear- has been specified */ cap confirm v _out`_bylev', exact if _rc == 0 & "`replace'"=="" & "`generate'"=="" { di as error "_out variable already exists. Use the " in yel "replace " as error "or the " in yel "nogenerate" as error " options" exit 198 } else if _rc == 0 & "`replace'"!="" { cap drop _out`_bylev' tempvar _out`_bylev' qui gen byte `_out`_bylev'' = . } else if _rc == 0 & "`generate'"!="" { tempvar _out`_bylev' qui gen byte `_out`_bylev'' = . } else if _rc != 0 { tempvar _out`_bylev' qui gen byte `_out`_bylev'' = . } // Give warnings on data here // Also implement nozero and nonegative options qui count if missing(`j')==1 if `r(N)'>0 di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' missing value(s)." qui count if `j'==0 loc AreThereZeroValues `r(N)' if `r(N)'>0 & "`zero'" == "" di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' zero values. Used in calculations." else if (`r(N)'>0 & "`zero'" != "") { di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' zero values. NOT used in calculations." *** Update touse variable to discard zero values tempvar touseup qui gen `touseup'=1 qui replace `touseup' = . if `j'==0 markout `touse' `touseup' } qui count if `j'<0 & missing(`j')==0 loc AreThereNegValues `r(N)' if `r(N)'>0 & "`negative'" == "" di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' negative value(s). Used in calculations." else if (`r(N)'>0 & "`negative'" != "") { di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' negative value(s). NOT used in calculations." *** Update touse variable to discard zero values tempvar touseup qui gen `touseup'=1 qui replace `touseup' = . if `j'<0 & missing(`j')==0 markout `touse' `touseup' } if "`weight_type'"!="" { qui count if missing(`wvar')==1 if `r(N)'>0 { di in gr "Warning: `wvar_name' has `r(N)' missing values. NOT used in calculations." *** Update touse variable to discard missing wgt values tempvar touseup qui gen `touseup'=1 qui replace `touseup' = . if missing(`wvar')==1 markout `touse' `touseup' } } mata: _out_MADn("`j'","`touse'",`madfactor',0,"`weight_type'","`wvar'") if `_meth_value_'==0 & "`force'" == "" { di as error "MAD/S/Q of `j' are equal to 0. 50% or more of the observations have the same value." di as error "Use option -force- to exclude the block of duplicate values which are causing the issue." error 198 } else if `_meth_value_'>0 & "`force'" == "" { tempvar tag qui duplicates tag `j' if `touse', gen(`tag') sum `tag' if `touse', mean loc __max__ = r(max)+1 loc __n__ = r(N) loc __frac__ = `__max__'/`__n__'*100 if `__frac__'>30 { di in yel "Warning: `j' has more than 30% (" %4.2f `__frac__' "%) obs duplicated ..." di in yel "You can use option -forcefraction(#)- to exclude the block of duplicate values for detection purposes." } if `__frac__'>`=`forcefraction'*100' { di as result "You are forcing by excluding " %4.2f `__frac__' "% duplicate values for detection purposes." tempvar tag qui duplicates tag `j' if `touse', gen(`tag') sum `tag' if `touse', mean loc __core_duplicates__ = r(max) tempvar __mark_duplicates__ qui gen `__mark_duplicates__' = 0 if `touse' qui replace `__mark_duplicates__'=. if `touse' & `tag'==`__core_duplicates__' qui markout `touse' `__mark_duplicates__' } } else if `_meth_value_'==0 & "`force'" != "" { di as result "MAD/S/Q of `j' are equal to 0. 50% or more of the observations have the same value." di as result "You are forcing by excluding the block of duplicate values which are causing the issue." tempvar tag qui duplicates tag `j' if `touse', gen(`tag') sum `tag' if `touse', mean loc __core_duplicates__ = r(max) tempvar __mark_duplicates__ qui gen `__mark_duplicates__' = 0 if `touse' qui replace `__mark_duplicates__'=. if `touse' & `tag'==`__core_duplicates__' qui markout `touse' `__mark_duplicates__' } /// QUIETLY FROM NOW ON qui { /// Get original label of the variable of interest loc lab_`j': var lab `j' /// Compute welfare indicators (pre-detection) /// For all other computation use data from _out_getdata() `noi' m _od = _out_getdata("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'") // Here the gini function needs to stay on its own due to the sort, stable // Actually we pass the _od structure to collect info // that can be used in subsequent functions preserve sort `j', stable cap `noi' m _od = _out_gini("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'", _od, "no") if _rc == 3301 { di as error "Too few observations to compute the gini index" exit 3301 } restore // Compute MLD family of indicators `noi' m _out_MLD(_od, -1, "no") sca _out_mld_1 = _out_mld `noi' m _out_MLD(_od, 0, "no") sca _out_mld0 = _out_mld `noi' m _out_MLD(_od, 1, "no") sca _out_mld1 = _out_mld `noi' m _out_MLD(_od, 2, "no") sca _out_mld2 = _out_mld // Compute Atkinson's indicators `noi' m _out_Atkinson(_od, 0.125, "no") sca _out_atk125 = _out_atk `noi' m _out_Atkinson(_od, 1, "no") sca _out_atk1 = _out_atk `noi' m _out_Atkinson(_od, 2, "no") sca _out_atk2 = _out_atk // Compute quantile and share ratios indicators `noi' m _out_perc_shares(_od, 0.9, 0.1, "no") // Compute other base stats `noi' m _od = _out_other_stats(_od, "no") // Compute poverty indicators if required if "`pline'"!="" { cap confirm v `pline', exact if _rc!=0 { loc _povmata _out_pov loc _table_note "Poverty line: `pline'" } else { loc _povmata _out_povv qui sum `pline' if `r(sd)' == 0 loc _table_note "Poverty line: `r(mean)' (`pline')" else loc _table_note "Poverty line: `pline'" } `noi' m `_povmata'(_od, 0, "`pline'", "no") sca _out_hc = _out_pov `noi' m `_povmata'(_od, 1, "`pline'", "no") sca _out_pg = _out_pov `noi' m `_povmata'(_od, 2, "`pline'", "no") sca _out_pg2 = _out_pov local pov ", _out_hc, _out_pg, _out_pg2" local povlab `""H" "PG" "PG2""' local poveqlab `""Poverty" "Poverty" "Poverty""' } **** Collect results on raw data #del ; mat __ind_pre_s`_bylev' = _out_mu, /* summary stats */ _out_p50, _out_sd, _out_cv, _out_iqr; mat __ind_pre_ss`_bylev' = _out_gini, /* inequality */ _out_mld_1, _out_mld0, _out_mld1, _out_mld2, _out_atk125, _out_atk1, _out_atk2, _out_dr`pov'; mat colnames __ind_pre_s`_bylev' = "Mean" "Median" "SD" "CV (%)" "IQR"; mat colnames __ind_pre_ss`_bylev' = "Gini" "GE(-1)" "MLD" "Theil" "GE(2)" "A(0.125)" "A(1)" "A(2)" "p90/p10" `povlab'; mat rownames __ind_pre_s`_bylev' = "Raw"; mat rownames __ind_pre_ss`_bylev' = "Raw"; mat coleq __ind_pre_s`_bylev' = "Summary stats" "Summary stats" "Summary stats" "Summary stats" "Summary stats"; mat coleq __ind_pre_ss`_bylev' = "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" `poveqlab'; #del cr loc todrop_and_rename 0 if "`zero'"!="" loc AreThereZeroValues 0 if "`negative'"!="" loc AreThereNegValues 0 if "`bestnormalize'"!="" | "`normalize'"!="none" { if `AreThereNegValues' > 0 { if "`bestnormalize'"!="" { loc atransf "log asinh yj" di in gr "The best normalization will be selected among: log, asinh and yj" } else { if inlist("`normalize'", "log", "asinh", "yj")==0 { di as error "normalize(`normalize') cannot be used with negative value(s). Possible choices are: log, asinh, yj" exit 198 } } } if `AreThereZeroValues' > 0 { if "`bestnormalize'"!="" { if `AreThereNegValues' == 0 { local atransf "log asinh sqrt yj" di in gr "The best normalization will be selected among: log, asinh, yj and sqrt" } } else { if inlist("`normalize'", "log", "asinh", "yj", "sqrt")==0 { di as error "normalize(`normalize') cannot be used with zero value(s). Possible choices are: log, asinh, sqrt, yj" exit 198 } } } } if "`bestnormalize'"=="" { if "`normalize'"!="none" { tempvar jj jjj cap clonevar `jj'=`j' `noi' _out_normalize `jj' if `touse', transformation(`normalize') outputvar(`jjj') markout `touse' `jjj' loc todrop_and_rename 1 loc transf "`r(transf)'" loc transftitle "`r(transftitle)'" // This is important to get into the structure _od the normalized variable `noi' m _od = _out_getdata("`jjj'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'") if "`normvar'"!="" { qui clonevar `normvar' = `jjj' label var `normvar' "Normalized variable (`transf')" } } else if "`normalize'"=="none" { tempvar jj jjj clonevar `jj'=`j' clonevar `jjj'=`j' loc transftitle "none" } } else { if "`atransf'" == "" { local atransf "ln bcox sqrt" di in gr "The best normalization will be selected among: ln, bcox and sqrt" } noi di in gr "Finding best normalization ..." m _P_d_dfs = J(0,1,.) m _Transf = J(0,1,"") m _Transf_ti = J(0,1,"") foreach tr of local atransf { tempvar jj jjj_`tr' cap clonevar `jj'=`j' `noi' _out_normalize `jj' if `touse', transformation(`tr') outputvar(`jjj_`tr'') loc see_transftitle "`r(transftitle)'" m _Transf_ti = _Transf_ti \ "`see_transftitle'" putmata `jjj_`tr'' if `touse', replace `noi' m _out_pearson_test(`jjj_`tr'') if "`seebest'" != "" { loc _P_d_df = _P_d_df di in gr "`see_transftitle'" in gr " = " in yel %4.3f `_P_d_df' } m _P_d_dfs = _P_d_dfs \ st_numscalar("_P_d_df") m _Transf = _Transf \ "`tr'" } `noi' m _out_bestnorm_sel(_P_d_dfs,_Transf,_Transf_ti) di as res "`_bestt'" in gr " is the best (Pearson/df = " %6.3f _best_p_def ")" tempvar jjj clonevar `jjj' = `jjj_`_bestt'' local normalize "`_bestt'" markout `touse' `jjj' loc todrop_and_rename 1 loc transf "`_bestt'" loc transftitle "`_bestt_ti'" // This is important to get into the structure _od the normalized variable `noi' m _od = _out_getdata("`jjj'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'") if "`normvar'"!="" { qui clonevar `normvar' = `jjj' label var `normvar' "Normalized variable (`transf')" } } /// Compute required robust scale measure //if ("`method'"=="q") noi mata: _out_Qn("`jjj'","`touse'",`qfactor',1,"`weight_type'","`wvar'") if ("`method'"=="q") `noi' mata: _out_Qn("qn",`qfactor',1) if ("`method'"=="s") `noi' mata: _out_Sn("`jjj'","`touse'",`sfactor',1,"`weight_type'","`wvar'") if ("`method'"=="mad") `noi' mata: _out_MADn("`jjj'","`touse'",`madfactor',1,"`weight_type'","`wvar'") /* ======================================================= */ /* ======================================================= */ /* ======================================================= */ /* ================= OUTDETECT IN ACTION ================= */ /* ======================================================= */ /* ======================================================= */ /* ======================================================= */ *noi m liststruct(_od) /// Compute the z score and the _out (0,1,2) var `noi' m _out_score(_od, "`touse'", "`_out`_bylev''", "`loc'", "`method'", `cutoff', "`_out_type'") *noi m liststruct(_od) ********************************** ***** Get detection results ****** ********************************** count if `touse' loc _n_ = r(N) mat _out_detected`_bylev' = J(3,3,0) count if `_out`_bylev'' == 1 & `touse' mat _out_detected`_bylev'[1,1] = r(N) count if `_out`_bylev'' == 2 & `touse' mat _out_detected`_bylev'[2,1] = r(N) mat _out_detected`_bylev'[1,2] = _out_detected`_bylev'[1,1]/`_n_'*100 mat _out_detected`_bylev'[2,2] = _out_detected`_bylev'[2,1]/`_n_'*100 mat _out_detected`_bylev'[3,1] = _out_detected`_bylev'[1,1] + _out_detected`_bylev'[2,1] mat _out_detected`_bylev'[1,3] = _out_detected`_bylev'[1,1]/_out_detected`_bylev'[3,1]*100 mat _out_detected`_bylev'[2,3] = _out_detected`_bylev'[2,1]/_out_detected`_bylev'[3,1]*100 mat _out_detected`_bylev'[3,2] = _out_detected`_bylev'[3,1]/`_n_'*100 mat _out_detected`_bylev'[3,3] = 100.0 mat colnames _out_detected`_bylev' = "Freq." "Percent" "Share" mat rownames _out_detected`_bylev' = "Bottom" "Top" "Total" sum `_out`_bylev'', mean tempvar sumwt osumwt twvar if `r(mean)'>0 & (`svyyes'==1 | `weightyes'==1) { if "`_strata'"!="" { bys `_strata': egen double `osumwt' = total(`wvar') if `touse' & `_out`_bylev''==0 bys `_strata': egen double `sumwt' = total(`wvar') if `touse' } else { egen double `osumwt' = total(`wvar') if `touse' & `_out`_bylev''==0 egen double `sumwt' = total(`wvar') if `touse' } gen double `twvar' = `wvar'*`sumwt'/`osumwt' if `touse' & `_out`_bylev''==0 /// Generate post-detection weights if "`reweight'" != "" { gen double `wvar_name'_adj = `twvar' label var `wvar_name'_adj "Post-detection weights" } } else gen double `twvar' = `wvar' *** Update touse variable to trim data tempvar touseup touse_raw gen `touseup'=1 replace `touseup' = . if inlist(`_out`_bylev'',1,2)==1 gen `touse_raw' = (`touse'==1) markout `touse' `touseup' /// For all other computation use data from _out_getdata() `noi' m _odt = _out_getdata("`j'", "`twvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'") // Here the gini function needs to stay on its own due to the sort, stable // We are passing the _od structure to collect info // that can be used in subsequent functions preserve sort `j', stable cap `noi' m _odt = _out_gini("`j'", "`twvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'", _odt, "no") if _rc == 3301 { di as error "Too few observations to compute the gini index" exit 3301 } restore // Compute MLD family of indicators `noi' m _out_MLD(_odt, -1, "no") sca _out_mld_1 = _out_mld `noi' m _out_MLD(_odt, 0, "no") sca _out_mld0 = _out_mld `noi' m _out_MLD(_odt, 1, "no") sca _out_mld1 = _out_mld `noi' m _out_MLD(_odt, 2, "no") sca _out_mld2 = _out_mld // Compute Atkinson's indicators `noi' m _out_Atkinson(_odt, 0.125, "no") sca _out_atk125 = _out_atk `noi' m _out_Atkinson(_odt, 1, "no") sca _out_atk1 = _out_atk `noi' m _out_Atkinson(_odt, 2, "no") sca _out_atk2 = _out_atk // Compute quantile and share ratios indicators `noi' m _out_perc_shares(_odt, 0.9, 0.1, "no") // Compute other base stats `noi' m _odt = _out_other_stats(_odt, "no") // Compute poverty indicators (if required) if "`pline'"!="" { `noi' m `_povmata'(_odt, 0, "`pline'", "no") sca _out_hc = _out_pov `noi' m `_povmata'(_odt, 1, "`pline'", "no") sca _out_pg = _out_pov `noi' m `_povmata'(_odt, 2, "`pline'", "no") sca _out_pg2 = _out_pov local pov ", _out_hc, _out_pg, _out_pg2" local povlab `""H" "PG" "PG2""' local poveqlab `""Poverty" "Poverty" "Poverty""' } **** Collect results on trimmed data #del ; mat __ind_trim_s`_bylev' = _out_mu, /* summary stats */ _out_p50, _out_sd, _out_cv, _out_iqr; mat __ind_trim_ss`_bylev' = _out_gini, /* inequality */ _out_mld_1, _out_mld0, _out_mld1, _out_mld2, _out_atk125, _out_atk1, _out_atk2, _out_dr`pov'; mat colnames __ind_trim_s`_bylev' = "Mean" "Median" "SD" "CV (%)" "IQR"; mat colnames __ind_trim_ss`_bylev' = "Gini" "GE(-1)" "MLD" "Theil" "GE(2)" "A(0.125)" "A(1)" "A(2)" "p90/p10" `povlab'; mat rownames __ind_trim_s`_bylev' = "Trimmed"; mat rownames __ind_trim_ss`_bylev' = "Trimmed"; mat coleq __ind_trim_s`_bylev' = "Summary stats" "Summary stats" "Summary stats" "Summary stats" "Summary stats"; mat coleq __ind_trim_ss`_bylev' = "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" "Inequality" `poveqlab'; #del cr } /* close qui */ /// NOISILY FROM NOW ON ************************************ ****** Create _out if needed ******* ************************************ if "`generate'"=="" { qui clonevar _out`_bylev' = `_out`_bylev'' *** Label _out var if "`_bylev'"=="" label var _out "Outliers detected (zscore = `j'-`loc'/`method', `=uchar(945)'=`cutoff')" else label var _out`_bylev' "Outliers detected (-> `_byvars' = `_bylev', zscore = `j'-`loc'/`meth3od', `=uchar(945)'=`cutoff')" cap label drop _out`_bylev' label define _out`_bylev' 0 "No outliers" 1 "Small outliers" 2 "Large outliers" label values _out`_bylev' _out`_bylev' } ****************************** ****** DISPLAY RESULTS ******* ****************************** // Get fraction of outliers /// Display setup *di in smcl "{hline 64}" di "" di " {help outdetect} set-up:" *di in smcl "{hline 64}" di "" di in yel " Normalization: " in gr "`transftitle'" di in yel " Z-score: " in gr "(x-`loc')/`method'" di in yel " `=uchar(945)' = " in gr "`cutoff'" *di in yel " Outliers: " in gr "`_out_type'" loc _out_typen "`_out_type'" if "`_out_type'"=="both" loc _out_typen "top and bottom" di in yel " Outlier detection target: " in gr "`_out_typen' di _col(3) in yel "(`_n_' observations are used)" di "" /// Display tables *di in smcl "{hline 64}" matlist _out_detected`_bylev', cspec(& %13s | %9.0g & %9.2f & %9.2f &) rspec(&-&-&) /*row(Outliers)*/ tind(1) title("Incidence of outliers:") noblank mat __ind_pre_s`_bylev' = __ind_pre_s`_bylev'' mat __ind_pre_ss`_bylev' = __ind_pre_ss`_bylev'' mat __ind_trim_s`_bylev' = __ind_trim_s`_bylev'' mat __ind_trim_ss`_bylev' = __ind_trim_ss`_bylev'' mat __ind_s`_bylev' = __ind_pre_s`_bylev',__ind_trim_s`_bylev' mat __ind_ss`_bylev' = __ind_pre_ss`_bylev',__ind_trim_ss`_bylev' di "" *di in smcl "{hline 64}" matlist __ind_s`_bylev', format(`sfmt') twidth(13) border(b) aligncolnames(center) /*row(Statistics)*/ tind(1) title("Statistics for raw and trimmed `j':") noblank *di _col(15) in smcl "{c |}" /* Here we need 13 blanks */ matlist __ind_ss`_bylev', format(`ifmt') twidth(13) border(b) nam(r) noblank if "`_table_note'"!="" di as text "`_table_note'" *** Collect output for posting purposes mat __ind`_bylev' = __ind_s`_bylev' \ __ind_ss`_bylev' ***** Here excel() option in action *** TODO: allow excel() when by is used. Multiple sheets? if "`excel'"!="" { gettoken savename replace: excel, parse(",") local savename = subinstr("`savename'", " ", "", .) local replace = subinstr("`replace'", ",", "", .) local replace = strtrim("`replace'") if c(stata_version) < 17 { local export _out_excel15 } else if c(stata_version) < 18 { local export _out_excel17 } else { local export _out_excel18 } m `export'("`savename'", "`replace'") } ****************************** ******** POST RESULTS ******** ****************************** return local cmd "outdetect" return mat b`_bylev' = __ind`_bylev' return mat out`_bylev' = _out_detected`_bylev' return sca alpha = `alpha' if "`bestnormalize'"!="" { ret scalar bestnormalize = 1 ret scalar pearson_df = _best_p_def } else ret scalar bestnormalize = 0 ret local normalization "`transf'" qui count if `touse_raw'==1 return scalar N_raw = r(N) qui count if `touse'==1 return scalar N_trimmed = r(N) // Post MAd, S and Q // TODO: should we post also std? if inlist("`method'", "mad", "s", "q") return scalar `=upper("`method'")' = _meth_value_ if "`_qqplot'" != "" { if "`normalize'"!="none" loc qqplot_ti "Normalized `j'" else loc qqplot_ti "`j'" if `"`gph_options'"'=="" { loc gph_options ", yti("`qqplot_ti'") aspectratio(1) graphregion(fcolor(white)) ylab(, grid angle(360) labsi(*.8) glwidth(vthin)) ms(oh) mcol(red*1.25) rlopts(lc(black)) ytit(, si(*.8)) xlab(, grid labsi(*.8)) xtit(, si(*.8))" } qui swilk `jjj' if `touse' loc _test_swilk `r(p)' qui sfrancia `jjj' if `touse' loc _test_sfrancia `r(p)' qui sktest `jjj' if `touse' loc _test_sfrancia `r(P_chi2)' qnorm `jjj' if `touse' `gph_options' /// note(" " "Normalization: `transftitle'" /// "Normality tests ({it:p}-value):" "Shapiro-Wilk: `: di %4.3f `_test_swilk''" /// "Shapiro-Francia: `: di %4.3f `_test_sfrancia''" /// "D'Agostino, Belanger, and D'Agostino: `: di %4.3f `_test_sfrancia''") } } /* close trimming() */ else { tempvar touse_raw gen `touse_raw' = (`touse'==1) // Give warnings on data here // Also implement nozero and nonegative options qui count if missing(`j')==1 if `r(N)'>0 di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' missing value(s)." qui count if `j'==0 if `r(N)'>0 & "`zero'" == "" di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' zero values. Used in calculations." else if (`r(N)'>0 & "`zero'" != "") { di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' zero values. NOT used in calculations." *** Update touse variable to discard zero values tempvar touseup qui gen `touseup'=1 qui replace `touseup' = . if `j'==0 markout `touse' `touseup' } qui count if `j'<0 & missing(`j')==0 if `r(N)'>0 & "`negative'" == "" di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' negative value(s). Used in calculations." else if (`r(N)'>0 & "`negative'" != "") { di in gr "Warning: `j' has `r(N)' negative value(s). NOT used in calculations." *** Update touse variable to discard zero values tempvar touseup qui gen `touseup'=1 qui replace `touseup' = . if `j'<0 & missing(`j')==0 markout `touse' `touseup' } if "`weight_type'"!="" { qui count if missing(`wvar')==1 if `r(N)'>0 { di in gr "Warning: `wvar_name' has `r(N)' missing values. NOT used in calculations." *** Update touse variable to discard missing wgt values tempvar touseup qui gen `touseup'=1 qui replace `touseup' = . if missing(`wvar')==1 markout `touse' `touseup' } } if "`_itc_trim_extent'" != "" { /// QUIETLY FROM NOW ON qui { /// Compute welfare indicators (pre-incidental trimming) /// Only Gini computations have their own data input strategy /// For all other computation use data from _out_getdata() `noi' m _od = _out_getdata("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'") /// Move out top extreme values preserve sort `j', stable tempvar sort_index gen `sort_index' = _n if `touse' gsort - `sort_index' `noi' m _top_extremes = _out_trimming("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'", _od, "no", `_itc_trim_extent', "`sort_index'", "`_itc_stat'", `_itc_abs', `_itc_param', "`_g_pline'", `_g_plinevar') restore /// Move out bottom extreme values preserve sort `j', stable tempvar sort_index gen `sort_index' = _n if `touse' `noi' m _bottom_extremes = _out_trimming("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'", _od, "no", `_itc_trim_extent', "`sort_index'", "`_itc_stat'", `_itc_abs', `_itc_param', "`_g_pline'", `_g_plinevar') restore tempvar _top_extremes _bottom_extremes _psample_t _psample_b getmata (`_top_extremes' `_psample_t') = _top_extremes (`_bottom_extremes' `_psample_b') = _bottom_extremes, force if `_itc_abs' == 1 { label var `_psample_t' "Discarded observations" // if `_itc_trim_extent'<3 loc _gxlab "1(1)`_itc_trim_extent', glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)" else loc _gxlab ", glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)" loc _itc_tab_rowtitle " Discarded obs" } else { label var `_psample_t' "Discarded observations (%)" loc _gxlab ", grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)" loc _itc_tab_rowtitle " Discarded obs (%)" } if "`_itc_stat'" != "mean" local _mult100 "100*" replace `_top_extremes' = `_mult100' `_top_extremes' label var `_top_extremes' "Top outliers" replace `_bottom_extremes' = `_mult100' `_bottom_extremes' label var `_bottom_extremes' "Bottom outliers" } /* close qui */ // Display table tempname do_select _top_extremes_tab _bottom_extremes_tab _itc_table round_perc itcdiff min_itcdiff cap gen `round_perc' = round(`_psample_t') if `_psample_t'!=. cap gen double `itcdiff' = abs(`_psample_t' - `round_perc') if `_psample_t'!=. cap bys `round_perc': egen double `min_itcdiff' = min(`itcdiff') if `_psample_t'!=. cap gen `do_select' = (`min_itcdiff' == `itcdiff') if `_psample_t'!=. mkmat `_top_extremes' if `do_select'==1, mat(`_top_extremes_tab') mkmat `_bottom_extremes' if `do_select'==1, mat(`_bottom_extremes_tab') mat _itc_table = `_bottom_extremes_tab', `_top_extremes_tab' mat colnames _itc_table = "Bottom" "Top" forv rr = 0/`_itc_trim_extent' { loc _ict_table_rowlab "`_ict_table_rowlab' `rr'" } mat rownames _itc_table = `_ict_table_rowlab' if inlist("`_itc_stat'", "mean", "gini") mat coleq _itc_table = `"`=proper("`_itc_stat'")'"' `"`=proper("`_itc_stat'")'"' else if inlist("`_itc_stat'", "atk") mat coleq _itc_table = "A(`_itc_param')" "A(`_itc_param')" else if inlist("`_itc_stat'", "ge") mat coleq _itc_table = "GE(`_itc_param')" "GE(`_itc_param')" else mat coleq _itc_table = `"`=upper("`_itc_stat'")'"' `"`=upper("`_itc_stat'")'"' // Get and adjust the table's format if "`_itc_stat'"!="mean" { gettoken sfmt_int sfmt_dec: sfmt, parse(".") if regexm("`sfmt_dec'", "2")==1 loc sfmt %6`sfmt_dec' else if regexm("`sfmt_dec'", "3")==1 loc sfmt %7`sfmt_dec' else if regexm("`sfmt_dec'", "4")==1 loc sfmt %8`sfmt_dec' *di "`sfmt'" } di "" matlist _itc_table, format(`sfmt') twidth(18) border(b) aligncolnames(center) /*row(Statistics)*/ tind(1) title("Incremental trimming curve for `j':") noblank row("`_itc_tab_rowtitle'") showcoleq(c) if `"`gph_options'"' == "" { if "`_itc_stat'"=="gini" loc _ytit "Gini coefficient (%)" if "`_itc_stat'"=="mean" loc _ytit "Mean" if "`_itc_stat'"=="h" loc _ytit "Poverty headcount ratio (%)" if "`_itc_stat'"=="pg" loc _ytit "Poverty gap index (%)" if "`_itc_stat'"=="pg2" loc _ytit "Poverty gap squared index (%)" if "`_itc_stat'"=="ge" loc _ytit "Generalized entropy index (%, {&theta} = `_itc_param')" if "`_itc_stat'"=="atk" loc _ytit "Atkinson index (%, {&epsilon} = `_itc_param')" twoway line `_top_extremes' `_bottom_extremes' `_psample_t', sort /// lc(red*1.25 black) lw(medthick medthick) lp(solid -) /// graphregion(fcolor(white)) legend(pos(6) col(2) size(*.8)) /// ylab(,angle(h) format(%12.0gc) grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)) /// ytit(`_ytit', si(*.8)) /// xlab(`_gxlab') /// xtit(, si(*.8)) note("`_g_table_note'", size(*.7) span) } else { twoway line `_top_extremes' `_bottom_extremes' `_psample_t' `gph_options' } ***** Here excel() option in action *** todo: allow excel() when by is used. Multiple sheets? if "`excel'"!="" { gettoken savename replace: excel, parse(",") local savename = subinstr("`savename'", " ", "", .) local replace = subinstr("`replace'", ",", "", .) local replace = strtrim("`replace'") if c(stata_version) < 17 { local export _out_excel15 } else if c(stata_version) < 18 { local export _out_excel17 } else { local export _out_excel18 } m `export'("`savename'", "`replace'", "yes", "") } ****************************** ******** POST RESULTS ******** ****************************** eret clear return local cmd "outdetect" *return mat b`_bylev' = __ind`_bylev' return mat out = _itc_table qui count if `touse_raw'==1 return scalar N_raw = r(N) } else if "`_hoc_trim_extent'" != "" { /// QUIETLY FROM NOW ON qui { /// Compute welfare indicators (pre-hoc detection) /// Only Gini computations have their own data input strategy /// For all other computation use data from _out_getdata() `noi' m _od = _out_getdata("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'") /// Move out top extreme values preserve sort `j', stable tempvar sort_index gen `sort_index' = _n if `touse' gsort - `sort_index' `noi' m _top_extremes = _out_hoc("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'", _od, "no", `_hoc_trim_extent', "`sort_index'", "`_hoc_stat'", `_hoc_abs', `_hoc_param',"`_g_pline'", `_g_plinevar', 0) restore /// Move out bottom extreme values preserve sort `j', stable tempvar sort_index gen `sort_index' = _n if `touse' `noi' m _bottom_extremes = _out_hoc("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'", _od, "no", `_hoc_trim_extent', "`sort_index'", "`_hoc_stat'", `_hoc_abs', `_hoc_param', "`_g_pline'", `_g_plinevar', 0) restore tempvar _top_extremes _bottom_extremes _psample_t _psample_b getmata (`_top_extremes' `_psample_t') = _top_extremes (`_bottom_extremes' `_psample_b') = _bottom_extremes, force if `_hoc_abs' == 1 { label var `_psample_t' "Discarded observations" if `_hoc_trim_extent'<=15 loc _gxlab "1/`_hoc_trim_extent'" else if `_hoc_trim_extent'>15 & `_hoc_trim_extent'<=30 loc _gxlab "1(2)`_hoc_trim_extent', labsi(*.8)" else if `_hoc_trim_extent'>30 & `_hoc_trim_extent'<=60 loc _gxlab "1(3)`_hoc_trim_extent', labsi(*.8)" loc _hoc_tab_xtitle "Discarded observations" } else { label var `_psample_t' "Discarded observations (%)" loc _gxlab ", grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)" loc _hoc_tab_xtitle " Discarded obs (%)" } if "`_hoc_stat'" != "mean" local _mult100 "100*" replace `_top_extremes' = `_mult100' `_top_extremes' label var `_top_extremes' "Influence (%)" replace `_bottom_extremes' = `_mult100' `_bottom_extremes' label var `_bottom_extremes' "Influence (%)" } /* close qui */ // Display table tempname do_select _top_extremes_tab _bottom_extremes_tab _hoc_table round_perc hocdiff min_hocdiff mkmat `_top_extremes' if `_psample_t'!=., mat(`_top_extremes_tab') mkmat `_bottom_extremes' if `_psample_t'!=., mat(`_bottom_extremes_tab') mat _hoc_table = `_bottom_extremes_tab', `_top_extremes_tab' mat colnames _hoc_table = "Bottom" "Top" forv rr = 1/`_hoc_trim_extent' { loc _ict_table_rowlab "`_ict_table_rowlab' `rr'" } mat rownames _hoc_table = `_ict_table_rowlab' if inlist("`_itc_stat'", "mean", "gini") mat coleq _hoc_table = `"`=proper("`_hoc_stat'")'"' `"`=proper("`_hoc_stat'")'"' else if inlist("`_hoc_stat'", "atk") mat coleq _hoc_table = "A(`_hoc_param')" "A(`_hoc_param')" else if inlist("`_hoc_stat'", "ge") mat coleq _hoc_table = "GE(`_hoc_param')" "GE(`_hoc_param')" else mat coleq _hoc_table = `"`=upper("`_hoc_stat'")'"' `"`=upper("`_hoc_stat'")'"' // Get and adjust the table's format if "`_hoc_stat'"!="mean" { gettoken sfmt_int sfmt_dec: sfmt, parse(".") if regexm("`sfmt_dec'", "2")==1 loc sfmt %6`sfmt_dec' else if regexm("`sfmt_dec'", "3")==1 loc sfmt %7`sfmt_dec' else if regexm("`sfmt_dec'", "4")==1 loc sfmt %8`sfmt_dec' *di "`sfmt'" } di "" matlist _hoc_table, format(`sfmt') twidth(18) border(b) aligncolnames(center) /*row(Statistics)*/ tind(1) title("Influence curve for `j':") noblank row("`_hoc_tab_rowtitle'") showcoleq(c) if `"`gph_options'"' == "" { if "`_hoc_stat'"=="gini" loc _ytit "Gini coefficient" if "`_hoc_stat'"=="mean" loc _ytit "Mean" if "`_hoc_stat'"=="h" loc _ytit "Poverty headcount ratio" if "`_hoc_stat'"=="pg" loc _ytit "Poverty gap index" if "`_hoc_stat'"=="pg2" loc _ytit "Poverty gap squared index" if "`_hoc_stat'"=="ge" loc _ytit "Generalized entropy index (%, {&theta} = `_hoc_param')" if "`_hoc_stat'"=="atk" loc _ytit "Atkinson index (%, {&epsilon} = `_hoc_param')" tempname gbottom gtop twoway scatter `_bottom_extremes' `_psample_t', sort /// mcol(black) msym(S) /// graphregion(fcolor(white)) legend(col(2) size(*.8)) /// ylab(,angle(h) format(%12.0gc) grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)) /// xlab(`_gxlab') name(`gbottom', replace) xti("Influential observations (bottom)", si(*.8)) yti("`=ustrunescape("IF\u0302")' (%) for the `_ytit'") nodraw scatter `_top_extremes' `_psample_t', sort /// mcol(black) msym(S) /// graphregion(fcolor(white)) legend(col(2) size(*.8)) /// ylab(,angle(h) format(%12.0gc) grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)) /// xlab(`_gxlab') name(`gtop', replace) xti("Influential observations (top)", si(*.8)) yti("`=ustrunescape("IF\u0302")' (%) for the `_ytit'") xsc(reverse) nodraw gr combine `gbottom' `gtop', ycommon plotregion(fcolor(white) margin(zero)) graphregion(fcolor(white) margin(zero)) /* twoway line `_top_extremes' `_bottom_extremes' `_psample_t', sort /// lc(red*1.25 black) lw(medthick medthick) lp(solid -) /// graphregion(fcolor(white)) legend(col(2) size(*.8)) /// ylab(,angle(h) format(%12.0gc) grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)) /// ytit(`_ytit', si(*.8)) /// xlab(`_gxlab') /// xtit(, si(*.8)) note("`_g_table_note'", size(*.7) span) */ } else { twoway line `_top_extremes' `_bottom_extremes' `_psample_t' `gph_options' } ***** Here excel() option in action *** todo: allow excel() when by is used. Multiple sheets? if "`excel'"!="" { gettoken savename replace: excel, parse(",") local savename = subinstr("`savename'", " ", "", .) local replace = subinstr("`replace'", ",", "", .) local replace = strtrim("`replace'") if c(stata_version) < 17 { local export _out_excel15 } else if c(stata_version) < 18 { local export _out_excel17 } else { local export _out_excel18 } m `export'("`savename'", "`replace'", "", "yes") } ****************************** ******** POST RESULTS ******** ****************************** eret clear return local cmd "outdetect" *return mat b`_bylev' = __ind`_bylev' return mat out = _hoc_table qui count if `touse_raw'==1 return scalar N_raw = r(N) } else if "`_zipf'" != "" { `noi' m _od = _out_getdata("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'") `noi' m _out_zipf = _out_zipf(_od, "`_zipf_opt'") if "`_zipf_opt'"=="" { tempvar logx logrank getmata (`logx' `logrank') = _out_zipf, replace force sum `logx', mean local yax_min = round(`r(min)') local yax_max = round(`r(max)') local step = round((`yax_max'-`yax_min')/5) sum `logrank', mean local xax_min = round(`r(min)') local xax_max = round(`r(max)') local xstep = round((`yax_max'-`yax_min')/5) label var `logx' "log(`j')" label var `logrank' "log(rank(`j'))" if `"`gph_options'"' == "" { twoway line `logx' `logrank', /// lc(red*1.25) lw(medthick) lp(solid) /// graphregion(fcolor(white)) /// ylab(`yax_min'(`step')`yax_max', angle(h) format(%12.0gc) /// grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)) /// ytit(log(`j'), si(*.8)) /// xlab(`xax_min'(`xstep')`xax_max', labsi(*.8)) /// xtit(log(rank(`j')), si(*.8)) } else { twoway line `logx' `logrank' `gph_options' } } else if "`_zipf_opt'"=="lognormal" { tempvar logx logrank logx_ln logrank_ln getmata (`logx' `logrank' `logx_ln' `logrank_ln') = _out_zipf, replace force sum `logx', mean local yax_min = round(`r(min)') local yax_max = round(`r(max)') local step = round((`yax_max'-`yax_min')/5) sum `logrank', mean local xax_min = round(`r(min)') local xax_max = round(`r(max)') local xstep = round((`yax_max'-`yax_min')/5) label var `logx' "log(`j')" label var `logrank' "log(rank(`j'))" if `"`gph_options'"' == "" { twoway (line `logx' `logrank' , lc(red*1.25) lw(medthick) lp(solid)) /// (line `logx_ln' `logrank_ln' if `logrank_ln'>=0, lc(black) lw(medthick) lp(-)), /// graphregion(fcolor(white)) /// ylab(`yax_min'(`step')`yax_max', angle(h) format(%12.0gc) /// grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)) /// ytit(log(`j'), si(*.8)) /// xlab(`xax_min'(`xstep')`xax_max', labsi(*.8)) /// xtit(log(rank(`j')), si(*.8)) /// leg(pos(6) lab(1 "log(`j')") lab(2 "Lognormal") r(1)) } else { twoway (line `logx' `logrank' , lc(red*1.25) lw(medthick) lp(solid)) /// (line `logx_ln' `logrank_ln' if `logrank_ln'>=0, lc(black) lw(medthick) lp(-)) `gph_options' } *list `logx' `logrank' `logx_ln' `logrank_ln' in 1/20 } } else if "`_qqpareto'" != "" { `noi' m _od = _out_getdata("`j'", "`wvar'", "`weight_type'", "`touse'") `noi' m _out_qqpareto = _out_qqpareto(_od) tempvar logx qexp getmata (`logx' `qexp') = _out_qqpareto, replace force sum `logx', mean local yax_min = round(`r(min)') local yax_max = round(`r(max)') local step = round((`yax_max'-`yax_min')/5) label var `logx' "log(`j')" label var `qexp' "Quantiles of standard exponential" if `"`gph_options'"' == "" { twoway line `logx' `qexp', /// lc(red*1.25) lw(medthick) lp(solid) /// graphregion(fcolor(white)) /// ylab(`yax_min'(`step')`yax_max', angle(h) format(%12.0gc) /// grid glwidth(vthin) labsi(*.8)) /// ytit(log(`j'), si(*.8)) /// xlab(`_gxlab', labsi(*.8)) /// xtit("Quantiles of standard exponential", si(*.8)) } else { twoway line `logx' `qexp' `gph_options' } } } ****************************** ********* DESTRUCTOR ********* ****************************** loc _mat_ "__ind_pre`_bylev' __ind_trim`_bylev' __ind`_bylev' _out_detected`_bylev' _vv _aa _itc_table _hoc_table __ind_ss`_bylev' __ind_s`_bylev' __ind_trim_ss`_bylev' __ind_trim_s`_bylev' __ind_pre_ss`_bylev' __ind_pre_s`_bylev'" foreach _m of local _mat_ { cap matrix drop `_m' } loc _sca_ "_out_mu _out_p50 _out_sd _out_cv _out_iqr _out_gini _out_mld0 _out_mld1 _out_mld2 _out_atk125 _out_atk1 _out_atk2 _out_dr _out_hc _out_pg _out_pg2 _out_pov _out_atk _out_mld _out_kurt _out_skew _best_p_def _P_d_df _P_nclasses _P_df _P _q_value_ _s_value_ _kurt_ _skew_ _sd_value_ _meth_value_ _mad_value_ _out_lambda_ _converged_" foreach _s of local _sca_ { cap scalar drop `_s' } cap mata mata drop _od cap mata mata drop _odt cap mata mata drop _bottom_extremes cap mata mata drop _top_extremes end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------- Ancillary programs ----------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ program define ParseG, sclass syntax [, ITCccc IFCccc ITC(string) IFC(string) QQPLot QQPAreto ZIPFccc ZIPF(string) * ] // Trick: just create loc hoc and hocccc for avoiding changing all if "`ifc'"!="" local hoc "`ifc'" if "`ifcccc'"!="" local hocccc "`ifcccc'" if "`itcccc'"!="" local itc "5:gini" if "`hocccc'"!="" local hoc "10:gini" if "`zipf'"!="" { ParseZIPF, `zipf' local zipf_opt "`s(zipf_opt)'" local zipf "zipf" } else if "`zipfccc'"!="" local zipf "zipf" if "`itc'"!="" { gettoken itc itc_options : itc, parse(":") cap confirm n `itc' if _rc != 0 { if "`itc_options'"=="" & "`itc'"!="" loc itc_options "`itc'" loc itc 5 } if "`itc_options'"!="" local itc_options = subinstr("`itc_options'", ":", "", .) ParseITC_HOC, `itc_options' } if "`hoc'"!="" { gettoken hoc hoc_options : hoc, parse(":") cap confirm n `hoc' if _rc != 0 { if "`hoc_options'"=="" & "`hoc'"!="" loc hoc_options "`hoc'" loc hoc 5 } if "`hoc_options'"!="" local hoc_options = subinstr("`hoc_options'", ":", "", .) ParseITC_HOC, `hoc_options' hoc } if `"`options'"' != "" { di as error "Specified graph suboption is not allowed" exit 198 } local wc : word count `itc' `qqplot' if `wc' > 1 { di as error "graph() invalid, only " /* */ "one gr_type can be specified" exit 198 } if "`itc'"!="" sret local itc = `itc' if "`zipf'"!="" { sret local zipf "`zipf'" sret local zipf_opt "`zipf_opt'" } if "`hoc'"!="" sret local hoc = `hoc' if "`qqplot'"!="" sret local qqplot "`qqplot'" if "`qqpareto'"!="" sret local qqpareto "`qqpareto'" end program define ParseZIPF, sclass syntax [, LOGNormal ] if "`lognormal'"!="" local zipf_opt "lognormal" sret loc zipf_opt "`zipf_opt'" end program define ParseITC_HOC, sclass syntax [, ABSolute Mean GIni GE GEp(string) CV2 ATK ATKp(string) H PG PG2 PLine(string) HOC ] ** For hoc: only inequality indexes are available if "`hoc'"!="" & "`mean'`h'`pg'`pg2'"!="" { di as error "ifc() not available for the `mean'`h'`pg'`pg2' indicator" exit 198 } local wc : word count `mean' `gini' `ge' `gep' `cv2' `h' `pg' `pg2' `atk' `atkp' if `wc' > 1 { di as error "itc() invalid, only " /* */ "one stat can be specified" exit 198 } // Parse ge() and atk() parameters if "`ge'"!="" | "`gep'"!="" { if "`gep'"!="" local ge_param `gep' else local ge_param 1 local ge "ge" } if "`atk'"!="" | "`atkp'"!="" { if "`atkp'"!="" local atk_param `atkp' else local atk_param 1 if `atk_param'<0 { di as error "atk() parameter cannot be negative" exit 198 } local atk "atk" } local stat `mean' `gini' `ge' `cv2' `h' `pg' `pg2' `atk' if "`stat'"=="" local stat gini if inlist("`stat'", "h", "pg", "pg2")==1 { if "`pline'"!="" { cap confirm v `pline', exact if _rc!=0 { sret loc plinevar 0 loc note_pline: di %12.0gc `pline' sret loc _table_note "Poverty line: `note_pline'" sret loc pline `pline' } else { sret loc plinevar 1 qui sum `pline' if `r(sd)' == 0 { loc note_pline: di %12.0gc `r(mean)' sret loc _table_note "Poverty line: `r(mean)' (`pline')" } else sret loc _table_note "Poverty line: `pline'" sret loc pline `pline' } } else { di as error "option pline() required" exit 198 } } else { if "`pline'"!="" { cap confirm v `pline', exact if _rc!=0 { sret loc plinevar 0 loc note_pline: di %12.0gc `pline' sret loc _table_note "Poverty line: `note_pline'" sret loc pline `pline' } else { sret loc plinevar 1 qui sum `pline' if `r(sd)' == 0 { loc note_pline: di %12.0gc `r(mean)' sret loc _table_note "Poverty line: `r(mean)' (`pline')" } else sret loc _table_note "Poverty line: `pline'" sret loc pline `pline' } loc stat "h" } } if "`hoc'"=="" { sret local itc_stat "`stat'" sret local itc_param "`ge_param'`atk_param'" if "`absolute'"!= "" sret local itc_abs "abs" } else { ** For hoc: only abs is available local absolute absolute sret local hoc_stat "`stat'" sret local hoc_param "`ge_param'`atk_param'" if "`absolute'"!= "" sret local hoc_abs "abs" } end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ program define ParseOut args retmac colon outl local 0 ", `outl'" syntax [, Bottom Top Both * ] if `"`options'"' != "" { di as error "Specified outliers option is not allowed" exit 198 } local wc : word count `bottom' `top' `both' if `wc' > 1 { di as error "outliers() invalid, only " /* */ "one method can be specified" exit 198 } if `wc' == 0 { c_local `retmac' "both" } else c_local `retmac' `bottom' `top' `both' end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ program define ParseLoc args retmac colon stat1 local 0 ", `stat1'" syntax [, Mean MEDian * ] if `"`options'"' != "" { di as error "Specified method is not allowed" exit 198 } local wc : word count `mean' `median' if `wc' > 1 { di as error "stat1 invalid, only " /* */ "one method can be specified" exit 198 } if `wc' == 0 { c_local `retmac' "median" } else c_local `retmac' `mean' `median' end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ program define ParseMeth args retmac colon stat2 local 0 ", `stat2'" syntax [, Q IQR S MAD STD * ] if `"`options'"' != "" { di as error "Specified method is not allowed" exit 198 } local wc : word count `q' `iqr' `s' `mad' `std' if `wc' > 1 { di as error "method() invalid, only " /* */ "one method can be specified" exit 198 } if `wc' == 0 { c_local `retmac' "q" } else c_local `retmac' `q' `iqr' `s' `mad' `std' end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ program define _out_normalize, rclass syntax varname [if] [in], transformation(string) outputvar(string) marksample touse tempname lambda diff local normalize "`transformation'" if "`normalize'" == "bcox" { cap boxcox `varlist' if `touse', iter(500) if _rc == 0 { scalar `lambda' = _b[theta:_cons] scalar `diff' = reldif(`lambda', 0.0) if (`diff' > 1e-3) { qui gen double `outputvar' = (`varlist'^`lambda' - 1)/`lambda' } else qui gen double `outputvar' = log(`varlist') local _lambda_ = `lambda' return scalar lambda = `lambda' local _ttitle "Box and Cox (1964)" } else { di as error "Box-cox transformation failed." error 430 } } else if "`normalize'" == "yj" { cap _out_yj_lambda `varlist' if `touse' if _rc == 0 & _converged_ == 1{ scalar `lambda' = `r(_out_lambda)' qui m: _out_yj_trans("`varlist'", st_numscalar("`lambda'"),"`touse'","`outputvar'") local _lambda_ = `lambda' return scalar lambda = `lambda' local _ttitle "Yeo and Johnson (2000)" } else { di as error "Yeo and Johnson transformation failed." error 430 } } else if "`normalize'" == "asinh" { qui gen double `outputvar' = asinh(`varlist') if `touse' loc _ttitle "inverse hyperbolic sine" } else if "`normalize'" == "ln" { qui gen double `outputvar' = ln(`varlist') if `touse' loc _ttitle "natural logarithm" } else if "`normalize'" == "log" { qui sum `varlist' if `touse', mean //min_a <- max(0, -(min(x) - eps)) local a = max(`=-(`r(min)'-0.001)',0) qui gen double `outputvar' = log(`varlist' + `a') if `touse' loc _ttitle "ln(x + a) with a = max(0, -(min(x) - 0.0001))" } else if "`normalize'" == "log10" { qui sum `varlist' if `touse', mean //min_a <- max(0, -(min(x) - eps)) local a = max(`=-(`r(min)'-0.001)',0) qui gen double `outputvar' = log10(`varlist' + `a') if `touse' loc _ttitle "log10(x + a) with a = max(0, -(min(x) - 0.0001))" } else if "`normalize'" == "sqrt" { qui sum `varlist' if `touse', mean //min_a <- max(0, -min(x)) local a = max(`=-`r(min)'',0) qui gen double `outputvar' = sqrt(`varlist' + `a') if `touse' local _ttitle "Square root" } /*qui sum `outputvar' if `r(sd)'<0.0001 & inlist("`normalize'","yj","bcox")==1 { di in yel "Warning: `normalize' normalization is based on `=uchar(955)' = " %4.3f `_lambda_' di in yel " The std.dev. of the normalized variable is less than 0.0001." }*/ return local transf "`normalize'" return local transftitle "`_ttitle'" end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ program define ParseNorm args retmac colon norm local 0 ", `norm'" syntax [, LOG LOG10 LN YJ BCox ASinh Sqrt NONE * ] if `"`options'"' != "" { di as error "Specified normalization method is not allowed" exit 198 } local wc : word count `log' `log10' `ln' `yj' `bcox' `asinh' `sqrt' `none' if `wc' > 1 { di as error "normalize() invalid, only " /* */ "one normalization method can be specified" exit 198 } if `wc' == 0 { c_local `retmac' "yj" } else { if "`asinh'" == "asinh" c_local `retmac' "asinh" if "`ln'" == "ln" c_local `retmac' "ln" if "`log'" == "log" c_local `retmac' "log" if "`log10'" == "log10" c_local `retmac' "log10" if "`yj'" == "yj" c_local `retmac' "yj" if "`bcox'" == "bcox" c_local `retmac' "bcox" if "`sqrt'" == "sqrt" c_local `retmac' "sqrt" if "`none'" == "none" c_local `retmac' "none" } end /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ program define _out_yj_lambda, rclass version 14 syntax varname [if] [in] marksample touse m: st_numscalar("_out_lambda_", _out_yj_lambda("`varlist'", "`touse'")) return scalar _converged_ = _converged_ return scalar _out_lambda = _out_lambda_ end exit ** version 1.0.0 - 24apr2018 - First version ** version 1.0.1 - 15may2019 - Included z-score and option ALL - Now the report, when ALL is specified, reports all scores with related fractions of detected outliers ** version 1.0.2 - 16may2019 - Implemented options for percentage/fraction of outliers reporting, to control format of results - The command is now byable(recall), for now just for one by variable ** version 1.1.0 - 15oct2019 - The command now allows for different transformation via the R package bestNormalize ** version 1.1.1 - 6dec2019 - Huge update: now pre and post outlier detection inequality indicators are computed and displayed, with their standard errors. weights are now allowed only via -svyset- ** version 2.0.0 - 4jan2020 - Restyling of the old ado following the new vision for outdetect.ado: no std.errs >> new table of results showing key indicators for raw and trimmed data(todo: treated (median imputation)). ** version 2.0.1 - 14jan2020 - Post results to r() and added destructor ** version 3.0.0 - 23oct2020 - New outdetect concept: only mata based function for all including normalization, standard errors in, new options. ** version 3.0.1 - 29oct2020 - Added options: nozero, nogenerate, replace, graph(). Restyling and some improvement. ** version 3.0.2 - 15nov2020 - Added options: restyled graph() options, added new indicators for the incremental trimming curve (mean, h, pg, pg2) and absolute option. ** version 3.0.3 - 7jan2021 - Bug fixed (exact option of confirm) ** version 3.0.4 - 17jan2021 - Added option "reweight" to create the post-detection adjusted weight variable ** version 3.0.4 - 17jan2021 - Added warning foir "missing" weight variable ** version 3.1.0 - 13mar2021 - Added bestnormalize option ** version 3.1.1 - 27mar2021 - Bug fixes and certifications checks ** version 3.1.2 - 4apr2021 - excel() now works also after graph(itc) and the latter produces a table with the results reported in the plot ** version 3.1.3 - 7apr2021 - Now also mld, theil and cv2 indicator can be exploited for ITC. Fixed some labels for itc plots and tables. ** version 3.1.4 - 8apr2021 - Now also Atkinson class can be exploited for ITC. ** version 3.1.5 - 27may2021 - Added the generate() option to get out the normalized variable. ** version 3.1.6 - 20jul2022 - Bug fixes on weighted standard deviation and Q statistic ** version 3.1.7 - 17nov2022 - Add the ifc() option for plotting the Cowell and Flachaire (2007) IF curve. See Cowell and Flachaire (2007, JOE) pag. 1067 ** version 3.1.8 - 30oct2023 - Allows the save() option with all Stata versions till 18. The workaround is the only available, suggested by Jeff Pitblado. From now on -outdetetct- runs smoothly on Stata from 14 to 18 ** version 3.1.9 - 8may2024 - Added options graph(zipf) and graph(qqpareto) ** version 3.2.0 - 14may2024 - Added sub-option lognormal for zipf: graph(zipf(logn)). Added GE(-1) to the list of ineq indicators. New display format. ** version 3.2.1 - 29may2024 - Now the user can ask for the ITC or IFC of the full GE() or ATK() family of indicators. Added warning for non monotonicity of ifc and itc when weights or svy settings are specified /* TODO: Look at pshare (BJ), update DASP */ /* TODO: share bottom40, Watts */ /* TODO: p90/p10 is unexpected with PCE tunisia (to check) */