.- Help for ^outtex6^ .- Generates LaTeX code for results tables after any estimation command .- ^outtex6^ , [^BEL^ow] [^PLAIN^][^DIG^its(integer)] [^LAB^els] [^LEV^el] [^LE^gend] [^DE^tails] [^NOP^ar] [^TIT^le(string)] [^KEY^(string)] [^PL^ace(string)] [^LONG^table] [^NOCH^eck] .- Display options By default, outtex6 generates a table of the following form : Variable name | Coefficient|significance level symbol | (Std. Err) . "Variable name" in a left-aligned column . "Coefficient" in a right-aligned column . No intercolumn space between the Coeff. column and the symbol column ; which goes in a left-aligned column . "Std.Err" between parentheses in a centered column" Combining [^PLAIN^] and [^BEL^ow] can give up to four different layouts : The [^BEL^ow] option puts standards errors below the coefficient. If [^PLAIN^] is specified, the significance level symbols are put on the same column as the coefficients, and the column is centered. outtex6, level below gives Variable name | Coefficient|sign.lev.symb.| | (Std.Err)| | outtex6, level plain gives Variable name | Coefficient + sign.lev.symb. | (Std.Err) | outtex6, level below plain gives Variable name | Coefficient+sign.lev.symb. | | (Std.Err) | The [^DIG^its(integer)] option defines the number of digits to be displayed (default is 3). The [^LAB^els] option allows to display variable labels (if they exist) instead of variable names. The [^LEV^el] option adds symbols according to the coefficient's significativity level. The [^LE^gend] option adds the legend for the symbols added by [^LEV^el]. The [^DE^tails] option adds rows with the number of observation, R2 (or log-likelihood), F-test (or Chi2) The [^NOP^ar] option suppresses the parentheses around the Std.Er. The [^TIT^le(string)] option defines the table title ("Regression results" followed by the command name is default). Other options The [^KEY^(string)] option defines the table label ("tabresult" followed by the command name is default). The [^PL^ace(string)] option specifies the placement of the table in the .tex doc (default is htbp) The [^LONG^table] option allows to create tables that span over several pages using the "longtable" package (do not forget to \usepackage{longtable} in the preamble) NB : one should use the [^KEY^] option with [^LONG^table] because it uses the table label to display (e.g.) "Table 1 continued" The [^NOCH^eck] option skips the LaTeX special characters search-and-replace routine. This option should be used in two cases : - either you are sure there are no LaTeX special characters within variable names or labels, and want to speed-up the command, - or you deliberately included LaTeX special characters and do not want ^outtex6^ to translate them. .- The LaTeX code is displayed in the output window, one just has to copy/paste it into a LaTeX editor (in Scientific Word, it has to be pasted into a "TeX field") .- Examples outtex6 outtex6, labels level details digits(5) outtex6, labels legend details nonew digits(5) supertabular key(stab) .- Also see @sutex6@ @outreg@ @outtable@ (if installed). .- Author : Antoine Terracol Questions , comments and bug reports : terracol at univ-paris1.fr .-