p oaxaca module to compute the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition p oaxaca8 module to compute decompositions of outcome differentials p oaxaca9 module to compute the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition p obsdiff module to identify differences in values across observations for a variable p obsofint module to display observations of interest p ocmt module to perform multiple testing approach in high-dimensional linear regression p ocratio modules to fit continuation-ratio models on ordinal response data p oda module for conducting Optimal Discriminant Analysis (Windows only) p oddsrisk module to convert Logistic Odds Ratios to Risk Ratios p odi module to score Oswestry Disability Index p odk_validate module to validdate ODK survey forms p odkexport module to export xlsForms to readable docx or xlsx files p odkmeta module to import ODK data p odksplit module to split and label multiple response variables generated from ODK or SurveyCTO p oeratio module to calculate ratio of observed to expected outcomes p oesch module to recode ISCO codes into Oesch class scheme p ofrtplot module to plot observed, fitted and residuals versus time variable p oglm module to estimate Ordinal Generalized Linear Models p oglm9 module to estimate Ordinal Generalized Linear Models p omega module to calculate the omega reliability coefficient p omegacoef module to calculate the omega reliability coefficient p omninorm module to calculate omnibus test for univariate/multivariate normality p omodel modules to perform tests on ordered probit and ordered logit models p oneclick module to screen for control variables that keep the explanatory variables at a certain level of significance p onedrive module to find and set Microsoft OneDrive local folder as Stata's working directory p onespell module to generate single longest spell for each unit in panel data, listwise p onetext module to perform simple Chinese text analysis p onewayplot module for oneway plots p onewplot module for oneway plots p oparallel module providing post-estimation command for testing the parallel regression assumption p openall module to open all specified files with append p opencagegeo module for forward and reverse geocoding using the OpenCage Geocoder API p opendf module to work with Open Data Format files in Stata p opl module for optimal policy learning p oplabdata module to load data from the Equality of Opportunity Project p opplot module to generate a vertical bar chart to summarize a binary outcome in cluster survey data p oprobpr module to display predicted probabilities from ordered probit and logit p optaspect module to compute heuristic criteria for optimal aspect ratios in a two-variable line plot p optifact module to find the best summated rating scale from a list of items p ordcatsampsi module to compute power and sample size for ordered categorical outcomes p ordplot module for cumulative distribution plot of ordinal variable p ordvar module to calculate measures of ordinal consensus and dispersion p orse module to save odds ratios and their standard errors after logit, ologit p orth_out module to automate and export summary stats/orthogonality tables p orthog module to orthogonalize variables p osgen module to add Python os_stat() file attributes to a xdir resultsset p osort module to reorder variable(s) and sort data p outdat module to export data to other statistical packages p outdetect module to perform Outlier Detection for Inequality and Poverty Analysis p outfix module to produce fixed format output (version 5) p outfix2 module to output formatted data p outfixt module to write fixed-format text file p outreg module to write estimation tables to a Word or TeX file p outreg2 module to arrange regression outputs into an illustrative table p outreg5 module to format regression output for published tables p outseries module to write timeseries to text files p outsum module to write formatted descriptive statistics to a text file p outtable module to write matrix to LaTeX table p outtex module to LaTeX code for result tables after any estimation command p outwrite module to consolidate multiple regressions and export the results to a .xlsx, .xls, .csv, or .tex file p ovbd module to generate correlated random binomial data p overdisp module to detect overdispersion in count-data models using Stata p overfit module to calculate shrinkage statistics to measure overfitting as well as out- and in-sample predictive bias p overid module to conduct postestimation tests of overidentification p overlay module to overlay multiple x vs y graphs p ovfplot module for plots of observed vs fitted