*! vers 24jun2014 *! auth George G. Vega program def parallel_append vers 11.0 #delimit ; syntax [anything(name=files)] , Do(string asis) [ in(string asis) if(string asis) Expression(string) *]; #delimit cr if ("`in'" != "") local in in `in' if ("`if'" != "") local if if `if' /* Checking arguments */ if (`"`files'"' == "" & `"`expression'"' == "") { di as error "One of -files- or -expr()- must be specified." error 1 } else if (`"`anything'"' != "" & `"`expression'"' != "") { di as error "-files- and -expr()- cannot be specified at the same time" error 1 } /* Expanding the expression */ if (`"`expression'"' != "") { mata: st_local("files",parallel_expand_expr(`"`expression'"')) } else if (regexm(`"`files'"', "[*]")) local files : dir . files "`files'" /* Checking cmd/dofile */ cap confirm file `"`do'"' if (_rc) cap confirm file `"`do'.do"' if (!_rc) local do = `"`do'.do"' else { cap `do' if (_rc == 199) { di as error `"Error: No file or cmd nammed -`do'-"' exit 199 } } /* Checking out the number of files */ tokenize `"`files'"' local n = 0 local i = 0 local nerr = 0 while ("``++n''" != "") { /* Checking whether it exists*/ local fn = `"``n''"' if (!regexm(`"`fn'"',"\.dta$")) cap confirm file `"``n''.dta"' else cap confirm file `"``n''"' if (!_rc) { if (!regexm(`"`fn'"',"\.dta$")) local ext = ".dta" else local ext = "" local file`++i' = "``n''`ext'" } else { di "{result:Warning:}{text:The file -``n''.dta- couldn't be found.}" } } local n = `i' /* If no files had been found */ if (!`n') { di as error "No files found" error 1 } /* Showing the files that will be used */ di "{result:The following files will be processed:}" forval i=1/`n' { di " " as result %03.0f `i' as text " `file`i''" } /* Checking the groups clusters */ local size = `n'/$PLL_CLUSTERS local oldclusters = $PLL_CLUSTERS local olddir = $PLL_STATA_PATH if (`size' < 1) { qui parallel setclusters `n', statapath(`olddir') f local g = 1 forval i=1/`n' { local group`g' `group`g'' `file`i'' } } else { /* Grouping files */ local g = 1 forval i=1/`n' { local group`g' `group`g'' `file`i'' if (!mod(`i',$PLL_CLUSTERS)) local ++g } } local ng = ceil(`size') di "{result:The files will be processed in the following order:}" forval i=1/`ng' { di " " as result %03.0f `i' as text " `group`i''" } /* Getting a common id for the files */ mata: parallel_sandbox(5) local parallelid0 = "`parallelid'" local tmpid = "__pll`parallelid'_append" mkdir `tmpid' local nsave = 0 forval i=1/`ng' { /* Writing the file */ local f `tmpid'.do qui file open fh using `f', w replace tokenize `group`i'' local j = 0 local k = 0 file write fh "cd `c(pwd)'" _newline while (`"``++j''"' != "") { file write fh `"if (\`pll_instance' == `++k') {"' _newline file write fh `" use ``j'' `if' `in'"' _newline file write fh `" local filename = `"``j''"'"' _newline file write fh `" local tmpn = string(`++nsave',"%04.0f")"'_newline _newline "}" _newline } cap findfile `do' if (_rc) { file write fh `"`do'"' _newline } file write fh `"gen dta_source = "\`filename'""' _newline file write fh "compress" _newline file write fh "save `tmpid'/`tmpid'\`tmpn', replace" _newline file close fh qui parallel setclusters `--j', s(`olddir') f mata: parallel_sandbox(5) local parallelid`i' = "`parallelid'" cap noi parallel do `f', `options' nodata setparallelid(`parallelid') /* Checking if an error has occurred */ if (_rc) { mata: parallel_sandbox(2, "$LAST_PLL_ID") qui parallel clean, e($LAST_PLL_ID) forval j=0/`i' { mata: parallel_sandbox(2, "`parallelid`j''") qui parallel clean, e(`parallelid`j'') } qui parallel setclusters `oldclusters', s(`olddir') f di as error "An error -`=_rc'- has occured while running parallel" exit 1 } else if (r(pll_errs)) { /* forval j=0/`i' { mata: parallel_sandbox(2, "`parallelid`j''") qui parallel clean, e(`parallelid`j'') } qui parallel setclusters `oldclusters', s(`olddir') f exit 1 */ di "{result:Warning:}{text: Some datasets in group -`g'- couldn't be processed}" } rm `f' } qui clear /* Appending all the results */ forval i=1/`nsave' { local tmpn = "`tmpid'"+string(`i',"%04.0f")+".dta" cap { append using `tmpid'/`tmpn' rm `tmpid'/`tmpn' } if (!c(N)) cap use `tmpid'/`tmpn' if (_rc) local err `err' `file`i'' } /* Labeling */ quietly { if (c(N)) { encode dta_source, gen(dta_source2) drop dta_source ren dta_source2 dta_source lab var dta_source "Original dataset of the observation" } } /* Removing the tmp dir and free id */ forval i = 0/`ng' { mata: parallel_sandbox(2, "`parallelid`i''") qui parallel clean, e(`parallelid`i'') } if (`"`err'"'!="") di "{result:Warning:}{text:The following files could't be found}" _newline as text `"`=regexr(`"`err'"',"^[0]","")'"' qui parallel setclusters `oldclusters', s(`olddir') f end