*! parallel_bs vers 24jun2014 *! auth George G. Vega program def parallel_bs, eclass vers 11.0 if !replay() { // If it is a replay, parallel_bootstrap `0' } else if ("`e(prefix)'" != "bootstrap" | !inlist("`e(pll)'","1") ) { // If the last command runned wasn't nnmatch2 di as error "Last estimation was not {bf:parallel bs}, was -{bf:`=e(prefix)'}-" exit 301 } else { // if the last command was pll bootstrap, it replays the results bs, title(parallel bootstrapping) } end program def parallel_bootstrap, rclass vers 11.0 #delimit ; syntax anything(name=model equalok everything) [, EXPression(string asis) PROGrams(string) Mata NOGlobals Seeds(passthru) Randtype(passthru) Timeout(integer 60) PROCessors(integer 0) argopt(string) SAVing(string) Reps(integer 100) *]; #delimit cr /* Checking whereas parallel has been config */ if length("$PLL_CLUSTERS") == 0 { di "{error:You haven't set the number of clusters}" _n "{error:Please set it with: {cmd:parallel setclusters} {it:#}}" exit 198 } /* Setting sizes */ local csize = floor(`reps'/$PLL_CLUSTERS) if (`csize' == 0) error 1 else { local lsize = `csize' + (`reps' - `csize'*$PLL_CLUSTERS) } /* Reserving a pll_id. This will be stored in the -parallelid- local macro */ mata: parallel_sandbox(5) /* Saving the tmpfile */ local tmpdta = "__pll`parallelid'_bs_dta.dta" if (`"`saving'"' == "") { if (c(os)=="Windows") local saving = `"`c(tmpdir)'__pll`parallelid'_bs_outdta.dta"' else local saving = `"`c(tmpdir)'/__pll`parallelid'_bs_outdta.dta"' local save = 0 } else local save = 1 local simul = `"__pll`parallelid'_bs_simul.do"' qui save `tmpdta' /* Parsing saving */ _prefix_saving `saving' local saving `"`s(filename)'"' if "`double'" == "" { local double `"`s(double)'"' } local every `"`s(every)'"' local replace `"`s(replace)'"' cap confirm file `saving' if (!_rc & "`replace'" == "") { di "{error:File -`saving'- already exists, use the -replace- option}" exit 602 } /* Parsing a program */ if (regexm(`"`model'"', "^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)")) local cmd = regexs(1) cap findfile `cmd'.ado if (_rc) local programs `programs' `cmd' /* Creating a tmp program */ cap file open fh using `"`simul'"', w replace file write fh `"use `tmpdta', clear"' _n file write fh "if (\`pll_instance'==\$PLL_CLUSTERS) local reps = `lsize'" _n file write fh "else local reps = `csize'" _n file write fh `"local pll_instance : di %04.0f \`pll_instance'"' _n file write fh `"bs `expression', sav(__pll\`pll_id'_bs_eststore\`pll_instance', replace `double' `every') `options' rep(\`reps'): `model' `argopt'"' _n file close fh /* Running parallel */ cap noi parallel do `simul', nodata programs(`programs') `mata' `noglobals' `seeds' /// `randtype' timeout(`timeout') processors(`processors') setparallelid(`parallelid') local pllseeds = r(pll_seeds) if (_rc) { qui parallel clean, e($LAST_PLL_ID) force mata: parallel_sandbox(2, "`parallelid'") exit _rc } if (r(pll_errs)) { qui parallel clean, e($LAST_PLL_ID) force mata: parallel_sandbox(2,"`parallelid'") exit 1 } preserve /* Appending datasets */ forval i=1/$PLL_CLUSTERS { quietly { local pll_instance : di %04.0f `i' use `"__pll$LAST_PLL_ID`'_bs_eststore`pll_instance'"', clear if ((`=`i'-1')) append using `saving' save `saving', replace } } /* Storing macros */ local macros : r(macros) local scalars : r(scalars) foreach m of local macros { local `m' = r(`m') } foreach s of local scalars { local `s' = r(`s') } restore /* Returning bs data */ bstat using `saving', title(parallel bootstrapping) /* Cleaning up */ parallel clean, e($LAST_PLL_ID) mata: parallel_sandbox(2, "`parallelid'") parallel_bs_ereturn /* Getting macros back */ foreach m of local macros { return local `m' `"``m''"' } foreach s of local scalars { return scalar `s' = ``s'' } return local pll_seeds = "`pllseeds'" end program def parallel_bs_ereturn, eclass vers 11.0 ereturn local pll 1 end