help parmest_varmod_opts                                         (Roger Newson)

Variable-modifying options for parmest and parmby


options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rename(renaming_list) Rename variables in the output dataset format(formatting_list) Display formats for variables in the output dataset float Set storage type of numeric variables to float or lower precision nodouble Alternative option for specifying float -------------------------------------------------------------------------

where renaming_list is a list of variable names of form

oldvarname_1 newvarname_1 ... oldvarname_n newvarname_n

and formatting_list is a list of form

varlist_1 format_1 ... varlist_n format_n


These options allow the user to change the names, display formats and storage types of variables in the output dataset (or resultsset) created by parmest or parmby.


rename(oldvarname_1 newvarname_1 ... oldvarname_n newvarname_n) specifies a list of pairs of variable names. The first variable name of each pair specifies a variable in the parmest output dataset, which is renamed to the second variable name of the pair. This option may be used to change the names of output variables to prevent name clashes, especially with variables specified in the by() option of parmby, which cannot be renamed using the rename() option.

format(varlist_1 format_1 ... varlist_n format_n) specifies a list of pairs of variable lists and display formats. The formats will be allocated to the variables in the output dataset specified by the corresponding varlists. If rename() is specified, then any variable names specified by the format() option must be the new names.

float specifies that there will be no variables in the output dataset of storage type double. If float is not specified, then all numeric variables in the output dataset will be of type double, and therefore stored to double precision, except if they can be compressed without loss of precision, in which case they will be compressed as far as possible without loss of precision. If float is specified, then variables of type double in the output dataset will be converted to type float, even if this results in loss of precision. (See help for recast.)

nodouble is an alternative way of specifying float.


See parmest_resultssets for details of the variables in datasets created by parmest and parmby.


Roger Newson, Imperial College London, UK. Email: r.newson@imperial.ac.uk

Also see

Manual: [U] 11.4 varlists, [D] rename, [D] format, [D] recast, [D] data types

Help: [U] 11.4 varlists, [D] rename, [D] format, [D] recast, [D] data types parmest, parmby, parmest_outdest_opts, parmest_ci_opts, parmest_varadd_opts, parmby_only_opts, parmest_resultssets