------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help for paverage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title
paverage --- Generates series of averages in a panel dataset.
paverage varlist, p(#) indiv(varname) yr(varname)
paverage (pronounced p-average) generates series of averages in a panel dataset. In the process, the labels of the original variables, if present, are attached to the average variables. The time period must be a multiple of the subperiod over which averages need to be calculated. Using series of averages is a common way of reducing business-cycle effects and measurement error when analyzing a panel dataset with a long time period.
A side-effect of taking variable averages is that some variations in the data will be lost.
Note that paverage works on any yearly compiled balanced panel datasets.
+---------+ ----+ Options +----------------------------------------------------------
p(#) indicates the number of years over which averages need to be calculated. # ranges from 2 to 10. For example, specifying p(5) will create a 5-year average dataset.
indiv(varname) indicates the identifier variable which may hold country, individual, or firm names or identification numbers.
yr(varname) specifies the variable containing the years.
+---------+ ----+ Example +----------------------------------------------------------
. paverage gdp fdi import trade, p(5) indiv(countryname) yr(year)
P. Wilner Jeanty, Dept. of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University
Email to jeanty.1@osu.edu for any comments or suggestions.
Also see
Manual: [D] collapse