pciplot -- Plot pointwise confidence intervals
pciplot yvar {yvar_lci yvar_uci} | se_yvar} xvar [if] [in] [, options ]
options are any options appropriate to graph, twoway.
pciplot produces plots of pointwise confidence intervals for yvar against a continuous variable, xvar. Either the s.e., se_yvar, of yvar or the confidence limits, yvar_lci and yvar_uci, may be supplied. The CIs are rendered as a shaded area and the relationship between yvar and xvar is plotted as a line.
. pciplot y y_se x . gen y_lci = y - 1.96 * y_se . gen y_uci = y + 1.96 * y_se . pciplot y y_lc y_uci x, yline(1) legend(off) saving(graph, replace)
Patrick Royston MRC Clinical Trials Unit London, UK pr@ctu.mrc.ac.uk
Also see
Online: graph_twoway