help for pcorrmat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


pcorrmat -- Matrix of partial correlation coefficients controlled for a fixed set of covariates


pcorrmat varlist1 [if] [in] [weight] , part(varlist2) [sig]

varlist1 must contain at least 2 variables. varlist1 and varlist2 may contain time-series operators; see tsvarlist. by may be used with pcorrmat; see by. aweights and fweights are allowed; see weight.


pcorrmat displays a matrix of partial correlation coefficients of varlist1 with each other, while holding the variable(s) in varlist2 constant. Only observations with non-missing values on all variables in varlist1 and varlist2 are used. So each partial correlation in the matrix refers to the same sample.


part(varlist2) Specifies the variable or variables which will be held constant.

sig Specifies that p-values are also displayed.

Saved results

+-----------------+ ----+ always returned +--------------------------------------------------

r(pcorr) Matrix of partial correlations.

r(N) Number of observations with non-missing values on all variables in varlist1 and varlist2.

r(df) Number of degrees of freedom.

+------------------+ ----+ if sig specified +-------------------------------------------------

r(t) Matrix of t statistics.


. pcorrmat price mpg weight, part(foreign)

. pcorrmat price mpg weight, part(foreign) sig


Maarten L. Buis Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Department of Social Research Methodology

Also see

Manual: [R] pcorr

Online: correlate, spearman, pcorr2 (if installed), partcorr (if installed)