help phenotype
                                                                 (STB-61: dm92)


phenotype -- Simulate disease status and censored age for family data


phenotype hr [, options]

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main type(d|r) specifies the type of inheritance alpha(#) specifies the shape parameter of the Weibull distribution lambda(#) specifies the scale parameter of the Weibull distribution maxage(#) specifies the upper bound of age of death gamma(#) specifies the parameter in the log-power density function of death sex(b|f|m) specifies the gender being affected by a disease saving(filename) specifies the name of the file to be saved -------------------------------------------------------------------------


phenotype generates the disease status and censored age based on family data created by simuped2 or simuped3 (Cui 2000). A censored age is the age at onset of a disease if a person is affected, or the age of death if a person has died before developing the disease. Otherwise it is the calendar age contained in the original family data. This program expects that the genetic hazard ratio, hr, to be specified as a non-negative value. This program is also known as phenotyp in the previous versions.

Two modes of inheritance, dominant and recessive, are allowed for in this program. They are represented by d and r in the type option, respectively. Use of other letters will produce an error message. if a disease affects one gender only, the disease status is generated as 0 for a person with an opposite gender. The age of death is determined by a log-power density function. The hazard function of developing a disease is assumed to be a Weibull distribution.


+------+ ----+ Main +-------------------------------------------------------------

type(inheritance) specifies the type of inheritance. The option d (the default) specifies a dominant inheritance, and r specifies a recessive inheritance.

alpha(#) specifies the shape parameter of the Weibull distribution. The default value is 4.21.

lambda(#) specifies the scale parameter of the Weibull distribution. The default value is 9.95e-10.

maxage(#) specifies the upper bound of age of death. The default value is 100.

gamma(#) specifies the parameter in the log-power density function of death. The default value is 15.

sex(b|f|m) specifies the gender affected by a disease. The option b (the default) specifies that both genders are affected, f specifies that only females are affected, and m specifies that only males are affected.

saving(filename) specifies the file name of the simulated data. The default file name is temp1.dta.



run simuped2.ado

simuped2 70 10 40 10, reps(1000) sav(output) alle(0.05) sib(5)

use output, clear

phenotype 10, type(d) alpha(4.21) lambda(9.95e-10) maxage(100) gamma(15) sex(f) sav(output1)

use output1, clear

list if famid <= 2, sepby(famid)

Also see

STB: STB-58: dm82


Cui J. Simulating two- and three-generation families. Stata Technical Bulletin 2000; 58: 2-5.

Cui J. Simulating disease status and censored age. Stata Technical Bulletin 2001; 61: 8-10.

Cui J and Hopper JL. Why are the majority of hereditary cases of early-onset breast cancer sporadic? A simulation study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2000; 9: 805-812.


James Cui, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University.


Other Commands I have written: genhwcci (if installed) ssc install genhwcci (to install this comman > d) simuped2 (if installed) ssc install simuped2 (to install this comman > d) simuped3 (if installed) ssc install simuped3 (to install this comman > d) buckley (if installed) ssc install buckley (to install this comman > d) qic (if installed) ssc install qic (to install this comman > d)