*!plssem version 0.6.1 *!Written 29May2024 *!Written by Sergio Venturini and Mehmet Mehmetoglu *!The following code is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3) program plssem, byable(onecall) version 15.1 syntax [anything] [if] [in] [, * ] if replay() { if ("`e(cmd)'" != "plssem") { error 301 } if (_by()) { error 190 } // Extract all the options from 'cmdline' local cmdline = `"`e(cmdline)'"' local cmdlen = strlen(`"`cmdline'"') local cmdcomma = strpos(`"`cmdline'"', ",") local old_options = substr(`"`cmdline'"', `cmdcomma' + 1, `cmdlen' - `cmdcomma') local old_options : list clean old_options local hasstruct = strpos(`"`old_options'"', "str") if (!`hasstruct') { local nostructural "nostructural" } if (`"`options'"' != "") { Display, `options' `nostructural' } else { Display, `old_options' `nostructural' } exit } if _by() { local BY `"by `_byvars' `_byrc0':"' } if (_caller() < 8) { local version : display "version " string(_caller()) ", missing :" } else { local version : display "version " string(_caller()) " :" } local isgroup = strpos(`"`options'"', "gr") capture quietly mi query if (`isgroup') { if _by() { display as error "the 'group()' option is not allowed with by" exit } else if (r(M) > 0) { display as error "the 'group()' option is not allowed with multiple imputation" exit } else { `version' Compare `0' // version is not necessary } } else { `version' `BY' Estimate `0' // version is not necessary } end program Estimate, eclass byable(recall) properties(mi) version 15.1 syntax anything(id="Measurement model" name=blocks) [if] [in], /// [ STRuctural(string) Wscheme(string) BINary(namelist min=1) /// Boot(numlist integer >0 min=1 max=1) Seed(numlist max=1) Tol(real 1e-7) /// MAXiter(integer 100) MISsing(string) k(numlist integer >0 max=1) /// INIT(string) DIGits(integer 3) noHEADer noMEAStable noDISCRIMtable /// noSTRUCTtable LOADPval STATs GRoup(string) CORRelate(string) RAWsum /// noSCale CONVcrit(string) ORDinal(varlist) ROBust(string) noCLeanup ] /* Options: -------- structural(string) --> structural model specification wscheme(string) --> weighting scheme ("centroid", "factorial" or "path") binary(namelist min=1) --> latent variables to fit using logit boot(numlist integer >0 min=1 max=1) --> bootstrap estimation (# of replications) seed(numlist max=1) --> bootstrap seed number tol(real 1e-7) --> tolerance (default 1e-7) maxiter(integer 100) --> maximum number of iterations (default 100) missing(string) --> imputation method ("mean" or "knn") k(numlist integer >0 max=1) --> neighbor size; to use with missing("knn") (default 5) init(string) --> initialization method ("eigen" or "indsum") digits(integer 3) --> number of digits to display (default 3) noheader --> do not show the header nomeastable --> do not show the measurement table nodiscrimtable --> do not show the discriminant validity table nostructtable --> do not show the structural table loadpval --> show the loadings' p-values stats --> print a table of summary statistics for the indicators group(string) --> perform multigroup analysis; accepts the suboptions reps(#), method(), plot, alpha, unequal and groupseed(numlist max=1); method() accepts either 'permutation', 'bootstrap' or 'normal'; groupseed(numlist max=1) accepts an optional seed for multigroup analysis correlate(string) --> report the correlation among the indicators, the LVs as well as the cross loadings; accepts any combination of 'mv', 'lv' and 'cross' (i.e. cross-loadings); suboption 'cutoff()' can be used to avoid showing correlations smaller than the specified value rawsum --> estimate the latent scores as the raw sum of the indicators noscale --> manifest variables are not standardized convcrit(string) --> convergence criterion (either 'relative' or 'square') ordinal(varlist) --> list of variables to be considered as ordinal robust(string) --> robustness correlation method (either 'spearman' or 'mcd') nocleanup --> Mata temporary objects are not removed (undocumented) */ /* Macros: * LV`i' - latent variable name * i`i' - indicators for latent, by latent index * istd`i' - indicators for latent, by latent index (standardized) * i`LV`i'' - indicators for latent, by latent name * istd`LV`i'' - indicators for latent, by latent name (standardized) * allindicators - all indicators * allstdindicators - all standardized indicators * alllatents - all latents */ local cmdline : list clean 0 local tempnamelist /* Parse the blocks */ local blocks : list clean blocks tokenize `"`blocks'"', parse(" ()<>") tempname inblock startblock scalar `inblock' = 0 scalar `startblock' = 0 local j = 0 local tok_i = 1 while ("``tok_i''" != "") { if ("``tok_i''" == "(") { if (`inblock') { display as error "unexpected (" error 197 } scalar `inblock' = 1 scalar `startblock' = 1 local ++j } else if (`inblock') { if ("``tok_i''" == ")") { if ("LV`j'" == "" | "i`j'" == "") { display as error "incomplete measurement model specification" error 197 } else { scalar `inblock' = 0 local i`LV`j'' `i`j'' local allindicators "`allindicators' `i`j''" local alllatents "`alllatents' `LV`j''" } } else if ("``tok_i''" == "<" | "``tok_i''" == ">") { scalar `startblock' = 0 if ("``tok_i''" == ">") { local modeA "`modeA' `LV`j''" } else if ("``tok_i''" == "<") { local modeB "`modeB' `LV`j''" } } else if (`startblock') { if ("`LV`j''" != "") { display as error "missing =" error 197 } if (_byindex() == 1) { // this provides the LVs predictions when by'd capture confirm new variable ``tok_i'' if (_rc == 110) { capture quietly drop ``tok_i'' } } local LV`j' ``tok_i'' } else { foreach var of varlist ``tok_i'' { local i`j' "`i`j'' `var'" } } } else { error 197 } local ++tok_i } local modeA : list clean modeA local modeB : list clean modeB local modeA : list uniq modeA local modeB : list uniq modeB if (`inblock') { display as error "missing )" error 197 } local allindicators : list clean allindicators local alllatents : list clean alllatents /* End of parsing the blocks */ /* Parse the binary() option */ if ("`binary'" != "") { noisily { display display as error "warning: the use of binary latent variables " _continue display as error "goes beyond the original scopes of PLS-SEM. " display as error " They are provided here only for exploratory " _continue display as error "purposes." } local binary : list clean binary foreach var in `binary' { local nind_bin : word count `i`var'' if (`nind_bin' > 1) { display as error "latent variables in 'binary()' option must be defined through a single binary indicator" exit } } } /* End of parsing the binary() option */ /* Set obs to use (1/2) */ marksample touse /* End of setting observations to use (1/2) */ /* Save original data set */ if ("`missing'" != "") { tempname original_data local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `original_data'" mata: `original_data' = st_data(., "`: list uniq allindicators'", "`touse'") } /* End saving original data set */ /* Imputation of missing values */ if ("`missing'" != "") { local missing : list clean missing foreach var in `binary' { local indbin "`indbin' `i`var''" } local indbin : list clean indbin if ("`missing'" == "mean") { mata: meanimp( /// st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse'"), /// "`allindicators'", /// "`indbin'", /// "`touse'") } else if ("`missing'" == "knn") { tempname ind_mata allmiss local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `ind_mata'" mata: `ind_mata' = st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse'") mata: st_numscalar("`allmiss'", anyof(rowmissing(`ind_mata'), /// cols(`ind_mata'))) if (`allmiss') { display as error "some observations have all indicators missing; " _continue display as error "remove them manually before proceeding" exit } if ("`k'" == "") { local k = 5 } mata: knnimp( /// st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse'"), /// "`allindicators'", /// strtoreal("`k'"), /// "`indbin'", /// "`touse'", /// 1) } else { display as error "missing can be either 'mean' or 'knn'" exit } } /* End of imputing the missing values */ /* Set obs to use (2/2) */ tempvar touse_nomiss quietly generate `touse_nomiss' = `touse' markout `touse' `allindicators' quietly count if `touse' if (r(N) == 0) { error 2000 } else if (r(N) < 10) { display as error "at least 10 complete observations required" error 2001 } quietly misstable patterns `allindicators' if `touse' local nobs = r(N_complete) /* End of setting observations to use (2/2) */ /* Check that there are no "zero-variance" indicators */ tempname zerovar mata: st_numscalar("`zerovar'", any(selectindex( /// sd(st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse'")) :== 0))) if (`zerovar') { display as error "at least one indicator has zero variance in one of the groups" exit } /* End of checking that there are no "zero-variance" indicators */ /* Parse the inner weight scheme */ if ("`wscheme'" == "") { local wscheme "path" } if !("`wscheme'" == "centroid" | "`wscheme'" == "factorial" | "`wscheme'" == "path") { display as error "scheme can be either 'centroid', 'factorial', or 'path'" exit } /* End of parsing the inner weight scheme */ /* Check the robust option */ if ("`robust'" == "") { local robust "none" } else if !("`robust'" == "none" | "`robust'" == "spearman" | "`robust'" == "mcd") { display as error "robust option can be either 'none', 'spearman' or 'mcd'" exit } /* End of checking the robust option */ /* Check the ordinal option */ if ("`ordinal'" != "") { local ordinal : list clean ordinal local ordinal : list uniq ordinal foreach var of local ordinal { if (!`: list var in allindicators') { display as error "one of the variables included in the 'ordinal' option is not an indicator" exit } } } else { local ordinal "" } /* End of checking the ordinal option */ /* Check convergence parameters */ if (`maxiter' <= 0) { display as error "maximum number of iterations must be a positive integer" exit } if (`tol' <= 0) { display as error "tolerance must be a strictly positive number" exit } if ("`convcrit'" == "") { local convcrit "relative" } if !("`convcrit'" == "relative" | "`convcrit'" == "square") { display as error "convergence criterion can be either 'relative' or 'square'" exit } /* End of checking convergence parameters */ /* Check that digits is nonnegative */ if (`digits' < 0) { display as error "number of digits to display must be a nonnegative integer" exit } /* End of checking that digits is nonnegative */ /* Check the initialization method */ if ("`init'" == "") { local init "indsum" } if !("`init'" == "eigen" | "`init'" == "indsum") { display as error "initialization method can be either 'eigen' or 'indsum'" error 198 } if (("`structural'" == "") & ("`init'" != "eigen")) { display as error "'init()' option must be set to 'eigen' when no structural model is provided" error 198 } /* End of checking the initialization method */ /* Parse the correlate() option */ if ("`correlate'" != "") { local tok_i = 1 tokenize "`correlate'", parse(",() ") while ("``tok_i''" != "") { if ("``tok_i''" == "mv") { local corrind = "corrind" } if ("``tok_i''" == "lv") { local corrlv = "corrlv" } if ("``tok_i''" == "cross") { local crossload = "crossload" } if ("``tok_i''" == "cutoff") { local tok_tmp = `tok_i' + 2 local cutoff = "``tok_tmp''" if (`cutoff' < 0 | `cutoff' > 1) { display as error "cutoff must be in between 0 and 1" exit } } local ++tok_i } if ("`corrind'" == "" & "`corrlv'" == "" & "`crossload'" == "") { display as error "'correlate()' option requires at least one of 'mv', 'lv' or 'cross'" exit } } /* End of parsing the correlate() option */ /* Parse inner relationships */ local num_lv: word count `alllatents' local num_ind: word count `allindicators' tempname isproduct local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `isproduct'" mata: `isproduct' = J(`num_ind', 1, 0) if ("`structural'" != "") { tokenize `"`structural'"', parse(",") local reg3eqs = "(" local tok_i = 1 local allorigindicators "`allindicators'" while ("``tok_i''" != "") { // Parse the interactions if (strpos("``tok_i''", "*")) { local inter "``tok_i''" gettoken depvar : inter if (strpos("`depvar'", "*")) { display as error "`depvar': interactions cannot involve a dependent variable" exit } local new_tok "`depvar'" gettoken blk inter : inter local inter : list clean inter while ("`inter'" != "") { gettoken toadd inter : inter local inter : list clean inter if (strpos("`toadd'", "*")) { local inter_ind "" gettoken var1 toadd : toadd, parse("*") gettoken ast toadd : toadd, parse("*") gettoken var2 toadd : toadd, parse("*") if (strpos("`toadd'", "*")) { display as error "interactions can involve only two variables" exit } local internm = "`var1'`var2'" if (_byindex() == 1) { // this provides the LVs predictions when by'd capture confirm new variable `internm' if (_rc == 110) { capture quietly drop `internm' } } // Add the interactions to the list of LVs local alllatents "`alllatents' `internm'" local modeA "`modeA' `internm'" local num_lv: word count `alllatents' local LV`num_lv' `internm' // Create macros of product indicators to use for scaling local inter_latent "`inter_latent' `var1'%£%]_[%£%`var2'" // Check that the new interaction is reflective local int_in_modeB : list internm in modeB if (`int_in_modeB') { display as error "interactions of latent variables must be reflective" exit } // Generate the product indicators foreach ind1 in `i`var1'' { foreach ind2 in `i`var2'' { local indnm = "`ind1'`ind2'" if (_byindex() == 1) { // this provides the indicators when by'd capture confirm new variable `indnm' if (_rc == 110) { capture quietly drop `indnm' } quietly generate double `indnm' = `ind1'*`ind2' if `touse' } else { quietly replace `indnm' = `ind1'*`ind2' if `touse' } // Add the product indicator to the list of indicators local allindicators "`allindicators' `indnm'" mata: `isproduct' = (`isproduct' \ 1) local inter_ind "`inter_ind' `indnm'" // Create macros of product indicators to use for scaling local inter_for_scale "`inter_for_scale' `ind1'%£%]_[%£%`ind2'" } } local i`num_lv' `inter_ind' local i`internm' `inter_ind' local new_tok "`new_tok' `var1' `var2' `internm'" } else { local new_tok "`new_tok' `toadd'" } } local reg3eqs "`reg3eqs'`new_tok') (" local 0 `new_tok' } else { local reg3eqs "`reg3eqs'``tok_i'') (" local 0 ``tok_i'' } syntax namelist(min=2) // Use macros r`var' and c`latentname' to store whether the adjacency is // treated as directional in path weighting scheme. // The regest`var' macro is needed to store the path coefficients. local dvar : word 1 of `namelist' local ivars : list namelist - dvar local r`dvar' `r`dvar'' `ivars' // r`dvar' contains the predecessors of each LV local regest`dvar' `regest`dvar'' `ivars' foreach iv in `ivars' { local c`iv' `c`iv'' `dvar' // c`iv' contains the successors of each LV } local tok_i = `tok_i' + 2 } local parenthesis = "(" local reg3eqs : list reg3eqs - parenthesis local reg3eqs : list clean reg3eqs tokenize `reg3eqs', parse("()") local tok_i = 1 while ("``tok_i''" != "") { if ("``tok_i''" != "(" & "``tok_i''" != ")") { local check_lv_new : word 1 of ``tok_i'' local check_lv "`check_lv' `check_lv_new'" } local ++tok_i } local check_lv : list clean check_lv local check_lv_uniq : list uniq check_lv if (`: word count `check_lv'' != `: word count `check_lv_uniq'') { display as error "specify a single equation for each construct in the structural model" error 198 exit } foreach var in `alllatents' { if ("`r`var''`c`var''" == "") { display as error "latent `var' is not adjacent to any other latent" exit } local regest`var' : list uniq regest`var' if ("`wscheme'" == "path") { local c`var' : list uniq c`var' local r`var' : list uniq r`var' local c`var' : list c`var' - r`var' } else { local c`var' `c`var'' `r`var'' local c`var' : list uniq c`var' local r`var' "" } } } /* End of parsing the inner relationships */ /* Create other macros and scalars */ foreach var in `allindicators' { local allstdindicators "`allstdindicators' std`var'" } local allstdindicators : list clean allstdindicators forvalues k = 1/`num_lv' { foreach var in `i`k'' { local istd`k' "`istd`k'' std`var'" local istd`LV`k'' `istd`k'' } } tempname rawsum_sc struct_sc if ("`rawsum'" == "") { scalar `rawsum_sc' = 0 } else { scalar `rawsum_sc' = 1 } if ("`structural'" == "") { scalar `struct_sc' = 0 } else { scalar `struct_sc' = 1 } /* End of creating other macros */ /* Create the adjacency matrices */ tempname modes adj_meas adj_struct local num_ind : word count `allindicators' matrix `modes' = J(`num_lv', 1, 1) local i = 1 foreach var in `alllatents' { if (`: list var in modeA') { matrix `modes'[`i', 1] = 0 } local ++i } matrix `adj_meas' = J(`num_ind', `num_lv', 0) local i = 1 local j = 1 foreach var in `alllatents' { foreach var2 in `i`var'' { matrix `adj_meas'[`i', `j'] = 1 local ++i } if (`: list var in modeA') { local loadcolnames `loadcolnames' "Reflective:`var'" } else { local loadcolnames `loadcolnames' "Formative:`var'" } local loadrownames `loadrownames' `i`var'' local ++j } matrix rownames `adj_meas' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `adj_meas' = `loadcolnames' local adj_sum = 0 local adj_nrows = rowsof(`adj_meas') local adj_ncols = colsof(`adj_meas') forvalues adj_i = 1(1)`adj_nrows' { forvalues adj_j = 1(1)`adj_ncols' { local adj_el = `adj_meas'[`adj_i', `adj_j'] local adj_sum = `adj_sum' + `adj_el' } } if (`adj_sum' == 0) { display as error "the adjacency matrix of the measurement model is empty" exit } matrix `adj_struct' = J(`num_lv', `num_lv', 0) local B_j = 1 foreach var in `alllatents' { if ("`regest`var''" != "") { forvalues lv_i = 1/`num_lv' { local xn : word `lv_i' of `alllatents' local isthere : list xn in regest`var' if (`isthere') { local B_i : list posof "`xn'" in alllatents matrix `adj_struct'[`B_i', `B_j'] = 1 } } } local ++B_j } matrix rownames `adj_struct' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `adj_struct' = `alllatents' local adj_sum = 0 local adj_nrows = rowsof(`adj_struct') local adj_ncols = colsof(`adj_struct') forvalues adj_i = 1(1)`adj_nrows' { forvalues adj_j = 1(1)`adj_ncols' { local adj_el = `adj_struct'[`adj_i', `adj_j'] local adj_sum = `adj_sum' + `adj_el' } } if (`adj_sum' == 0) { * display as error "the adjacency matrix of the structural model is empty" * exit } /* End of creating the adjacency matrices */ capture noisily { /* Standardize the MVs (if requested) */ mata: /// plssem_scale( /// st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse'"), /// "`allstdindicators'", /// "`touse'", /// "`scale'") /* End of standardizing the MVs */ /* Initialize LVs */ mata: /// plssem_init( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// "`allindicators'", /// "`allstdindicators'", /// "`alllatents'", /// "`touse'", /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// "`init'") /* End of initializing the LVs */ /* Run the PLS algorithm */ tempname res converged outerW iter matreldiff Whistory local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `res'" mata: `res' = /// plssem_base( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse'"), /// st_data(., "`alllatents'", "`touse'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_struct'"), /// st_matrix("`modes'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'", /// strtoreal("`tol'"), /// strtoreal("`maxiter'"), /// "`touse'", /// "`wscheme'", /// "`convcrit'", /// st_numscalar("`struct_sc'"), /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// 0, /// 0, /// 0, /// st_local("robust"), /// st_local("allindicators"), /// st_local("ordinal")) mata: st_numscalar("`converged'", `res'.converged) mata: st_numscalar("`iter'", `res'.niter) if (("`structural'" != "") & ("`rawsum'" == "")) { mata: st_matrix("`matreldiff'", `res'.diff) mata: st_matrix("`Whistory'", `res'.evo) foreach var in `alllatents' { foreach var2 in `i`var'' { local Whistcolnames `Whistcolnames' "`var2':`var'" } } matrix colnames `Whistory' = `Whistcolnames' mata: st_matrix("`outerW'", `res'.outer_weights) matrix rownames `outerW' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `outerW' = `loadcolnames' } /* End of the PLS algorithm */ /* Label the LVs */ local now "`c(current_date)', `c(current_time)'" local now : list clean now foreach var of varlist `alllatents' { label variable `var' "Scores of `var' latent variable [`now']" } /* End of labeling the LVs */ /* Compute the model parameter variances */ tempname xload_v path_v ow_v local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `xload_v' `path_v' `ow_v'" if ("`boot'" == "") { mata: `xload_v' = /// plssem_lv( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse'"), /// st_data(., "`alllatents'", "`touse'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'") if ("`structural'" != "") { mata: `path_v' = `res'.path_v } } else { tempname res_bs local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `res_bs'" mata: `res_bs' = /// plssem_boot( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse'"), /// st_data(., "`alllatents'", "`touse'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_struct'"), /// st_matrix("`modes'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'", /// strtoreal("`tol'"), /// strtoreal("`maxiter'"), /// "`touse'", /// "`wscheme'", /// "`convcrit'", /// st_numscalar("`struct_sc'"), /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// 0, /// strtoreal("`boot'"), /// strtoreal("`seed'"), /// 1, /// st_local("robust"), /// st_local("allindicators"), /// st_local("ordinal")) mata: st_local("n_inadmissible", strofreal(`res_bs'.n_inadmiss)) mata: `xload_v' = `res_bs'.xloadings_v if ("`structural'" != "") { mata: `path_v' = `res_bs'.path_v mata: `ow_v' = `res_bs'.ow_v } } /* End of computing the model parameter variances */ } // end of -capture- local rc = _rc if (`rc' == 1) { display display as error "you pressed the Break key; " _continue display as error "calculation interrupted" } if (`rc' >= 1) { /* Clean up */ foreach var in `allstdindicators' { capture quietly drop `var' } if ("`rawsum'" != "") { foreach var in `alllatents' { quietly replace `var' = rs_`var' capture quietly drop rs_`var' } } if ("`missing'" != "") { tempvar __touse__ quietly generate `__touse__' = e(sample) mata: st_store(., tokens("`: list uniq allorigindicators'"), "`__touse__'", /// `original_data') } if ("`cleanup'" == "") { capture mata: cleanup(st_local("tempnamelist")) } /* End of cleaning up */ error `rc' } /* Compute the table of measurement loadings */ tempname loadings xloadings annihilate_se loadings_se xloadings_se local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `annihilate_se'" mata: st_matrix("`loadings'", `res'.loadings) matrix rownames `loadings' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `loadings' = `loadcolnames' mata: st_matrix("`xloadings'", `res'.xloadings) matrix rownames `xloadings' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `xloadings' = `loadcolnames' if ("`boot'" != "") { tempname loadings_bs xloadings_bs ow_bs mata: st_matrix("`loadings_bs'", `res_bs'.loadings_bs) matrix rownames `loadings_bs' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `loadings_bs' = `loadcolnames' mata: st_matrix("`xloadings_bs'", `res_bs'.xloadings_bs) matrix rownames `xloadings_bs' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `xloadings_bs' = `loadcolnames' if ("`structural'" != "") { mata: st_matrix("`ow_bs'", `res_bs'.ow_bs) matrix rownames `ow_bs' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `ow_bs' = `loadcolnames' } } mata: `annihilate_se' = editvalue(st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), 0, .) mata: st_matrix("`loadings_se'", sqrt(`xload_v') :* `annihilate_se') matrix rownames `loadings_se' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `loadings_se' = `loadcolnames' mata: st_matrix("`xloadings_se'", sqrt(`xload_v')) matrix rownames `xloadings_se' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `xloadings_se' = `loadcolnames' if ("`boot'" != "" & "`structural'" != "") { tempname ow_se mata: st_matrix("`ow_se'", sqrt(`ow_v') :* `annihilate_se') matrix rownames `ow_se' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `ow_se' = `loadcolnames' } /* End of computing the table of measurement loadings */ /* Compute the table of average variance extracted (AVE) */ local num_ind: word count `allindicators' local num_lv_A: word count `modeA' if (`num_lv_A' > 0) { tempname sqcorr /* mata: st_matrix("`sqcorr'", /// correlation(st_data(., "`modeA'", "`touse'")) :^ 2) matrix rownames `sqcorr' = `modeA' matrix colnames `sqcorr' = `modeA' */ // mata: st_matrix("`sqcorr'", /// // correlation(st_data(., "`alllatents'", "`touse'")) :^ 2) mata: st_matrix("`sqcorr'", `res'.construct_vcv :^ 2) matrix rownames `sqcorr' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `sqcorr' = `alllatents' } tempname ave_num ave_mata whichB ave local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `ave_mata' `whichB'" mata: st_matrix("`ave_num'", colsum(st_matrix("`adj_meas'"))) mata: `ave_mata' = /// colsum(st_matrix("`loadings'") :^ 2) :/ st_matrix("`ave_num'") if ("`modeB'" != "") { mata: `whichB' = colsum(strmatch(tokens("`alllatents'"), tokens("`modeB'")')) mata: `ave_mata'[., selectindex(`whichB')] = J(1, sum(`whichB'), .) } mata: st_matrix("`ave'", `ave_mata') matrix colnames `ave_num' = `alllatents' matrix rownames `ave' = "AVE" matrix colnames `ave' = `alllatents' /* End of computing the AVE table */ /* Compute the table of summary statistics for indicators */ // ("if `touse'" is not used here to correctly account for the missing values) if ("`stats'" != "") { tempname indstats local kk = 1 matrix `indstats' = J(`num_ind', 7, .) foreach ind in `allindicators' { quietly summarize `ind' if `touse_nomiss', detail matrix `indstats'[`kk', 1] = r(mean) matrix `indstats'[`kk', 2] = r(sd) matrix `indstats'[`kk', 3] = r(p50) matrix `indstats'[`kk', 4] = r(min) matrix `indstats'[`kk', 5] = r(max) mata: st_local("indstats_mata", /// strofreal(nonmissing(st_data(., "`ind'", "`touse_nomiss'")))) matrix `indstats'[`kk', 6] = real("`indstats_mata'") mata: st_local("indstats_mata", /// strofreal(missing(st_data(., "`ind'", "`touse_nomiss'")))) matrix `indstats'[`kk', 7] = real("`indstats_mata'") local ++kk } matrix rownames `indstats' = `allindicators' matrix colnames `indstats' = "mean" "sd" "median" "min" "max" "N" "missing" } /* End of computing the table of summary statistics for indicators */ /* Compute the table of structural path coefficients */ if ("`structural'" != "") { tempname path path_se rsquared redundancy path_pval pathtab path_toteff local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `path_pval'" mata: st_matrix("`path'", `res'.path) matrix rownames `path' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `path' = `alllatents' if ("`boot'" != "") { tempname path_bs mata: st_matrix("`path_bs'", `res_bs'.path_bs) matrix rownames `path_bs' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `path_bs' = `alllatents' } mata: st_matrix("`path_se'", sqrt(`path_v')) matrix rownames `path_se' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `path_se' = `alllatents' mata: st_matrix("`rsquared'", `res'.r2) matrix rownames `rsquared' = "r2" matrix colnames `rsquared' = `alllatents' mata: st_matrix("`redundancy'", `res'.r2 :* st_matrix("`ave'")) matrix rownames `redundancy' = "redundancy" matrix colnames `redundancy' = `alllatents' mata: st_local("regest_all", /// invtokens(tokens("`alllatents'")[selectindex(rowsum(`res'.S))])) mata: st_local("lv_regest_all", /// invtokens(tokens("`alllatents'")[selectindex(colsum(`res'.S))])) local num_lv_path : word count `lv_regest_all' mata: `path_pval' = /// plssem_pval( /// st_matrix("`path'"), /// st_matrix("`path_se'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'", /// strtoreal("`nobs'"), /// ("`boot'" != "")) mata: st_matrix("`pathtab'", /// plssem_pathtab(st_matrix("`path'"), `path_pval', `res'.r2_a)) foreach var in `regest_all' { local pathtab_rownames "`pathtab_rownames' `var' ." } matrix rownames `pathtab' = `pathtab_rownames' "r2_a" matrix colnames `pathtab' = `lv_regest_all' mata: st_matrix("`path_toteff'", `res'.total_effects) matrix rownames `path_toteff' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `path_toteff' = `alllatents' } /* End of computing the table of structural path coefficients */ /* Compute the reliability coefficients */ tempname relcoef mata: st_matrix("`relcoef'", /// plssem_reliability( /// st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse'"), /// st_matrix("`loadings'"), /// st_matrix("`modes'"), /// st_matrix("`outerW'"), /// st_local("robust"), /// st_local("allindicators"), /// st_local("ordinal"))) matrix rownames `relcoef' = "Cronbach" "DG" "rho_A" matrix colnames `relcoef' = `loadcolnames' /* End of computing the reliability coefficients */ /* Setup the tables of structural coefficients */ if ("`structural'" != "") { tempname path_mata strcoef path_se_mata strse path_vif_mata strvif /// rowi_path coli_path R_Y local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `path_mata' `path_se_mata' `path_vif_mata' `rowi_path' `coli_path'" mata: `path_mata' = st_matrix("`path'") mata: `rowi_path' = selectindex(rownonmissing(`path_mata')) mata: `coli_path' = selectindex(colnonmissing(`path_mata')) mata: st_matrix("`strcoef'", `path_mata'[`rowi_path', `coli_path']) foreach var in `regest_all' { local struct_rownames "`struct_rownames' `var'" } matrix rownames `strcoef' = `struct_rownames' matrix colnames `strcoef' = `lv_regest_all' mata: `path_se_mata' = st_matrix("`path_se'") mata: st_matrix("`strse'", `path_se_mata'[`rowi_path', `coli_path']) matrix rownames `strse' = `struct_rownames' matrix colnames `strse' = `lv_regest_all' // mata: st_matrix("`R_Y'", correlation(st_data(., "`alllatents'", "`touse'"))) mata: st_matrix("`R_Y'", `res'.construct_vcv) matrix rownames `R_Y' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `R_Y' = `alllatents' // mata: `path_vif_mata' = /// // plssem_vif(st_matrix("`R_Y'"), st_matrix("`adj_struct'")) // mata: st_matrix("`strvif'", /// // `path_vif_mata'[selectindex(rownonmissing(`path_vif_mata')), /// // selectindex(colnonmissing(`path_vif_mata'))]) mata: st_matrix("`strvif'", `res'.vif) // matrix rownames `strvif' = `struct_rownames' matrix rownames `strvif' = `alllatents' // matrix colnames `strvif' = `lv_regest_all' matrix colnames `strvif' = `alllatents' } /* End of setting up the tables of structural coefficients */ /* Calculate the model assessment indexes (GOF, etc.) */ if (("`structural'" != "") & (`num_lv_A' > 0)) { tempname gof_all gof gof_r avrsq avave avred mod_assessment tmp tmp_w local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `gof_all'" matrix `tmp' = (`rsquared')' mata: st_numscalar("`avrsq'", mean(st_matrix("`tmp'"))) matrix `tmp' = (`ave')' matrix `tmp_w' = (`ave_num')' mata: st_numscalar("`avave'", mean(st_matrix("`tmp'"), /// st_matrix("`tmp_w'"))) matrix `tmp' = (`redundancy')' mata: st_numscalar("`avred'", mean(st_matrix("`tmp'"))) // scalar `gof_all' = sqrt(`avrsq' * `avave') mata: `gof_all' = plssem_gof( /// st_matrix("`rsquared'"), /// st_matrix("`loadings'"), /// st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_struct'"), /// st_matrix("`modes'"), /// st_local("robust"), /// st_local("allindicators"), /// st_local("ordinal")) mata: st_numscalar("`gof'", `gof_all'[1]) mata: st_numscalar("`gof_r'", `gof_all'[2]) matrix `mod_assessment' = J(1, 5, .) matrix `mod_assessment'[1, 1] = `avrsq' matrix `mod_assessment'[1, 2] = `avave' matrix `mod_assessment'[1, 3] = `gof' matrix `mod_assessment'[1, 4] = `gof_r' matrix `mod_assessment'[1, 5] = `avred' matrix colnames `mod_assessment' = "Average R-squared" /// "Average communality (AVE)" "Absolute GoF" "Relative GoF" "Average redundancy" } /* End of calculating the model assessment indexes (GOF, etc.) */ /* Return values */ tempname b_coef vcov_coef local lv_nm : colnames `adj_meas' local mv_nm : rownames `adj_meas' if ("`structural'" != "") { mata: st_matrix("`b_coef'", plssem_param_vec(st_matrix("`loadings'"), st_matrix("`path'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), st_matrix("`adj_struct'"))) mata: st_local("param_names", plssem_param_vec_names(st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), st_matrix("`adj_struct'"), /// st_local("lv_nm"), st_local("mv_nm"))) } else { mata: st_matrix("`b_coef'", plssem_param_vec(st_matrix("`loadings'"), J(0, 0, .), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), J(0, 0, .))) mata: st_local("param_names", plssem_param_vec_names(st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), J(0, 0, .), /// st_local("lv_nm"), st_local("mv_nm"))) } matrix colnames `b_coef' = `param_names' if ("`boot'" != "") { tempname loadings_reps param_reps mata: st_matrix("`loadings_reps'", `res_bs'.loadings_reps) * matrix rownames `loadings_reps' = matrix colnames `loadings_reps' = `loadrownames' if ("`structural'" != "") { tempname path_reps mata: st_matrix("`path_reps'", `res_bs'.path_reps) * matrix rownames `path_reps' = * matrix colnames `path_reps' = mata: st_matrix("`param_reps'", plssem_param_vec_boot(st_matrix("`loadings_reps'"), /// st_matrix("`path_reps'"), st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), st_matrix("`adj_struct'"))) mata: st_matrix("`vcov_coef'", plssem_param_vec_boot_var(st_matrix("`param_reps'"))) } else { mata: st_matrix("`param_reps'", plssem_param_vec_boot(st_matrix("`loadings_reps'"), /// J(0, 0, .), st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), J(0, 0, .))) mata: st_matrix("`vcov_coef'", plssem_param_vec_boot_var(st_matrix("`param_reps'"))) } } else { tempname vcov_load vcov_path local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `vcov_load' `vcov_path'" mata: `vcov_load' = rowsum(`xload_v' :* `annihilate_se', 0) if ("`structural'" != "") { mata: `vcov_path' = vec(`path_v') mata: `vcov_path' = `vcov_path'[selectindex(rownonmissing(`vcov_path'))] mata: st_matrix("`vcov_coef'", diag((`vcov_load' \ `vcov_path'))) } else { mata: `vcov_path' = J(0, 0, .) mata: st_matrix("`vcov_coef'", diag(`vcov_load')) } } mata: st_matrix("`vcov_coef'", edittozerotol(st_matrix("`vcov_coef'"), epsilon(1))) matrix rownames `vcov_coef' = `param_names' matrix colnames `vcov_coef' = `param_names' local df_m = colsof(`b_coef') local props "`init'" if ("`structural'" != "") { local props "`props' `wscheme'" } local props "`props' `missing'" if ("`boot'" != "") { local props "`props' bootstrap" } if ("`structural'" != "") { local props "`props' structural" } if ("`rawsum'" != "") { local props "`props' rawsum" } if ("`scale'" == "") { local props "`props' scaled" } else { local props "`props' unscaled" } local props "`props' `convcrit'" local props "`props' b V" ereturn post `b_coef' `vcov_coef', obs(`nobs') esample(`touse') properties(`props') if ("`boot'" != "") { ereturn scalar reps = `boot' ereturn scalar n_inadmissibles = `n_inadmissible' } if ("`structural'" != "") { if ("`rawsum'" == "") { ereturn scalar maxiter = `maxiter' ereturn scalar iterations = `iter' } else { ereturn scalar maxiter = . } ereturn scalar tolerance = `tol' } ereturn scalar converged = `converged' ereturn scalar k_aux = 0 ereturn scalar df_m = `df_m' mata: st_local("admissible", strofreal(`res'.admissible)) ereturn scalar admissible = `admissible' ereturn local ordinal `"`ordinal'"' ereturn local robust `"`robust'"' ereturn local struct_eqs `"`reg3eqs'"' ereturn local formative `"`modeB'"' ereturn local reflective `"`modeA'"' if ("`binary'" != "") { ereturn local binarylvs `"`binary'"' } ereturn local lvs `"`alllatents'"' ereturn local mvs `"`allindicators'"' ereturn local mvs_orig `"`allorigindicators'"' local varlist `e(mvs)' `e(lvs)' signestimationsample `varlist' ereturn local title "Partial least squares structural equation modeling" ereturn local predict plssem_p ereturn local estat_cmd "plssem_estat" ereturn local cmdline "plssem `cmdline'" ereturn local cmd "plssem" if ("`boot'" == "") { ereturn local vce "ols" } else { ereturn local vce "bootstrap" ereturn local vcetype "Bootstrap" } if ("`missing'" != "") { tempname __touse__ imp_data quietly generate `__touse__' = e(sample) mata: st_matrix("`imp_data'", /// st_data(., tokens("`: list uniq allindicators'"), "`__touse__'")) matrix colnames `imp_data' = `: list uniq allindicators' ereturn matrix imputed_data = `imp_data' } if ("`structural'" != "") { ereturn matrix R = `R_Y' if ("`rawsum'" == "") { ereturn matrix reldiff = `matreldiff' ereturn matrix outerweights = `outerW' ereturn matrix ow_history = `Whistory' if ("`boot'" != "") { tempname ow_reps mata: st_matrix("`ow_reps'", `res_bs'.ow_reps) matrix colnames `ow_reps' = `loadrownames' ereturn matrix ow_se = `ow_se' ereturn matrix ow_bs = `ow_bs' ereturn matrix ow_breps = `ow_reps' } } if (`num_lv_A' > 0) { ereturn matrix assessment = `mod_assessment' ereturn matrix redundancy = `redundancy' ereturn matrix rsquared = `rsquared' } ereturn matrix total_effects = `path_toteff' ereturn matrix adj_struct = `adj_struct' if ("`boot'" != "") { mata: st_matrix("`path_bs'", editmissing(st_matrix("`path_bs'"), 0)) matrix rownames `path_bs' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `path_bs' = `alllatents' ereturn matrix pathcoef_bs = `path_bs' ereturn matrix pathcoef_breps = `path_reps' } mata: st_matrix("`path'", editmissing(st_matrix("`path'"), 0)) matrix rownames `path' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `path' = `alllatents' ereturn matrix pathcoef = `path' ereturn matrix struct_table = `pathtab' if ("`boot'" == "") { ereturn matrix struct_vif = `strvif' } ereturn matrix struct_se = `strse' ereturn matrix struct_b = `strcoef' } if (`num_lv_A' > 0) { ereturn matrix ave = `ave' ereturn matrix sqcorr = `sqcorr' ereturn matrix relcoef = `relcoef' } ereturn matrix adj_meas = `adj_meas' ereturn matrix cross_loadings_se = `xloadings_se' if ("`boot'" != "") { ereturn matrix cross_loadings_bs = `xloadings_bs' tempname cross_loadings_reps mata: st_matrix("`cross_loadings_reps'", `res_bs'.xloadings_reps) * matrix rownames `cross_loadings_reps' = * matrix colnames `cross_loadings_reps' = ereturn matrix cross_loadings_breps = `cross_loadings_reps' } ereturn matrix cross_loadings = `xloadings' ereturn matrix loadings_se = `loadings_se' if ("`boot'" != "") { ereturn matrix loadings_bs = `loadings_bs' ereturn matrix loadings_breps = `loadings_reps' } ereturn matrix loadings = `loadings' if ("`stats'" != "") { ereturn matrix indstats = `indstats' } tempname ind_vcv_mata proxy_vcv_mata construct_vcv_mata tempname resid_corr_mata vif_mata reliabilities_mata local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `ind_vcv_mata' `proxy_vcv_mata'" local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `construct_vcv_mata' `resid_corr_mata'" local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `vif_mata' `reliabilities_mata'" mata: st_matrix("`ind_vcv_mata'", `res'.ind_vcv) matrix rownames `ind_vcv_mata' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `ind_vcv_mata' = `loadrownames' mata: st_matrix("`proxy_vcv_mata'", `res'.proxy_vcv) matrix rownames `proxy_vcv_mata' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `proxy_vcv_mata' = `alllatents' mata: st_matrix("`construct_vcv_mata'", `res'.construct_vcv) matrix rownames `construct_vcv_mata' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `construct_vcv_mata' = `alllatents' mata: st_matrix("`resid_corr_mata'", `res'.resid_corr) matrix rownames `resid_corr_mata' = `loadrownames' matrix colnames `resid_corr_mata' = `loadrownames' mata: st_matrix("`vif_mata'", `res'.vif) matrix rownames `vif_mata' = `alllatents' matrix colnames `vif_mata' = `alllatents' mata: st_matrix("`reliabilities_mata'", `res'.reliabilities) matrix colnames `reliabilities_mata' = `alllatents' ereturn matrix ind_vcv = `ind_vcv_mata' ereturn matrix proxy_vcv = `proxy_vcv_mata' ereturn matrix construct_vcv = `construct_vcv_mata' // this is the same as e(R); to remove in future releases ereturn matrix resid_corr = `resid_corr_mata' ereturn matrix vif = `vif_mata' ereturn matrix reliabilities = `reliabilities_mata' // these are also included in e(relcoef) /* End of returning values */ /* Display results */ if (("`display'" == "") & ("`group'" == "")) { // this saves some time when used with 'group' if ("`structural'" == "") { local nostructural "nostructural" } if (`num_lv_A' == 0) { local nodiscrim "nodiscrimtable" } else { local nodiscrim `discrimtable' } Display, `nostructural' digits(`digits') `header' `meastable' /// `nodiscrim' `structtable' `loadpval' `stats' `corrind' `corrlv' /// `crossload' cutoff(`cutoff') binary(`binary') `rawsum' } /* End of displaying results */ /* Maximum number of iterations reached */ if (("`structural'" != "") & ("`rawsum'" == "")) { if (!`converged') { display as error "warning: convergence not achieved --> " _continue display as error "maximum number of iterations reached" display as error _skip(9) "the solution provided may not be acceptable; " _continue display as error "try to increase the 'maxiter' option" } } /* End of 'convergence not attained' message */ /* Clean up */ foreach var in `allstdindicators' { capture quietly drop `var' } if ("`rawsum'" != "") { foreach var in `alllatents' { quietly replace `var' = rs_`var' capture quietly drop rs_`var' } } if ("`missing'" != "") { mata: st_store(., tokens("`: list uniq allorigindicators'"), "`__touse__'", /// `original_data') } if ("`cleanup'" == "") { capture mata: cleanup(st_local("tempnamelist")) } /* End of cleaning up */ end program Compare, eclass sortpreserve version 15.1 syntax anything(id="Measurement model" name=blocks) [if] [in], /// [ STRuctural(string) Wscheme(string) BINary(namelist min=1) /// Boot(numlist integer >0 min=1 max=1) Seed(numlist max=1) Tol(real 1e-7) /// MAXiter(integer 100) MISsing(string) k(numlist integer >0 max=1) /// INIT(string) DIGits(integer 3) noHEADer noMEAStable noDISCRIMtable /// noSTRUCTtable LOADPval STATs GRoup(string) CORRelate(string) RAWsum /// noSCale CONVcrit(string) ORDinal(varlist) ROBust(string) noCLeanup ] /* Options: -------- structural(string) --> structural model specification wscheme(string) --> weighting scheme ("centroid", "factorial" or "path") binary(namelist min=1) --> indicators to fit using logit boot(numlist integer >0 min=1 max=1) --> bootstrap estimation (# of replications) seed(numlist max=1) --> bootstrap seed number tol(real 1e-7) --> tolerance (default 1e-7) maxiter(integer 100) --> maximum number of iterations (default 100) missing(string) --> imputation method ("mean" or "knn") k(numlist integer >0 max=1) --> neighbor size; to use with missing("knn") (default 5) init(string) --> initialization method ("eigen" or "indsum") digits(integer 3) --> number of digits to display (default 3) noheader --> do not show the header nomeastable --> do not show the measurement table nodiscrimtable --> do not show the discriminant validity table nostructtable --> do not show the structural table loadpval --> show the loadings' p-values stats --> print a table of summary statistics for the indicators group(string) --> perform multigroup analysis; accepts the suboptions reps(#), method(), plot, alpha, unequal and groupseed(numlist max=1); method() accepts either 'permutation', 'bootstrap' or 'normal'; groupseed(numlist max=1) accepts an optional seed for multigroup analysis correlate(string) --> report the correlation among the indicators, the LVs as well as the cross loadings; accepts any combination of 'mv', 'lv' and 'cross' (i.e. cross-loadings); suboption 'cutoff()' can be used to avoid showing correlations smaller than the specified value rawsum --> estimate the latent scores as the raw sum of the indicators noscale --> manifest variables are not scaled but only centered convcrit --> convergence criterion (either 'relative' or 'square') ordinal(varlist) --> list of variables to be considered as ordinal robust(string) --> robustness correlation method (either 'spearman' or 'mcd') nocleanup --> Mata temporary objects are not removed (undocumented) */ local tempnamelist /* Warning */ // if ("`boot'" != "") { // display as error "using the 'boot()' option together with 'group()' will slow down excessively the calculation" // display as error "try removing 'boot()'" // exit // } /* Check that digits is nonnegative */ if (`digits' < 0) { display as error "number of digits to display must be a nonnegative integer" exit } /* Set macros */ if ("`wscheme'" == "") { local wscheme = "path" } if ("`reps'" == "") { local reps = 100 } if ("`method'" == "") { local method = "normal" } if ("`alpha'" == "") { local alpha = 0.05 } if ("`init'" == "") { local init "indsum" } if ("`convcrit'" == "") { local convcrit "relative" } local skip1 = 1 local skip3 = 3 local whatstr "loadings" if ("`structural'" != "") { local whatstr "`whatstr' path" } /* Parse the group() option */ tokenize `"`group'"', parse(",") local ngroupvars : word count `1' if (`ngroupvars' > 1) { display as error "a single variable allowed in the 'group()' option" exit } local groupvar `"`1'"' local rest `"`3'"' local tok_i = 1 local unequal = 0 tokenize `"`rest'"', parse("() ") while ("``tok_i''" != "") { if (("``tok_i''" != "(") | ("``tok_i''" != ")")) { if ("``tok_i''" == "reps") { local tok_tmp = `tok_i' + 2 local reps = int(``tok_tmp'') if (`reps' < 2) { display as error "'reps()' suboption requires an integer larger than 1" exit } } else if ("``tok_i''" == "method") { local tok_tmp = `tok_i' + 2 local method = "``tok_tmp''" if (("`method'" != "normal") & ("`method'" != "permutation") & ("`method'" != "bootstrap")) { display as error "'method()' suboption accepts either 'permutation', 'bootstrap' or 'normal'" exit } } else if ("``tok_i''" == "plot") { local plot = "``tok_i''" } else if ("``tok_i''" == "alpha") { local tok_tmp = `tok_i' + 2 local alpha = ``tok_tmp'' if (`alpha' <= 0 | `alpha' >= 1) { display as error "'alpha()' suboption requires a real scalar in between 0 and 1" exit } } else if ("``tok_i''" == "groupseed") { local tok_tmp = `tok_i' + 2 local groupseed = ``tok_tmp'' if (`groupseed' < 0 | `groupseed' > 2^31-1) { display as error "'groupseed()' suboption requires a value between 0 and 2^31-1" exit } } else if ("``tok_i''" == "unequal") { local tok_tmp = `tok_i' + 2 local unequal = 1 } } local ++tok_i } /* End of parsing the group() option */ /* Estimation using the whole sample */ tempname adj_meas adj_struct modes rawsum_sc struct_sc ehold quietly Estimate `0' local alllatents = e(lvs) local allindicators = e(mvs) local allorigindicators = e(mvs_orig) local allreflective = e(reflective) local nlv : word count `alllatents' local robust = e(robust) local ordinal = e(ordinal) foreach what in `whatstr' { tempname tmp_`what' whole_`what' loadrownames_`what' loadcolnames_`what' if ("`what'" == "path") { matrix `tmp_`what'' = e(struct_b) local loadcolnames_`what' : colnames `tmp_`what'' matrix `whole_`what'' = vec(`tmp_`what'') } else if ("`what'" == "loadings") { matrix `tmp_`what'' = e(loadings) local loadrownames_`what' : rownames `tmp_`what'' local loadcolnames_`what' : colnames `tmp_`what'' matrix `whole_`what'' = vec(`tmp_`what'') } } matrix `adj_meas' = e(adj_meas) if ("`structural'" != "") { matrix `adj_struct' = e(adj_struct) } else { matrix `adj_struct' = J(`nlv', `nlv', 0) } matrix `modes' = J(`nlv', 1, 1) local i = 1 foreach var in `alllatents' { if (`: list var in allreflective') { matrix `modes'[`i', 1] = 0 } local ++i } if ("`rawsum'" == "") { scalar `rawsum_sc' = 0 } else { scalar `rawsum_sc' = 1 } if ("`structural'" == "") { scalar `struct_sc' = 0 } else { scalar `struct_sc' = 1 } /* Set obs to use */ tempvar touse quietly generate byte `touse' = e(sample) quietly count if `touse' if (r(N) == 0) { error 2000 } else if (r(N) < 10) { display as error "at least 10 complete observations required" error 2001 } if ("`missing'" != "") { /* Save original data set */ tempname original_data local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `original_data'" mata: `original_data' = st_data(., "`: list uniq allindicators'", "`touse'") /* Recovery of missing values */ mata: st_store(., tokens("`: list uniq allindicators'"), "`touse'", /// st_matrix("e(imputed_data)")) } _estimates hold `ehold', restore /* Compute group values and sizes */ tempname grpvar_tmp groupvar_m groupvals groupsizes alln local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `grpvar_tmp'" mata: `grpvar_tmp' = st_data(., "`groupvar'", "`touse'") mata: st_matrix("`groupvar_m'", /// uniqrows(select(`grpvar_tmp', `grpvar_tmp' :!= .), 1)) local ngroups = rowsof(`groupvar_m') if (`ngroups' == 1) { display as error "the group() option requires at least two groups to compare" exit } matrix `groupvals' = `groupvar_m'[1..., 1] matrix `groupsizes' = `groupvar_m'[1..., 2] mata: st_numscalar("`alln'", sum(st_matrix("`groupsizes'"))) /* Calculate observed test statistic value */ tempname idx res local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `idx' `res'" mata: `idx' = selectindex(rowsum(st_matrix("`adj_struct'"))) mata: st_local("regest_all", invtokens(tokens("`alllatents'")[`idx'])) mata: `idx' = selectindex(colsum(st_matrix("`adj_struct'"))) mata: st_local("lv_regest_all", invtokens(tokens("`alllatents'")[`idx'])) foreach var in `regest_all' { local struct_rownames "`struct_rownames' `var'" } local struct_rownames : list clean struct_rownames foreach var in `allindicators' { local allstdindicators "`allstdindicators' std`var'" } local allstdindicators : list clean allstdindicators tempname zerovar tmp_mata local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `tmp_mata'" forvalues ng = 1/`ngroups' { capture quietly preserve tempvar touse_gr quietly generate `touse_gr' = `touse' quietly replace `touse_gr' = 0 if (`groupvar' != `groupvals'[`ng', 1]) /* Check that there are no "zero-variance" indicators in any group */ mata: st_numscalar("`zerovar'", /// any(selectindex(sd(st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse_gr'")) :== 0))) if (`zerovar') { continue, break } /* Standardize the MVs (if requested) */ mata: /// plssem_scale( /// st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse_gr'"), /// "`allstdindicators'", /// "`touse_gr'", /// "`scale'") /* Initialize LVs */ mata: /// plssem_init( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse_gr'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// "`allindicators'", /// "`allstdindicators'", /// "`alllatents'", /// "`touse_gr'", /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// "`init'") /* Run the PLS algorithm */ mata: `res' = /// plssem_base( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse_gr'"), /// st_data(., "`alllatents'", "`touse_gr'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_struct'"), /// st_matrix("`modes'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'", /// strtoreal("`tol'"), /// strtoreal("`maxiter'"), /// "`touse_gr'", /// "`wscheme'", /// "`convcrit'", /// st_numscalar("`struct_sc'"), /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// 0, /// 0, /// 0, /// st_local("robust"), /// st_local("allindicators"), /// st_local("ordinal")) /* Compute the model parameter variances */ tempname xload_v path_v local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `xload_v' `path_v'" if ("`boot'" == "") { mata: `xload_v' = /// plssem_lv( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse_gr'"), /// st_data(., "`alllatents'", "`touse_gr'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'") if ("`structural'" != "") { mata: `path_v' = `res'.path_v } } else { tempname res_bs local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `res_bs'" display display as text "Group: " _continue display as result "`ng'" _continue mata: `res_bs' = /// plssem_boot( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse_gr'"), /// st_data(., "`alllatents'", "`touse_gr'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_struct'"), /// st_matrix("`modes'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'", /// strtoreal("`tol'"), /// strtoreal("`maxiter'"), /// "`touse_gr'", /// "`wscheme'", /// "`convcrit'", /// st_numscalar("`struct_sc'"), /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// 0, /// strtoreal("`boot'"), /// strtoreal("`seed'"), /// 1, /// st_local("robust"), /// st_local("allindicators"), /// st_local("ordinal")) // mata: st_local("n_inadmissible", strofreal(`res_bs'.n_inadmiss)) mata: `xload_v' = `res_bs'.xloadings_v if ("`structural'" != "") { mata: `path_v' = `res_bs'.path_v } } foreach what in `whatstr' { tempname strb_`what'_`ng' strvar_`what'_`ng' group_`what'_`ng' if ("`what'" == "path") { mata: `tmp_mata' = `res'.path mata: `tmp_mata' = `tmp_mata'[selectindex(rownonmissing(`tmp_mata')), /// selectindex(colnonmissing(`tmp_mata'))] mata: st_matrix("`strb_`what'_`ng''", `tmp_mata') matrix rownames `strb_`what'_`ng'' = `struct_rownames' matrix colnames `strb_`what'_`ng'' = `lv_regest_all' matrix `strb_`what'_`ng'' = vec(`strb_`what'_`ng'') mata: `tmp_mata' = sqrt(`path_v') mata: `tmp_mata' = `tmp_mata'[selectindex(rownonmissing(`tmp_mata')), /// selectindex(colnonmissing(`tmp_mata'))] mata: st_matrix("`strvar_`what'_`ng''", `tmp_mata') matrix rownames `strvar_`what'_`ng'' = `struct_rownames' matrix colnames `strvar_`what'_`ng'' = `lv_regest_all' matrix `strvar_`what'_`ng'' = vec(`strvar_`what'_`ng'') } else if ("`what'" == "loadings") { mata: st_matrix("`strb_`what'_`ng''", `res'.loadings) matrix rownames `strb_`what'_`ng'' = `loadrownames_`what'' matrix colnames `strb_`what'_`ng'' = `loadcolnames_`what'' matrix `strb_`what'_`ng'' = vec(`strb_`what'_`ng'') mata: `tmp_mata' = `xload_v' mata: `tmp_mata' = sqrt(`tmp_mata') :* editvalue(`res'.M, 0, .) mata: st_matrix("`strvar_`what'_`ng''", `tmp_mata') matrix rownames `strvar_`what'_`ng'' = `loadrownames_`what'' matrix colnames `strvar_`what'_`ng'' = `loadcolnames_`what'' matrix `strvar_`what'_`ng'' = vec(`strvar_`what'_`ng'') } } capture quietly restore } if (`zerovar') { capture quietly restore _estimates unhold `ehold' display as error "at least one indicator has zero variance in one of the groups" exit } foreach what in `whatstr' { local obstest_cn "" local nrows = rowsof(`tmp_`what'') local ncols = colsof(`tmp_`what'') local totrows = `nrows'*`ncols' tempname nonmiss_`what' strvarok_`what'_all matrix `nonmiss_`what'' = J(`totrows', 1, 0) local strb_`what'_rn : rowfullnames `strb_`what'_1' forvalues i = 1/`totrows' { if (!missing(`strb_`what'_1'[`i', 1])) { matrix `nonmiss_`what''[`i', 1] = 1 local nm_tmp `: word `i' of `strb_`what'_rn'' local tok_i = 1 tokenize `"`nm_tmp'"', parse(":") while ("``tok_i''" != "") { if (`tok_i' == 1) { local nm_Y "``tok_i''" } else if (`tok_i' == 3) { local nm_X "``tok_i''" } local ++tok_i } if ("`what'" == "path") { local strbok_`what'_rn "`strbok_`what'_rn' `nm_X':`nm_Y'" } else if ("`what'" == "loadings") { local lv_is_ref : list nm_Y in allreflective if (`lv_is_ref') { local strbok_`what'_rn "`strbok_`what'_rn' `nm_Y':`nm_X'" } else { local strbok_`what'_rn "`strbok_`what'_rn' `nm_X':`nm_Y'" } } } } forvalues ng = 1/`ngroups' { tempname strbok_`what'_`ng' strvarok_`what'_`ng' strb_var_`what'_`ng' mata: st_matrix("`strbok_`what'_`ng''", select(st_matrix("`strb_`what'_`ng''"), /// st_matrix("`nonmiss_`what''"))) mata: st_matrix("`strvarok_`what'_`ng''", select(st_matrix("`strvar_`what'_`ng''"), /// st_matrix("`nonmiss_`what''"))) mata: st_matrix("`strvarok_`what'_`ng''", st_matrix("`strvarok_`what'_`ng''"):^2) matrix `group_`what'_`ng'' = `strbok_`what'_`ng'' } tempname numeff obstest_tmp obstest_`what' mata: st_numscalar("`numeff'", colsum(st_matrix("`nonmiss_`what''"))) local neff_`what' = `numeff' matrix `obstest_`what'' = J(`neff_`what'', `ngroups' - 1, .) forvalues ng = 2/`ngroups' { mata: st_matrix("`obstest_tmp'", abs(st_matrix("`strbok_`what'_1'") - /// st_matrix("`strbok_`what'_`ng''"))) matrix `obstest_`what''[1, `ng' - 1] = `obstest_tmp' local obstest_cn "`obstest_cn' `ng'vs1" } matrix rownames `obstest_`what'' = `strbok_`what'_rn' matrix colnames `obstest_`what'' = `obstest_cn' matrix `strvarok_`what'_all' = `strvarok_`what'_1' forvalues ng = 2/`ngroups' { matrix `strvarok_`what'_all' = (`strvarok_`what'_all', `strvarok_`what'_`ng'') } } /* Standardize the MVs (if requested) */ mata: /// plssem_scale( /// st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`touse'"), /// "`allstdindicators'", /// "`touse'", /// "`scale'") /* Initialize LVs */ mata: /// plssem_init( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'", "`touse'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// "`allindicators'", /// "`allstdindicators'", /// "`alllatents'", /// "`touse'", /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// "`init'") foreach what in `whatstr' { tempname dtest_`what' df_`what' matrix `dtest_`what'' = J(`ngroups' - 1, `neff_`what'', .) matrix `df_`what'' = J(`ngroups' - 1, `neff_`what'', .) } if ("`method'" != "normal") { tempname res_mga local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `res_mga'" capture noisily { if ("`method'" == "permutation") { local title "Multigroup comparison (`groupvar') - Permutation test" /* Compute the permutation distribution */ mata: `res_mga' = /// plssem_mga_perm( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'"), /// note: `touse' not used here st_data(., "`alllatents'"), /// note: `touse' not used here st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_struct'"), /// st_matrix("`modes'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'", /// strtoreal("`tol'"), /// strtoreal("`maxiter'"), /// "`touse'", /// "`wscheme'", /// "`convcrit'", /// st_numscalar("`struct_sc'"), /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// 0, /// st_data(., "`groupvar'"), /// note: `touse' not used here strtoreal("`reps'"), /// strtoreal("`groupseed'"), /// 1, /// st_local("robust"), /// st_local("allindicators"), /// st_local("ordinal")) foreach what in `whatstr' { mata: st_matrix("`dtest_`what''", plssem_mga_perm_diff(`res_mga', /// st_matrix("`obstest_`what''"), "`what'")) } } else if ("`method'" == "bootstrap") { local title "Multigroup comparison (`groupvar') - Parametric test" /* Compute the bootstrap distribution */ mata: `res_mga' = /// plssem_mga_boot( /// st_data(., "`allstdindicators'"), /// note: `touse' not used here st_data(., "`alllatents'"), /// note: `touse' not used here st_matrix("`adj_meas'"), /// st_matrix("`adj_struct'"), /// st_matrix("`modes'"), /// "`alllatents'", /// "`binary'", /// strtoreal("`tol'"), /// strtoreal("`maxiter'"), /// "`touse'", /// "`wscheme'", /// "`convcrit'", /// st_numscalar("`struct_sc'"), /// st_numscalar("`rawsum_sc'"), /// 0, /// st_data(., "`groupvar'"), /// note: `touse' not used here strtoreal("`reps'"), /// strtoreal("`groupseed'"), /// 1, /// st_local("robust"), /// st_local("allindicators"), /// st_local("ordinal")) foreach what in `whatstr' { mata: st_matrix("`dtest_`what''", plssem_mga_boot_diff(`res_mga', /// st_matrix("`groupsizes'"), strtoreal("`neff_`what''"), /// st_matrix("`obstest_`what''"), "`what'", `unequal')) mata: st_matrix("`df_`what''", plssem_mga_boot_df(`res_mga', /// st_matrix("`groupsizes'"), strtoreal("`neff_`what''"), "`what'", `unequal')) } } } // end of -capture- local rc = _rc _estimates unhold `ehold' if (`rc' == 1) { display display as error "you pressed the Break key; " _continue display as error "calculation interrupted" } if (`rc' >= 1) { /* Clean up */ foreach var in `allstdindicators' { capture quietly drop `var' } if ("`rawsum'" != "") { foreach var in `alllatents' { quietly replace `var' = rs_`var' capture quietly drop rs_`var' } } if ("`missing'" != "") { mata: st_store(., tokens("`: list uniq allindicators'"), "`touse'", /// `original_data') } if ("`cleanup'" == "") { capture mata: cleanup(st_local("tempnamelist")) } /* End of cleaning up */ error `rc' } } else { local title "Multigroup comparison (`groupvar') - Normal-based t-test" tempname k0 k1 k2 k3 forvalues ng = 2/`ngroups' { if (`unequal') { scalar `k1' = (`groupsizes'[1, 1] - 1)/`groupsizes'[1, 1] scalar `k2' = (`groupsizes'[`ng', 1] - 1)/`groupsizes'[`ng', 1] foreach what in `whatstr' { forvalues j = 1/`neff_`what'' { matrix `dtest_`what''[`ng' - 1, `j'] = /// `obstest_`what''[`j', `ng' - 1]/sqrt( /// `k1'*`strvarok_`what'_1'[`j', 1] + /// `k2'*`strvarok_`what'_`ng''[`j', 1]) } } } else { scalar `k0' = `groupsizes'[1, 1] + `groupsizes'[`ng', 1] - 2 scalar `k1' = ((`groupsizes'[1, 1] - 1)^2)/`k0' scalar `k2' = ((`groupsizes'[`ng', 1] - 1)^2)/`k0' scalar `k3' = sqrt(1/`groupsizes'[1, 1] + 1/`groupsizes'[`ng', 1]) foreach what in `whatstr' { forvalues j = 1/`neff_`what'' { matrix `dtest_`what''[`ng' - 1, `j'] = /// `obstest_`what''[`j', `ng' - 1]/(sqrt( /// `k1'*`strvarok_`what'_1'[`j', 1] + /// `k2'*`strvarok_`what'_`ng''[`j', 1])*`k3') } } } } foreach what in `whatstr' { mata: st_matrix("`df_`what''", /// plssem_mga_normal_df(st_matrix("`strvarok_`what'_all'"), /// st_matrix("`groupsizes'"), strtoreal("`neff_`what''"), "`what'", `unequal')) } _estimates unhold `ehold' } foreach what in `whatstr' { matrix rownames `dtest_`what'' = `obstest_cn' matrix colnames `dtest_`what'' = `strbok_`what'_rn' local grp_cn "" local absd_cn "" local stat_cn "" local pval_cn "" tempname results_`what' matrix `results_`what'' = J(`neff_`what'', 1 + `ngroups' + (`ngroups' - 1)*3, .) local resnm : subinstr local strbok_`what'_rn ":" "->", all matrix rownames `results_`what'' = `resnm' if (`ngroups' > 2) { forvalues ng = 1/`ngroups' { local grp_cn `grp_cn' "Group_`ng'" if (`ng' > 1) { local absd_cn `absd_cn' "AD_`ng'vs1" local stat_cn `stat_cn' "S_`ng'vs1" local pval_cn `pval_cn' "P_`ng'vs1" } } matrix colnames `results_`what'' = "Global" `grp_cn' `absd_cn' `stat_cn' `pval_cn' } else { matrix colnames `results_`what'' = "Global" "Group_1" "Group_2" "Abs_Diff" "Statistic" "P-value" } tempname alllen_`what' anysig_`what' matrix `alllen_`what'' = J(`neff_`what'', 1, .) mata: st_matrix("`whole_`what''", select(st_matrix("`whole_`what''"), /// st_matrix("`nonmiss_`what''"))) local anysig_`what' = 0 forvalues j = 1/`neff_`what'' { matrix `results_`what''[`j', 1] = `whole_`what''[`j', 1] forvalues ng = 1/`ngroups' { matrix `results_`what''[`j', 1 + `ng'] = `group_`what'_`ng''[`j', 1] if (`ng' > 1) { matrix `results_`what''[`j', 1 + `ngroups' + (`ng' - 1)] = /// `obstest_`what''[`j', `ng' - 1] matrix `results_`what''[`j', 1 + `ngroups' + (`ngroups' - 1) + (`ng' - 1)] = /// `dtest_`what''[`ng' - 1, `j'] if ("`method'" == "permutation") { matrix `results_`what''[`j', 1 + `ngroups' + (`ngroups' - 1)*2 + (`ng' - 1)] = /// (`dtest_`what''[`ng' - 1, `j'] + 1)/(`reps' + 1) } else if (("`method'" == "bootstrap") | ("`method'" == "normal")) { matrix `results_`what''[`j', 1 + `ngroups' + (`ngroups' - 1)*2 + (`ng' - 1)] = /// 2*ttail(`df_`what''[`ng' - 1, `j'], `dtest_`what''[`ng' - 1, `j']) } } } local nm : word `j' of `resnm' local nm_len : strlen local nm matrix `alllen_`what''[`j', 1] = `nm_len' + 2 local nm_new_`what' = subinstr("`nm'", "->", " -> ", 1) forvalues ng = 2/`ngroups' { if (`results_`what''[`j', 1 + `ngroups' + (`ngroups' - 1)*2 + (`ng' - 1)] <= `alpha') { local nm_new_`what' "(*) `nm_new_`what''" local anysig_`what' = 1 continue, break } } local lblbar_`what' "`lblbar_`what'' `j' "`nm_new_`what''"" } } /* Display results */ if ("`rawsum'" == "") { if ("`structural'" != "") { mkheader, digits(5) } else { mkheader, digits(5) nostructural } } else { if ("`structural'" != "") { mkheader, digits(5) rawsum } else { mkheader, digits(5) nostructural rawsum } } foreach what in `whatstr' { if ("`what'" == "path") { local firstcollbl_`what' "Structural effect" } else { local firstcollbl_`what' "Measurement effect" } tempname maxlen_`what' mata: st_numscalar("`maxlen_`what''", max(st_matrix("`alllen_`what''"))) local `maxlen_`what'' = max(strlen("`firstcollbl_`what''"), `maxlen_`what'') + 2 if (`ngroups' == 2) { local colw = 11 } else { local colw = 9 } } foreach what in `whatstr' { mktable, matrix(`results_`what'') digits(`digits') /// firstcolname(`firstcollbl_`what'') title(`title') /// firstcolwidth(``maxlen_`what''') colwidth(`colw') hlines(`neff_`what'') /// novlines total if ("`method'" != "normal") { display as text _skip(`skip1') "number of replications: " _continue display as result "`reps'" } if ("`method'" == "normal" | "`method'" == "bootstrap") { if (`unequal') { display as text _skip(`skip1') "unequal variances assumed" } else { display as text _skip(`skip1') "equal variances assumed" } } if (`ngroups' > 2) { display as text _skip(`skip1') "legend:" display as text _skip(`skip3') "AD: absolute difference" display as text _skip(`skip3') "S: statistic" display as text _skip(`skip3') "P: p-value" } display as text _skip(`skip1') "group labels:" local grplbl : value label `groupvar' forvalues ng = 1/`ngroups' { local grpvarlbl`ng' = `groupvals'[`ng', 1] if ("`grplbl'" != "") { local grpvarlbl`ng' : label `grplbl' `grpvarlbl`ng'' } display as text _skip(`skip3') "Group `ng': `grpvarlbl`ng''" } display as text _skip(`skip1') "group sizes:" forvalues ng = 1/`ngroups' { local grpvarlbl`ng' = `groupsizes'[`ng', 1] display as text _skip(`skip3') "Group `ng': `grpvarlbl`ng''" } } if ("`plot'" != "") { foreach what in `whatstr' { tempname barname_`what' local reslbl "__result__`what'" local reslbl_toplot "" quietly svmat `results_`what'', names(`reslbl') generate id = _n local grplbl : value label `groupvar' forvalues ng = 1/`ngroups' { local grpvarlbl`ng' = `groupvals'[`ng', 1] if ("`grplbl'" != "") { local grpvarlbl`ng' : label `grplbl' `grpvarlbl`ng'' } local ngp1 = `ng' + 1 local reslbl_toplot "`reslbl_toplot' `reslbl'`ngp1'" local res_tolbl "`res_tolbl' label(`ng' `grpvarlbl`ng'')" } if ("`what'" == "path") { local whatplot "Path Coefficients" } else if ("`what'" == "loadings") { local whatplot "Loadings" } local bartitle "`whatplot' Comparison across Groups (`groupvar')" if ("`method'" != "normal") { local barnote "Method: `method' - number of replications: `reps'" } else { local barnote "Method: `method'" } if (`anysig_`what'') { local alpha_perc = string(`alpha'*100, "%5.0g") if (`ngroups' == 2) { local barcaption "(*) Difference significant at {&alpha} = `alpha_perc'%" } else { local barcaption "(*) At least one of the differences is significant at {&alpha} = `alpha_perc'%" } } else { local barcaption "" } graph bar (asis) `reslbl_toplot', over(id, relabel(`lblbar_`what'') /// label(angle(90) labsize(small))) nofill legend(pos(12) /// region(style(none)) `res_tolbl' rows(1)) /// ylabel(, nogrid) yline(0, lwidth(vvthin)) title(`bartitle') scheme(sj) /// note(`barnote') caption(`barcaption', size(small)) /// name(`barname_`what'', replace) capture quietly drop `reslbl'* id } } /* End of displaying results */ /* Clean up */ foreach var in `allstdindicators' { capture quietly drop `var' } if ("`rawsum'" != "") { foreach var in `alllatents' { quietly replace `var' = rs_`var' capture quietly drop rs_`var' } } if ("`missing'" != "") { mata: st_store(., tokens("`: list uniq allindicators'"), "`touse'", /// `original_data') } if ("`cleanup'" == "") { capture mata: cleanup(st_local("tempnamelist")) } /* End of cleaning up */ /* Return values */ // nothing! end program Display version 15.1 syntax [, noSTRuctural DIGits(integer 3) noHEADer noMEAStable /// noDISCRIMtable noSTRUCTtable LOADPval stats corrind corrlv crossload /// CUToff(real 0) BINary(namelist min=1) RAWsum * ] if (`digits' < 0) { display as error "number of digits to display must be a nonnegative integer" exit } local props = e(properties) local boot_lbl "bootstrap" local isboot : list boot_lbl in props tempvar __touse__ quietly generate `__touse__' = e(sample) if ("`header'" == "") { if ("`structural'" != "nostructural") { if ("`rawsum'" == "") { tempname mod_assessment reldiff matrix `mod_assessment' = e(assessment) matrix `reldiff' = e(reldiff) mkheader, matrix1(`mod_assessment') matrix2(`reldiff') digits(5) nogroup } else { tempname mod_assessment matrix `mod_assessment' = e(assessment) mkheader, matrix1(`mod_assessment') digits(5) nogroup rawsum } } else { mkheader, digits(5) nogroup nostructural } } if ("`stats'" != "") { tempname indstats matrix `indstats' = e(indstats) if (matmissing(`indstats')) { local allindicators = e(mvs) local num_ind: word count `allindicators' local k = 1 matrix `indstats' = J(`num_ind', 7, .) foreach ind in `allindicators' { // quietly summarize `ind' if `__touse__', detail quietly summarize `ind' , detail matrix `indstats'[`k', 1] = r(mean) matrix `indstats'[`k', 2] = r(sd) matrix `indstats'[`k', 3] = r(p50) matrix `indstats'[`k', 4] = r(min) matrix `indstats'[`k', 5] = r(max) local nonmissN = r(N) // quietly misstable summarize `ind' if `__touse__' quietly misstable summarize `ind' if (missing(r(N_eq_dot))) { matrix `indstats'[`k', 6] = `nonmissN' matrix `indstats'[`k', 7] = 0 } else { matrix `indstats'[`k', 6] = r(N_lt_dot) matrix `indstats'[`k', 7] = r(N_eq_dot) } local ++k } matrix rownames `indstats' = `allindicators' matrix colnames `indstats' = "mean" "sd" "median" "min" "max" "N" "missing" } local num_ind = rowsof(`indstats') mktable, matrix(`indstats') digits(`digits') firstcolname("Indicator") /// title("Table of summary statistics for indicator variables") /// firstcolwidth(14) colwidth(12) hlines(`num_ind') novlines stats } if ("`meastable'" == "") { tempname loadings loadings_d matrix `loadings' = e(loadings) local num_lv = colsof(`loadings') local allformative = e(formative) local num_lv_B : word count `allformative' local num_lv_A = `num_lv' - `num_lv_B' local num_ind = rowsof(`loadings') if (`num_lv_A' == 0) { matrix `loadings_d' = `loadings' } else { local num_ind_plus_3 = `num_ind' + 3 matrix `loadings_d' = J(`num_ind_plus_3', `num_lv', .) matrix `loadings_d'[1, 1] = `loadings' matrix `loadings_d'[`num_ind' + 1, 1] = e(relcoef) matrix rownames `loadings_d' = `: rowfullnames `loadings'' "Cronbach" /// "DG" "rho_A" matrix colnames `loadings_d' = `: colfullnames `loadings'' } local title_meas "Measurement model - Standardized loadings" mktable, matrix(`loadings_d') digits(`digits') firstcolname("") /// title(`title_meas') firstcolwidth(14) colwidth(14) /// hlines(`num_ind' `num_ind_plus_3') novlines if ("`loadpval'" != "") { tempname adj_meas loadings_se nindblock loadings_df loadings_pval matrix `adj_meas' = e(adj_meas) matrix `loadings_se' = e(loadings_se) mata: st_matrix("`nindblock'", colsum(st_matrix("`adj_meas'"))) mata: st_matrix("`loadings_df'", /// st_matrix("`adj_meas'")*(st_numscalar("e(N)") - 1)) local alllatents = e(lvs) if (`num_lv_B' > 0) { local indi = 1 local p = 1 foreach lv in `alllatents' { local nbl = `nindblock'[1, `p'] forvalues k = 1/`nbl' { if (`: list lv in allformative') { matrix `loadings_df'[`indi', `p'] = `loadings_df'[`indi', `p'] - /// `nindblock'[1, `p'] } else { matrix `loadings_df'[`indi', `p'] = `loadings_df'[`indi', `p'] - 1 } local ++indi } local ++p } } mata: st_matrix("`loadings_pval'", 2*ttail(st_matrix("`loadings_df'"), /// abs(st_matrix("`loadings'") :/ st_matrix("`loadings_se'")))) matrix rownames `loadings_pval' = `: rowfullnames `loadings'' matrix colnames `loadings_pval' = `: colfullnames `loadings'' if (!`isboot') { local title_meas "Measurement model - Standardized loading p-values" } else { local title_meas "Measurement model - Standardized loading p-values (Bootstrap)" } mktable, matrix(`loadings_pval') digits(`digits') firstcolname("") /// title(`title_meas') firstcolwidth(14) colwidth(14) /// hlines(`num_ind') novlines } } if ("`discrimtable'" == "") { tempname sqcorr sqcorr_d matrix `sqcorr' = e(sqcorr) local num_lv_A = colsof(`sqcorr') local num_lv_A_plus_one = `num_lv_A' + 1 matrix `sqcorr_d' = J(`num_lv_A_plus_one', `num_lv_A', .) matrix `sqcorr_d'[1, 1] = `sqcorr' matrix `sqcorr_d'[`num_lv_A_plus_one', 1] = e(ave) matrix rownames `sqcorr_d' = `: rowfullnames `sqcorr'' "AVE" matrix colnames `sqcorr_d' = `: colfullnames `sqcorr'' mktable, matrix(`sqcorr_d') digits(`digits') firstcolname("") /// title("Discriminant validity - Squared interfactor correlation vs. Average variance extracted (AVE)") /// firstcolwidth(14) colwidth(14) hlines(`num_lv_A' `num_lv_A_plus_one') novlines } if ("`structural'" != "nostructural") { if ("`structtable'" == "") { tempname pathtab matrix `pathtab' = e(struct_table) local hline_path_2 = rowsof(`pathtab') local hline_path_1 = `hline_path_2' - 1 if (!`isboot') { local title_st "Structural model - Standardized path coefficients" } else { local title_st "Structural model - Standardized path coefficients (Bootstrap)" } mktable, matrix(`pathtab') digits(`digits') firstcolname("Variable") /// title(`title_st') firstcolwidth(14) colwidth(14) /// hlines(`hline_path_1' `hline_path_2') novlines path binary(`binary') } } if ("`corrind'" != "") { tempname loadings matrix `loadings' = e(loadings) local num_ind = rowsof(`loadings') quietly correlate `e(mvs)' if `__touse__' tempname C matrix `C' = r(C) forvalues i = 1/`num_ind' { local ip1 = `i' + 1 forvalues j = `ip1'/`num_ind' { matrix `C'[`i', `j'] = . } } mktable_corr, matrix(`C') title("Correlation of indicators") cutoff(`cutoff') } if ("`corrlv'" != "") { tempname loadings matrix `loadings' = e(loadings) local num_lv = colsof(`loadings') quietly correlate `e(lvs)' if `__touse__' tempname C matrix `C' = r(C) forvalues i = 1/`num_lv' { local ip1 = `i' + 1 forvalues j = `ip1'/`num_lv' { matrix `C'[`i', `j'] = . } } mktable_corr, matrix(`C') title("Correlation of latent variables") /// cutoff(`cutoff') } if ("`crossload'" != "") { tempname xload matrix `xload' = e(cross_loadings) local num_ind = rowsof(`xload') matrix rownames `xload' = `e(mvs)' matrix colnames `xload' = `e(lvs)' matrix coleq `xload' = "" mktable, matrix(`xload') digits(4) firstcolname("") /// title("Cross loadings") firstcolwidth(12) colwidth(9) /// hlines(`num_ind') novlines corr cutoff(`cutoff') } end