*!plssem_p version 0.4.1 *!Written 17Feb2024 *!Written by Sergio Venturini and Mehmet Mehmetoglu *!The following code is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3) program plssem_p, rclass sortpreserve version 15.1 syntax , [ xb RESiduals NOOUTer NOINner ] /* Options: -------- xb --> fitted values residuals --> residuals noouter --> no results returned for the outer model noinner --> no results returned for the inner model */ /* Description: ------------ This postestimation command computes fitted values and residuals for a PLS-SEM model. */ tempvar __touse__ quietly generate `__touse__' = e(sample) local ismi = (e(cmd) == "mi estimate") if (`ismi') { display as error "plssem postestimation is not available after multiple imputation" exit } local tempnamelist // check that estimation sample has not changed // checkestimationsample if ("`e(formative)'" != "") { display as txt "(fitted values and residuals computed only " _continue display as txt "for reflective latent variables)" } if ("`noinner'" != "") & ("`noouter'" != "") { display as txt "noinner and noouter option chosen simultaneously; " _continue display as txt "nothing saved" } else { if ("`xb'" == "") & ("`residuals'" == "") { display as txt "(option " _continue display as result "xb" _continue display as txt " assumed; fitted values)" local xb "xb" } } local refl = e(reflective) local empty = . local noreflective : list refl == empty local props = e(properties) local struct "structural" local isstruct : list struct in props if (!`isstruct') { display as txt "(the model doesn't include any structural part; " _continue display as txt "quantities saved only for the measurement part)" } local unscaled "unscaled" local isunscaled : list unscaled in props local knnimp "knn" local isknnimp : list knnimp in props local meanimp "mean" local ismeanimp : list meanimp in props if (`isknnimp') { local missing "knn" } else if (`ismeanimp') { local missing "mean" } else { local missing "" } /* Save original data set */ local allindicators = e(mvs) tempname original_data original_data_exp local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `original_data' `original_data_exp'" mata: `original_data' = st_data(., "`: list uniq allindicators'", "`__touse__'") mata: `original_data_exp' = st_data(., "`allindicators'", "`__touse__'") /* Recovery of missing values */ if ("`missing'" != "") { mata: st_store(., tokens("`: list uniq allindicators'"), "`__touse__'", /// st_matrix("e(imputed_data)")) } /* Save fitted values */ tempname latents local lvs `e(lvs)' mkmat `lvs' if `__touse__', matrix(`latents') /* -- outer model -- */ if (!`noreflective') { tempname adj_meas loadings b2use ohat modeA_scores indicators /// indicators_std tmp local modeA `e(reflective)' local lvs_adj : colnames e(adj_meas) matrix `adj_meas' = e(adj_meas) matrix `loadings' = e(loadings) local mvs : rownames `adj_meas' local n_lvs : word count `modeA' local n_mvs : word count `mvs' mkmat `mvs' if `__touse__', matrix(`indicators') mkmat `modeA' if `__touse__', matrix(`modeA_scores') local idx = 1 local start = 1 quietly count if `__touse__' local nobs = r(N) mata: st_matrix("`ohat'", J(`nobs', 0, .)) tempname mvs_idx load_var load_idx load_nm num_block local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `mvs_idx' `load_var' `load_idx' `load_nm' `num_block'" mata: `mvs_idx' = J(0, 1, .) foreach var in `modeA' { local lv_col : list posof "`var'" in lvs_adj mata: `load_var' = st_matrix("`loadings'")[., `lv_col'] mata: `load_idx' = selectindex(`load_var' :!= .) mata: `mvs_idx' = (`mvs_idx' \ `load_idx') mata: `load_nm' = st_matrixrowstripe("`loadings'")[`load_idx', .] mata: `num_block' = rows(`load_idx') mata: st_local("nblock", strofreal(`num_block')) mata: st_matrix("`b2use'", transposeonly(`load_var'[`load_idx', .])) mata: st_matrixcolstripe("`b2use'", `load_nm') mata: st_matrix("`tmp'", /// st_matrix("`modeA_scores'")[., `idx'] * st_matrix("`b2use'")) mata: st_matrix("`ohat'", (st_matrix("`ohat'"), st_matrix("`tmp'"))) local ++idx local end = `start' + `nblock' - 1 matrix `ohat'[1, `start'] = `tmp' local start = `end' + 1 local tmp_nm = "" forvalues j = 1/`nblock' { local tmp_nm "`tmp_nm' `var'`: word `j' of `: colnames `b2use'''_hat" } local tmp_nm : list clean tmp_nm local ohat_nm "`ohat_nm' `tmp_nm'" } local ohat_nm : list clean ohat_nm matrix colnames `ohat' = `ohat_nm' } /* -- inner model -- */ if (`isstruct') { tempname adj_struct path endo path_mata ihat lvs_endo_nm local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `endo' `path_mata' `lvs_endo_nm'" matrix `adj_struct' = e(adj_struct) matrix `path' = e(pathcoef) mata: `endo' = colsum(st_matrix("`adj_struct'")) mata: `endo' = (`endo' :> 0) mata: st_local("n_endo", strofreal(sum(`endo'))) mata: `path_mata' = st_matrix("`path'")[., selectindex(`endo')] mata: st_matrix("`ihat'", st_matrix("`latents'") * `path_mata') mata: `lvs_endo_nm' = st_matrixcolstripe("`path'")[selectindex(`endo'), 2] forvalues j = 1/`n_endo' { mata: st_local("lvs_endo", `lvs_endo_nm'[`j']) local endovs "`endovs' `lvs_endo'" local ihat_nm "`ihat_nm' `lvs_endo'_hat" } local ihat_nm : list clean ihat_nm matrix colnames `ihat' = `ihat_nm' } /* End of saving fitted values */ /* Save residuals */ /* -- outer model -- */ if (!`noreflective') { tempname ores mvs_nm local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `mvs_nm'" if (!`isunscaled') { mata: st_matrix("`indicators_std'", /// scale(st_matrix("`indicators'")[., `mvs_idx'])) matrix `ores' = `indicators_std' - `ohat' } else { matrix `ores' = `indicators' - `ohat' } mata: `mvs_nm' = st_matrixcolstripe("`indicators'")[`mvs_idx', 2] mata: st_local("n_ind", strofreal(rows(`mvs_idx'))) forvalues j = 1/`n_ind' { mata: st_local("ind_nm", `mvs_nm'[`j']) local indvs "`indvs' `ind_nm'" } local ores_nm : subinstr local ohat_nm "_hat" "_res", all matrix colnames `ores' = `ores_nm' } /* -- inner model -- */ if (`isstruct') { tempname ires mata: st_matrix("`latents'", st_matrix("`latents'")[., selectindex(`endo')]) matrix `ires' = `latents' - `ihat' forvalues j = 1/`n_endo' { mata: st_local("lvs_endo", `lvs_endo_nm'[`j']) local ires_nm "`ires_nm' `lvs_endo'_res" } matrix colnames `ires' = `ires_nm' } /* End of saving residuals */ /* /* All fitted values */ tempname yhat if (!`noreflective') & (`isstruct') { matrix `yhat' = (`ohat', `ihat') matrix colnames `yhat' = `ohat_nm' `ihat_nm' } else if (!`noreflective') & (!`isstruct') { matrix `yhat' = `ohat' matrix colnames `yhat' = `ohat_nm' } else if (`noreflective') & (`isstruct') { matrix `yhat' = `ihat' matrix colnames `yhat' = `ihat_nm' } else { // nothing to save } /* All residuals */ tempname res if (!`noreflective') & (`isstruct') { matrix `res' = (`ores', `ires') matrix colnames `res' = `ores_nm' `ires_nm' } else if (!`noreflective') & (!`isstruct') { matrix `res' = `ores' matrix colnames `res' = `ores_nm' } else if (`noreflective') & (`isstruct') { matrix `res' = `ires' matrix colnames `res' = `ires_nm' } else { // nothing to save } */ /* Copy quantities in data set */ local now "`c(current_date)', `c(current_time)'" local now : list clean now if ("`xb'" != "") { if ("`noouter'" == "") & (!`noreflective') { forvalues j = 1/`n_ind' { local varname "`: word `j' of `ohat_nm''" capture confirm new variable `varname' if (_rc == 110) { quietly drop `varname' } quietly generate double `varname' = . label variable `varname' "Fitted values for outer model (`: word `j' of `indvs'') [`now']" } tempname ohat_mata orig_m orig_s local tempnamelist "`tempnamelist' `ohat_mata' `orig_m' `orig_s'" mata: `ohat_mata' = st_matrix("`ohat'") mata: `orig_m' = mean(`original_data_exp')[`mvs_idx'] mata: `orig_s' = sd(`original_data_exp')[`mvs_idx'] mata: st_matrix("`ohat'", unscale(scale(`ohat_mata'), `orig_s', `orig_m')) mata: st_store(., tokens("`ohat_nm'"), "`__touse__'", st_matrix("`ohat'")) } if ("`noinner'" == "") & (`isstruct') { forvalues j = 1/`n_endo' { local varname "`: word `j' of `ihat_nm''" capture confirm new variable `varname' if (_rc == 110) { quietly drop `varname' } quietly generate double `varname' = . label variable `varname' "Fitted values for inner model (`: word `j' of `endovs'') [`now']" } mata: st_store(., tokens("`ihat_nm'"), "`__touse__'", st_matrix("`ihat'")) } } if ("`residuals'" != "") { if ("`noouter'" == "") & (!`noreflective') { forvalues j = 1/`n_ind' { local varname "`: word `j' of `ores_nm''" capture confirm new variable `varname' if (_rc == 110) { quietly drop `varname' } quietly generate double `varname' = . label variable `varname' "Residuals for outer model (`: word `j' of `indvs'') [`now']" } mata: st_store(., tokens("`ores_nm'"), "`__touse__'", st_matrix("`ores'")) } if ("`noinner'" == "") & (`isstruct') { forvalues j = 1/`n_endo' { local varname "`: word `j' of `ires_nm''" capture confirm new variable `varname' if (_rc == 110) { quietly drop `varname' } quietly generate double `varname' = . label variable `varname' "Residuals for inner model (`: word `j' of `endovs'') [`now']" } mata: st_store(., tokens("`ires_nm'"), "`__touse__'", st_matrix("`ires'")) } } /* End of copying quantities in data set */ /* Clean up */ if ("`missing'" != "") { mata: st_store(., tokens("`: list uniq allindicators'"), "`__touse__'", /// `original_data') } capture mata: cleanup(st_local("tempnamelist")) /* End of cleaning up */ /* Return values */ if (!`noreflective') | (`isstruct') { return matrix struct_res = `ires' return matrix meas_res = `ores' return matrix struct_fit = `ihat' return matrix meas_fit = `ohat' } /* End of returning */ end