*! Date : 17 Aug 2021 *! Version : 1.8 *! Authors : Michael J Grayling & Adrian P Mander /* 16/04/15 v1.0 Basic version complete. 01/06/15 v1.1 Extended to use variable re-ordering. 16/09/15 v1.3 Changed to use binormal() for 2-dimensional case. 20/09/15 v1.4 Removed dependency on integrate() being pre-installed and tailored integration to our particular requirements. 21/09/15 v1.5 Removed all dependency on numerical integration and made small changes for improved efficiency. 08/09/17 v1.6 Minor changes for speed. Name change to compensate for new Stata command. 03/01/19 v1.7 Additional minor changes for speed - including vectorising the 'shifts' loop (i.e., to remove the 'samples' loop). Converted mean and sigma to be optional with internal defaults. 17/08/21 v1.8 Fixed a small printing error. */ program define pmvnormal, rclass version 15.0 syntax , LOWer(numlist miss) UPPer(numlist miss) [MEan(numlist) /// Sigma(string) SHIfts(integer 12) SAMples(integer 1000) ALPha(real 3)] ///// Check input variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////// local lenlower:list sizeof lower local lenupper:list sizeof upper local lenmean:list sizeof mean if (`lenlower' > 100) { di "{error}Only multivariate normal distributions of dimension up to 100 are supported." exit(198) } if (`lenlower' != `lenupper') { di "{error}Vector of lower limits (lower) and vector of upper limits (upper) must be of equal length." exit(198) } forvalues i = 1/`lenlower' { local loweri:word `i' of `lower' local upperi:word `i' of `upper' if ((`loweri' != .) & (`upperi' != .)) { if (`loweri' >= `upperi') { di "{error}Each lower integration limit (in lower) must be strictly less than the corresponding upper limit (in upper)." exit(198) } } } if ((`lenmean' != 0) & (`lenlower' != `lenmean')) { di "{error}Vector of lower limits (lower) and mean vector (mean) must be of equal length." exit(198) } if ("`sigma'" != "") { if (colsof(`sigma') != rowsof(`sigma')) { di "{error}Covariance matrix Sigma (sigma) must be square." exit(198) } if (`lenlower' != colsof(`sigma')) { di "{error}Vector of lower limits (lower) must be the same length as the dimension of covariance matrix Sigma (sigma)." exit(198) } cap mat chol = cholesky(`sigma') if (_rc > 0) { di "{error}Covariance matrix Sigma (sigma) must be symmetric positive-definite." exit(198) } mat sigma = (`sigma') } else { mat sigma = I(`lenlower') } if (`shifts' < 1) { di "{error}Number of shifts of the Quasi-Monte-Carlo integration algorithm to use (shifts) must be a strictly positive integer." exit(198) } if (`samples' < 1) { di "{error}Number of samples to use in each shift of the Quasi-Monte-Carlo integration algorithm (samples) must be a strictly positive integer." exit(198) } if (`alpha' <= 0) { di "{error}Chosen Monte-Carlo confidence factor (alpha) must be strictly positive." exit(198) } ///// Perform main computations //////////////////////////////////////////////// local matalower "" foreach l of local lower { if "`matalower'" == "" local matalower "`l'" else local matalower "`matalower',`l'" } mat lower = (`matalower') local mataupper "" foreach l of local upper { if "`mataupper'" == "" local mataupper "`l'" else local mataupper "`mataupper',`l'" } mat upper = (`mataupper') if (`lenmean' != 0) { local matamean "" foreach l of local mean { if "`matamean'" == "" local matamean "`l'" else local matamean "`matamean',`l'" } mat mean = (`matamean') } else { mat mean = J(1, `lenlower', 0) } mata: pmvnormal_void(`shifts', `samples', `alpha') ///// Output /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mat returns = returns return scalar error = returns[2, 1] return scalar integral = returns[1, 1] di "{txt}integral = {res}" returns[1, 1] "{txt}" di "{txt}error = {res}" returns[2, 1] "{txt}" end ///// Mata ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mata: void pmvnormal_void(shifts, samples, alpha) { lower = st_matrix("lower") upper = st_matrix("upper") mean = st_matrix("mean") Sigma = st_matrix("sigma") st_matrix("returns", pmvnormal_mata(lower, upper, mean, Sigma, shifts, samples, alpha)) } real colvector pmvnormal_mata(real vector lower, real vector upper, real vector mean, real matrix Sigma, real scalar shifts, real scalar samples, real scalar alpha) { k = rows(Sigma) if (k == 1) { if ((lower == .) & (upper == .)) { I = 1 } else if ((lower != .) & (upper == .)) { I = 1 - normal((lower - mean)/sqrt(Sigma)) } else if ((lower == .) & (upper != .)) { I = normal((upper - mean)/sqrt(Sigma)) } else { sqrt_Sigma = sqrt(Sigma) I = normal((upper - mean)/sqrt_Sigma) - normal((lower - mean)/sqrt_Sigma) } E = 0 } else if (k == 2) { if (lower[1] == .) lower[1] = -8e307 if (lower[2] == .) lower[2] = -8e307 if (upper[1] == .) upper[1] = 8e307 if (upper[2] == .) upper[2] = 8e307 sqrt_Sigma = sqrt((Sigma[1, 1], Sigma[2, 2])) a = (lower - mean):/(sqrt_Sigma[1], sqrt_Sigma[2]) b = (upper - mean):/(sqrt_Sigma[1], sqrt_Sigma[2]) r = Sigma[1, 2]/(sqrt_Sigma[1]*sqrt_Sigma[2]) I = binormal(b[1], b[2], r) + binormal(a[1], a[2], r) - binormal(b[1], a[2], r) - binormal(a[1], b[2], r) E = 0 } else { a = lower - mean b = upper - mean C = J(k, k, 0) zero_k_min_2 = J(1, k - 2, 0) zero_k_min_1 = (zero_k_min_2, 0) y = zero_k_min_1 atilde = (a[1], zero_k_min_2) btilde = (b[1], zero_k_min_2) sqrt_Sigma11 = sqrt(Sigma[1, 1]) args = J(1, k, 1) for (j = 1; j <= k; j++) { if ((a[j] != .) & (b[j] != .)) { args[j] = normal(b[j]/sqrt_Sigma11) - normal(a[j]/sqrt_Sigma11) } else if ((a[j] == .) & (b[j] != .)) { args[j] = normal(b[j]/sqrt_Sigma11) } else if ((b[j] == .) & (a[j] != .)) { args[j] = 1 - normal(a[j]/sqrt_Sigma11) } } ii = ww = . minindex(args, 1, ii, ww) if (ii[1] != 1) { tempa = a tempb = b tempa[1] = a[ii[1]] tempa[ii[1]] = a[1] a = tempa tempb[1] = b[ii[1]] tempb[ii[1]] = b[1] b = tempb tempSigma = Sigma tempSigma[1, ] = Sigma[ii[1], ] tempSigma[ii[1], ] = Sigma[1, ] Sigma = tempSigma Sigma[, 1] = tempSigma[, ii[1]] Sigma[, ii[1]] = tempSigma[, 1] C[1, 1] = sqrt(Sigma[1, 1]) C[2::k, 1] = Sigma[2::k, 1]/C[1, 1] } else { C[, 1] = (sqrt_Sigma11 \ Sigma[2::k, 1]/sqrt_Sigma11) } if (atilde[1] != btilde[1]) { y[1] = (normalden(atilde[1]) - normalden(btilde[1]))/ (normal(btilde[1]) - normal(atilde[1])) } for (i = 2; i <= k - 1; i++) { args = J(1, k - i + 1, 1) i_vec = 1::(i - 1) for (j = 1; j <= k - i + 1; j++) { s = j + i - 1 if ((a[s] != .) & (b[s] != .)) { Cy = sum(C[s, i_vec]:*y[i_vec]) denom = sqrt(Sigma[s, s] - sum(C[s, i_vec]:^2)) args[j] = normal((b[s] - Cy)/denom) - normal((a[s] - Cy)/denom) } else if ((a[s] == .) & (b[s] != .)) { args[j] = normal((b[s] - sum(C[s, i_vec]:*y[i_vec]))/ sqrt(Sigma[s, s] - sum(C[s, i_vec]:^2))) } else if ((b[s] == .) & (a[s] != .)) { args[j] = 1 - normal((a[s] - sum(C[s, i_vec]:*y[i_vec]))/ sqrt(Sigma[s, s] - sum(C[s, i_vec]:^2))) } } ii = ww = . minindex(args, 1, ii, ww) m = i - 1 + ii[1] if (i != m) { tempa = a tempb = b tempa[i] = a[m] tempa[m] = a[i] a = tempa tempb[i] = b[m] tempb[m] = b[i] b = tempb tempSigma = Sigma tempSigma[i, ] = Sigma[m, ] tempSigma[m, ] = Sigma[i, ] Sigma = tempSigma Sigma[, i] = tempSigma[, m] Sigma[, m] = tempSigma[, i] tempC = C tempC[i, ] = C[m, ] tempC[m, ] = C[i, ] C = tempC C[, i] = tempC[, m] C[, m] = tempC[, i] } C[i, i] = sqrt(Sigma[i, i] - sum(C[i, i_vec]:^2)) i_vec2 = (i + 1)::k C[i_vec2, i] = (Sigma[i_vec2, i] - rowsum(J(k - i, 1, C[i, i_vec]):*C[i_vec2, i_vec]))/ C[i, i] Cy = sum(C[i, i_vec]:*y[i_vec]) atilde[i] = (a[i] - Cy)/C[i, i] btilde[i] = (b[i] - Cy)/C[i, i] if (atilde[i] != btilde[i]) { y[i] = (normalden(atilde[i]) - normalden(btilde[i]))/ (normal(btilde[i]) - normal(atilde[i])) } } C[k, k] = sqrt(Sigma[k, k] - sum(C[k, 1::(k - 1)]:^2)) I = V = 0 if (a[1] != .) { d = J(samples, 1, (normal(a[1]/C[1, 1]), J(1, k - 1, 0))) } else { d = J(samples, k, 0) } if (b[1] != .) { e = J(samples, 1, (normal(b[1]/C[1, 1]), J(1, k - 1, 1))) } else { e = J(samples, 1, J(1, k, 1)) } f = (e[, 1] - d[, 1], J(samples, k - 1, 0)) y = J(samples, k - 1, 0) Delta = runiform(shifts, k - 1) samples_sqrt_primes = (1::samples)*sqrt((2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541)[1::(k - 1)]) Ii = J(1, shifts, 0) for (i = 1; i <= shifts; i++) { for (l = 2; l <= k; l++) { l_vec = 1::(l - 1) y[, l - 1] = invnormal(d[, l - 1] + abs(2*mod(samples_sqrt_primes[, l - 1] :+ Delta[i, l - 1], 1) :- 1):* (e[, l - 1] - d[, l - 1])) if ((a[l] != .) & (b[l] != .)) { Cy = rowsum(J(samples, 1, C[l, l_vec]):*y[, l_vec]) d[, l] = normal((a[l] :- Cy)/C[l, l]) e[, l] = normal((b[l] :- Cy)/C[l, l]) f[, l] = (e[, l] :- d[, l]):*f[, l - 1] } else if ((a[l] != .) & (b[l] == .)) { d[, l] = normal((a[l] :- rowsum(J(samples, 1, C[l, l_vec]):*y[, l_vec]))/C[l, l]) f[, l] = (1 :- d[, l]):*f[, l - 1] } else if ((a[l] == .) & (b[l] != .)) { e[, l] = normal((b[l] :- rowsum(J(samples, 1, C[l, l_vec]):*y[, l_vec]))/C[l, l]) f[, l] = e[, l]:*f[, l - 1] } else { f[, l] = f[, l - 1] } } for (j = 1; j <= samples; j++) { Ii[i] = Ii[i] + (f[j, k] - Ii[i])/j } del = (Ii[i] - I)/i I = I + del V = (i - 2)*V/i + del^2 E = alpha*sqrt(V) } } return((I \ E)) } end