help for ^poverty^                                           (Philippe Van Kerm
> )

Poverty Measures ----------------

^poverty^ varname [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] ^[^weight^]^ [^, ^options]

^aweight^s and ^fweight^s are allowed; see help @weights@.

Description -----------

^poverty^ computes a series of poverty measures based on the (income) distribution described by varname.

The poverty measures that can be computed by ^poverty^ are:

headcount ratio aggregate poverty gap poverty gap ratio income gap ratio Watts index Sen index Takayama index Thon index,

and series of Foster, Greer and Thorbecke indices with parameters : 0.5, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5 Clark et al. indices with parameters : 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9

The poverty line is either directly specified by the user or computed relative to the median of varname (half or two-third), see under "options" below.

Options -------

^l^ine^(^#^)^ sets the value of the poverty line. If # is set equal to -1, the poverty line is computed as half the median of varname. If # is set equal to -2, it is computed as two-third of the median of varname. Default is -1.

^g^en^(^newvarname^)^ creates a new variable that takes on the value of 1 for all observations identified as poor and 0 for observations identified as non-poor. "newvarname" is set to missing for observations with missing "varname" or falling outside the ^if in^ statements. ^A^ll requests that all possible measures are computed and reported. By default, no measure is produced.

The following options specify the measures to be computed and reported. ^H^ : headcount ratio [FGT(0)] ^APG^ : aggregate poverty gap ^PGR^ : poverty gap ratio [FGT(1)] ^IGR^ : income gap ratio ^W^ : Watts index ^S^ : Sen index ^TA^k : Takayama index ^TH^on : Thon index ^FGT1^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(0.5)- ^FGT2^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(1.5)- ^FGT3^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(2)- ^FGT4^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(2.5)- ^FGT5^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(3)- ^FGT6^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(3.5)- ^FGT7^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(4)- ^FGT8^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(4.5)- ^FGT9^ : Foster, Greer and Thorbecke -FGT(5)- ^CHU1^ : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.10 ^CHU2^ : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.25 ^CHU3^ : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.50 ^CHU4^ : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.75 ^CHU5^ : Clark, Ulph and Hemming index with beta of 0.90

Saved Results -------------

S_1 = total number of observations in the data S_2 = number of observations used to compute the indices S_3 = weighted number of observations S_4 = value of the poverty line S_5 = weighted number of observations identified as poor

(the following results are only available if the measure has been requested) S_6 = headcount ratio [FGT(0)] S_7 = aggregate poverty gap S_8 = poverty gap ratio [FGT(1)] S_9 = income gap ratio S_10 = Watts index S_11 = FGT(0.5) S_12 = FGT(1.5) S_13 = FGT(2) S_14 = FGT(2.5) S_15 = FGT(3) S_16 = FGT(3.5) S_17 = FGT(4) S_18 = FGT(4.5) S_19 = FGT(5) S_20 = Clark et al. index (0.10) S_21 = Clark et al. index (0.25) S_22 = Clark et al. index (0.5) S_23 = Clark et al. index (0.75) S_24 = Clark et al. index (0.90) S_25 = Sen index S_26 = Thon index S_27 = Takayama index

Author ------

Philippe VAN KERM <philippe.vankerm@@fundp.ac.be> University of Namur, Department of Economics Rempart de la Vierge 8 B-5000 Namur, Belgium.

Also see --------

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