*! version 1.1.0, 07sep2014, Robert Picard, picard@netbox.com program randomtag version 9 syntax [if] [in] , /// Count(integer) /// [ /// Generate(name) /// ] if "`generate'" == "" local generate _randomtag confirm new variable `generate' if _N == 0 error 2000 if `count' <= 0 error 411 if `"`if'`in'"' != "" { marksample touse mata: tag_it_touse("`generate'",`count', "`touse'") } else mata: tag_it("`generate'",`count') end version 9.2 mata: mata set matastrict on void tag_it_touse( string scalar tagvar, // name of new variable to generate real scalar count, // number of draws string scalar touse // varname of sample indicator variable ) { real colvector /// insample, /// touse sample indicator iobs, /// indices of observations in the touse sample u1, /// primary uniformly distributed random variates pick, /// indicator for picked observations isub, /// indices of obs in subset used to make final picks u1sub, /// subset of u1 used to make final picks u2sub, /// secondary random variates to break ties in u1sub ix, /// indices/x matrix that is sorted for final picks ipick /// indices of final picks. real scalar /// nobs, /// number of observations cutoff, /// a value such that sum(u1 :< cutoff) ~== count highcut, /// a value such that sum(u1 :< highcut) > count lowcut, /// a value such that sum(u1 :< lowcut) < count nlow, /// equal to sum(x :< lowcut) n /// stores sum(x :< cutoff) while iterating // select obs included in the sample insample = st_data(.,touse) iobs = select(range(1,st_nobs(),1),insample) nobs = length(iobs) if (nobs == 0) exit(error(2000)) // roll back the number of draws if > number of observations count = (nobs < count ? nobs : count) // primary uniformly distributed random variate on [0,1) u1 = uniform(nobs, 1) // initial estimate of cutoff needed for sum(u1 :< cutoff) == count cutoff = count / nobs // refine cutoff by finding high and low cutoff values n = sum(u1 :< cutoff) if (n > count) { highcut = cutoff while (n > count) { cutoff = cutoff - 1.05 * (n - count) / nobs n = sum(u1 :< cutoff) } lowcut = cutoff nlow = n } else if (n < count) { lowcut = cutoff nlow = n while (n < count) { cutoff = cutoff + 1.05 * (count - n) / nobs n = sum(u1 :< cutoff) } highcut = cutoff } pick = J(st_nobs(),1,0) if (n != count) { // pick obs with u1 below lowcut ipick = select(range(1,nobs,1), u1 :< lowcut) pick[iobs[ipick]] = J(length(ipick),1,1) // select a subset with u1 in the range of [lowcut,highcut] isub = select(range(1,nobs,1), u1 :>= lowcut :& u1 :<= highcut) // sort u1 within the subset; because uniform() draws random // numbers with replacement (see http://blog.stata.com/tag/random-numbers/), // duplicates may arise. Use an secondary vector of random numbers // to break such ties. Finally, adding the indices makes the // sort fully replicable no matter what u1sub = u1[isub] u2sub = uniform(length(isub), 1) ix = sort((isub, u1sub, u2sub), (2,3,1)) // pick remaining obs to reach the requested count ipick = ix[|1,1 \ count-nlow,1|] pick[iobs[ipick]] = J(length(ipick),1,1) st_store(., st_addvar("byte", tagvar), pick) } else { // the cutoff selects exactly count observations pick[iobs[select(range(1,nobs,1), u1 :< cutoff)]] = J(count,1,1) st_store(., st_addvar("byte", tagvar), pick) } } void tag_it( string scalar tagvar, // name of new variable to generate real scalar count // number of draws ) { real colvector /// u1, /// primary uniformly distributed random variates pick, /// indicator for picked observations isub, /// indices of obs in subset used to make final picks u1sub, /// subset of u1 used to make final picks u2sub, /// secondary random variates to break ties in u1sub ix, /// indices/x matrix that is sorted for final picks ipick /// indices of final picks. real scalar /// nobs, /// number of observations cutoff, /// a value such that sum(u1 :< cutoff) ~== count highcut, /// a value such that sum(u1 :< highcut) > count lowcut, /// a value such that sum(u1 :< lowcut) < count nlow, /// equal to sum(x :< lowcut) n /// stores sum(x :< cutoff) while iterating // roll back the number of draws if > number of observations nobs = st_nobs() count = (nobs < count ? nobs : count) // primary uniformly distributed random variate on [0,1) u1 = uniform(nobs, 1) // initial estimate of cutoff needed for sum(u1 :< cutoff) == count cutoff = count / nobs // refine cutoff by finding high and low cutoff values n = sum(u1 :< cutoff) if (n > count) { highcut = cutoff while (n > count) { cutoff = cutoff - 1.05 * (n - count) / nobs n = sum(u1 :< cutoff) } lowcut = cutoff nlow = n } else if (n < count) { lowcut = cutoff nlow = n while (n < count) { cutoff = cutoff + 1.05 * (count - n) / nobs n = sum(u1 :< cutoff) } highcut = cutoff } if (n != count) { // pick obs with u1 below lowcut pick = u1 :< lowcut // select a subset with u1 in the range of [lowcut,highcut] isub = select(range(1,nobs,1), u1 :>= lowcut :& u1 :<= highcut) // sort u1 within the subset; because uniform() draws random // numbers with replacement (see http://blog.stata.com/tag/random-numbers/), // duplicates may arise. Use an secondary vector of random numbers // to break such ties. Finally, adding the indices makes the // sort fully replicable no matter what u1sub = u1[isub] u2sub = uniform(length(isub), 1) ix = sort((isub, u1sub, u2sub), (2,3,1)) // pick remaining obs to reach the requested count ipick = ix[|1,1 \ count-nlow,1|] pick[ipick] = J(length(ipick),1,1) st_store(., st_addvar("byte", tagvar), pick) } else st_store(., st_addvar("byte", tagvar), u1 :< cutoff) } end