/* rcl_mlib_and_test_data_generation.do This do file reproduces for the rcl command (i) the Mata function library lrcl.mlib and (ii) the simulated equilibrium dataset rcl_test_data.dta. There is no need to run this file if the rcl command is installed (downloaded), as the installation includes the above mentioned files. */ /* */ /* */ /* */ * Block I.: create Mata function library lrcl.mlib and make it available (index it) version 12.1 set more off, perm mata: mata mlib create lrcl, dir("`c(sysdir_plus)'l\") replace run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions_equilibrium.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions_marginal_costs.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions_merger_simulation.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions_elasticities.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions_shares.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions_ssnip.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions_nlogit_eq.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions_blp_eq.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_functions.do" run "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl.ado" mata: mata mlib index mata: mata describe using lrcl /* */ /* */ /* */ * Block II.: generate simulated equilibrium dataset rcl_test_data.dta (used in the examples of the help file of rcl) version 12.1 set more off, perm * parameters global nmarket=25 /* number of markets */ global nfirm=10 /* number of firms */ global nproduct=2 /* maximum number of products per firm */ global nobs=$nmarket*$nfirm*$nproduct /* maximum number of observations */ global alpha=0.5 /* negative of price coefficient in mean utility (alpha) */ global rcsigmas 1 /* BLP-type random coefficient sigma on price (sigmap) */ global sigmas 0.5 0.75 0.95 /* nested logit sigmas: nest, subnest, sub-subnest */ global b0=2 /* coefficient on constant term in mean utility */ global b1=2 /* coefficient on exogenous characteristic (x1) in mean utility */ global gamma10=0.7 /* coefficient on constant term in marginal cost */ global gamma11=0.7 /* coefficient on characteristic (x1) in marginal cost */ global gamma_g1=0.7 /* coefficient on product group dummy (g) in marginal cost */ global gamma21=3 /* coefficient on cost shifter w1 in marginal cost */ global gamma22=3 /* coefficient on cost shifter w2 in marginal cost */ global gamma23=3 /* coefficient on cost shifter w3 in marginal cost */ global sigma_ksi=1 /* standard deviation of unobserved product characteristic (ksi, error term of demand estimating equation) */ global sigma_omega=1 /* standard deviation of unobserved marginal cost component (omega, error term of pricing equation) */ global sigma_ksiomega=0.7 /* covariance between ksi and omega) */ global rho_ksiomega=$sigma_ksiomega/(($sigma_ksi*$sigma_omega)^0.5) global msize_factor=1 * globals specifying variable names (for the rcl command) global market market global msize msize global firm firm global firm_post firm global mc mc global xb0 xb0 global ksi ksi global rc x1 global nests g h global sample if market<=$nmarket global msample if market<=$nmarket & market<=5 local acc_option accuracy(9) local acc_option $acc_option * non-random variables (same for each draw) clear set obs $nobs local nmarket=$nmarket local nfirm=$nfirm local nproduct=$nproduct * market variable generate market=1 forvalues i=1/`nmarket' { replace market=`i' if _n>(`i'-1)*(`nfirm'*`nproduct') & _n<(`i'+1)*(`nfirm'*`nproduct') } bys market: generate product=_n * g, h, k: "nest", "subnest" and "sub-subnest" identifiers of product groupings generate g=(product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'/2) + 2*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'/2) generate h=(product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'/4) + 2*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'/4 & product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'*2/4) + 3*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'*2/4 & product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'*3/4) + 4*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'*3/4) generate k=(product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'/8) + 2*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'/8 & product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'*2/8) + 3*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'*2/8 & product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'*3/8) + 4*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'*3/8 & product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'*4/8) + 5*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'*4/8 & product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'*5/8) + 6*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'*5/8 & product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'*6/8) + 7*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'*6/8 & product<=`nfirm'*`nproduct'*7/8) + 8*(product>`nfirm'*`nproduct'*7/8) generate constant=1 sort market, stable by market: generate rs=sum(constant) generate rs1=ceil(rs/`nfirm') * firm identifier generate firm=rs-(rs1-1)*`nfirm' if rs1!=1 replace firm=rs if rs1==1 drop rs rs1 * post-merger firm identifier (assuming firm 1 and 2 merging; used in examples) generate firm_post=firm*(firm!=2) + (firm==2) generate msize=$msize_factor generate xb0=$b0*constant order market product firm firm_post g h k xb0 sort market product, stable xtset market product compress * generating random datasets * generating random variables for current draw sort market product, stable set seed 1 quietly generate $ksi=rnormal(0,$sigma_ksi) $sample quietly generate omega=rnormal(0,1) $sample quietly replace omega=$sigma_omega*( $ksi*$rho_ksiomega + omega*((1-($rho_ksiomega)^2)^0.5) ) $sample quietly generate x1=1+(2-1)*runiform() $sample quietly generate w1=runiform() $sample quietly generate w2=runiform() $sample quietly generate w3=runiform() $sample * marginal costs quietly generate $mc=$gamma10*constant + $gamma11*x1 + $gamma_g1*(g==1) + $gamma21*w1 + $gamma22*w2 + $gamma23*w3 + omega $sample * "observed", exogenous part of mean utility quietly replace $xb0=$xb0 + $b1*x1 $sample * implied initial market shares quietly generate p0=$mc*1.35 quietly generate share_init=exp(-$alpha*p0+$xb0+$ksi) $sample quietly by market: egen tshare_init=total(share_init) quietly replace share_init=share_init/(tshare_init+1) $sample drop tshare_init * simple logit data simulation sort market product, stable global price p0 global share share_init /*capture */noisily rcl $share $price $sample, market($market) msize($msize) mc($mc) xb0($xb0) ksi($ksi) alpha($alpha) msimulation($firm $firm) noest /*nodisplay*/ if (_rc!=0) { capture drop __p_post capture drop __s_post capture drop __foc_post quietly generate __p_post=$price quietly generate __s_post=$share quietly generate __foc_post=. } sort market product, stable quietly generate price_logit0=__p_post quietly generate share_logit0=__s_post drop __* p0 share_init global price price_logit0 global share share_logit0 /*capture */noisily rcl $share $price $sample, market($market) msize($msize) mc($mc) xb0($xb0) ksi($ksi) alpha($alpha) msimulation($firm $firm) noest /*nodisplay*/ if (_rc!=0) { capture drop __p_post capture drop __s_post capture drop __foc_post quietly generate __p_post=$price quietly generate __s_post=$share quietly generate __foc_post=. } sort market product, stable drop price_logit0 share_logit0 rename __p_post price_logit rename __s_post share_logit rename __foc_post foc_post_logit drop __* * random coefficient logit data simulation sort market product, stable global price price_logit global share share_logit /*capture */noisily rcl $share $price $sample, market($market) msize($msize) mc($mc) xb0($xb0) ksi($ksi) alpha($alpha) rcsigmas($rcsigmas) rc($rc) msimulation($firm $firm) `acc_option' noest /*nodisplay*/ scalar _rc_sim=_rc if (_rc!=0) { capture drop __p_post capture drop __s_post capture drop __foc_post quietly generate __p_post=$price quietly generate __s_post=$share quietly generate __foc_post=. } * variable management capture drop price capture drop share rename __p_post price rename __s_post share rename __foc_post foc drop __* quietly generate quantity=share*msize quietly generate mrkp=price-mc * instrument variables local todrops n ng nf nfg nfo nfog cc ccg ccf ccfg ccfo ccfog foreach todrop of local todrops { capture drop `todrop' } sort market g, stable by market: generate n=_N // # of products by market g: generate ng=_N // # of products in the same nest sort market firm g, stable by market firm: generate nf=_N // # of products of the firm by market firm g: generate nfg=_N // # of products of the firm in the same nest generate nfo=nf-1 // # of other products of the firm generate nfog=nfg-1 // # of other products of the firm in the same nest bys market: egen cc=total(x1) // sum of continuous characteristics of products bys market g: egen ccg=total(x1) // sum of continuous characteristics of products in the same nest bys market firm: egen ccf=total(x1) // sum of continuous characteristics of products of the firm bys market firm g: egen ccfg=total(x1) // sum of continuous characteristics of products of the firm in the same nest generate ccfo=ccf-x1 // sum of continuous characteristics of other products of the firm generate ccfog=ccfg-x1 // sum of continuous characteristics of other products of the firm in the same nest local todrops nf nfg ccf ccfg foreach todrop of local todrops { // drop collinear instruments capture drop `todrop' } foreach v of varlist x1 w* { quietly generate `v'_2=`v'^2 } local vs0 x1 w1 w2 w3 local vs1 `vs0' foreach v of varlist `vs0' { local vs1: list vs1 - v if ("`vs1'"!="") { foreach vv of varlist `vs1' { quietly generate `v'_`vv'=`v'*`vv' } } } * labelling capture label variable market `""market" identifier"' capture label variable product "product identifier" capture label variable g "nest's identifier" capture label variable h "subnest's identifier" capture label variable k "sub-subnest's identifier" capture label variable firm "firm identifier" capture label variable firm_post `""post-merger" firm identifier"' capture label variable price "price" capture label variable quantity "quantity" capture label variable share "share" capture label variable mrkp "markups" capture label variable mc "marginal costs" capture label variable x1 `""continuous" product characteristic""' capture label variable xb0 `""observed" part of mean utility"' capture label variable ksi `""unobserved" part of mean utility"' capture label variable msize "market size" capture label variable foc "first order conditions of equilibrium (consitent with price, share and mc)" capture label variable constant "constant variable" capture label variable omega "error term of price equation" capture label variable w1 "cost shifter 1" capture label variable w2 "cost shifter 2" capture label variable w3 "cost shifter 3" capture label variable n "# of products" capture label variable ng "# of products in the same nest" capture label variable nfo "# of other products of the firm" capture label variable nfog "# of other products of the firm in the same nest" capture label variable cc "sum of (continuous) characteristics of products" capture label variable ccg "sum of (continuous) characteristics of products in the same nest" capture label variable ccfo "sum of (continuous) characteristics of other products of the firm" capture label variable ccfog "sum of (continuous) characteristics of other products of the firm in the same nest" capture label variable w1_2 "square of cost shifter 1" capture label variable w2_2 "square of cost shifter 2" capture label variable w3_2 "square of cost shifter 3" capture label variable x1_2 "square of continuous characteristic" capture label variable w1_w2 "interaction of cost shifters 1 and 2" capture label variable w1_w3 "interaction of cost shifters 1 and 3" capture label variable w2_w3 "interaction of cost shifters 2 and 3" capture label variable x1_w1 "interaction of continuous characteristic and cost shifter 1" capture label variable x1_w2 "interaction of continuous characteristic and cost shifter 2" capture label variable x1_w3 "interaction of continuous characteristic and cost shifter 3" * saving final simulated dataset of current draw drop *logit sort market product, stable xtset product market order market product g h k firm firm_post price quantity share mrkp mc x1 xb0 ksi msize foc n* cc* x*_* w*_* quietly compress quietly save "`c(sysdir_plus)'r\rcl_test_data.dta", replace * display summary results for draw noisily sum price share mrkp mc foc /* */ /* */ /* */