// ------------------------------------------------------------- // Display Regression Footnote // ------------------------------------------------------------- program reghdfe5_footnote syntax [, width(int 13)] if (`"`e(absvars)'"' == "_cons") { exit } tempname table matrix `table' = e(dof_table) mata: st_local("var_width", strofreal(max(strlen(st_matrixrowstripe("`table'")[., 2])))) if (`var_width' > `width') loc width = `var_width' loc rows = rowsof("`table'") loc cols = rowsof("`table'") local vars : rownames `table' // Setup table di as text _n "Absorbed degrees of freedom:" tempname mytab .`mytab' = ._tab.new, col(5) lmargin(0) .`mytab'.width `width' | 12 12 14 1 | .`mytab'.pad . 1 1 1 0 .`mytab'.numfmt . %9.0g %9.0g %9.0g . .`mytab'.numcolor . text text result . .`mytab'.sep, top local explain_exact 0 local explain_nested 0 // Header .`mytab'.titles "Absorbed FE" "Categories" " - Redundant" " = Num. Coefs" "" .`mytab'.sep, middle // Body forval i = 1/`rows' { local var : word `i' of `vars' loc var = subinstr("`var'", "1.", "", .) loc note " " if (`=`table'[`i', 4]'==1) { loc note "?" loc explain_exact 1 } if (`=`table'[`i', 5]'==1) { loc note "*" loc explain_nested 1 } // noabsorb if (`rows'==1 & `=`table'[`i', 1]'==1 & strpos("`var'", "__")==1) loc var "_cons" .`mytab'.row "`var'" `=`table'[`i', 1]' `=`table'[`i', 2]' `=`table'[`i', 3]' "`note'" } // Bottom .`mytab'.sep, bottom if (`explain_exact') di as text "? = number of redundant parameters may be higher" if (`explain_nested') di as text `"* = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation"' end