* This program should only be called by fixed_effects() program reghdfe5_parse, sclass * Parse absorb cap drop __hdfe* // destructive! ms_parse_absvars `0' loc extended_absvars `"`s(extended_absvars)'"' mata: st_local("unquoted_absvars", subinstr(st_global("s(absvars)"), `"""', "")) loc 0, `s(options)' loc G = `s(G)' * Main syntax #d; syntax, [ /* Model */ RESiduals(name) RESiduals2 /* use _reghdfe_resid */ /* Optimization (defaults are handled within Mata) */ TOLerance(real -1) MAXITerations(real -1) ALGorithm(string) /* map gt lsmr cg */ TRAnsform(string) ACCELeration(string) SLOPEmethod(string) PRUNE PRECONDition /* always compute LSMR preconditioner */ /* Memory usage (also see -compact- option) */ POOLsize(integer 0) /* Process variables in batches of # ; 0 turns it off */ /* Degrees-of-freedom Adjustments */ DOFadjustments(string) GROUPVar(name) /* var with the first connected group between FEs */ CONDition // Report finite condition number; SLOW! RRE(varname) // Report relative residual error noCONstant // Report constant; enabled by default as otherwise -margins- fails /* Duplicated options */ KEEPSINgletons Verbose(numlist min=1 max=1 >=-1 <=5 integer) ] [*] /* capture display options, etc. */ ; #d cr if ("`keepsingletons'"!="") sreturn loc drop_singletons = 0 if ("`verbose'"!="") sreturn loc verbose = `verbose' sreturn loc report_constant = "`constant'" != "noconstant" sreturn loc options `"`options'"' assert "$reghdfe_touse" != "" cap conf var $reghdfe_touse if (c(rc)) gen byte $reghdfe_touse = 1 markout $reghdfe_touse `unquoted_absvars', strok * Optimization loc maxiterations = int(`maxiterations') if (`tolerance' > 0) sreturn loc tolerance = `tolerance' if (`maxiterations' > 0) sreturn loc maxiter = `maxiterations' * Transforms: allow abbreviations (cim --> cimmino) if ("`transform'" != "") { loc transform = lower("`transform'") loc valid_transforms cimmino kaczmarz symmetric_kaczmarz rand_kaczmarz foreach x of local valid_transforms { if (strpos("`x'", "`transform'")==1) loc transform `x' } _assert (`: list transform in valid_transforms'), msg("invalid transform: `transform'") sreturn loc transform "`transform'" } * Accelerations if ("`acceleration'" != "") { loc acceleration = lower("`acceleration'") if ("`acceleration'"=="cg") loc acceleration conjugate_gradient if ("`acceleration'"=="sd") loc acceleration steepest_descent if ("`acceleration'"=="off") loc acceleration none loc valid_accelerations conjugate_gradient steepest_descent aitken none hybrid lsmr foreach x of local valid_accelerations { if (strpos("`x'", "`acceleration'")==1) loc acceleration `x' } _assert (`: list acceleration in valid_accelerations'), msg("invalid acceleration: `acceleration'") sreturn loc acceleration "`acceleration'" } * Disable prune of degree-1 edges if ("`prune'" == "prune") sreturn loc prune = 1 * Parse DoF Adjustments if ("`dofadjustments'"=="") local dofadjustments all loc 0 , `dofadjustments' syntax, [ALL NONE] [FIRSTpair PAIRwise] [CLusters] [CONTinuous] local opts `pairwise' `firstpair' `clusters' `continuous' local n : word count `opts' local first_opt : word 1 of `opt' opts_exclusive "`all' `none'" dofadjustments opts_exclusive "`pairwise' `firstpair'" dofadjustments opts_exclusive "`all' `first_opt'" dofadjustments opts_exclusive "`none' `first_opt'" dofadjustments if ("`none'" != "") local opts if ("`all'" != "") local opts pairwise clusters continuous //if (`: list posof "three" in opts') { // cap findfile group3hdfe.ado // _assert !_rc , msg("error: -group3hdfe- not installed, please run {stata ssc install group3hdfe}") //} if ("`groupvar'"!="") conf new var `groupvar' sreturn loc dofadjustments "`opts'" sreturn loc groupvar "`groupvar'" * Residuals if ("`residuals2'" != "") { _assert ("`residuals'" == ""), msg("residuals() syntax error") cap drop _reghdfe_resid // destructive! sreturn loc residuals _reghdfe_resid } else if ("`residuals'"!="") { conf new var `residuals' sreturn loc residuals `residuals' } * Misc if ("`condition'"!="") { _assert `G'==2, msg("Computing finite condition number requires two FEs") sreturn loc finite_condition 1 } sreturn loc compute_rre = ("`rre'" != "") if ("`rre'" != "") { sreturn loc rre `rre' } if (`poolsize' < 1) loc poolsize . sreturn loc poolsize `poolsize' sreturn loc precondition = "`precondition'" != "" end