*! version 2.1 20240516 - DIME Analytics & LSMS Team, The World Bank - dimeanalytics@worldbank.org, lsms@worldbank.org cap program drop repkit program define repkit, rclass version 14.1 * UPDATE THESE LOCALS FOR EACH NEW VERSION PUBLISHED local version "2.1" local versionDate "20240516" local cmd "repkit" syntax [anything] * Prepare returned locals return local versiondate "`versionDate'" return local version = `version' if missing(`"`anything'"') { * Display output noi di "" local vtitle "This version of {inp:`cmd'} installed is version:" local btitle "This version of {inp:`cmd'} was released on:" local col2 = max(strlen("`vtitle'"),strlen("`btitle'")) noi di as text _col(4) "`vtitle'" _col(`col2')"`version'" noi di as text _col(4) "`btitle'" _col(`col2')"`versionDate'" } else { * Tokenize the subcommand and its potential options tokenize `anything' local subcmd "`1'" local subtwo "`2'" local subthree "`3'" local subfour "`4'" if ("`subcmd'" == "beta") { noi di _n "{hline}" _n noi di as text "{pstd}{ul:{red:Warning:} This command {inp:`subtwo'} is currently only released as a beta release}{p_end}" _n noi di as text `"{pstd}We're excited to introduce a beta release of the command {inp:`subtwo'}. Feedback from users like you will help us refine and finalize this command. We, especially during the beta phase, welcome bug reports, feature requests, and any other comments at: {browse "https://github.com/worldbank/repkit/issues"}.{p_end}"' _n noi di as text "{pstd}Please note that during the beta release we might rename or remove options without building in backward compatibility, and some still experimental features might not be fully documented.{p_end}" _n noi di _n "{hline}" } else { noi di "{pstd}The sub-command [`subcmd'] used with `cmd' is not valid.{p_end}" error 99 exit } } end