*! version 2.1 20240516 - DIME Analytics & LSMS Team, The World Bank - dimeanalytics@worldbank.org, lsms@worldbank.org cap program drop reproot program define reproot, rclass qui { version 14.1 * Update the syntax. This is only a placeholder to make the command run syntax , Project(string) Roots(string) [prefix(string) clear] noi di _n "{hline}" * initiate locals local tot_time 0 local tot_dirs 0 local rootfiles "" local env_file "~/reproot-env.yaml" local root_file "reproot.yaml" /*************************************************** Test if all roots are already loaded ***************************************************/ local roots_set "" local roots_notset "" * If clear is used, then add all roots to roots_notset, * and search for all of them again if !missing("`clear'") { local roots_notset "`roots'" } * If clear is not used, test what root globals are already set, * and search only for roots not already set in root globals else { * Test which roots if any are already loaded foreach root of local roots { * Test if root exists with prefix if missing("${`prefix'`root'}") { local roots_notset : list roots_notset | root } else local roots_set : list roots_set | root } } /*************************************************** Output any roots are already set ***************************************************/ if !missing("`roots_set'") { noi di as text _n "{pstd}These roots were already set in these globals:{p_end}" foreach root of local roots_set { local prefix_root "`prefix'`root'" noi di as text "{phang2}- Global: {result:`prefix_root'} - Root: {result:${`prefix_root'}}{p_end}" } } /*************************************************** Output if all roots are already set ***************************************************/ if missing("`roots_notset'") { noi di as result _n "{pstd}All required roots are already loaded. No search for roots will be done.{p_end}" _n _n "{hline}" ** The command ends here } * There are roots to search for else { /*************************************************** Output that at least some roots were not loaded ***************************************************/ noi di as text _n "{pstd}These required roots were not already loaded:{p_end}" foreach root of local roots_notset { noi di as text "{pmore}- {bf:`root'}{p_end}" } noi di as text _n "{pstd}Starting search of file system.{p_end}" _n /*************************************************** Read env file before search ***************************************************/ * Get home dir local pwd = "`c(pwd)'" cd ~ local homedir = "`c(pwd)'" cd "`pwd'" * Test if this location has a root file cap confirm file "`env_file'" if (_rc) { noi di as text `"{phang}No file {inp:reproot-env.yaml} found in home directory {it:`homedir'}. This file is required to set up once per computer to use {cmd:reproot}. See instructions on how to set up this file {browse "https://worldbank.github.io/repkit/articles/reproot-files.html":here}.{p_end}"' _n error 601 exit } * Get reprootpaths and skipdirs from env file reproot_parse env , file("`env_file'") local envpaths `"`r(envpaths)'"' local skipdirs `"`r(skipdirs)'"' /*************************************************** Search each reprootpaths ***************************************************/ foreach envpath of local envpaths { noi di as smcl `"{hline}"' _n * Parse max recursion and search path from reprootpath gettoken maxrecs search_path : envpath, parse(":") local search_path = substr("`search_path'",2,.) * Search next folder noi di as result `"{pstd}{ul:Searching folder: `search_path', with folder depth: `maxrecs'}{p_end}"' noi reproot_search, /// path(`"`search_path'"') skipdirs(`"`skipdirs'"') recsleft(`maxrecs') * Get time, dir_count, and roots found local time = `r(timer)' local dirs = `r(num_dir_searched)' local this_rootdirs = `"`r(rootdirs)'"' * Output this search noi di_search_results, /// time(`time') dcount(`dirs') rootdirs(`"`this_rootdirs'"') * Add these rootdirs to the list of all dirs local rootdirs = trim(`"`rootdirs' `this_rootdirs'"') * Update the time and dir_count to the grand totals local tot_time = `tot_time' + `time' local tot_dirs = `tot_dirs' + `dirs' } * Output the grand total noi di as smcl `"{hline}"' noi di_search_results, total /// time(`tot_time') dcount(`tot_dirs') rootdirs(`"`rootdirs'"') noi di as smcl `"{hline}"' /*************************************************** Parse the root files ***************************************************/ local found_roots "" foreach rootdir of local rootdirs { reproot_parse root, file("`rootdir'/`root_file'") local this_root "`r(root)'" local this_root_global "`prefix'`this_root'" local this_root_project "`r(project)'" * Test if this root belongs the relevant project if "`project'" == "`this_root_project'" { * Test if root was already found, if not then add to found_roots if (`: list this_root in found_roots') { noi di as error _n "{pstd}A second root called {result:`this_root)'} was found for this project found in folder {result:`rootdir'}.{p_end}" error 99 exit } local found_roots : list found_roots | this_root noi di "found_roots `found_roots'" local found_str "Root {result:`this_root'} for project {result:`this_root_project'} found" if (`: list this_root in roots') { * Output that a relevant root has been found noi di _n as text "{pstd}`found_str'. Setting global {result:{c S|}{c -(}`this_root_global'{c )-}} to: {result:`rootdir'}{p_end}" global `this_root_global' "`rootdir'" } * Root not required - just skip it else { noi di _n as text "{pstd}`found_str', but root not required, so no global is set for this root.{p_end}" } } } noi di _n `"{hline}"' } * Return all root dires found regardless if they were for this project return local rootdirs "`rootdirs'" // Remove then command is no longer in beta noi repkit "beta reproot" } end cap program drop di_search_results program define di_search_results syntax, time(numlist) dcount(numlist) [rootdirs(string) total] local time: display %8.2f `time' local dcount: display %14.0fc `dcount' local rcount: list sizeof rootdirs local time = trim("`time'") local dcount = trim("`dcount'") if missing("`total'") local intro_str "In this search directory" else local intro_str "In total" noi di as result _n `"{pstd}`intro_str', `dcount' directories were searched in `time' seconds, and `rcount' reproot root(s) were found.{p_end}"' _n end