*! version 2.1 20240516 - DIME Analytics & LSMS Team, The World Bank - dimeanalytics@worldbank.org, lsms@worldbank.org cap program drop reproot_parse program define reproot_parse, rclass qui { version 14.1 * Update the syntax. This is only a placeholder to make the command run syntax anything, file(string) if ("`anything'" == "env") { reproot_parse_env , file("`file'") return local envpaths = `"`r(envpaths)'"' return local skipdirs = `"`r(skipdirs)'"' } else if ("`anything'" == "root") { reproot_parse_root, file("`file'") return local project = `"`r(project)'"' return local root = `"`r(root)'"' } else { noi di as error "{ptsd}reproot_parse: incorrect subcommand [`anything']{p_end}" error 198 exit } } end cap program drop reproot_parse_env program define reproot_parse_env, rclass syntax, file(string) local paths "" local skipdirs "" local recursedepth 31 // Default depth = Stata max recursion /********************************************************** READ YAML FILE LINE BY LINE **********************************************************/ * Open template to read from and new tempfile to write to tempname re_file file open `re_file' using "`file'", read file read `re_file' line local linenum = 1 * Read YAML content into string while r(eof)==0 { * Skip comments if (substr(trim(`"`line'"'),1,1) != "#") { local this_indent = 0 local this_keyword = "" local this_value = "" local valid_value = 0 * Count indent of this line - and set indent dependent locals count_indent, line(`"`line'"') local this_indent = "`r(indent)'" if (`this_indent' == 0) { local is_list 0 local list_of "" } * Trim line to remove indent local line = trim(`"`line'"') ***************************************** * Parse items that are part of a list if (`is_list' == 1) { parse_listitem, line(`"`line'"') allowed_value("string") local this_value = `"`r(list_value)'"' if (`r(valid_value)' == 0) { noi di as error `"{pstd}Invalid list item on line `linenum' in file [`file']: [`line']{p_end}"' error 98 } * Add to local named after the key word this list is part of, paths etc. local `list_of' `"``list_of'' `this_value'"' } ***************************************** * Parse top level keywords else { parse_keyword, line(`"`line'"') /// allowed_keys("paths skipdirs recursedepth") local this_keyword = "`r(keyword)'" local this_value = `"`r(value)'"' if ("`this_keyword'" == "paths") { parse_value, value(`"`this_value'"') allowed_values("list string") local valid_value = `r(valid_value)' } else if ("`this_keyword'" == "skipdirs") { parse_value, value(`"`this_value'"') allowed_values("list string") local valid_value = `r(valid_value)' } else if ("`this_keyword'" == "recursedepth") { parse_value, value(`"`this_value'"') allowed_values("number") local valid_value = `r(valid_value)' } else { noi di as error `"{pstd}Icorrect keyword used on line `linenum' in file [`file']: [`line']{p_end}"' error 98 } * Output error if invalid value if (`valid_value' == 0) { noi di as error `"{pstd}In valid value in file [`file'] on line `linenum': [`line']{p_end}"' error 98 } * Unless value is beginning of list, add the value to this keyword if (`"`this_value'"' != "begin_list") { local `this_keyword' `"`this_value'"' } else { local is_list = 1 local list_of = "`this_keyword'" } } } * Read next line file read `re_file' line local linenum = 1 + `linenum' } /********************************************************** PREPARE VALUES TO RETURN **********************************************************/ * Add default recurse depth if path does not have custom depth local formatted_paths "" foreach path of local paths { noi prepend_recdepth , path(`path') recursedepth(`recursedepth') local formatted_paths `"`formatted_paths' "`r(path)'" "' } return local envpaths = trim(`"`formatted_paths'"') return local skipdirs `"`skipdirs'"' end cap program drop reproot_parse_root program define reproot_parse_root, rclass * Update the syntax. This is only a placeholder to make the command run syntax, file(string) /********************************************************** READ YAML FILE LINE BY LINE **********************************************************/ * Open template to read from and new tempfile to write to tempname re_file file open `re_file' using "`file'", read file read `re_file' line local linenum = 1 while r(eof)==0 { * Skip comments if (substr(trim(`"`line'"'),1,1) != "#") { local this_indent = 0 local this_keyword = "" local this_value = "" local valid_value = 0 * Make sure that the root file does not have any indent count_indent, line(`"`line'"') if (`r(indent)' != 0) { noi di as error `"{pstd}The root file [`file'] has an indent in line `linenum': [`line']. The root file is not allowed to have any indents.{p_end}"' error 98 exit } * Trim line to remove indent local line = trim(`"`line'"') * Parse the line for keyword and value parse_keyword, line(`"`line'"') allowed_keys("project_name root_name") local this_keyword = trim("`r(keyword)'") local this_value = trim("`r(value)'") if ("`this_keyword'" == "project_name") { parse_value, value(`"`this_value'"') allowed_values("string") local valid_value = `r(valid_value)' } else if ("`this_keyword'" == "root_name") { parse_value, value(`"`this_value'"') allowed_values("string") local valid_value = `r(valid_value)' } else { noi di as error `"{pstd}Incorrect keyword used on line `linenum' in file [`file']: [`line']{p_end}"' error 98 } * Add value named after this local `this_keyword' `"`this_value'"' } * Read next line file read `re_file' line local linenum = 1 + `linenum' } * Test that both required keywords were used local has_required_keys = 1 if missing("`project_name'") local has_required_keys = 0 if missing("`root_name'") local has_required_keys = 0 if (`has_required_keys'==0) { noi di as error `"{pstd}The root file [`file'] is missing at least one of the keywords project and root. Both are required{p_end}"' error 98 exit } * Return rpoject and root return local project = trim("`project_name'") return local root = trim("`root_name'") end * Parse out keyword from top level item cap program drop parse_keyword program define parse_keyword, rclass syntax, line(string) [allowed_keys(string)] * Parse key and value from line gettoken keyword value : line, parse(": ") * Trim and clean the locals local keyword = trim("`keyword'") local value = trim(subinstr(`"`value'"',":","",1)) if !missing("`allowed_keys'") & !(`: list keyword in allowed_keys') { noi di as error `"{pstd}The keyword [`keyword'] in line [`line'] is not allowed in the context it is used. Allowed keywords in that context are: [`allowed_keys'].{p_end}"' error 99 } else { if missing(`"`value'"') local value "begin_list" * Return the indend return local keyword `"`keyword'"' return local value `"`value'"' } end cap program drop parse_value program define parse_value, rclass syntax, value(string) allowed_values(string) local valid = 0 * Test if valid number if (strpos("`allowed_values'","number")) { cap confirm number `value' if (_rc != 7) local valid = 1 } * Test if valid list if (strpos("`allowed_values'","list")) { if (`"`value'"' == "begin_list") local valid = 1 } * Test if valid dpuble quoted string with cahr(34) (i.e. ") * as first and last character if (strpos("`allowed_values'","string")) { * Test that first and last charchter is char(34) - (.i.e ") local c1 = (substr(`"`macval(value)'"',1,1) == char(34)) local c2 = (substr(strreverse(`"`macval(value)'"'),1,1) == char(34)) * test that the string do not have more than 2 char(34) - (.i.e ") local s1 = !(strpos(subinstr(`"`macval(value)'"',char(34),"",2),char(34))) * Test that all above resulted in valid if ((`c1') & (`c2') & (`s1')) local valid = 1 } return local valid_value `valid' end cap program drop parse_listitem program define parse_listitem, rclass syntax, line(string) allowed_value(string) local valid = 1 * Parse key and value from line gettoken bullet value : line if (trim(`"`bullet'"') != "-") local valid = 0 local value = trim(`"`value'"') parse_value, value(`"`value'"') allowed_values("`allowed_value'") if (`r(valid_value)' == 0) local valid = 0 return local list_value `"`value'"' return local valid_value `valid' end cap program drop prepend_recdepth program define prepend_recdepth, rclass syntax , path(string) recursedepth(numlist) * Get part before first : gettoken depth : path, parse(":") * Test if part before : is a valid depth, otherwise add general depth cap confirm number `depth' if (_rc) local returnpath `"`recursedepth':`path'"' else local returnpath `"`path'"' return local path `"`returnpath'"' end * Count indents, throws error if any non-standard single space is used. cap program drop count_indent program define count_indent, rclass syntax, line(string) * Get the line length local linelen = strlen(`"`line'"') * Initiate locals local i = 0 local indent_count = 0 * Loop over each character while (`i'<`linelen') { * Get next character local c = substr(`"`line'"',`++i',1) * increment indent with 1 if a regular space if (`"`c'"' == char(32)) { local indent_count = 1 + `indent_count' } * Test for non standard whitespaces (tabs etc) * This list comes from https://www.stata.com/manuals/fnstringfunctions.pdf * in str function ustrltrim else if inlist(`"`c'"',char(9),char(10),char(11),char(12),char(13)) { * Set indent count to -1 and terminate while loop if found local indent_count = -1 local i = `linelen' } * If non-whitespace then terminate while loop as no more indent else local i = `linelen' } * Return the indend return local indent `indent_count' end