*! version 2.1 20240516 - DIME Analytics & LSMS Team, The World Bank - dimeanalytics@worldbank.org, lsms@worldbank.org cap program drop reprun program define reprun, rclass qui { version 14.1 syntax anything [using/] , [Verbose] [Compact] [noClear] [Debug] [Suppress(passthru)] /***************************************************************************** Syntax parsing and setup *****************************************************************************/ * Get the name of just the file without the path local dofile `anything' local orig_fname = substr(`"`dofile'"',strrpos(`"`dofile'"',"/")+1,.) local output `using' if `"`output'"' == `""' { local output = substr(`"`dofile'"',1,strrpos(`"`dofile'"',"/")) } if !missing("`debug'") di `"`dofile' || `output'"' if missing(`"`clear'"') { clear // Data matches, zeroed out by default set seed 12345 // Use Stata default setting when starting routine } /************************************************************************* Test input *************************************************************************/ *Test that output location exist mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists("`output'")) if (`r(dirExist)' == 0) { noi di as error `"{phang}The folder used in [output(`output')] does not exist.{p_end}"' error 693 exit } * Cannot choose verbose and compact if !missing(`"`verbose'"') local compact "" /************************************************************************* Set up output structure *************************************************************************/ local dirout "`output'/reprun" * Remove existing output if it exists mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists("`dirout'")) if (`r(dirExist)' == 1) rm_output_dir, folder("`dirout'") * Create the new output folder structure mkdir "`dirout'" * Create the subfolders in the output folder structure foreach outdir_run in run1 run2 { * Create a local to folder path and create the folder local d`outdir_run' "`dirout'/`outdir_run'" mkdir "`d`outdir_run''" } /************************************************************************* Generate the run 1 and run 2 do-files *************************************************************************/ noi di as res "" noi di as err "{phang}Starting reprun. Creating the do-files for run 1 and run 2.{p_end}" noi reprun_recurse, dofile("`dofile'") output("`dirout'") stub("m") local code_file_run1 "`r(code_file_run1)'" local code_file_run2 "`r(code_file_run2)'" noi di as err "{phang}Done creating the do-files for run 1 and run 2.{p_end}" /************************************************************************* Execute the run 1 and run 2 file to write the data files *************************************************************************/ * Run 1 noi di as err `"{phang}Executing "`orig_fname'" for run 1.{p_end}"' clear do "`code_file_run1'" noi di as err `"{phang}Done executing "`orig_fname'" for run 1.{p_end}"' * Run 2 noi di as err `"{phang}Executing "`orig_fname'" for run 2.{p_end}"' clear do "`code_file_run2'" noi di as err `"{phang}Done executing "`orig_fname'" for run 2.{p_end}"' /************************************************************************* Compare the data files and output the result *************************************************************************/ * Output locals local outputcolumns "10 37 64 91 110" tempname h_smcl tempfile f_smcl noi di as res "{phang}Generating the report for comparing the two runs.{p_end}" * Set up output smcl file file open `h_smcl' using `f_smcl', write noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') intro_output * Set up the titles for the first recursive call noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') l1(" ") /// l2(`"{phang}Checking file:{p_end}"') noi print_filetree_and_verbose_title, /// files(`" "`dofile'" "') h_smcl(`h_smcl') `verbose' `compact' output_writetitle , outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') /// l1("`r(topline)'") l2("`r(state_titles)'") /// l3("`r(col_titles)'") l4("`r(midline)'") * Start the recursive call noi recurse_comp_lines , dirout("`dirout'") stub("m") /// orgfile(`"`dofile'"') outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") /// `verbose' `compact' h_smcl(`h_smcl') `suppress' * Write line that close table output_writetitle , outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') /// l1(`"{phang}Done checking file:{p_end}"') /// l2(`"{pstd}{c BLC}{hline 1}> `dofile'{p_end}"') l3("{hline}") file close `h_smcl' /***************************************************************************** Write smcl file to disk and clean up intermediate files unless debugging *****************************************************************************/ copy `f_smcl' "`dirout'/`orig_fname'.reprun.smcl" , replace noi di as res "" noi di as res `"{phang}SMCL-file with report written to: {view "`dirout'/`orig_fname'.reprun.smcl"}{p_end}"' if missing("`debug'") { rm_output_dir , folder("`dirout'/run1/") rm_output_dir , folder("`dirout'/run2/") } } // Remove tmahen command is no longer in beta noi repkit "beta reprun" end /*************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** Sub-programs for: Writing run 1 and run 2 dofile **************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ * Go over the do-file to create run 1 and run 2 do-files. * Run 1 and 2 are identical to each other. cap program drop reprun_recurse program define reprun_recurse, rclass qui { syntax, dofile(string) output(string) stub(string) /************************************************************************* Create the files that this recursive call needs *************************************************************************/ * For each run there will be two files file. * One code do-file that is a copy of the original file but writes states. * One data txt-file that the states are written to foreach run in 1 2 { * Create code and data output file for each run tempname code_`run' data_`run' *Create locals for the file local code_f`run' "`output'/run`run'/`stub'.do" local data_f`run' "`output'/run`run'/`stub'.txt" * Create the files file open `code_`run'' using "`code_f`run''", write file open `data_`run'' using "`data_f`run''", write } /************************************************************************* Loop over all lines in the do-file *************************************************************************/ * Line write locals local lnum = 1 // line number tracker local leof = 0 // end-of file tracker local subf_n = 0 // tracker of sub-dofiles * Line parse locals local block_stack "" local loopblock 0 local commentblock 0 local last_line "" local loop_stack "" local lastline_capture 0 * Open the orginal file tempname code_orig file open `code_orig' using "`dofile'", read * Loop until end of file while `leof' == 0 { * Read next line file read `code_orig' line local leof = `r(eof)' /* Lines with /// are concatenated to long single lines. If the previous line was a /// line then that content is in the last_line local which is here concatenated. */ local line = `"`macval(last_line)' `macval(line)'"' * Analyze line in parser to see if this line needs * and special handling org_line_parse, line(`"`macval(line)'"') local write_dataline = `r(write_dataline)' local firstw = `"`r(firstw)'"' local secondw = `"`r(secondw)'"' local thirdw = `"`r(thirdw)'"' local line_wrap = `r(line_wrap)' local block_end = `r(block_end)' local block_add = `"`r(block_add)'"' local has_rc = `"`r(has_rc)'"' * If this row is a closed curly bracket then * remove most recent word from stack if (`r(block_end)' == 1) { local block_pop : word 1 of `block_stack' local block_stack = subinstr("`block_stack'","`block_pop'","",1) if inlist("`block_pop'","foreach","forvalues","while") { local loop_stack = strreverse("`loop_stack'") local loop_pop : word 1 of `loop_stack' local loop_stack = strreverse( /// subinstr("`loop_stack'","`loop_pop'","",1)) } } * Add if/else/noi/qui to block stack if !missing("`r(block_add)'") { local block_stack "`r(block_add)' `block_stack' " } * Reset default locals for this line local write_recline = 0 * Remove /// and pass this line to be included in next line as * multiline code is being written to one line in the write/check files if (`line_wrap' == 1) { local break_pos = strpos(`"`macval(line)'"',"///") local last_line = substr(`"`macval(line)'"',1,`break_pos'-1) } * Not part of a multiline line else { *Reset the last line local local last_line = "" local line_command = "OTHER" local dofile "" local doflag 0 foreach w in `macval(line)' { get_command, word("`w'") if `doflag' == 1 local dofile = "`w'" if "`r(command)'" == "do" | "`r(command)'" == "run" { local doflag = 1 } else local doflag 0 local line_command = "`line_command' `r(command)'" } local line_command : list uniq line_command * If using capture, log it and take second word as command if (strpos("`line_command'","capture")) { local lastline_capture = 1 local write_dataline = 0 } * Handle row that is not capture else { * Test if _rc was used on line that is * not immedeatly after line with capture if `lastline_capture' == 0 & `has_rc' == 1 { noi di as error "{pstd}To make sure that {cmd:reprun} runs correctly, {cmd:_rc} is only allowed to be used immediately after the line where {cmd:capture} was used. See this article (TODO) for examples on how code can be rewritten to satisfy this requirement. Line number `lnum'.{p_end}" error 99 exit } * Make sure that is capture local is reset local lastline_capture = 0 } * Line is do or run, so call recursive function if (strpos("`line_command'","do")) | (strpos("`line_command'","run")) { * Write line handling recursion in data file local write_recline = 1 * Get the file path from the second word local file = `"`dofile'"' local file_rev = strreverse("`file'") * Only recurse on .do files and add .do when no extension is used if (substr("`file_rev'",1,3) == "od.") { local recurse 1 } else if (substr("`file_rev'",1,4) == "oda.") { local recurse 0 // skip recursing reprun on adofiles } else { local recurse 1 local file "`file'.do" } * Skip recursion instead of error if file not found cap confirm file "`file'" if _rc { local recurse 0 } * Test if it should recurse or not if `recurse' == 1 { * Keep working on the stub local recursestub "`stub'_`++subf_n'" noi reprun_recurse, dofile("`file'") /// output("`output'") /// stub("`recursestub'") local sub_f1 "`r(code_file_run1)'" local sub_f2 "`r(code_file_run2)'" * Substitute the original sub-dofile with the check/write ones local run1_line = /// subinstr(`"`line'"',`"`file'"',`""`sub_f1'""',1) local run2_line = /// subinstr(`"`line'"',`"`file'"',`""`sub_f2'""',1) *Correct potential ""path"" to "path" local run1_line = subinstr(`"`run1_line'"',`""""',`"""',.) local run2_line = subinstr(`"`run2_line'"',`""""',`"""',.) } } * No special thing with row needing alteration, write row as is else { * Copy the lines as is local run1_line `"`macval(line)'"' local run2_line `"`macval(line)'"' * Load the local in memory - important to * build file paths in recursive calls if (strpos("`line_command'","local")) | (strpos("`line_command'","global")) { // Capture in case running the macro requires data in memory capture `line' } * Write foreach/forvalues to block stack and * it's macro name to loop stack if (strpos("`line_command'","foreach")) | (strpos("`line_command'","forvalues")) { local block_stack "`line_command' `block_stack' " local loop_stack = trim("`loop_stack' `secondw'") } * Write while to block stack and * also "while" to loop stack as it does not have a macro name if strpos("`line_command'","while") { local block_stack "`line_command' `block_stack' " local loop_stack = trim("`loop_stack' `line_command'") } } if (`write_recline' == 1) { file write `code_1' `"reprun_dataline, run(1) lnum(`lnum') datatmp("`data_f1'") recursestub(`recursestub') orgsubfile(`file')"' "`macval(rcout)'" _n file write `code_2' `"reprun_dataline, run(2) lnum(`lnum') datatmp("`data_f2'") recursestub(`recursestub') orgsubfile(`file')"' "`macval(rcout)'" _n } * Write the line copied from original file file write `code_1' `"`macval(run1_line)'"' _n "`macval(rcin)'" _n file write `code_2' `"`macval(run2_line)'"' _n "`macval(rcin)'" _n if (`write_dataline' == 1) { * prepare loop_string with macros local loop_str = "" foreach loop_macname of local loop_stack { if ("`loop_macname'"=="while") { local loop_str = "`macval(loop_str)' while" } else { local loop_str = /// "`macval(loop_str)' `loop_macname':\``loop_macname''" } } * Write lines to run file 1 and 2 file write `code_1' `"reprun_dataline, run(1) lnum(`lnum') datatmp("`data_f1'") looptracker("`macval(loop_str)'")"' _n "`macval(rcout)'" _n file write `code_2' `"reprun_dataline, run(2) lnum(`lnum') datatmp("`data_f2'") looptracker("`macval(loop_str)'")"' _n "`macval(rcout)'" _n } } local ++lnum } /************************************************************************* Close all tempfiles *************************************************************************/ foreach fh in `code_orig' `code_1' `code_2' `data_1' `data_2' { file close `fh' } /************************************************************************* Return tempfiles so they can be used in when the test is run *************************************************************************/ return local code_file_run1 "`code_f1'" return local code_file_run2 "`code_f2'" } end cap program drop org_line_parse program define org_line_parse , rclass syntax, line(string) *Define defaults to be returned local write_dataline 1 local firstw "" local secondw "" local thirdw "" local line_wrap 0 local block_add "" local block_end 0 local has_rc 0 * Get the first words tokenize `" `macval(line)' "' *********************************** * Handle quietly and noisily *********************************** get_command , word(`"`1'"') local line_command = "`r(command)'" if inlist("`line_command'","quietly","noisily") { * Test if beginning of a noi/qui block if strpos(`"`macval(line)'"',"{") { local block_add "`line_command'" } * Retokenize without the noi/qui syntax (including the ":") local nline = subinstr(`"`macval(line)'"',"`1'","",1) if (`"`2'"' == ":") /// local nline = subinstr(`"`macval(nline)'"',"`2'","",1) if (substr(`"`1'"',1,1)==":") /// local nline = subinstr(`"`macval(nline)'"',":","",1) tokenize `" `macval(nline)' "' } *********************************** * Handle if-else *********************************** if inlist("`line_command'","if","else") { if strpos(`"`macval(line)'"',"{") { local block_add "`line_command'" } } *********************************** * Parse the line *********************************** local firstw `"`macval(1)'"' local secondw `"`macval(2)'"' local thirdw `"`macval(3)'"' * Empty line - skip writing to data file if (itrim(trim(`"`macval(line)'"')) == "") { local write_dataline 0 } * Closed curly bracket - End of block else if (substr(`"`firstw'"',1,1)=="}") { local write_dataline 0 local block_end = 1 } /* /// line wrap */ if (strpos(`"`macval(line)'"',"///")) local line_wrap 1 /* Uses _rc */ if (strpos(`"`macval(line)'"'," _rc ")) local has_rc 1 * Return all info return local write_dataline `write_dataline' return local firstw `"`macval(firstw)'"' return local secondw `"`macval(secondw)'"' return local thirdw `"`macval(thirdw)'"' return local line_wrap `line_wrap' return local block_end `block_end' return local block_add "`block_add'" return local has_rc "`has_rc'" end * This program see if the string passed in word() is a match * (full word or abbreviation) to a command that toggles some * special beavior when writing the write and check files cap program drop get_command program define get_command, rclass syntax, [word(string)] local wlen = strlen(`"`word'"') local commands "" local commands "`commands' do ru:n" // File execution local commands "`commands' foreach forv:alues while" // Iterations local commands "`commands' if else" // Logic local commands "`commands' loc:al gl:obal" // Macros local commands "`commands' qui:etly n:oisily" // Qui/noi local commands "`commands' cap:ture" // Qui/noi local match = 0 foreach command of local commands { if (`match'==0) { gettoken abbr rest : command, parse(":") local rest = subinstr("`rest'",":","",1) local labbr = strlen("`abbr'") *Test if minimum abbreviation is the same if (substr(`"`word'"',1,`labbr')=="`abbr'") { *Test if remaining part of the word match the rest of the command if (substr(`"`word'"',`labbr'+1,.)==substr("`rest'",1,`wlen'-`labbr')) { return local command `"`abbr'`rest'"' local match = 1 } } } } * No match, return OTHER if (`match'==0) { return local command "OTHER" } end /***************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Sub-programs for: Comparing results in data files line by line ****************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ cap program drop recurse_comp_lines program define recurse_comp_lines, rclass qui { syntax, dirout(string) stub(string) orgfile(string) /// outputcolumns(string) h_smcl(string) [verbose] [compact] [suppress(passthru)] local df1 "`dirout'/run1/`stub'.txt" local df2 "`dirout'/run2/`stub'.txt" tempname handle_df1 handle_df2 file open `handle_df1' using "`df1'", read file open `handle_df2' using "`df2'", read local prev_line1 "" local prev_line2 "" * Loop over all lines in the two data files local eof = 0 while `eof' == 0 { * Read next line of data file 1 file read `handle_df1' line1 local eof1 = `r(eof)' * Read next line of data file 2 file read `handle_df2' line2 local eof2 = `r(eof)' ***************************** * Test lines to see if the comparison is valid ***************************** *Test if both lines are identitical local lines_identical = (`"`line1'"'==`"`line2'"') * Testing that not just one local eof = (`eof1' + `eof2')/2 if (`eof' == .5) { noi di "Only one data file came to an end, that is an error" error 198 } * Test if rows are recurse rows local is_recurse1 = ("`: word 1 of `line1''" == "recurse") local is_recurse2 = ("`: word 1 of `line2''" == "recurse") local recurse = (`is_recurse1' + `is_recurse2')/2 if (`recurse' == .5) { noi di as error "Internal error: It should never be the case that only one row is a recurse row" error 198 } else if (`recurse' == 1 & `lines_identical' == 0) { noi di as error "Internal error: Both rows are recurse but they are different" error 198 } ***************************** * Test lines to see if the comparison is valid ***************************** * Skip rest if reached end of file if (`eof' != 1) { * If line is a recurse line, then recurese over that file if (`recurse' == 1 ) { * Getting stub name and orig ndofile name from recurse line local new_stub : word 2 of `line1' local new_orgfile : word 3 of `line1' * Write end to previous table, write the file tree for the next * recursion, and write the beginning of that table output_writetitle , outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') /// l1("`r(botline)'") l2(" ") /// l3(`"{pstd} Stepping into sub-file:{p_end}"') noi print_filetree_and_verbose_title, /// files(`" "`orgfile'" "`new_orgfile'" "') h_smcl(`h_smcl') `verbose' `compact' output_writetitle , outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') /// l1("`r(topline)'") l2("`r(state_titles)'") /// l3("`r(col_titles)'") l4("`r(midline)'") * Make the recurisive call for next file noi recurse_comp_lines , dirout("`dirout'") stub("`new_stub'") /// orgfile(`"`orgfile' "`new_orgfile'" "') /// outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") h_smcl(`h_smcl') `verbose' `compact' `suppress' * Step back into this data file after the recursive call and: * Write file tree, and write the titles to the continuation for * this file noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') /// l1(`"{phang} Stepping back into file:{p_end}"') noi print_filetree_and_verbose_title, /// files(`" "`orgfile'" "') h_smcl(`h_smcl') `verbose' `compact' output_writetitle , outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') /// l1("`r(topline)'") l2("`r(state_titles)'") /// l3("`r(col_titles)'") l4("`r(midline)'") } * Line is data and not recurse : compare the lines else { * Compare if lines are different across runs, but also if lines has changed since last line compare_data_lines, /// l1("`line1'") pl1("`prev_line1'") /// l2("`line2'") pl2("`prev_line2'") /// `suppress' * Only display line if there is a mismatch, or if option verbose * is used, also output if there is a change from previous line local write_outputline 0 * Check each value individually for changes and mismatches foreach matchtype in rng srng dsum { * Test if any line is "Change" local any_change = /// strpos("`r(`matchtype'_c1)'`r(`matchtype'_c2)'","Change") if (`any_change' > 0 & !missing(`"`verbose'"')) /// local write_outputline 1 * Test if any line is "Mismatch" local any_mismatch = /// max(strpos("`r(`matchtype'_m)'","ERR"),strpos("`r(`matchtype'_m)'","DIFF")) if (`any_mismatch' > 0) & missing(`"`compact'"') local write_outputline 1 * Compact display if ("`matchtype'"!="dsum") & (`any_mismatch' > 0) & (`any_change' > 0) local write_outputline 1 } * If line is supposed to be outputted, write line if (`write_outputline' == 1 ) { output_writerow , /// outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") lnum("`r(lnum)'") /// rng1("`r(rng_c1)'") rng2("`r(rng_c2)'") rngm("`r(rng_m)'") /// srng1("`r(srng_c1)'") srng2("`r(srng_c2)'") srngm("`r(srng_m)'") /// dsum1("`r(dsum_c1)'") dsum2("`r(dsum_c2)'") dsumm("`r(dsum_m)'") /// loopiteration("`r(loopt)'") noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') l1("`r(outputline)'") } * Load these lines into pre_line locals for next run local prev_line1 "`line1'" local prev_line2 "`line2'" } } * End of this data file else { * Close the table for his file output_writetitle , outputcolumns("`outputcolumns'") noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') /// l1("`r(botline)'") l2(" ") } } } end cap program drop compare_data_lines program define compare_data_lines, rclass syntax, l1(string) l2(string) [pl1(string) pl2(string) suppress(string)] * Parse all lines and put then into locals to be compared foreach line in l1 l2 pl1 pl2 { local data "``line''" while !missing(`"`data'"') { * Parse next key:value pair of data gettoken keyvaluepair data : data, parse("&") local data = substr("`data'",2,.) // remove parse char * Get key and value from pair and return gettoken key value : keyvaluepair, parse(":") local `line'_`key' = substr("`value'",2,.) // remove parse char } } * Testing an returning line number if ("`l1_l'" != "`l2_l'") { noi di as error "Internal error: The line number should always be the same in data line from run 1 and run 2. But in this case line number in run 1 it is `l1_l', and in run 2 it is `l1_2'" error 198 } return local lnum "`l1_l'" if ("`l1_loopt'" != "`l1_loopt'") { noi di as error "Internal error: The looptracker should always be the same in data line from run 1 and run 2. But in this case looptracker in run 1 it is `l1_loopt', and in run 2 it is `l2_loopt'" error 198 } // Suppress loop info if ("`l1_loopt'" == "`pl1_loopt'") & !missing("`l1_loopt'") & strpos("`suppress'","loop") /// local l1_loopt "" return local loopt "`l1_loopt'" * Logic for minimal SRNG checker local l1_srng = "`l1_srngstate'" local pl1_srng = "`pl1_srngstate'" if ("`l1_srngstate'" != "`pl1_srngstate'") & ("`l2_srngcheck'" != "`l1_srngcheck'") { local l2_srng = "`l2_srngstate'" local pl2_srng = "`pl2_srngstate'" } else { local l2_srng = "`l1_srngstate'" local pl2_srng = "`pl1_srngstate'" } local arrow "{c -}{c -}{c -}{c -}{c -}>" * Comparing all states since previous line and between runs foreach state in rng srng dsum { * Compare state in each run compared to previous line local `state'_c1 = "" local change1 0 if ("`l1_`state''" != "`pl1_`state''") & ("`pl1_`state''"!="") { local `state'_c1 = "Change" local change1 1 } local `state'_c2 = "" local change2 0 if ("`l2_`state''" != "`pl2_`state''") & ("`pl2_`state''"!="") { local `state'_c2 = "Change" local change2 1 } // Ignore RNG if seed is still on default seed if ("`state'" == "rng") { set seed 12345 if ("`l1_`state''" == "`c(rngstate)'") { local `state'_c1 = "" local `state'_c2 = "" local l1_`state' = "DEFAULT" local l2_`state' = "DEFAULT" local change1 0 local change2 0 } } ************************************************************ * Compare states across runs * Match if ("`l1_`state''" == "`l2_`state''") { if !missing("``state'_c1'``state'_c2'") return local `state'_m "OK!" if strpos(" `suppress' "," `state' ") { return local `state'_m "" local `state'_c1 = "" local `state'_c2 = "" } } * Return the labels for each state return local `state'_c1 "``state'_c1'" return local `state'_c2 "``state'_c2'" * Not matching else { * Stata changes in both runs, but to different values if (`change1' & `change2') { return local `state'_m "{err:DIFF}" } * Neither value changed, they were different from before else if (!`change1' & !`change2') { return local `state'_m "" } * Only one value changed - that is an error else { return local `state'_m "{err:ERR}" } } } end /***************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Sub-programs for: Output results ****************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ * This sub-program prints output to file and screen. * It can print up to 6 lines at the same time l1-l6 * It has a shorthand to print the intro output cap program drop write_and_print_output program define write_and_print_output, rclass syntax , h_smcl(string) [intro_output /// l1(string) l2(string) l3(string) l4(string) l5(string) l6(string)] * Prepare setup lines if !missing("`intro_output'") { local l1 " " local l2 "{hline}" local l3 "`line'{phang}reprun output created by user `c(username)' at `c(current_date)' `c(current_time)'{p_end}" local l4 "`line'{phang}Operating System `c(machine_type)' `c(os)' `c(osdtl)'{p_end}" local l5 "`line'{phang}Stata `c(edition_real)' - Version `c(stata_version)' running as version `c(version)'{p_end}" local l6 "{hline}" } * Output and write the lines forvalues line = 1/6 { if !missing(`"`l`line''"') { noi di as res `"`l`line''"' file write `h_smcl' `"`l`line''"' _n } } end cap program drop output_writerow program define output_writerow, rclass syntax , outputcolumns(numlist) lnum(string) /// [rng1(string) rng2(string) rngm(string) /// srng1(string) srng2(string) srngm(string) /// dsum1(string) dsum2(string) dsumm(string) /// loopiteration(string)] local c1 : word 1 of `outputcolumns' local c2 : word 2 of `outputcolumns' local c3 : word 3 of `outputcolumns' local c4 : word 4 of `outputcolumns' local c5 : word 5 of `outputcolumns' * Line number local out_line "{c |} `lnum' {col `c1'}" * Rng state local c1 = (`c1' + 9) local out_line "`out_line'{c |} `rng1'{col `c1'}" local c1 = (`c1' + 9) local out_line "`out_line' `rng2'{col `c1'}" local out_line "`out_line' `rngm'{col `c2'}" * Sort rng state local c2 = (`c2' + 9) local out_line "`out_line'{c |} `srng1'{col `c2'}" local c2 = (`c2' + 9) local out_line "`out_line' `srng2'{col `c2'}" local out_line "`out_line' `srngm'{col `c3'}" * Datasignature local c3 = (`c3' + 9) local out_line "`out_line'{c |} `dsum1'{col `c3'}" local c3 = (`c3' + 9) local out_line "`out_line' `dsum2'{col `c3'}" local out_line "`out_line' `dsumm'{col `c4'}" local out_line "`out_line'{c |} `loopiteration'" return local outputline `out_line' end cap program drop output_writetitle program define output_writetitle, rclass syntax , outputcolumns(string) local c1 : word 1 of `outputcolumns' local c2 : word 2 of `outputcolumns' local c3 : word 3 of `outputcolumns' local c4 : word 4 of `outputcolumns' local c5 : word 5 of `outputcolumns' local h1 = `c1'-2 local h2 = `c2'-`c1'-1 local h3 = `c3'-`c2'-1 local h4 = `c4'-`c3'-1 local h5 = `c5'-`c4'-1 * Top-line local tt "{c TT}" local tl "{c TLC}{hline `h1'}`tt'{hline `h2'}`tt'{hline `h3'}`tt'{hline `h4'}" return local topline "`tl'`tt'{hline `h5'}" * State titel line local sl "{c |}{col `c1'}" local sl "`sl'{c |}{dup 6: }Seed RNG State{col `c2'}" local sl "`sl'{c |}{dup 6: }Sort Order RNG{col `c3'}" local sl "`sl'{c |}{dup 6: }Data Checksum{col `c4'}" return local state_titles "`sl'{c |}" * Column title line local ct "{c |} Run 1 {c |} Run 2 {c |} Match " local cl "{c |} Line # {col `c1'}" local cl "`cl'`ct'{col `c2'}`ct'{col `c3'}`ct'{col `c4'}{c |}" return local col_titles "`cl' Loop iteration:" * Middle-line local mt "{c +}" local ml "{c LT}{hline 8}`mt'" local ml "`ml'{hline 8}`mt'{hline 8}`mt'{hline 8}`mt'" local ml "`ml'{hline 8}`mt'{hline 8}`mt'{hline 8}`mt'" local ml "`ml'{hline 8}`mt'{hline 8}`mt'{hline 8}`mt'" return local midline "`ml'{hline `h5'}" * Bottom-line local bt "{c BT}" local bl "{c BLC}{hline 8}`bt'" local bl "`bl'{hline 8}`bt'{hline 8}`bt'{hline 8}`bt'" local bl "`bl'{hline 8}`bt'{hline 8}`bt'{hline 8}`bt'" local bl "`bl'{hline 8}`bt'{hline 8}`bt'{hline 8}`bt'" return local botline "`bl'{hline `h5'}" end * Print file tree cap program drop print_filetree_and_verbose_title program define print_filetree_and_verbose_title, rclass syntax , files(string) h_smcl(string) [verbose] [compact] local file_count = 0 foreach file of local files { noi write_and_print_output, h_smcl(`h_smcl') /// l1(`"{pstd}{c BLC}{hline `++file_count'}> `file'{p_end}"') } noi di "" if missing("`verbose'") & missing("`compact'") { noi di as res "{phang}Lines where Run 1 and Run 2 mismatch for any value:{p_end}" } if !missing("`verbose'") { noi di as res "{phang}Lines where Run 1 and Run 2 mismatch {ul:or} change for any value:{p_end}" } if !missing("`compact'") { noi di as res "{phang}Lines where Run 1 and Run 2 mismatch {ul:and} change for any value:{p_end}" } end /***************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Utility sub-programs ****************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ * This program can delete all your folders on your computer if used incorrectly. cap program drop rm_output_dir program define rm_output_dir syntax , folder(string) *Test that folder exist mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists("`folder'")) if (`r(dirExist)' != 0) { * File paths can have both forward and/or back slash. * We'll standardize them so they're easier to handle local folderStd = subinstr(`"`folder'"',"\","/",.) * List directories, files and other files local dlist : dir `"`folderStd'"' dirs "*" , respectcase local flist : dir `"`folderStd'"' files "*" , respectcase local olist : dir `"`folderStd'"' other "*" , respectcase local files `"`flist' `olist'"' * Recursively call this command on all subfolders foreach dir of local dlist { rm_output_dir , folder(`"`folderStd'/`dir'"') } * Remove files in this folder foreach file of local files { rm `"`folderStd'/`file'"' } * Remove this folder as it is now empty rmdir `"`folderStd'"' } end