.- help for ^reswage^ - 1.0 - 1/1/05 .- Estimates reservation wage model using Breen's (1996) likelihood function ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^reswage^ ^depvar^ ^varlist1^, SELect(^varlist2^)[dummy(^censor_indicator^)] where ^depvar^ is the dependent variable that is censored for a subset of the sample ^varlist1^ is the set of independent variables thought to affect ^depvar^ ^varlist2^ is the set of independent variables thought to affect reservation wages ^censor_indicator^ is the dummy variable indicating if an observation is censored ^aweights^, ^fweights^, and ^pweights^ are not allowed in this version of ^reswage^ Description ----------- ^reswage^ uses maximum likelihood and Breen's likelihood function (in ^reswage_ll.ado^, see "Remarks" below for bibliographic information) to estimate a selection regression model with endogenous selection. ^reswage^ provides an alternative to the standard Heckman two-step or MLE selection models, with the primary distinction being ^reswage^ relaxes the assumption of the exogeneity of the sampling mechanism; e.g., wage offers influence the likelihood of employment and hence the odds of observing wages. Sample selection models such as Heckman are notoriously difficult to identify, and ^reswage^ is no exception to this general rule. The likelihood function as specified in ^reswage_ll.ado^ is identified via the assumption of no error correlation between the error terms in the equations predicting observed wages and reservation wages. In models where there are no good instruments to adequately differentiate between these two equations, there will likely be difficulties in getting ^reswage^ to converge. Options ------- dummy(^censor_indicator^) specifies which cases have censored values of ^depvar^. If this option is not utilized, a dummy variable will be created for you on the basis of whether ^depvar^ is missing. Remarks ------- For detailed information on the underlying likelihood function, see REGRESSION MODELS: CENSORED, SAMPLE-SELECTED, OR TRUNCATED DATA. Richard Breen, Sage University Paper series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, series no. 7-011, Thousand Oaks, 1996. The likelihood function is provided on pp. 55-57. Examples -------- . ^use http://www.stata.com/data/jwooldridge/eacsap/mroz^ . ^reswage lwage educ exper, select(nwifeinc kidslt6 kidsge6 age educ)^ or equivalently . ^use http://www.stata.com/data/jwooldridge/eacsap/mroz^ . ^reswage lwage educ exper, sel(nwifeinc kidslt6 kidsge6 age educ) dummy(inlf)^ .- Authors: John Reynolds, Department of Sociology, Florida State University, john.reynolds@fsu.edu Karen Frank, Department of Sociology, Florida State University, kc04d@fsu.edu