{smcl} {* *! version 1.0.5 21sept2019} {bf:[XT] rho_xtregar} {hline 2} rho of BFN in a fixed-effects or random-effects linear model with an AR(1) disturbance {marker syntax} {title:Syntax} Fixed-effects (FE) model or Random-effects (RE) model {hline} {cmd:rho_xtregar} {depvar} [{indepvars}] [if] [using {it:filename}] [, approx approx_balanced approx_unbalanced nodisplay] options Description {hline} {cmd:approx} Instead of rho_BFN, it computes the appropriate approximation, taking account whether the panel is balanced or unbalanced. {cmd:approx_balanced} (seldom used) Force the command to compute the approximation of rho_BFN appropriate to the balanced case. {cmd:approx_unbalanced} (seldom used) Force the command to compute the approximation of rho_BFN appropriate to the unbalanced case. {cmd:nodisplay} Do not display the message regarding the number of units with at least two successive observations. {hline} A panel variable and a time variable must be specified; use {cmd:xtset}. Weights are not allowed {marker description} {title:Description} {cmd:rho_xtregar} estimates the autoregressive parameter for cross-sectional time-series regression models when the disturbance term is first-order autoregressive. It generalizes to the unbalanced case the method exposed in {it:Bargava, Franzini and Narendranathan(1982)}. As such, it returns r(rho_BFN). {cmd:rho_xtregar} can accommodate unbalanced panels whose observations are unequally spaced over time. Remark: {cmd:rho_xtregar} uses only on those individuals that have {bf:at least two successive observations.} When such condition is too stringent, see for instance {it:Magnac, Pistolesi and Roux (2018)}. Technical remarks: {cmd:rho_xtregar} requires the user-written command: {cmd: moremata}. You can access it on ssc: {cmd:.ssc install moremata, replace} In very long panels (T>70), computation of rho_BFN may require an increase in maxvar (set it higher than T*T). {marker examples} {title:Example} Setup: {cmd:. webuse grunfeld} {cmd:. xtset company time} Estimation of rho: {cmd:. rho_xtregar invest mvalue kstock} {cmd:. local rhoBFN = r(rho_BFN)} Fixed-effects model: {cmd:. xtregar invest mvalue kstock, fe rhof(`rhoBFN')} Comparison with {cmd:xtregar}: {cmd:. xtregar invest mvalue kstock, fe} {cmd:. dis "rho_BFN = " `rhoBFN' " ; rho_xtregar = " `e(rho_ar)'} To make a Monte-Carlo simulation: {cmd:. scalar the_rho = e(rho_ar) } {cmd:. scalar the_sigma_eta = e(sigma_e) } {cmd:. scalar the_sigma_c_i = e(sigma_u) } {cmd:. scalar the_sigma_epsilon = the_sigma_eta / sqrt(1-the_rho*the_rho) } {cmd:. matrix the_sd = (the_sigma_eta,the_sigma_epsilon,the_sigma_c_i) } {cmd:. gen rho_emp = 0 } {cmd:. gen rho_emp2 = 0 } {cmd:. set seed 89 } {cmd:. forvalues i = 1/10 {c -(} } {cmd:. drawnorm eta epsilon0 c_i, means(0,0,0) sds(the_sd) } {cmd:. bysort company: gen epsilon= epsilon0 if _n==1 } {cmd:. bysort company: replace epsilon=eta + the_rho * epsilon[_n-1] if _n>1 } {cmd:. bysort company: replace c_i = c_i[1] } {cmd:. gen y = c_i + epsilon } {cmd:. xtregar y, fe } {cmd:. replace rho_emp = e(rho_ar) if _n==`i' } {cmd:. rho_xtregar y } {cmd:. replace rho_emp2 = r(rho_BFN) if _n==`i' } {cmd:. drop epsilon epsilon epsilon0 y eta c_i } {cmd:. {c )-} } {cmd:. keep if _n<=10 } {cmd:. collapse (mean)rho_emp rho_emp2 } {cmd:. display "true value: " the_rho "; xtregar gives: " rho_emp[1] " ; rho_xtregar gives: " rho_emp2[1] } {marker stored} {title:Stored results} {cmd: rho_xtregar} stores the following in {cmd: r() :} Scalars {cmd: r(rho_BFN)} rho of BFN (or its approximation when an option is supplied) {marker formula} {title:Formula} Let d_p define the generalisation of the Durbin-Watson statistic of Cazenave-Lacroutz and Vieu (2019): and r_d = (1-d_p/2) rho_BFN is defined by: rho_d = g_N(rho_BFN) with g_N:r-> $1 - \frac{(1-r) \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{K_i}{1+K_i}}{N - \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{1}{n_i^2} \sum_{j,k=1}^{n_i} r^{|t_{ij} - t_{ik}|}}$ where: $K_i = \sum_{j=2}^{n_i} \mathbb{1}_{t_{ij} - t_{ij-1} = 1} $ rho_BFN_approx_balanced is defined by: rho_BFN_approx_balanced = rho_d / (2-T) In a balanced panel, its bias converges towards zero (when T -> infinity) in $1/T^2$. Suggested for fast computations when T is large (e.g. T=10). rho_BFN_approx_unbalanced is defined by: rho_BFN_approx_unbalanced = $\frac{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i}^N \frac{K_i}{1+K_i}-1+\rho_d}{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i}^N \frac{K_i}{1+K_i}}$ It should not be used in balanced panels, as its bias converges towards zero much slower than rho_BFN_balanced (in $1/T$). {marker references} {title:References} Bhargava, A., L. Franzini, and W. Narendranathan. 1982. Serial correlation and the fixed effects model. {it:Review of Economic Studies} 49: 533-549. Magnac, T., Pistolesi, N., & Roux, S. 2018. Post-Schooling Human Capital Investments and the Life Cycle of Earnings. {it:Journal of Political Economy}, 126(3), 1219-1249. Cazenave-Lacroutz, A. and V. Lin. 2019. rho_xtregar: a new command to improve the estimation of rho in AR(1) panels. {it:Mimeo}. {title:Authors} {p 4} Alexandre Cazenave-Lacroutz and Vieu Lin {p_end} {p 4} Centre de Recherche en Economie et en Statistiques (Crest) et Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (Insee){p_end} {p 4} {browse "mailto:alexandre.cazenave-lacroutz@polytechnique.org":alexandre.cazenave-lacroutz@polytechnique.org}{p_end} {p 4} https://sites.google.com/view/acazenave-lacroutz/english{p_end} {p 4} https://github.com/ACL90/rho_xtregar{p_end}