Help file for runmplus_fits

Save selected results (fits and/or parameter estimates) from across multiple runmplus sessions. Fits are accumulated in a matrix return in e(fits). Use replace option to start a new collection of fits. Identify fits you want to save using return list after a runmplus session. You may also save parameter estimates [estimate(blah)] and their standard errors[se(blah)].

Note: this command is case sensitive.


runmplus_fits anything [ , REPlace ESTimate(string) se(string) ]


anything - Specify fits (e.g., LL_H0, aBIC, free_parameters, CFI). By default, fits for Loglikelihood Loglikelihood_cf free_parameters aBIC are saved.

ESTimate(string) - identify a parameter estimate or two or any number to accumulate over multiple sessions.


. runmplus y1-y4 , model(i s | y1@0 y2@1 y3@2 y4@3;) . runmplus_fits LL_H0 free_parameters aBIC CFI , est(mean_s) replace . runmplus y1-y4 , model(i s | y1@0 y2@1 y3@2 y4*3; ) . runmplus_fits LL_H0 free_parameters aBIC CFI , est(mean_s) . mat list e(fits)

e(fits)[2,5] LL_H0 free_parameters aBIC CFI > means_s r1 -2631.622 9 5297.521 .993 > -.051 r1 -2631.028 10 5300.141 .993 > -.049

. mat fits=e(fits)

. lli , l1(fits[2,1]) p1(fits[2,2]) l0(fits[1,1]) p0(fits[1,2]) difference test scaling correction (cd) = 1.000 Chi-square difference test = 1.188 P = 0.276

Author Richard N Jones, ScD Institute for Aging Research Hebrew SeniorLife, Boston, MA jones@mail.hrca.harvard.edu

Also see

help for runmplus lli