Help file for runmplus_load_savedata

Reads in data saved by Mplus using the SAVEDATA command. Uses as input the name of the output file from Mplus. By output file, I mean the file that Mplus uses to present data and model information, parameter estimates, and other results. This program will read that output file and extract the file name and variable names, and load the saved data into STATA.


runmplus_load_savedata , out(string) [clear]

Required commands

out - name the output file. Include the extension. Include the entire path if you'd like.

Optional commands

clear - clears the active data file before loading the SAVEDATA.


. runmplus_load_savedata , out(c:\trash\log.out) clear

Author Richard N Jones, ScD Institute for Aging Research Hebrew SeniorLife, Boston, MA jones@hrca.harvard.edu

Also see

On-line: help for stata2mplus runmplus infile strparse