{smcl} {* 13sept2002/2apr2003}{...} {hline} help for {hi:rvpplot27} {hline} {title:Graph residual-versus-predictor plot after regression-type command} {p 8 16}{cmd:rvpplot27} {it:varname} [{cmd:,} {it:residualtype} {cmd:force} {cmdab:sc:ale(}{it:exp}{cmd:)} {cmd:ksm(}{it:ksm_options}{cmd:)} {it:graph_options}] {p}{cmd:rvpplot27} is for use after {cmd:regress} and similar commands; see help on the command of interest. It is a generalisation of official Stata's {cmd:rvpplot}, except for different defaults for the {cmd:l1title()} option. {title:Description} {p}{cmd:rvpplot27} graphs a residual-versus-predictor plot (a.k.a. independent variable plot, a.k.a. carrier plot), a graph of the residuals versus the specified predictor {it:varname} from the last regression-type model. The residuals are, by default, those calculated by {cmd:predict, residuals} or (if the previous estimation command was {cmd:glm}) by {cmd: predict, response}. This is a clone of {cmd:rvpplot2} 1.0.0 for users of Stata 7. Users of Stata 8 should use {cmd:rvpplot2} 2.0.0 or later. {title:Options} {p 0 4}{it:residualtype} specifies a type of residual other than the default. The following types are currently supported: {cmdab:a:nscombe}, {cmdab:d:eviance}, {cmdab:l:ikelihood}, {cmdab:p:earson}, {cmdab:r:esiduals}, {cmdab:resp:onse}, {cmdab:rsta:ndard}, {cmdab:rstu:dent}, {cmdab:s:core}, {cmdab:w:orking}. {p 0 4}{cmd:force} allows you to specify a predictor variable not included in the previous model. {p 0 4}{cmd:scale(}{it:exp}{cmd:)} specifies a transformed scale on which to show the residuals using Stata syntax and {cmd:X} as a placeholder for the residual variable name. Thus {cmd:scale(X^2)} specifies squaring, to show relative contribution to residual variance; {cmd:scale(abs(X))} specifies absolute value, to set aside sign; {cmd:scale(sqrt(abs(X)))} specifies root of absolute value, a useful scale on which to check for heteroscedasticity. {p 0 4}{cmd:ksm(}{it:ksm_options}{cmd:)} specifies that the residuals will be smoothed as a function of the predictor using {cmd:ksm} with the options named. {p 0 4}{it:graph_options} are any of the options allowed with {cmd:graph, twoway}. See help on {help grtwoway}. {title:Examples} {p 8 12}{inp:. reg width length}{p_end} {inp:. rvpplot27 length} {p 8 12}{inp:. glm price weight, link(log)}{p_end} {inp:. rvpplot27 weight, anscombe yli(0)} {title:Author} Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk {title:Acknowledgements} Kit Baum identified an error in a previous version of this help. {title:Also see} {p 1 10}Manual: {hi:[R] regression diagnostics}{p_end} {p 0 19}On-line: help for {help graph}, {help regdiag}; {help predict} {p_end}