{smcl} {* *! version 1.0.0 30mar2021}{...} {cmd:help sbldo} {hline} {pstd} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 16 16 2}{...} { p2col:{hi: sbldo} {hline 2} }Access Stata do-files of songbl command, see {stata "help songbl":songbl}.{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {marker syntax}{...} {title:Syntax} {p 8 14 2} {cmd:sbldo} [ {it:filename} {cmd:,} {cmd:no} {cmd:replace} ] {p 2 8 2} {synoptset 10}{...} {synopthdr:Options} {synoptline} {synopt:{cmdab:no}} Do not open the dofile. {p_end} {synopt:{cmdab:replace}} Overwrite the dofile with same filename as the dofile loaded. {p_end} {synoptline} {marker description}{...} {title:Description} {pstd}{cmd:sbldo} can download and open the do-file of songbl command. When users search the do-file with {stata "help songbl_cn":songbl} command, they can download and open it with {cmd:sbldo} command. In addition, {cmd:sbldo} can also download and open do-files on the network, such as do-files saved on GitHub or Gitee. {title:Examples} {phang}{stata "sbldo prof" : . sbldo prof}{p_end} {phang}{stata "sbldo prof,no" : . sbldo prof,no}{p_end} {phang}{stata "sbldo prof,replace" : . sbldo prof,replace}{p_end} {phang}{stata "sbldo https://gitee.com/songbolin/stata_do/raw/master/iv.do" : . sbldo https://gitee.com/songbolin/stata_do/raw/master/iv.do}{p_end} {title:Author} {phang} {cmd:Bolin, Song (松柏林)} Shenzhen University, China. {cmd:wechat}:songbl_stata{break} {p_end} {title:Other Commands} {pstd} {synoptset 30 }{...} {synopt:{help lianxh} (if installed)} {stata ssc install lianxh} (to install){p_end} {synopt:{help songbl} (if installed)} {stata ssc install songbl} (to install){p_end} {synopt:{help cngdf } (if installed)} {stata ssc install cngdf } (to install){p_end} {p2colreset}{...}