*! version 1.8.6 Leo Ahrens leo@ahrensmail.de program define scatterfit version 15 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * syntax and options *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #delimit ; syntax varlist(min=2 max=2 numeric) [if] [in] [aweight fweight] , [ fit(string) ci FITModel(string asis) BWidth(numlist max=1) by(string) BYMethod(string) ONEFit BINned BINMethod(string) DISCrete NQuantiles(numlist max=1) BINVar(varlist max=1) UNIBin(numlist max=1) Controls(varlist numeric fv) Fcontrols(varlist) REGParameters(string) PARPos(string) PARSize(string) XDISTRibution(string asis) xdistrbw(numlist max=1) vce(string) Level(numlist max=1) JITter(numlist max=1) STANDardize LEGINside LEGSize(string) MWeighted MSize(string) MLabel(varlist max=1) scale(string) XYSize(string) PLOTScheme(string asis) COLorscheme(string asis) CINTensity(numlist max=1) opts(string asis) slow /* legacy and dev */ BINARYModel(string) polybw(numlist max=1) COVariates(varlist) ABSorb(varlist) coef COEFPos(string) COEFPLace(string) ] ; #delimit cr *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * prep dependencies *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // install foreach package in reghdfe ftools { capture which `package' if _rc==111 ssc install `package', replace } if "`slow'"=="" { capture which gtools if _rc==111 { ssc install gtools, replace gtools, upgrade } } capture which colorpalette if _rc==111 { ssc install colrspace, replace ssc install palettes, replace } capture which labmask if _rc==111 ssc install labutil, replace capture findfile blindschemes.sthlp if _rc!=0 { capture set scheme plotplain if _rc==111 ssc install blindschemes, replace } if strpos("`fitmodel'","quantile") | strpos("`fitmodel'","mmreg") { capture which robreg if _rc==111 ssc install robreg, replace } // prep no gtools option if "`slow'"!="" { local lvlsof levelsof local sumd sum local sumd2 , d local ggen egen local duplrep duplicates report } else { local lvlsof glevelsof local sumd gstats sum local ggen gegen local duplrep gdistinct } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * prep *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // suppress output quietly { // declare x and y variables tokenize `varlist' local y `1' local x `2' // weight local if ("`weight'"!="") local w [`weight'`exp'] if ("`weight'"!="") local weightname = subinstr("`exp'","=","",.) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check if options are correct & output errors *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // report that legacy options were specified and changed internally if "`polybw'"!="" di as error "You specified the legacy option {bf:polybw()}, which is now {bf:bwidth()}. The setting {bf:bwidth(`polybw')} is assumed." if "`absorb'"!="" di as error "You specified the legacy option {bf:absorb()}, which is now {bf:fcontrols()}. The setting {bf:fcontrols(`absorb')} is assumed" if "`covariates'"!="" di as error "You specified the legacy option {bf:covariates()}, which is now {bf:controls()}. The setting {bf:controls(`covariates')} is assumed" if "`coef'"!="" di as error "You specified the legacy option {bf:coef}, which is now governed by {bf:regparameters()}. The setting {bf:regparameters(coef pval)} is assumed." if "`coefpos'"!="" | "`coefplace'"!="" di as error "You specified the legacy option {bf:coefpos()} or {bf:coefplace()}, which is now {bf:parpos()}. The setting {bf:parpos(`coefplace'`coefpos')} is assumed" if strpos("`regparameters'","beta") di as error "You specified the legacy option {bf:regparameters(beta)}, which is now {bf:regparameters(coef)}. The setting {bf:regparameters(coef)} is assumed." if strpos("`fit'","ci") di as error "You specified the inclusion of confidence intervals via including 'ci' in the fit() option. In the new version of scatterfit, you do this by including the {it:ci} option [outside of fit()], which is assumed." if strpos("`fit'","lfit") di as error "You specified a linear fit via fit(lfit), which is legacy code. It is assumed that you used the new syntax: {it:fit(linear)}." if strpos("`fit'","qfit") di as error "You specified a quadratic fit via fit(qfit), which is legacy code. It is assumed that you used the new syntax: {it:fit(quadratic)}." if "`fit'"=="poly" | "`fit'"=="polyci" di as error "You specified a polynomial via fit(poly), which is legacy code. It is assumed that you used the new syntax: {it:fit(lpoly)}." if inlist("`binarymodel'","logit","probit") di as error "You specified a logit/probit model via binarymodel(logit/probit), which is legacy code. It is assumed that you used the new syntax: {it:fitmodel(logit/probit)}." // harmonize legacy options if "`polybw'"!="" & "`bwidth'"=="" local bwidth `polybw' if "`absorb'"!="" & "`fcontrols'"=="" local fcontrols `absorb' if "`covariates'"!="" & "`controls'"=="" local controls `covariates' if "`coef'"!="" & "`regparameters'"=="" local regparameters coef pval if "`coefplace'"!="" & "`parpos'"=="" local parpos `coefplace' if "`coefpos'"!="" & "`parpos'"=="" local parpos `coefpos' if strpos("`regparameters'","beta") local regparameters `regparameters' coef if strpos("`fit'","ci") local ci ci if strpos("`fit'","lfit") local fit linear if strpos("`fit'","qfit") local fit quadratic if "`fit'"=="poly" | "`fit'"=="polyci" local fit lpoly if "`binarymodel'"=="logit" local fitmodel logit if "`binarymodel'"=="probit" local fitmodel probit // x and y variables if "`binarymodel'"!="" & !("`binarymodel'"=="logit" | "`binarymodel'"=="probit") { di as error "{bf:binarymodel()} must contain logit or probit." exit 498 } if "`if'"!="" local ifhelp & if "`if'"=="" local ifhelp if `duplrep' `y' `if' `ifhelp' !mi(`y') if "`slow'"=="" local yvalcount = r(ndistinct) if "`slow'"!="" local yvalcount = r(unique_value) if `yvalcount'==2 { if "`controls'`fcontrols'"!="" { di as error "You are using a binary dependent variable with control variables. The scatter points may be unsuited." *exit 498 } if "`fit'"=="lowess" | "`fit'"=="lpoly" { di as error "Local polynomial and lowess fits are not supported for binary dependent variables." exit 498 } if "`binned'"=="" { di as error "It is advised to use the binned option with binary dependent variables." } if strpos("`vce'","wbcluster") { di as error "Stata has no native support for wild cluster bootstrap with logit/probit models. The results are obtained from OLS." } } if ("`fitmodel'"=="probit" | "`fitmodel'"=="logit" | "`fitmodel'"=="lpm") & `yvalcount'!=2 { di as error "Logit/probit/LPM models require a binary dependent variable." exit 498 } // by if "`bymethod'"!="" { if "`bymethod'"!="interact" & "`bymethod'"!="stratify" & "`bymethod'"!="int" & "`bymethod'"!="strat" { di as error "Only {bf:bymethod({it:stratify})} and {bf:bymethod({it:interact})} are allowed." exit 498 } if "`by'"=="" { di as error "{bf:bymethod()} requires {bf:by()}." exit 498 } } if "`onefit'"!="" { if "`by'"=="" { di as error "The option {it:onefit} requires {it:by()}." exit 498 } if "`bymethod'"=="interact" | "`bymethod'"=="int" { di as error "The option {it:onefit} cannot be combined with {it:bymethod(interact)}." exit 498 } } // fit specification and option combinations correct? if !("`fit'"=="" | "`fit'"=="linear" | "`fit'"=="quadratic" | "`fit'"=="cubic" | "`fit'"=="lpoly" | "`fit'"=="lowess") { di as error "fit() must be set to {it:linear}, {it:quadratic}, {it:cubic}, {it:lpoly}, or {it:lowess}." exit 498 } if "`bwidth'"!="" & !("`fit'"=="lowess" | "`fit'"=="lpoly") { di as error "The bwidth() option requires a local polynomial fit or a lowess smother as the fit line." exit 498 } // fit model if "`fitmodel'"!="" { if !inlist("`fitmodel'","ols","poisson","logit","probit","flogit","fprobit","lpm") & !(strpos("`fitmodel'","randomint") | strpos("`fitmodel'","quantile") | strpos("`fitmodel'","mmreg")) { di as error "fitmodel() must be set to {it:ols}, {it:poisson}, {it:quantile}, {it:randomint}, {it:flogit}, {it:fprobit}, {it:logit}, {it:probit}, or {it:lpm}." exit 498 } if strpos("`fitmodel'","randomint") { local strtest = subinstr("`fitmodel'", "randomint", "",.) if "`strtest'"=="" { di as error "You need to specify the higher level cluster of the multilevel model using fitmodel(randomint, cluster(varname))." exit 498 } else { local rintcluster = subinstr(subinstr(subinstr(subinstr("`fitmodel'", "reml", "",.), ")", "",.),",","",.),"(","",.) local rintcluster = subinstr(subinstr("`rintcluster'","cluster","",.),"randomint", "",.) cap qui sum `rintcluster' if _rc di as error "Something went wrong. Please use this syntax for specifying a random intercepts model: fitmodel(randomint, cluster(varname)) - optionally you can also include {it:reml} in the brackets." if _rc exit 498 } } if strpos("`fitmodel'","quantile") { local qregquant = subinstr(subinstr(subinstr("`fitmodel'", ")", "",.), "(", "",.), ",", "",.) local qregquant = subinstr(subinstr(subinstr("`qregquant'", "p", "",.), "quantile", "",.)," ","",.) cap dis `qregquant'*1 if _rc & "`qregquant'"!="" { di as error "Something went wrong. Please use this syntax for specifying a quantile regression model: {it:fitmodel(quantile, p(x))}, where x is a quantile between 0 and 100." exit 498 } } if strpos("`vce'","wbcluster") { di as error "fitmodel() cannot be used when wild cluster bootstrap SEs are estimated." exit 498 } } // binned options if ("`discrete'"!="" | "`binvar'"!="" | "`unibin'"!="" | "`nquantiles'"!="") & "`binned'"=="" { di as error "The discrete, unibin(), binvar(), and nquatiles() options require the binned option." exit 498 } if "`unibin'"!="" & ("`discrete'"!="" | "`binvar'"!="" | "`nquantiles'"!="") { di as error "The unibin() option cannot be combined with discrete, nquantiles(), or binvar()." exit 498 } if "`binmethod'"!="" & !inlist("`binmethod'","mean","median") { di as error "The binmethod() option must be set to {it:mean} or {it:median}." exit 498 } // control variables if strpos("`controls'","i.") { di as error "It seems like you used factor variable notation in the specification of controls, such as {it:controls(i.education)}. Please enter all categorical control variables & fixed effects variables into the fcontrols() option without factor variable notation, such as {it:fcontrols(education)}." exit 498 } // CIs and standard errors if "`controls'`fcontrols'"!="" { if "`fit'"=="lpoly" | "`fit'"=="lowess" { di as error "Local polynomial and lowess fits cannot be plotted when control variables are specified." exit 498 } } if "`vce'"!="" { if "`ci'"=="" & "`regparameters'"=="" { di as error "The vce() option requires that confidence intervals are drawn via the {it:ci} option or that regression parameters are plotted via the {it:regparameters()} option." exit 498 } if "`fit'"=="lpoly" | "`fit'"=="lowess" { dis as error "The vce() option is incompatible with a polynomial or lowess fit." exit 498 } } // coefficient print if "`regparameters'"!="" { if !("`fit'"=="" | "`fit'"=="linear") { dis as error "Regression parameters can only be plotted for a linear fit." exit 498 } if (strpos("`regparameters'","sig") | strpos("`regparameters'","pval") | strpos("`regparameters'","se")) & !strpos("`regparameters'","coef") { dis as error "{bf:regparameters({it:sig})}, {bf:regparameters({it:se})}, and {bf:regparameters({it:pval})} can only be used together with {bf:regparameters({it:coef})}" exit 498 } if strpos("`regparameters'","int") & "`bymethod'"!="interact" { dis as error "Regression parameters of interaction terms can only be plotted if by() and bymethod(interact) is specified." exit 498 } } if "`parpos'"!="" & "`regparameters'"=="" { di as error "The parpos() option requires the regparameters() option." exit 498 } // x distribution if "`xdistribution'"!="" { if "`xdistribution'"=="auto" { local xdcorrect = 1 } else { local xdcorrect = 1 tokenize `xdistribution' if !regexm("`1'", "^[0-9.]+$") | !regexm("`2'", "^[0-9.]+$") local xdcorrect = 0 foreach token of numlist 3/9 { if "``token''"!="" local xdcorrect = 0 } } if `xdcorrect'==0 { di as error "The xdistribution() option must be set either to xdistribution(auto) or xdistribution(a b), where both a and b are numbers." exit 498 } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drop superfluous observations and variables *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // preserve original data preserve // make variables numeric if required if "`by'`fcontrols'"!="" { foreach v of varlist `fcontrols' `by' { capture confirm numeric variable `x' if _rc { rename `x' _`x' `ggen' `x' = group(_`x') labmask `x', values(_`x') } } } // clean dataset if "`controls'`fcontrols'"!="" | "`binvar'"!="" | "`mlabel'"!="" { foreach v of varlist `controls' `fcontrols' `binvar' `mlabel' { local covdrop `covdrop' | mi(`v') } } if "`by'"!="" local bydrop | mi(`by') drop if mi(`x') | mi(`y') `covdrop' `bydrop' if "`if'"!="" keep `if' if "`in'"!="" keep `in' if strpos("`vce'","cluster") & !strpos("`vce'","wbcluster") local clustervar: subinstr local vce "cluster" "", all if strpos("`vce'","wbcluster") local clustervar: subinstr local vce "wbcluster" "", all if strpos("`fitmodel'","cluster") & "`rintcluster'"!="`clustervar'" local recluster `rintcluster' keep `x' `y' `by' `controls' `fcontrols' `binvar' `mlabel' `weightname' `clustervar' `recluster' *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * prep x, y, and by variables *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // check if suitable by variable is specified, generate one otherwise local isthereby = 0 if "`by'"!="" { `lvlsof' `by', local(byvals) local byvalcount: word count `byvals' if `byvalcount'!=1 { local isthereby = 1 local byparen by(`by') } } if `isthereby'==0 & "`by'"!="" dis as error "The by() variable does not vary across {it:xvar} and {it:yvar}." if `isthereby'==0 { gen sfitbyvar = 1 local by sfitbyvar } if "`onefit'"!="" { gen sfitaltbyvar = 1 local altby sfitaltbyvar local ogby `by' } // set bymethod if `isthereby'==1 { if "`bymethod'"=="" local bymethod stratify if strpos("`bymethod'","int") local bymethod interact if strpos("`bymethod'","strat") local bymethod stratify } // by locals `lvlsof' `by', local(bynum) if `isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="stratify" { local bynumalt `bynum' if "`onefit'"!="" { local bynumalt2 1 local ogbynum `bynum' local ogbynumalt `bynumalt' } } else { local bynumalt xxx } // check if by-variable is labeled if `isthereby'==1 { local isbyvarlabeled = 1 gen bylabcheck = . tostring bylabcheck, replace foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { local bylabrun: label (`by') `bynum2' replace bylabcheck = "`bylabrun'" if `by'==`bynum2' } destring bylabcheck, replace capture confirm numeric variable bylabcheck if !_rc { local isbyvarlabeled = 0 } } // check if dependent variable is binary & transform into a dummy if required if `yvalcount'==2 local binarydv = 1 if `yvalcount'!=2 local binarydv = 0 if `binarydv'==1 `lvlsof' `y', local(yval) capture confirm numeric variable `y' if `binarydv'==1 & ("`yval'"!="0 1" | _rc) { local ylab: variable label `y' rename `y' old`y' `ggen' `y' = group(old`y') replace `y' = `y'-1 lab var `y' "`ylab'" } // retrieve names and labels from variables local xlab: variable label `x' local xtitle xtitle("`xlab'") local ylab: variable label `y' local ytitle ytitle("`ylab'") if `binarydv'==1 { cap confirm variable old`y' if _rc { local ylabber `y' } else { local ylabber old`y' } `lvlsof' `ylabber', local(oldyvals) foreach kk in `oldyvals' { local ylab: label (`ylabber') `kk' } gen ytitletest = "`ylab'" destring ytitletest,replace capture confirm numeric variable ytitletest if !_rc { local ylab: variable label `y' } else { local ylab Pr(`ylab') } local ytitle ytitle("`ylab'") } if "`ylab'"=="" local ytitle ytitle("`y'") if "`xlab'"=="" local xtitle xtitle("`x'") if `isthereby'==1 { foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { local bylab`bynum2': label (`by') `bynum2' } } // standardize x and y if "`standardize'"!="" { if "`slow'"=="" { if `binarydv'==0 gstats transform (standardize) `y' `x' `w', replace labelformat(#sourcelabel#) if `binarydv'==1 gstats transform (standardize) `x' `w', replace labelformat(#sourcelabel#) } else { if `binarydv'==0 local stdlist `y' foreach bb in `x' `stdlist' { sum `bb' `w' replace `bb' = (`bb'-r(mean))/r(sd) } } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * generate / specify bin variable *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`binned'"!="" { if "`nquantiles'"=="" local nquantiles 30 if "`binvar'"=="" { if "`discrete'"=="" & "`unibin'"=="" { // quantiles if "`slow'"=="" { gquantiles `x'_q = `x' `w', xtile nq(`nquantiles') `byparen' } else { gen `x'_q = . foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { xtile `x'_q`bynum2' = `x' if `by'==`bynum2' `w', nq(`nquantiles') replace `x'_q = `x'_q`bynum2' if `by'==`bynum2' } } } else if "`unibin'"=="" { // discrete clonevar `x'_q = `x' } else { // uniform bin local `unibin' = `unibin'+1 gen `x'_q = . local bincount = 0 sum `x' `w' range binrange r(min) r(max) `unibin' foreach bb of numlist 1/`unibin' { local bincount = `bincount'+1 qui sum binrange if _n==`bb'+1, meanonly local binrange1 = r(mean) qui sum binrange if _n==`bb', meanonly replace `x'_q = `bb' if `x'>=r(mean) & `x'<`binrange1' } } } else { clonevar `x'_q = `binvar' } } if "`binned'"=="" & "`mweighted'"!="" { gen `x'_q = `x' } if "`binned'"!="" | "`mweighted'"!="" { `ggen' xbin = group(`x'_q `by') } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * specify if own predictions & CIs should be used in final plot, and which *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`fit'"!="lpoly" & "`fit'"!="lowess" & ((`isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="interact") | /// "`controls'`fcontrols'"!="" | "`vce'"!="" | `binarydv'==1 | "`fit'"=="cubic" | !("`fitmodel'"=="ols" | "`fitmodel'"=="")) { local ownpred_plot = 1 } else { local ownpred_plot = 0 } // confidence level if "`ci'"!="" { if "`level'"=="" local level 95 local cilvl level(`level') local cilvltext `level'% } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * estimate and store regression *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // adapt to onefit option if "`onefit'"!="" { local by `altby' local bynum `bynumalt2' local bynumalt `bynum' } // regressions if `ownpred_plot'==1 | "`regparameters'"!="" { // prepare specification if "`fit'"=="linear" | "`fit'"=="" local `x'marg c.`x' if "`fit'"=="quadratic" local `x'marg c.`x'##c.`x' if "`fit'"=="cubic" local `x'marg c.`x'##c.`x'##c.`x' if "`bymethod'"=="interact" local `x'marg ``x'marg'##i.`by' // choose correct regression model if "`fitmodel'"=="" & !strpos("`vce'","wbcluster") { if `binarydv'==0 local model reghdfe if `binarydv'==1 local model logit } else { if "`fitmodel'"=="ols" | "`fitmodel'"=="lpm" local model reghdfe if "`fitmodel'"=="flogit" local model fracreg logit if "`fitmodel'"=="fprobit" local model fracreg probit if "`fitmodel'"=="mmreg" local model robreg mm if "`fitmodel'"=="poisson" local model poisson if "`fitmodel'"=="logit" local model logit if "`fitmodel'"=="probit" local model probit if strpos("`fitmodel'","quantile") local model robreg q if strpos("`fitmodel'","randomint") & `binarydv'==0 local model mixed if strpos("`fitmodel'","randomint") & `binarydv'==1 local model melogit if strpos("`vce'","wbcluster") local model wildboot reg } // full regression variable specification if "`model'"=="reghdfe" { local regvars ``x'marg' `controls' } else { foreach var in `fcontrols' { local fchelp `fchelp' i.`var' } local regvars ``x'marg' `controls' `fchelp' } // regression options if "`fcontrols'"=="" local hdfeabsorb noabsorb if "`fcontrols'"!="" local hdfeabsorb absorb(`fcontrols') if "`vce'"!="" local vce vce(`vce') if "`model'"!="wildboot reg" local regmodelopts `vce' if "`model'"=="reghdfe" { local regmodelopts `regmodelopts' `hdfeabsorb' } else if "`model'"=="mixed" { if strpos("`fitmodel'","reml") local regmodelopts `regmodelopts' reml dfmethod(satterthwaite) foreach cl in `rintcluster' { local regvars `regvars' || `cl': } } else if "`model'"=="wildboot reg" { local regmodelopts `regmodelopts' cluster(`clustervar') coef(`x') } else if "`model'"=="robreg q" { if "`qregquant'"=="" { local quantile 0.5 } else { local quantile = `qregquant' } local regmodelopts `regmodelopts' q(`quantile') } // estimate if "`bymethod'"=="stratify" { foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { `model' `y' `regvars' if `by'==`bynum2' `w', `regmodelopts' est sto regmodel`bynum2' } } else { `model' `y' `regvars' `w', `regmodelopts' est sto regmodel } // prep margins unconditional option *if "`fitmodel'"=="wcbootstrap" | strpos("`vce'","vce(clust") |strpos("`vce'","vce(r") | /// *strpos("`vce'","vce(hc") local marguncond vce(unconditional) } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * gather regression parameters *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`regparameters'"!="" { // gather regression parameters foreach bynum2 in `bynumalt' { if `isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="stratify" & "`onefit'"=="" local bynumname `bynum2' * r2, nobs est res regmodel`bynumname' local nobs`bynumname' = e(N) if `binarydv'==0 | "`fitmodel'"=="lpm" { local r2`bynumname' = e(r2) local adjr2`bynumname' = e(r2_a) } if (`binarydv'==1 & "`fitmodel'"!="lpm") | inlist("`model'","poisson","robreg q","robreg mm","fracreg logit","fracreg probit") { local r2`bynumname' = e(r2_p) local adjr2`bynumname' = e(r2_p) } } * coef, se, pval foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { if `isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="stratify" & "`onefit'"=="" local bynumname `bynum2' if `isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="interact" local atbymarg at(`by'=`bynum2') est res regmodel`bynumname' if "`onefit'"!="" { // weird fix, no idea why this fails otherwise gen __smple=1 estimates esample: if __smple } margins, dydx(`x') `atbymarg' `marguncond' post local coef`bynum2' = r(table)[1,1] local se`bynum2' = r(table)[2,1] local pval`bynum2' = r(table)[4,1] if strpos("`regparameters'","sig") { local siglevel`bynum2' = 99 if `pval`bynum2''<.1 & `pval`bynum2''>.05 local siglevel`bynum2' = .1 if `pval`bynum2''<.05 & `pval`bynum2''>.01 local siglevel`bynum2' = .05 if `pval`bynum2''<.01 local siglevel`bynum2' = .01 } } * coefs, pval, and sig of interaction terms if `isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="interact" & strpos("`regparameters'","int") { local count = 0 local intmargchecker " " est res regmodel margins, dydx(`x') at(`by'=(`bynum')) `marguncond' post foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { local count = `count'+1 local count2 = 0 foreach bynum3 in `bynum' { local count2 = `count2'+1 if `bynum2'!=`bynum3' { if !strpos("`intmargchecker'","`bynum3'`bynum2'") { local intmargchecker "`intmargchecker' `bynum2'`bynum3'" local coef`bynum2'_`bynum3' = _b[`count'._at]-_b[`count2'._at] test _b[`count'._at] = _b[`count2'._at] local pval`bynum2'_`bynum3' = r(p) local parbyintcompiler `parbyintcompiler' coef`bynum2'_`bynum3' pval`bynum2'_`bynum3' if strpos("`regparameters'","sig") { local siglevel`bynum2'_`bynum3' = 99 if `pval`bynum2'_`bynum3''<.1 & `pval`bynum2'_`bynum3''>.05 local siglevel`bynum2'_`bynum3' = .1 if `pval`bynum2'_`bynum3''<.05 & `pval`bynum2'_`bynum3''>.01 local siglevel`bynum2'_`bynum3' = .05 if `pval`bynum2'_`bynum3''<.01 local siglevel`bynum2'_`bynum3' = .01 } } } } } } // round and store parameters if `isthereby'!=1 | "`onefit'"!="" | (!strpos("`regparameters'","pval") & !strpos("`regparameters'","se") & /// !strpos("`regparameters'","r2") & !strpos("`regparameters'","nobs")) local space " " foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { foreach par in coef pval se { local parbycompiler `parbycompiler' `par'`bynum2' } } foreach bynum2 in `bynumalt' { if `isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="stratify" & "`onefit'"=="" local bynumname `bynum2' foreach par in r2 adjr2 nobs { local parbycompiler `parbycompiler' `par'`bynumname' } } foreach par in `parbycompiler' `parbyintcompiler' { local smallround`par' = 0 if ``par''>=10 | ``par''<=-10 { local `par'round "1" } else if ``par''>=1 | ``par''<=-1 { local `par'round ".1" } else { local roundcount = 0 local `par'string = subinstr("``par''","-","",.) local `par'round ".0" foreach rr of numlist 2/6 { if substr("``par'string'",`rr',1)!="0" { local `par'round "``par'round'1" continue, break } else { local `par'round "``par'round'0" local roundcount = `roundcount'+1 } } } cap if strpos("``par'string'","e") & ``par''>0 local smallround`par' = 1 cap if strpos("``par'string'","e") & ``par''<0 local smallround`par' = -1 local `par' = round(``par'',``par'round') if `smallround`par''==0 { local `par' "`space'=`space'``par''" } else if `smallround`par''==1 { local `par' "`space'<`space'.00001" } else { local `par' "`space'{&cong}`space'0" } if strpos("``par''","000000") & "``par''"!="`space'<`space'.00001" { foreach zz of numlist 1/9 { if substr("``par''",`zz',1)=="." local dotpos = `zz' } if "`dotpos'"!="" { if "``par'round'"=="1" local `par' = substr("``par''",1,`dotpos'-1) if "``par'round'"==".1" local `par' = substr("``par''",1,`dotpos'+1) if "``par'round'"==".01" local `par' = substr("``par''",1,`dotpos'+2) if "``par'round'"==".001" local `par' = substr("``par''",1,`dotpos'+3) if "``par'round'"==".0001" local `par' = substr("``par''",1,`dotpos'+4) if "``par'round'"==".00001" local `par' = substr("``par''",1,`dotpos'+5) } } } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * gather prediction & CIs from regression *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if `ownpred_plot'==1 { // get x var if "`controls'`fcontrols'"!="" & "`binned'"=="" { reghdfe `x' `controls' `w', `hdfeabsorb' res(`x'2) nosample sum `x' `w', meanonly replace `x'2 = `x'2 + r(mean) } else { gen `x'2 = `x' } // options for linear prediction estimation if `binarydv'==0 | "`fitmodel'"=="lpm" local atmean atmeans if "`fit'"=="linear" | "`fit'"=="" { local margpoints 30 } else { local margpoints 50 } foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { // gen empty variables for storage foreach vv in cix ciu cil pe { gen `vv'`bynum2' = . } // prepare settings for margins command local mcount = 0 sum `x'2 if `by'==`bynum2' `w' range range`bynum2' r(min) r(max) `margpoints' foreach p of numlist 1/`margpoints' { local mcount = `mcount'+1 qui sum range`bynum2' if _n==`p', meanonly local ranger`mcount' = r(mean) local margat`bynum2' `margat`bynum2'' `ranger`mcount'' } // predict and store values if "`bymethod'"=="stratify" & "`onefit'"=="" local regmodelname `bynum2' if `isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="interact" local margbysetting `by'=(`bynum2') est res regmodel`regmodelname' margins, at(`x'=(`margat`bynum2'') `margbysetting') `atmean' `cilvl' `marguncond' post foreach num of numlist 1/`mcount' { replace cix`bynum2' = `ranger`num'' if _n==`num' replace cil`bynum2' = r(table)[5,`num'] if _n==`num' replace ciu`bynum2' = r(table)[6,`num'] if _n==`num' replace pe`bynum2' = r(table)[1,`num'] if _n==`num' } } } // revert onefit changes to by locals if "`onefit'"!="" { local by `ogby' local bynum `ogbynum' local bynumalt `ogbynumalt' } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * covariate adjustment of scatter points *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`controls'`fcontrols'"!="" { if "`binned'"=="" { foreach v in `y' `x' { gen `v'_r = . foreach bynum2 in `bynumalt' { if "`bymethod'"=="stratify" local ifbysetting if `by'==`bynum2' reghdfe `v' `controls' `ifbysetting' `w', `hdfeabsorb' res(`v'_r`bynum2') nosample sum `v' `ifbysetting' `w', meanonly replace `v'_r = `v'_r`bynum2' + r(mean) `ifbysetting' } } local y `y'_r local x `x'_r } if "`binned'"!="" { gen `y'_r = . foreach bynum2 in `bynumalt' { if "`bymethod'"=="stratify" local ifbysetting if `by'==`bynum2' reghdfe `y' `controls' i.xbin `ifbysetting' `w', `hdfeabsorb' predict `y'_r`bynum2' if e(sample), xb if "`controls'"!="" { foreach v of varlist `controls' { replace `y'_r`bynum2' = `y'_r`bynum2' - _b[`v']*`v' `ifbysetting' } } sum `y' `w' `ifbysetting', meanonly local adjm = r(mean) sum `y'_r`bynum2' `w' `ifbysetting', meanonly replace `y'_r`bynum2' = `y'_r`bynum2' + (`adjm'-r(mean)) `ifbysetting' replace `y'_r = `y'_r`bynum2' `ifbysetting' } local y `y'_r } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * mean within bins *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`binned'"!="" { if "`binmethod'"=="" local binmethod mean `ggen' `y'_mean = `binmethod'(`y') `w', by(xbin) `ggen' `x'_mean = `binmethod'(`x') `w', by(xbin) if "`mweighted'"!="" `ggen' scw = count(`y'), by(xbin) `ggen' tag = tag(xbin) if !mi(`y'_mean) replace `y'_mean = . if tag!=1 } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * specify variable to be plotted depending on binned / non-binned *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`binned'"=="" { local yplot `y' local xplot `x' } else { local yplot `y'_mean local xplot `x'_mean } count if !mi(`xplot') & !mi(`yplot') & !mi(`by') local n = r(N) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * restrict values for binary dependent variables *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if `binarydv'==1 & "`fcontrols'`controls'"!="" & "`binned'"!="" & "`fitmodel'"!="lpm" { sum `yplot' if r(max)>1 { di as error "Some binned residualized values of the dependent variable are larger than 1 or smaller than 0. They are limited to the 0-1 range in the plot." replace `yplot' = 1 if `yplot'>1 & !mi(`yplot') replace `yplot' = 0 if `yplot'<0 & !mi(`yplot') } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * color palette *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`colorscheme'"=="" { local cpal `" "210 0 0" "49 113 166" "255 127 14" "15 137 1" "169 58 228" "41 217 231" "250 238 22" "222 115 50" "' } else { local cpal `colorscheme' } if "`cintensity'"=="" & "`colorscheme'"=="" local cpalo int(1.2) if "`cintensity'"=="" & "`colorscheme'"!="" local cpalo int(1) if "`cintensity'"!="" local cpalo int(`cintensity') if "`colorscheme'"!="" | "`plotscheme'"=="" { colorpalette `cpal', `cpalo' nograph local(,prefix(c) nonames) foreach i of numlist 25 30 50 75 { colorpalette `cpal', `cpalo' op(`i') nograph local(,prefix(c) suffix(o`i') nonames) } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * overall plot scheme *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`msize'"!="" { if strpos("`msize'","*") local msize = subinstr("`msize'","*","",.) local mresize *`msize' } if "`plotscheme'"=="" { local scheme scheme(plotplain) graphregion(lc(white) lw(vthick)) title(,size(medium)) /// ysc(lc(gs5) lw(thin)) ylab(#6, labs(*1.05) tlc(gs5) tlw(thin) glc(gs13) glp(solid) glw(thin) gmin gmax) /// xsc(lc(gs5) lw(thin)) xlab(#6, labs(*1.05) tlc(gs5) tlw(thin) glc(gs13) glp(solid) glw(thin) gmin gmax) foreach i of numlist 1/8 { local i2 = `i' if "`onefit'"!="" local ++i2 local mlines`i' lc(`c`i'') lw(medthick) local mlinesci`i' fc(`c`i'o30') fi(*2.4) alw(none) clc(`c`i'') clw(medthick) local ciareas`i' lw(none) fc(`c`i'o30') local xdistareas`i' lw(none) fc(`c`i2'o50') local mfullscatterm`i' mfc(`c`i2'o50') mlc(`c`i2'') mlabc(`c`i2'') mlw(thin) local efullscatterm`i' `mfullscatterm`i'' if `i'<5 local howthin mlw(vthin) if `i'>=5 local howthin mlw(medium) local mscatter75m`i' mfc(`c`i2'o50') mlc(`c`i2'o75') mlabc(`c`i2'o75') `howthin' mlalign(inside) local escatter75m`i' `mscatter75m`i'' foreach h of numlist 25 50 { if `i'<5 { local hollow mlw(none) mlalign(outside) } else { local hollow mlw(medium) mlalign(inside) mlc(`c`i2'o`h'') } local mscatter`h'm`i' mfc(`c`i2'o`h'') mlabc(`c`i2'o`h'') `hollow' local escatter`h'm`i' `mscatter`h'm`i'' } } local nf = `n' local nfmin = 18 local nfmax = 500 if `nf'<`nfmin' local nf = `nfmin' if `nf'>`nfmax' local nf = `nfmax' local globmsize = ((((`nfmax'+1-`nf')*(1/`nfmax'))^30)+(`nfmax'*.0005))*(2.6^1.5) local osize = 1 local tsize = .98 local ssize = .85 local dsize = .8 if "`mweighted'"!="" local mweightedresize *.3 if `isthereby'==1 local mbyresize *.8 local hollowresize = .875 foreach sizeloc in osize tsize ssize dsize { local e`sizeloc' = ``sizeloc''*`globmsize' local m`sizeloc' = ``sizeloc''*`globmsize'`mresize'`mweightedresize'`mbyresize' local he`sizeloc' = `e`sizeloc''*`hollowresize' local hm`sizeloc' = `m`sizeloc''*`hollowresize' } foreach en in e m { if `isthereby'==0 { local m1 m(d) msize(*``en'dsize') local m2 m(o) msize(*``en'osize') } else { local m1 m(o) msize(*``en'osize') local m2 m(d) msize(*``en'dsize') } foreach g in `en'fullscatterm `en'scatter25m `en'scatter50m `en'scatter75m { local `g'1 ``g'1' `m1' local `g'2 ``g'2' `m2' local `g'3 ``g'3' m(t) msize(*``en'tsize') local `g'4 ``g'4' m(s) msize(*``en'ssize') local `g'5 ``g'5' m(oh) msize(*`h`en'osize') local `g'6 ``g'6' m(dh) msize(*`h`en'dsize') local `g'7 ``g'7' m(th) msize(*`h`en'tsize') local `g'8 ``g'8' m(sh) msize(*`h`en'dsize') } } foreach g in mlines mlinesci { local `g'1 ``g'1' lp(solid) local `g'2 ``g'2' lp(dash) local `g'3 ``g'3' lp(shortdash) local `g'4 ``g'4' lp("-.") local `g'5 ``g'5' lp("_-") local `g'6 ``g'6' lp(longdash) local `g'7 ``g'7' lp("_.") local `g'8 ``g'8' lp("--.") } } else { local scheme scheme(`plotscheme') if "`colorscheme'"!="" { foreach i of numlist 1/8 { local i2 = `i' if "`onefit'"!="" local ++i2 local mlines`i' lc(`c`i'') lw(medthick) local mlinesci`i' acol(`c`i'o50') alw(none) clc(`c`i'') clw(medthick) local ciareas`i' lw(none) fc(`c`i'o30') local mfullscatterm`i' mfc(`c`i2'o50') mlc(`c`i2'') mlabc(`c`i2'') mlw(thin) msize(`mresize') local efullscatterm`i' `mfullscatterm`i'' local mscatter75m`i' mfc(`c`i2'o50') mlc(`c`i2'o75') mlabc(`c`i2'o80') mlw(vthin) mlalign(inside) msize(`mresize') local escatter75m`i' `mscatter75m`i'' foreach h of numlist 25 50 { local mscatter`h'm`i' mfc(`c`i2'o`h'') mlabc(`c`i2'o`h'') mlalign(outside) mlw(none) msize(`mresize') local escatter`h'm`i' `mscatter`h'm`i'' } } } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * refine scatter markers *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // marker size weight if "`mweighted'"!="" { if "`binned'"=="" `ggen' scw = count(`y'), by(xbin) sum scw, meanonly replace scw = scw/r(mean) local scw [w=scw] } // different scatter marker opacity depending on number of data points foreach en in e m { if `n'<=100 local `en'scattermarkers `en'fullscatterm if `n'>100 & `n'<=300 local `en'scattermarkers `en'scatter75m if `n'>300 & `n'<=2000 local `en'scattermarkers `en'scatter50m if `n'>2000 local `en'scattermarkers `en'scatter25m } // labeled scatter markers if "`mlabel'"!="" { if "`plotscheme'"=="" { local mlabsizeloc = `globmsize'`mresize'*.7 local mlabsizeloc mlabsize(*`mlabsizeloc') } else { if "`msize'"!="" local mlabsizeloc mlabsize(`mresize') } local markerlab mlabel(`mlabel') `mlabsizeloc' mlabp(0) ms(none) } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * fit line *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if `ownpred_plot'==0 { if ("`fit'"=="linear" | "`fit'"=="" ) & "`ci'"=="" local fittype lfit if ("`fit'"=="linear" | "`fit'"=="") & "`ci'"!="" local fittype lfitci if "`fit'"=="quadratic" & "`ci'"!="" local fittype qfitci if "`fit'"=="quadratic" & "`ci'"=="" local fittype qfit if "`fit'"=="lpoly" & "`ci'"!="" local fittype lpolyci if "`fit'"=="lpoly" & "`ci'"=="" local fittype lpoly if "`fit'"=="lowess" local fittype lowess } if "`ci'"!="" & `ownpred_plot'==0 local ciput ci foreach ff of numlist 1/9 { local o`ff' `mlines`ciput'`ff'' } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * put regression parameters in plot *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local wherecoef = 0 if "`regparameters'"!="" { // adapt to onefit option if "`onefit'"!="" { local by `altby' local bynum `bynumalt2' local bynumalt `bynum' } // figure out where to position the box `sumd' `yplot' `sumd2' local ymax = r(max) local ymin = r(min) local y25 = r(p25) local y75 = r(p75) count if `yplot'>`y75' local y75larger = r(N) count if `yplot'<`y25' local y25smaller = r(N) `sumd' `xplot' `sumd2' local xmax = r(max) local xmin = r(min) local xmean = r(mean) local x75 = r(p75) count if `xplot'>`x75' local x75larger = r(N) count if `xplot'<`x75' local x75smaller = r(N) count if `yplot'>`y75' & `xplot'<`y75' if (r(N)/`n')<.03 { local textplacey `ymax' local textplacex `xmean' } else { count if `yplot'>`y75' & `xplot'>`y75' if (r(N)/`n')<.03 { local textplacey `ymax' local textplacex `xmax' } else { count if `yplot'<`y25' & `xplot'>`y75' if (r(N)/`n')<.03 { local textplacey `ymin' local textplacex `xmax' local wherecoef = 5 } else { local textplacey `ymax' local textplacex `xmean' } } } local textplace `textplacey' `textplacex' if "`parpos'"!="" local textplace `parpos' // text box size local parresize size(*.8) if "`parsize'"!="" { if strpos("`parsize'","*") local parsize = subinstr("`parsize'","*","",.) local parresize size(*`parsize') } // adapt to by-setting if `isthereby'==1 { foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { if "`bymethod'"=="stratify" & "`onefit'"=="" { if `isbyvarlabeled'==1 local parbylab`bynum2' {sub:`bylab`bynum2''} if `isbyvarlabeled'==0 local parbylab`bynum2' {sub:`by'=`bynum2'} if `isbyvarlabeled'==1 local parbylabn`bynum2' {sub:`bylab`bynum2''} if `isbyvarlabeled'==0 local parbylabn`bynum2' {sub:`by'=`bynum2'} } else { if `isbyvarlabeled'==1 local parbylab`bynum2' {sub:`bylab`bynum2''} if `isbyvarlabeled'==0 local parbylab`bynum2' {sub:`by'=`bynum2'} if `isbyvarlabeled'==1 local parbylabn`bynum2' if `isbyvarlabeled'==0 local parbylabn`bynum2' } foreach bynum3 in `bynum' { if `isbyvarlabeled'==1 local parbylab`bynum2'_`bynum3' {sub:`bylab`bynum2''*`bylab`bynum2''} if `isbyvarlabeled'==0 local parbylab`bynum2'_`bynum3' {sub:`by'=`bynum2'*`by'=`bynum3'} } } } // compile the parameters foreach bynum2 in `bynumalt' { if `isthereby'==1 & "`bymethod'"=="stratify" & "`onefit'"=="" local bynumname `bynum2' * r2 if strpos("`regparameters'","r2") & !strpos("`regparameters'","adjr2") { if (`binarydv'==0 | "`fitmodel'"=="lpm") & !inlist("`model'","poisson","robreg q","robreg mm","fracreg logit","fracreg probit") local r2par `r2par' {it:R2`parbylabn`bynum2''}`r2`bynumname'' if (`binarydv'==1 & "`fitmodel'"!="lpm") | inlist("`model'","poisson","robreg q","robreg mm","fracreg logit","fracreg probit") local r2par `r2par' {it:Pseudo R2`parbylabn`bynum2''}`r2`bynumname'' } * adj r2 if strpos("`regparameters'","adjr2") { if (`binarydv'==0 | "`fitmodel'"=="lpm") & !inlist("`model'","poisson","robreg q","robreg mm","fracreg logit","fracreg probit") local adjr2par `adjr2par' {it:Adj. R2`parbylabn`bynum2''}`adjr2`bynumname'' if (`binarydv'==1 & "`fitmodel'"!="lpm") | inlist("`model'","poisson","robreg q","robreg mm","fracreg logit","fracreg probit") local adjr2par `adjr2par' {it:Pseudo R2`parbylabn`bynum2''}`r2`bynumname'' } * observations if strpos("`regparameters'","nobs") local nobspar `nobspar' {it:N`parbylabn`bynum2''}`nobs`bynumname'' } foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { * coef, p, se if strpos("`regparameters'","coef") { if strpos("`regparameters'","sig") { if `siglevel`bynum2''==.1 local sigstar`bynum2' * if `siglevel`bynum2''==.05 local sigstar`bynum2' ** if `siglevel`bynum2''==.01 local sigstar`bynum2' *** } if strpos("`regparameters'","se") | strpos("`regparameters'","pval") { if strpos("`regparameters'","se") local separ`bynum2' {it:se}`se`bynum2'' if strpos("`regparameters'","pval") local pvalpar`bynum2' {it:p}`pval`bynum2'' if strpos("`regparameters'","se") & strpos("`regparameters'","pval") local leerz ", " local sepvalpar`bynum2' " (`separ`bynum2''`leerz'`pvalpar`bynum2'')" } if `binarydv'==0 | "`fitmodel'"=="lpm" local whatcoef {it:{&beta}`parbylab`bynum2''} if `binarydv'==1 & "`fitmodel'"!="lpm" local whatcoef {it:{&delta}Pr/{&delta}x`parbylab`bynum2''} local coefpar`bynum2' `whatcoef'`coef`bynum2''`sigstar`bynum2'' local jcoefpar`bynum2' `coefpar`bynum2''`sepvalpar`bynum2'' local jcoefparcollect `jcoefparcollect' jcoefpar`bynum2' local coefsepvalparcollect `coefparcollect' par`bynum2' } } * interaction parameters if strpos("`regparameters'","int") & "`bymethod'"=="interact" { foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { local count = `count'+1 local count2 = 0 foreach bynum3 in `bynum' { local count2 = `count2'+1 if `bynum2'!=`bynum3' { if !strpos("`intmargchecker'","`bynum3'`bynum2'") { local intmargchecker "`intmargchecker' `bynum2'`bynum3'" if strpos("`regparameters'","int") { if strpos("`regparameters'","sig") { if `siglevel`bynum2'_`bynum3''==.1 local sigstar`bynum2'_`bynum3' * if `siglevel`bynum2'_`bynum3''==.05 local sigstar`bynum2'_`bynum3' ** if `siglevel`bynum2'_`bynum3''==.01 local sigstar`bynum2'_`bynum3' *** } if strpos("`regparameters'","pval") local intpvalpar`bynum2'_`bynum3' " ({it:p}`pval`bynum2'_`bynum3'')" if `binarydv'==0 | "`fitmodel'"=="lpm" local whatcoef {it:{&beta}`parbylab`bynum2''}-{it:{&beta}`parbylab`bynum3''} if `binarydv'==1 & "`fitmodel'"!="lpm" local whatcoef {it:{&delta}Pr/{&delta}x`parbylab`bynum2''}-{it:{&delta}Pr/{&delta}x`parbylab`bynum3''} local intcoefpar`bynum2'_`bynum3' `whatcoef'`coef`bynum2'_`bynum3''`sigstar`bynum2'_`bynum3''`intpvalpar`bynum2'_`bynum3'' local intparcollect `intparcollect' intcoefpar`bynum2'_`bynum3' } } } } } } if strpos("`regparameters'","r2") & !strpos("`regparameters'","adjr2") local r2par `" "`r2par'" "' if strpos("`regparameters'","adjr2") local adjr2par `" "`adjr2par'" "' if strpos("`regparameters'","nobs") local nobspar `" "`nobspar'" "' foreach ee in `intparcollect' { local intpar `" `intpar' "``ee''" "' } if `isthereby'==1 { foreach ee in `jcoefparcollect' { local coefpar `" `coefpar' "``ee''" "' } } else { foreach ee in `coefsepvalparcollect' { local coefpar `" `coefpar' "`coef`ee''" "' if strpos("`regparameters'","se") local coefpar `" `coefpar' "`se`ee''" "' if strpos("`regparameters'","pval") local coefpar `" `coefpar' "`pval`ee''" "' } } // final text box local printcoef2 text(`textplace' `coefpar' `intpar' `r2par' `adjr2par' `nobspar', /// placement(center) `parresize' box fc(white) lc(gs5) lw(thin) la(outside) margin(vsmall) alignment(middle) linegap(.3)) // revert onefit changes to by locals if "`onefit'"!="" { local by `ogby' local bynum `ogbynum' local bynumalt `ogbynumalt' } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * legend *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // overall legend options if "`legsize'"=="" local legresize size(*1.05) if "`legsize'"!="" { if strpos("`legsize'","*") local legsize = subinstr("`legsize'","*","",.) local legresize size(*`legsize') } local legtype region(lc(white)) pos(3) if "`leginside'"!="" { local leginsidepl 5 if `wherecoef'==5 local leginsidepl 1 local legtype ring(0) region(lc(gs5) fc(white)) pos(`leginsidepl') } local legopts legend(`legtype' `legresize') // compile labels and legend options if "`binned'"=="" local leg_obs Observed if "`binned'"!="" & "`binmethod'"!="median" local leg_obs Bin means if "`binned'"!="" & "`binmethod'"=="median" local leg_obs Bin medians if "`fit'"=="linear" | "`fit'"=="" local leg_fit Linear if "`fit'"=="quadratic" local leg_fit Quadratic if "`fit'"=="cubic" local leg_fit Cubic if "`fit'"=="lpoly" local leg_fit Local polynomial if "`fit'"=="lowess" local leg_fit Lowess foreach ii of numlist 1/4 { local n`ii' = `ii' local m`ii' = `ii' if "`mweighted'"!="" local n`ii' = `n`ii''+1 if "`xdistribution'"!="" local n`ii' = `n`ii''+1 if "`xdistribution'"!="" local m`ii' = `m`ii''+1 } if `isthereby'==0 { if "`mlabel'"=="" local firstlegel `m1' "`leg_obs'" if "`ci'"=="" { local legopts `legopts' legend(order(`firstlegel' `n2' "`leg_fit' fit")) } else { local legopts `legopts' legend(order(`firstlegel' `n3' "`leg_fit' fit" `n2' "`cilvltext' CIs")) } } if `isthereby'==1 { * common by options `ggen' distinctby = group(`by') sum distinctby local maxdistinctby = r(max) local coln = 0 `lvlsof' `by', local(bynum) foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { if `isbyvarlabeled'==1 local legbyvarl`bynum2' `bylab`bynum2'' if `isbyvarlabeled'==0 local legbyvarl`bynum2' `by'==`bynum2' } * without onefit if "`onefit'"=="" { foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { local coln = `coln'+1 local colncopy = `coln' if `ownpred_plot'==0 { if "`ci'"!="" local ciadd "+`coln'" local coln2 = `coln'+`maxdistinctby'`ciadd' } else { if "`ci'"!="" local ciadd "+`maxdistinctby'" local coln2 = `coln'+`maxdistinctby'`ciadd' } if "`mweighted'"!="" local coln2 = `coln2'+`maxdistinctby' if "`xdistribution'"!="" { local colncopy = `coln'+`maxdistinctby' local coln2 = `coln2'+`maxdistinctby' } if "`mlabel'"=="" local legorder `legorder' `colncopy' "`legbyvarl`bynum2''" `coln2' "" if "`mlabel'"!="" local legorder `legorder' `coln2' "`legbyvarl`bynum2''" } } * with onefit if "`onefit'"!="" { if "`xdistribution'"!="" local coln = `coln'+`maxdistinctby' foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { local coln = `coln'+1 if "`mlabel'"=="" local firstlegel`bynum2' `coln' "`legbyvarl`bynum2''" local legorder `legorder' `firstlegel`bynum2'' } if "`mweighted'"!="" local coln = `coln'+`maxdistinctby' local coln = `coln'+1 local colnp1 = `coln'+1 if "`ci'"=="" local legorder `legorder' `coln' "`leg_fit' fit" if "`ci'"!="" local legorder `legorder' `colnp1' "`leg_fit' fit" `coln' "`cilvltext' CIs" } if "`mlabel'"=="" & "`onefit'"=="" { local legcol 2 } else { local legcol 1 } local legopts `legopts' legend(order(`legorder') col(`legcol') textfirst) } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * distribution plot of x variable *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "`xdistribution'"!="" { // prep settings if "`xdistribution'"=="auto" { sum `yplot' local xdheight = (r(max)-r(min))/5 local xdpos = r(min)-((r(max)-r(min))/5) } else { tokenize `xdistribution' local xdheight `2' local xdpos `1' } if "`xdistrbw'"!="" local xdistrbw bw(`xdistrbw') // generate the kernel distribution foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { kdensity `x' if `by'==`bynum2' `w', generate(hx`bynum2' hy`bynum2') n(2000) nograph `xdistrbw' gen hbot`bynum2' = 0 if !mi(`x') & `by'==`bynum2' local gmax = 0 sum hy`bynum2', meanonly if r(max)>`gmax' local gmax = r(max) replace hy`bynum2' = (hy`bynum2'/`gmax')*`xdheight' replace hy`bynum2' = hy`bynum2'+`xdpos' replace hbot`bynum2' = hbot`bynum2'+`xdpos' } } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * overall plot size *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if strpos("`scale'","*") { local scale2 = subinstr("`scale'","*","",.) local scale = `scale2' } if strpos("`xysize'","*") { local xysize2 = subinstr("`xysize'","*","",.) local xysize = `xysize2' } if "`scale'"!="" local plotsize scale(`scale') if "`xysize'"!="" { if `xysize'<=1 { local ysize = (100)/5 local xsize = (100*`xysize')/5 } if `xysize'>1 { local xsize = (100)/5 local ysize = (100*(1/`xysize'))/5 } local plotsize `plotsize' xsize(`xsize') ysize(`ysize') } *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * final plot *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // options local lscatteropts `scheme' `xtitle' `ytitle' `printcoef2' `legopts' `plotsize' `opts' if "`bwidth'"!="" local bwidth bw(`bwidth') if "`jitter'"!="" local jitter jitter(`jitter') // empty scatter marker plot for correct legend in case of weighted scatter markers if "`mweighted'"!="" { local coln = 0 foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { local coln = `coln'+1 local coln2 = `coln' if `isthereby'==0 local coln2 = `coln'+1 local sce `sce' (scatter `yplot' `xplot' if `by'==`bynum2' & mi(`yplot'), ``escattermarkers'`coln2'') } } // compile the main plot local coln = 0 foreach bynum2 in `bynum' { if "`onefit'"!="" local by `ogby' local coln = `coln'+1 local coln2 = `coln' local coln3 = `coln' if `isthereby'==0 { local coln2 = `coln'+1 local coln3 = `coln'+2 } else if "`onefit'"!="" { *local coln2 = `coln'+1 } * density of x variable if "`xdistribution'"!="" local xdistr `xdistr' (rarea hy`bynum2' hbot`bynum2' hx`bynum2', `xdistareas`coln2'') * scatter points local sc `sc' (scatter `yplot' `xplot' if `by'==`bynum2' `scw', ``mscattermarkers'`coln2'' `markerlab' `jitter') * adapt locals to by+onefit if "`onefit'"!="" local by `altby' if "`onefit'"!="" local bynum `bynumalt2' if "`onefit'"!="" local bynum3 `bynumalt2' if "`onefit'"=="" local bynum3 `bynum2' if "`onefit'"=="" | ("`onefit'"!="" & `coln'==1) { * fit line & CIs using off-the-shelf fitting if `ownpred_plot'==0 { local pl `pl' (`fittype' `y' `x' if `by'==`bynum3' `w', `o`coln'' `bwidth' `cilvl') } * own fit lines and CIs from margins else { if "`ci'"!="" local cis `cis' (rarea cil`bynum3' ciu`bynum3' cix`bynum3', `ciareas`coln'') local pl `pl' (line pe`bynum3' cix`bynum3', `o`coln'') } } } // draw the final plot tw `xdistr' `sce' `sc' `cis' `pl', `lscatteropts' *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * finalize *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- restore } end