* tfl.scheme * The TFL scheme family has a white background (white plotregions and * background) and coloured foreground (lines, symbols, text, etc). *! version 1.1 25sep2017 Tim Morris, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL sequence 1210 label "TFL Scheme" system naturally_white 1 graphsize 5 graphsize x 5 graphsize y 4 numstyle 1 numstyle grid_outer_tol 0.23 numstyle legend_rows 0 numstyle legend_cols 2 numstyle zyx2rows 0 numstyle zyx2cols 1 numstyle graph_aspect 0 numstyle pcycle 15 numstyle max_wted_symsize 10 numstyle bar_num_dots 100 numstyle dot_num_dots 100 numstyle dot_extend_high 0 numstyle dot_extend_low 0 numstyle pie_angle 90 numstyle contours 9 special default_slope1 .3 special default_knot1 4 special default_slope2 1 special by_slope1 .3 special by_knot1 3 special by_slope2 1 special combine_slope1 .5 special combine_knot1 3 special combine_slope2 1 special matrix_slope1 .3 special matrix_knot1 4 special matrix_slope2 1 special matrix_yaxis "ylabels(#3 , angle(horizontal) axis(Y))" special matrix_xaxis "xlabels(#3 , axis(X))" gsize medium gsize gap vsmall gsize text medium gsize body medsmall gsize small_body small gsize heading large gsize subheading medium gsize axis_title medsmall gsize matrix_label medlarge gsize label medsmall gsize small_label small gsize matrix_marklbl small gsize key_label medsmall gsize note small gsize star medsmall gsize text_option medsmall gsize dot_rectangle third_tiny gsize axis_space half_tiny gsize axis_title_gap vsmall gsize tick tiny gsize minortick half_tiny * gsize minortick .55 gsize tickgap half_tiny gsize notickgap tiny gsize tick_label medsmall gsize tick_biglabel medium gsize minortick_label vsmall gsize filled_text medsmall gsize reverse_big large gsize alternate_gap zero gsize title_gap vsmall gsize key_gap vsmall gsize key_linespace vsmall gsize star_gap minuscule gsize legend_colgap medium gsize label_gap half_tiny gsize matrix_mlblgap half_tiny gsize barlabel_gap tiny gsize legend_row_gap tiny gsize legend_col_gap large gsize legend_key_gap vsmall gsize legend_key_xsize 10 gsize legend_key_ysize medsmall gsize zyx2legend_key_gap tiny gsize zyx2legend_key_xsize vhuge gsize zyx2legend_key_ysize medium gsize zyx2rowgap zero gsize zyx2colgap large gsize clegend_width huge gsize clegend_height zero gsize pie_explode medium gsize pielabel_gap zero gsize plabel small gsize pboxlabel small * gsize p#label small * gsize p#boxlabel small gsize sts_risktable_space third_tiny gsize sts_risktable_tgap zero gsize sts_risktable_lgap zero gsize sts_risk_label medsmall gsize sts_risk_title medsmall gsize sts_risk_tick zero relsize bar_gap 0pct relsize bar_groupgap 67pct relsize bar_supgroupgap 200pct relsize bar_outergap 20pct relsize dot_gap neg100pct relsize dot_groupgap 0pct relsize dot_supgroupgap 67pct relsize dot_outergap 0pct relsize box_gap 33pct relsize box_groupgap 100pct relsize box_supgroupgap 200pct relsize box_outergap 20pct relsize box_fence 67pct relsize box_fencecap 0pct symbolsize medium symbolsize symbol medium symbolsize smallsymbol small symbolsize star vlarge symbolsize histogram medlarge symbolsize histback vlarge symbolsize dots vtiny symbolsize ci medium symbolsize ci2 medium symbolsize matrix medium symbolsize refmarker medlarge symbolsize sunflower medium symbolsize backsymbol large symbolsize backsymspace large symbolsize p medium symbolsize pback zero symbolsize parrow medium symbolsize parrowbarb zero * symbolsize p# large * symbolsize p#back large * symbolsize p#box large * symbolsize p#boxback large * symbolsize p#dot large * symbolsize p#dotback large * symbolsize p#arrow large * symbolsize p#arrowbarb large numticks_g 0 numticks_g major 5 numticks_g horizontal_major 5 numticks_g vertical_major 5 numticks_g horizontal_minor 0 numticks_g vertical_minor 0 numticks_g horizontal_tmajor 0 numticks_g vertical_tmajor 0 numticks_g horizontal_tminor 0 numticks_g vertical_tminor 0 color black color background white color foreground black color symbol black color backsymbol tflgrey color text black color body black color small_body black color heading black color subheading black color axis_title black color matrix_label black color label black color key_label black color tick_label black color tick_biglabel black color matrix_marklbl black color sts_risk_label black color sts_risk_title black color box none color textbox none color mat_label_box none color text_option tflgrey color text_option_line tflgrey color text_option_fill tflbrown color filled_text tflgrey color filled tflbrown color bylabel_outline gs12 color reverse_big tflgrey color reverse_big_line tflgrey color reverse_big_text white color grid gs12 color major_grid gs12 color minor_grid gs14 color axisline gs12 color tick tflgrey color minortick tflgrey color ci_line gs8 color ci_arealine gs12 color ci_area gs12 color ci_symbol gs8 color ci2_line khaki color ci2_arealine ltkhaki color ci2_area ltkhaki color ci2_symbol khaki color pieline none color matrix navy color matrixmarkline navy color refmarker tflred color refmarkline black color histogram tflbrown color histback gs4 color histogram_line white color dot_line gs8 color dot_arealine gs8 color dot_area gs4 color dotmarkline black color xyline tflbrown color refline tflgreen color dots black color plotregion white color plotregion_line tflgrey color matrix_plotregion white color matplotregion_line tflgrey color legend none color legend_line none color clegend none color clegend_outer none color clegend_inner none color clegend_line none color contour_begin blue color contour_end red color zyx2 black color sunflower tflblue color sunflowerlb sunflowerlime color sunflowerlf chocolate color sunflowerdb orange color sunflowerdf black color p tflred color p1 tflred color p2 tflblue color p3 tflgreen color p4 tflorange color p5 tflbrown color p6 tflpurple color p7 tflyellow color p8 tflgrey color p9 sienna color p10 emidblue color p11 emerald color p12 brown color p13 erose color p14 gold color p15 bluishgray color pboxlabelfill bluishgray color plabelfill bluishgray color pmarkback white color pmarkbkfill white * color p# yellow * color p#line yellow * color p#lineplot yellow * color p#bar yellow * color p#barline yellow * color p#box yellow * color p#boxline yellow * color p#pie yellow * color p#area yellow * color p#arealine yellow * color p#other yellow * color p#otherline yellow * color p#mark yellow * color p#markfill none * color p#markline yellow * color p#markback yellow * color p#markbkfill yellow * color p#boxmarkfill yellow * color p#boxmarkbkfill yellow * color p#boxmarkline yellow * color p#dotmarkfill yellow * color p#dotmarkbkfill yellow * color p#dotmarkline yellow * color p#arrow yellow * color p#arrowline yellow * color p#arrowfill yellow * color p#label white * color p#boxlabel yellow * color p#boxlabelfill yellow * color p#labelfill yellow * color p#shade yellow * color p1markfill light_xyz * color p2markfill light_xyz * color p3markfill light_xyz * color p4markfill light_xyz * color p5markfill light_xyz * color p6markfill light_xyz * color p1markfill none * color p2markfill none * color p3markfill none * color p4markfill none * color p5markfill none * color p6markfill none * color p1mark yellow * color p2mark red * color p3mark blue symbol circle_hollow symbol sunflower circle_hollow symbol none none symbol histogram circle_hollow symbol histback none symbol dots circle_hollow symbol ci circle symbol ci2 circle symbol ilabel none symbol matrix circle_hollow symbol refmarker circle symbol p circle_hollow symbol pback none symbol pbarback none symbol pdotback none * symbol p# circle * symbol p#back none * symbol p#box circle * symbol p#boxback circle * symbol p#dot circle * symbol p#dotback circle * symbol p#arrow circle * symbol p1 circle * symbol p2 diamond * symbol p3 square * symbol p4 triangle * symbol p5 x * symbol p6 plus * symbol p7 circle_hollow * symbol p8 diamond_hollow * symbol p9 square_hollow * symbol p10 triangle_hollow * symbol p11 smcircle * symbol p12 smdiamond * symbol p13 smsquare * symbol p14 smtriangle * symbol p15 smx linepattern solid linepattern foreground solid linepattern background solid linepattern ci solid linepattern ci_area solid linepattern histogram solid linepattern dendrogram solid linepattern grid solid linepattern major_grid solid linepattern minor_grid dot linepattern axisline solid linepattern tick solid linepattern minortick solid linepattern xyline solid linepattern refline solid linepattern refmarker solid linepattern matrixmark solid linepattern dots solid linepattern dot solid linepattern dot_area solid linepattern dotmark solid linepattern pie solid linepattern legend solid linepattern clegend solid linepattern plotregion solid linepattern sunflower solid linepattern matrix_plotregion solid linepattern text_option solid linepattern zyx2 solid linepattern p solid linepattern pmark solid * linepattern p# dash * linepattern p#line dash * linepattern p#lineplot dash * linepattern p#bar dash * linepattern p#box dash * linepattern p#pie dash * linepattern p#area dash * linepattern p#other dash * linepattern p#mark solid * linepattern p#boxmark solid * linepattern p#dotmark solid * linepattern p#arrow solid * linepattern p#arrowline solid * linepattern p1line solid * linepattern p2line dash * linepattern p3line longdash * linepattern p4line dot * linepattern p5line longdash_dot * linepattern p6line dash_dot * linepattern p8line shortdash * linepattern p9line shortdash_dot markerstyle p1 markerstyle dots dots markerstyle star star markerstyle histogram histogram markerstyle ci ci markerstyle ci2 ci2 markerstyle ilabel ilabel markerstyle matrix matrix markerstyle box_marker refmarker markerstyle editor editor markerstyle editor_arrow ed_arrow markerstyle sunflower sunflower markerstyle p1 p1 markerstyle p2 p2 markerstyle p3 p3 markerstyle p4 p4 markerstyle p5 p5 markerstyle p6 p6 markerstyle p7 p7 markerstyle p8 p8 markerstyle p9 p9 markerstyle p10 p10 markerstyle p11 p11 markerstyle p12 p12 markerstyle p13 p13 markerstyle p14 p14 markerstyle p15 p15 markerstyle p1box p1box markerstyle p2box p2box markerstyle p3box p3box markerstyle p4box p4box markerstyle p5box p5box markerstyle p6box p6box markerstyle p7box p7box markerstyle p8box p8box markerstyle p9box p9box markerstyle p10box p10box markerstyle p11box p11box markerstyle p12box p12box markerstyle p13box p13box markerstyle p14box p14box markerstyle p15box p15box markerstyle p1dot p1dot markerstyle p2dot p2dot markerstyle p3dot p3dot markerstyle p4dot p4dot markerstyle p5dot p5dot markerstyle p6dot p6dot markerstyle p7dot p7dot markerstyle p8dot p8dot markerstyle p9dot p9dot markerstyle p10dot p10dot markerstyle p11dot p11dot markerstyle p12dot p12dot markerstyle p13dot p13dot markerstyle p14dot p14dot markerstyle p15dot p15dot markerstyle p1arrow p1arrow markerstyle p2arrow p2arrow markerstyle p3arrow p3arrow markerstyle p4arrow p4arrow markerstyle p5arrow p5arrow markerstyle p6arrow p6arrow markerstyle p7arrow p7arrow markerstyle p8arrow p8arrow markerstyle p9arrow p9arrow markerstyle p10arrow p10arrow markerstyle p11arrow p11arrow markerstyle p12arrow p12arrow markerstyle p13arrow p13arrow markerstyle p14arrow p14arrow markerstyle p15arrow p15arrow margin zero margin graph medium margin twoway medsmall margin bygraph zero margin combinegraph medsmall margin combine_region zero margin matrixgraph zero margin piegraph small margin piegraph_region medsmall margin matrix_plotreg small margin matrix_label zero margin mat_label_box zero margin by_indiv small margin text vsmall margin textbox zero margin body vsmall margin small_body vsmall margin heading vsmall * margin heading ".6 .6 .6 .6" margin subheading vsmall margin axis_title zero margin label zero margin key_label zero margin text_option zero margin plotregion medsmall margin star tiny margin bargraph bargraph margin boxgraph bargraph margin dotgraph bargraph margin hbargraph bargraph margin hboxgraph bargraph margin hdotgraph bargraph margin legend small margin legend_key_region tiny margin legend_boxmargin small margin clegend medium margin cleg_title medsmall margin clegend_boxmargin small margin key_label zero margin filled_textbox small margin filled_box zero margin editor zero margin plabel zero margin plabelbox zero margin pboxlabel zero margin pboxlabelbox zero * margin p#label zero * margin p#labelbox zero * margin p#boxlabel zero * margin p#boxlabelbox zero shadestyle foreground shadestyle background background shadestyle foreground foreground shadestyle ci ci shadestyle ci2 ci2 shadestyle histogram histogram shadestyle dendrogram dendrogram shadestyle dotchart dotchart shadestyle legend legend shadestyle clegend_outer clegend_outer shadestyle clegend_inner clegend_inner shadestyle clegend_preg none shadestyle plotregion plotregion shadestyle matrix_plotregion matrix_plotregion shadestyle sunflower sunflower shadestyle sunflowerlb sunflowerlb shadestyle sunflowerdb sunflowerdb shadestyle contour_begin contour_begin shadestyle contour_end contour_end shadestyle p foreground shadestyle p1 p1 shadestyle p2 p2 shadestyle p3 p3 shadestyle p4 p4 shadestyle p5 p5 shadestyle p6 p6 shadestyle p7 p7 shadestyle p8 p8 shadestyle p9 p9 shadestyle p10 p10 shadestyle p11 p11 shadestyle p12 p12 shadestyle p13 p13 shadestyle p14 p14 shadestyle p15 p15 shadestyle p1bar p1bar shadestyle p2bar p2bar shadestyle p3bar p3bar shadestyle p4bar p4bar shadestyle p5bar p5bar shadestyle p6bar p6bar shadestyle p7bar p7bar shadestyle p8bar p8bar shadestyle p9bar p9bar shadestyle p10bar p10bar shadestyle p11bar p11bar shadestyle p12bar p12bar shadestyle p13bar p13bar shadestyle p14bar p14bar shadestyle p15bar p15bar shadestyle p1box p1box shadestyle p2box p2box shadestyle p3box p3box shadestyle p4box p4box shadestyle p5box p5box shadestyle p6box p6box shadestyle p7box p7box shadestyle p8box p8box shadestyle p9box p9box shadestyle p10box p10box shadestyle p11box p11box shadestyle p12box p12box shadestyle p13box p13box shadestyle p14box p14box shadestyle p15box p15box shadestyle p1pie p1pie shadestyle p2pie p2pie shadestyle p3pie p3pie shadestyle p4pie p4pie shadestyle p5pie p5pie shadestyle p6pie p6pie shadestyle p7pie p7pie shadestyle p8pie p8pie shadestyle p9pie p9pie shadestyle p10pie p10pie shadestyle p11pie p11pie shadestyle p12pie p12pie shadestyle p13pie p13pie shadestyle p14pie p14pie shadestyle p15pie p15pie shadestyle p1area p1area shadestyle p2area p2area shadestyle p3area p3area shadestyle p4area p4area shadestyle p5area p5area shadestyle p6area p6area shadestyle p7area p7area shadestyle p8area p8area shadestyle p9area p9area shadestyle p10area p10area shadestyle p11area p11area shadestyle p12area p12area shadestyle p13area p13area shadestyle p14area p14area shadestyle p15area p15area * shadestyle p#other p1 linestyle foreground linestyle background background linestyle foreground foreground linestyle symbol symbol linestyle boxline foreground linestyle textbox foreground linestyle axis axisline linestyle axis_withgrid foreground linestyle zero_line foreground linestyle tick tick linestyle minortick minortick linestyle star p1 linestyle ci ci linestyle ci_area ci_area linestyle ci2 ci2 linestyle ci2_area ci2_area linestyle histogram histogram linestyle histback histogram linestyle dendrogram dendrogram linestyle grid grid linestyle major_grid major_grid linestyle minor_grid minor_grid linestyle xyline xyline linestyle refline refline linestyle refmarker refmarker linestyle matrixmark matrixmark linestyle matrix p1solid linestyle dotchart dotchart linestyle dotchart_area dotchart_area linestyle dotmark dotmark linestyle box_whiskers ci linestyle box_median refline linestyle pie_lines pie linestyle legend legend linestyle clegend clegend linestyle clegend_outer none linestyle clegend_inner none linestyle clegend_preg foreground linestyle mat_label_box foreground linestyle reverse_big reverse_big linestyle plotregion plotregion linestyle matrix_plotregion matrix_plotregion linestyle dots dot linestyle editor editor linestyle sunflower sunflower linestyle sunflowerlb sunflowerlb linestyle sunflowerlf sunflowerlf linestyle sunflowerdb sunflowerdb linestyle sunflowerdf sunflowerdf linestyle text_option text_option linestyle sts_risktable none linestyle zyx2 zyx2 linestyle p1 p1 linestyle p2 p2 linestyle p3 p3 linestyle p4 p4 linestyle p5 p5 linestyle p6 p6 linestyle p7 p7 linestyle p8 p8 linestyle p9 p9 linestyle p10 p10 linestyle p11 p11 linestyle p12 p12 linestyle p13 p13 linestyle p14 p14 linestyle p15 p15 linestyle p1bar p1bar linestyle p2bar p2bar linestyle p3bar p3bar linestyle p4bar p4bar linestyle p5bar p5bar linestyle p6bar p6bar linestyle p7bar p7bar linestyle p8bar p8bar linestyle p9bar p9bar linestyle p10bar p10bar linestyle p11bar p11bar linestyle p12bar p12bar linestyle p13bar p13bar linestyle p14bar p14bar linestyle p15bar p15bar linestyle p1box p1box linestyle p2box p2box linestyle p3box p3box linestyle p4box p4box linestyle p5box p5box linestyle p6box p6box linestyle p7box p7box linestyle p8box p8box linestyle p9box p9box linestyle p10box p10box linestyle p11box p11box linestyle p12box p12box linestyle p13box p13box linestyle p14box p14box linestyle p15box p15box linestyle p1area p1area linestyle p2area p2area linestyle p3area p3area linestyle p4area p4area linestyle p5area p5area linestyle p6area p6area linestyle p7area p7area linestyle p8area p8area linestyle p9area p9area linestyle p10area p10area linestyle p11area p11area linestyle p12area p12area linestyle p13area p13area linestyle p14area p14area linestyle p15area p15area linestyle p1line p1line linestyle p2line p2line linestyle p3line p3line linestyle p4line p4line linestyle p5line p5line linestyle p6line p6line linestyle p7line p7line linestyle p8line p8line linestyle p9line p9line linestyle p10line p10line linestyle p11line p11line linestyle p12line p12line linestyle p13line p13line linestyle p14line p14line linestyle p15line p15line linestyle p1other p1other linestyle p2other p2other linestyle p3other p3other linestyle p4other p4other linestyle p5other p5other linestyle p6other p6other linestyle p7other p7other linestyle p8other p8other linestyle p9other p9other linestyle p10other p10other linestyle p11other p11other linestyle p12other p12other linestyle p13other p13other linestyle p14other p14other linestyle p15other p15other linestyle p1mark p1mark linestyle p2mark p2mark linestyle p3mark p3mark linestyle p4mark p4mark linestyle p5mark p5mark linestyle p6mark p6mark linestyle p7mark p7mark linestyle p8mark p8mark linestyle p9mark p9mark linestyle p10mark p10mark linestyle p11mark p11mark linestyle p12mark p12mark linestyle p13mark p13mark linestyle p14mark p14mark linestyle p15mark p15mark linestyle p1boxmark p1boxmark linestyle p2boxmark p2boxmark linestyle p3boxmark p3boxmark linestyle p4boxmark p4boxmark linestyle p5boxmark p5boxmark linestyle p6boxmark p6boxmark linestyle p7boxmark p7boxmark linestyle p8boxmark p8boxmark linestyle p9boxmark p9boxmark linestyle p10boxmark p10boxmark linestyle p11boxmark p11boxmark linestyle p12boxmark p12boxmark linestyle p13boxmark p13boxmark linestyle p14boxmark p14boxmark linestyle p15boxmark p15boxmark linestyle p1dotmark p1dotmark linestyle p2dotmark p2dotmark linestyle p3dotmark p3dotmark linestyle p4dotmark p4dotmark linestyle p5dotmark p5dotmark linestyle p6dotmark p6dotmark linestyle p7dotmark p7dotmark linestyle p8dotmark p8dotmark linestyle p9dotmark p9dotmark linestyle p10dotmark p10dotmark linestyle p11dotmark p11dotmark linestyle p12dotmark p12dotmark linestyle p13dotmark p13dotmark linestyle p14dotmark p14dotmark linestyle p15dotmark p15dotmark linestyle p1arrow p1arrow linestyle p2arrow p2arrow linestyle p3arrow p3arrow linestyle p4arrow p4arrow linestyle p5arrow p5arrow linestyle p6arrow p6arrow linestyle p7arrow p7arrow linestyle p8arrow p8arrow linestyle p9arrow p9arrow linestyle p10arrow p10arrow linestyle p11arrow p11arrow linestyle p12arrow p12arrow linestyle p13arrow p13arrow linestyle p14arrow p14arrow linestyle p15arrow p15arrow linestyle p1arrowline p1arrowline linestyle p2arrowline p2arrowline linestyle p3arrowline p3arrowline linestyle p4arrowline p4arrowline linestyle p5arrowline p5arrowline linestyle p6arrowline p6arrowline linestyle p7arrowline p7arrowline linestyle p8arrowline p8arrowline linestyle p9arrowline p9arrowline linestyle p10arrowline p10arrowline linestyle p11arrowline p11arrowline linestyle p12arrowline p12arrowline linestyle p13arrowline p13arrowline linestyle p14arrowline p14arrowline linestyle p15arrowline p15arrowline linestyle p1sunflowerlight p3 linestyle p2sunflowerlight p8 linestyle p3sunflowerlight p13 linestyle p4sunflowerlight p4 linestyle p5sunflowerlight p9 linestyle p6sunflowerlight p14 linestyle p7sunflowerlight p5 linestyle p8sunflowerlight p6 linestyle p9sunflowerlight p15 linestyle p10sunflowerlight p10 linestyle p11sunflowerlight p11 linestyle p12sunflowerlight p1 linestyle p13sunflowerlight p7 linestyle p14sunflowerlight p12 linestyle p15sunflowerlight p2 linestyle p1sunflowerdark p5 linestyle p2sunflowerdark p10 linestyle p3sunflowerdark p15 linestyle p4sunflowerdark p6 linestyle p5sunflowerdark p11 linestyle p6sunflowerdark p1 linestyle p7sunflowerdark p7 linestyle p8sunflowerdark p12 linestyle p9sunflowerdark p2 linestyle p10sunflowerdark p8 linestyle p11sunflowerdark p13 linestyle p12sunflowerdark p3 linestyle p13sunflowerdark p9 linestyle p14sunflowerdark p14 linestyle p15sunflowerdark p4 linestyle pmarkback background linestyle pboxmarkback background linestyle plabel foreground linestyle pboxlabel foreground * linestyle p#connect foreground * linestyle p#markback foreground * linestyle p#boxmarkback foreground * linestyle p#dotmarkback foreground * linestyle p#label xyz * linestyle p#boxlabel xyz linewidth thin thin linewidth medium medium linewidth p medium linewidth foreground thin linewidth background thin linewidth grid vthin linewidth major_grid vthin linewidth minor_grid vvthin linewidth axisline vthin linewidth tick vthin linewidth minortick vvthin linewidth ci medium linewidth ci_area medium linewidth ci2 medium linewidth ci2_area medium linewidth histogram thin linewidth dendrogram medium linewidth xyline medium linewidth refline medium linewidth refmarker medium linewidth matrixmark medium linewidth dots vvthin linewidth dot_line medthick linewidth dot_area medium linewidth dotmark thin linewidth plotregion thin linewidth legend thin linewidth clegend thin linewidth pie medium linewidth reverse_big thin linewidth sunflower medium linewidth matrix_plotregion thin linewidth text_option thin linewidth zyx2 medium linewidth pbar vvvthin * linewidth p# medium * linewidth p#solid thin * linewidth p#lineplot thin * linewidth p#bar thin * linewidth p#box thin * linewidth p#area thin * linewidth p#other thin * linewidth p#mark thin * linewidth p#boxmark thin * linewidth p#dotmark thin * linewidth p#arrow thin * linewidth p#arrowline thin connectstyle ascending connectstyle p ascending * connectstyle p# ascending intensity full intensity foreground inten100 intensity background inten100 intensity grid inten40 intensity major_grid inten40 intensity minor_grid inten20 intensity symbol inten100 intensity ci_area full intensity histogram full intensity dendrogram full intensity dot_area full intensity sunflower full intensity bar full intensity bar_line full intensity box inten50 intensity box_line full intensity pie inten90 intensity legend inten100 intensity plotregion inten100 intensity matrix_plotregion inten100 intensity clegend inten100 intensity clegend_outer inten100 intensity clegend_inner inten100 intensity p inten80 * intensity p# inten80 * intensity p#shade inten80 * intensity p#bar inten80 // twoway bar only, graph bar overall * intensity p#box inten80 // unused, overall only, control w/ color * intensity p#pie inten80 // unused, overall only, control w/ color * intensity p#area inten80 fillpattern pattern10 fillpattern foreground pattern10 fillpattern background pattern10 textboxstyle body textboxstyle title heading textboxstyle subtitle subheading textboxstyle caption body textboxstyle note small_body textboxstyle leg_title heading textboxstyle leg_subtitle subheading textboxstyle leg_caption body textboxstyle leg_note small_body textboxstyle cleg_title clegend textboxstyle cleg_subtitle subheading textboxstyle cleg_caption body textboxstyle cleg_note small_body textboxstyle t1title subheading textboxstyle t2title body textboxstyle b1title subheading textboxstyle b2title body textboxstyle r1title subheading textboxstyle r2title body textboxstyle l1title subheading textboxstyle l2title body textboxstyle heading heading textboxstyle subheading subheading textboxstyle body body textboxstyle text_option text_option textboxstyle legend_key legend_key textboxstyle barlabel small_label textboxstyle axis_title axis_title textboxstyle matrix_label matrix_label textboxstyle pielabel small_label textboxstyle tick tick_label textboxstyle minortick minortick_label textboxstyle bigtick tick_biglabel textboxstyle sts_risktable sts_risktable textboxstyle label label textboxstyle ilabel small_label textboxstyle key_label key_label textboxstyle small_label small_label textboxstyle matrix_marklbl matrix_marklbl textboxstyle star star_label textboxstyle bytitle bytitle textboxstyle editor editor textboxstyle p1 p1 textboxstyle p2 p2 textboxstyle p3 p3 textboxstyle p4 p4 textboxstyle p5 p5 textboxstyle p6 p6 textboxstyle p7 p7 textboxstyle p8 p8 textboxstyle p9 p9 textboxstyle p10 p10 textboxstyle p11 p11 textboxstyle p12 p12 textboxstyle p13 p13 textboxstyle p14 p14 textboxstyle p15 p15 textboxstyle p1boxlabel p1boxlabel textboxstyle p2boxlabel p2boxlabel textboxstyle p3boxlabel p3boxlabel textboxstyle p4boxlabel p4boxlabel textboxstyle p5boxlabel p5boxlabel textboxstyle p6boxlabel p6boxlabel textboxstyle p7boxlabel p7boxlabel textboxstyle p8boxlabel p8boxlabel textboxstyle p9boxlabel p9boxlabel textboxstyle p10boxlabel p10boxlabel textboxstyle p11boxlabel p11boxlabel textboxstyle p12boxlabel p12boxlabel textboxstyle p13boxlabel p13boxlabel textboxstyle p14boxlabel p14boxlabel textboxstyle p15boxlabel p15boxlabel * textboxstyle p15label xyz areastyle background areastyle foreground foreground areastyle background background areastyle plotregion plotregion areastyle inner_plotregion none areastyle twoway_plotregion plotregion areastyle twoway_iplotregion none areastyle bar_plotregion plotregion areastyle bar_iplotregion none areastyle hbar_plotregion plotregion areastyle hbar_iplotregion none areastyle dot_plotregion plotregion areastyle dot_iplotregion none areastyle box_plotregion plotregion areastyle box_iplotregion none areastyle hbox_plotregion plotregion areastyle hbox_iplotregion none areastyle combine_plotregion none areastyle combine_iplotregion none areastyle bygraph_plotregion none areastyle bygraph_iplotregion none areastyle matrixgraph_plotregion none areastyle matrixgraph_iplotregion none areastyle matrix_plotregion matrix_plotregion areastyle matrix_iplotregion none areastyle legend legend areastyle legend_key_region none areastyle legend_inkey_region none areastyle inner_legend none areastyle clegend clegend_preg areastyle clegend_preg none areastyle clegend_inpreg none areastyle clegend_outer clegend_outer areastyle clegend_inner clegend_inner areastyle graph background areastyle inner_graph none areastyle bygraph background areastyle inner_bygraph none areastyle piegraph background areastyle piegraph_region plotregion areastyle inner_pieregion none areastyle inner_piegraph none areastyle combinegraph background areastyle combinegraph_inner none areastyle matrix_label background areastyle matrix_ilabel none areastyle ci ci areastyle ci2 ci2 areastyle histogram histogram areastyle dendrogram dendrogram areastyle dotchart dotchart areastyle sunflower sunflower areastyle sunflowerlb sunflowerlb areastyle sunflowerdb sunflowerdb areastyle p1 p1 areastyle p2 p2 areastyle p3 p3 areastyle p4 p4 areastyle p5 p5 areastyle p6 p6 areastyle p7 p7 areastyle p8 p8 areastyle p9 p9 areastyle p10 p10 areastyle p11 p11 areastyle p12 p12 areastyle p13 p13 areastyle p14 p14 areastyle p15 p15 areastyle p1bar p1bar areastyle p2bar p2bar areastyle p3bar p3bar areastyle p4bar p4bar areastyle p5bar p5bar areastyle p6bar p6bar areastyle p7bar p7bar areastyle p8bar p8bar areastyle p9bar p9bar areastyle p10bar p10bar areastyle p11bar p11bar areastyle p12bar p12bar areastyle p13bar p13bar areastyle p14bar p14bar areastyle p15bar p15bar areastyle p1box p1box areastyle p2box p2box areastyle p3box p3box areastyle p4box p4box areastyle p5box p5box areastyle p6box p6box areastyle p7box p7box areastyle p8box p8box areastyle p9box p9box areastyle p10box p10box areastyle p11box p11box areastyle p12box p12box areastyle p13box p13box areastyle p14box p14box areastyle p15box p15box areastyle p1pie p1pie areastyle p2pie p2pie areastyle p3pie p3pie areastyle p4pie p4pie areastyle p5pie p5pie areastyle p6pie p6pie areastyle p7pie p7pie areastyle p8pie p8pie areastyle p9pie p9pie areastyle p10pie p10pie areastyle p11pie p11pie areastyle p12pie p12pie areastyle p13pie p13pie areastyle p14pie p14pie areastyle p15pie p15pie areastyle p1area p1area areastyle p2area p2area areastyle p3area p3area areastyle p4area p4area areastyle p5area p5area areastyle p6area p6area areastyle p7area p7area areastyle p8area p8area areastyle p9area p9area areastyle p10area p10area areastyle p11area p11area areastyle p12area p12area areastyle p13area p13area areastyle p14area p14area areastyle p15area p15area areastyle p1sunflowerlight p4 areastyle p2sunflowerlight p7 areastyle p3sunflowerlight p12 areastyle p4sunflowerlight p3 areastyle p5sunflowerlight p8 areastyle p6sunflowerlight p13 areastyle p7sunflowerlight p4 areastyle p8sunflowerlight p9 areastyle p9sunflowerlight p14 areastyle p10sunflowerlight p5 areastyle p11sunflowerlight p10 areastyle p12sunflowerlight p15 areastyle p13sunflowerlight p6 areastyle p14sunflowerlight p11 areastyle p15sunflowerlight p1 areastyle p1sunflowerdark p2 areastyle p2sunflowerdark p9 areastyle p3sunflowerdark p14 areastyle p4sunflowerdark p5 areastyle p5sunflowerdark p10 areastyle p6sunflowerdark p15 areastyle p7sunflowerdark p6 areastyle p8sunflowerdark p11 areastyle p9sunflowerdark p1 areastyle p10sunflowerdark p7 areastyle p11sunflowerdark p12 areastyle p12sunflowerdark p2 areastyle p13sunflowerdark p8 areastyle p14sunflowerdark p13 areastyle p15sunflowerdark p3 alignstroke default alignstroke default default alignstroke inside inside alignstroke outside outside alignstroke center center alignstroke axisline default alignstroke background default alignstroke ci_area default alignstroke ci default alignstroke clegend default alignstroke dendrogram default alignstroke dot_area default alignstroke dot default alignstroke dotmark default alignstroke dots default alignstroke foreground default alignstroke grid default alignstroke histogram default alignstroke legend default alignstroke major_grid default alignstroke map center alignstroke matrixmark default alignstroke matrix_plotregion default alignstroke minor_grid default alignstroke minortick default alignstroke pie default alignstroke p default alignstroke plotregion default alignstroke refline default alignstroke refmarker default alignstroke reverse_big default alignstroke sunflower default alignstroke text_option default alignstroke tick default alignstroke xyline default alignstroke zyx2 default alignstroke p1 default alignstroke p2 default alignstroke p3 default alignstroke p4 default alignstroke p5 default alignstroke p6 default alignstroke p7 default alignstroke p8 default alignstroke p9 default alignstroke p10 default alignstroke p11 default alignstroke p12 default alignstroke p13 default alignstroke p14 default alignstroke p15 default horizontal center horizontal heading center horizontal subheading center horizontal label center horizontal key_label left horizontal body center horizontal small_body center horizontal axis_title center horizontal matrix_label center horizontal filled center horizontal text_option center horizontal editor left horizontal sts_risk_label default horizontal sts_risk_title right vertical bottom vertical_text bottom vertical_text heading bottom vertical_text subheading bottom vertical_text label middle vertical_text key_label middle vertical_text body bottom vertical_text small_body bottom vertical_text axis_title bottom vertical_text matrix_label middle vertical_text legend bottom vertical_text text_option middle vertical_text filled middle tb_orientstyle horizontal axisstyle horizontal_default axisstyle horizontal_default horizontal_noline axisstyle vertical_default vertical_noline axisstyle horizontal_nogrid horizontal_nogrid axisstyle vertical_nogrid vertical_nogrid axisstyle bar_super horizontal_nolinetick axisstyle dot_super horizontal_nolinetick axisstyle bar_group horizontal_notick axisstyle dot_group horizontal_notick axisstyle bar_var horizontal_notick axisstyle dot_var horizontal_notick axisstyle bar_scale_horiz horizontal_withgrid axisstyle bar_scale_vert vertical_withgrid axisstyle dot_scale_horiz horizontal_nogrid axisstyle dot_scale_vert vertical_nogrid axisstyle box_scale_horiz horizontal_withgrid axisstyle box_scale_vert vertical_withgrid axisstyle matrix_horiz horizontal_nogrid axisstyle matrix_vert vertical_nogrid axisstyle sts_risktable sts_risktable axisstyle clegend clegend gridstyle default gridstyle major major gridstyle minor major gridlinestyle default gridlinestyle default default tickstyle default tickstyle default default tickstyle major major tickstyle minor minor tickstyle major_nolabel major_nolabel tickstyle minor_nolabel minor_nolabel tickstyle major_notick major_notick tickstyle minor_notick minor_notick tickstyle major_notickbig major_notickbig tickstyle minor_notickbig minor_notickbig tickstyle sts_risktable sts_risktable ticksetstyle major_horiz_default ticksetstyle major_horiz_default major_horiz_default ticksetstyle major_vert_default major_vert_default ticksetstyle minor_horiz_default minor_horiz_default ticksetstyle minor_vert_default minor_vert_default ticksetstyle major_horiz_withgrid major_horiz_default ticksetstyle major_vert_withgrid major_vert_default ticksetstyle major_horiz_nolabel major_horiz_nolabel ticksetstyle major_vert_nolabel major_vert_nolabel ticksetstyle minor_horiz_nolabel minor_horiz_nolabel ticksetstyle minor_vert_nolabel minor_vert_nolabel ticksetstyle major_horiz_notick major_horiz_notick ticksetstyle major_vert_notick major_vert_notick ticksetstyle minor_horiz_notick minor_horiz_notick ticksetstyle minor_vert_notick minor_vert_notick ticksetstyle major_horiz_notickbig major_horiz_notickbig ticksetstyle major_vert_notickbig major_vert_notickbig ticksetstyle sts_risktable sts_risktable ticksetstyle major_clegend major_clegend tickposition axis_tick outside barlabelpos bar outside compass2dir east compass2dir p east compass2dir key_label west compass2dir legend_fillpos center compass2dir legend_key default compass2dir text_option center compass2dir graph_aspect center compass2dir editor east * compass2dir p# compass3dir east compass3dir p east * compass3dir p# clockdir 12 clockdir title_position 12 clockdir subtitle_position 12 clockdir caption_position 7 clockdir note_position 7 clockdir legend_position 6 clockdir zyx2legend_position 3 clockdir by_legend_position 6 clockdir ilabel 3 clockdir matrix_marklbl 12 clockdir p 3 * clockdir p# 3 * clockdir p#box 3 clockdir legend_title_position 12 clockdir legend_subtitle_position 12 clockdir legend_caption_position 7 clockdir legend_note_position 7 clockdir clegend_title_position 12 relative_posn zyx2legend_pos right relative_posn clegend_pos right relative_posn clegend_axispos right gridringstyle spacers_ring 11 gridringstyle title_ring 7 gridringstyle subtitle_ring 6 gridringstyle caption_ring 5 gridringstyle note_ring 4 gridringstyle legend_ring 3 gridringstyle zyx2legend_ring 4 gridringstyle clegend_ring 3 gridringstyle by_legend_ring 3 gridringstyle legend_title_ring 7 gridringstyle legend_subtitle_ring 6 gridringstyle legend_caption_ring 5 gridringstyle legend_note_ring 3 gridringstyle clegend_title_ring 7 anglestyle horizontal anglestyle horizontal_tick horizontal anglestyle vertical_tick horizontal anglestyle clegend horizontal anglestyle p stdarrow anglestyle parrow stdarrow anglestyle parrowbarb zero * anglestyle p#mark * anglestyle p#backmark * anglestyle p#arrow * anglestyle p#arrowbarb plotregionstyle default plotregionstyle graph graph plotregionstyle twoway twoway plotregionstyle bygraph bygraph plotregionstyle combinegraph matrixgraph plotregionstyle combineregion combineregion plotregionstyle matrixgraph matrixgraph plotregionstyle bargraph bargraph plotregionstyle hbargraph hbargraph plotregionstyle boxgraph boxgraph plotregionstyle hboxgraph hboxgraph plotregionstyle piegraph piegraph plotregionstyle matrix matrix plotregionstyle matrix_label matrix_label plotregionstyle legend_key_region legend_key_region plotregionstyle clegend clegend graphstyle default graphstyle default default graphstyle graph default graphstyle matrixgraph matrixgraph bygraphstyle default bygraphstyle default default bygraphstyle bygraph default bygraphstyle combine combine piegraphstyle default piegraphstyle piegraph default legendstyle default legendstyle default default legendstyle zyx2 zyx2 clegendstyle default clegendstyle default default labelstyle default labelstyle ilabel ilabel labelstyle matrix matrix labelstyle editor editor labelstyle sunflower default labelstyle p1 p1 labelstyle p2 p2 labelstyle p3 p3 labelstyle p4 p4 labelstyle p5 p5 labelstyle p6 p6 labelstyle p7 p7 labelstyle p8 p8 labelstyle p9 p9 labelstyle p10 p10 labelstyle p11 p11 labelstyle p12 p12 labelstyle p13 p13 labelstyle p14 p14 labelstyle p15 p15 labelstyle p1box p1box labelstyle p2box p2box labelstyle p3box p3box labelstyle p4box p4box labelstyle p5box p5box labelstyle p6box p6box labelstyle p7box p7box labelstyle p8box p8box labelstyle p9box p9box labelstyle p10box p10box labelstyle p11box p11box labelstyle p12box p12box labelstyle p13box p13box labelstyle p14box p14box labelstyle p15box p15box yesno textbox no yesno text_option no yesno connect_missings yes yesno cmissings yes yesno pcmissings yes * yesno p#cmissings no yesno extend_axes_low no yesno extend_axes_high no yesno extend_axes_full_low no yesno extend_axes_full_high no yesno draw_major_grid no yesno draw_minor_grid no yesno draw_majornl_grid no yesno draw_minornl_grid no yesno draw_major_hgrid no yesno draw_minor_hgrid no yesno draw_majornl_hgrid no yesno draw_minornl_hgrid no yesno draw_major_vgrid yes yesno draw_minor_vgrid no yesno draw_majornl_vgrid no yesno draw_minornl_vgrid no yesno draw_major_nl_vgrid no yesno draw_minor_nl_vgrid no yesno draw_majornl_nl_vgrid no yesno draw_minornl_nl_vgrid no yesno draw_major_nl_hgrid no yesno draw_minor_nl_hgrid no yesno draw_majornl_nl_hgrid no yesno draw_minornl_nl_hgrid no yesno draw_major_nt_vgrid no yesno draw_minor_nt_vgrid no yesno draw_majornl_nt_vgrid no yesno draw_minornl_nt_vgrid no yesno draw_major_nt_hgrid no yesno draw_minor_nt_hgrid no yesno draw_majornl_nt_hgrid no yesno draw_minornl_nt_hgrid no yesno draw_major_nlt_vgrid no yesno draw_minor_nlt_vgrid no yesno draw_majornl_nlt_vgrid no yesno draw_minornl_nlt_vgrid no yesno draw_major_nlt_hgrid no yesno draw_minor_nlt_hgrid no yesno draw_majornl_nlt_hgrid no yesno draw_minornl_nlt_hgrid no yesno draw_major__nl_hgrid no yesno draw_minor__nl_hgrid no yesno draw_majornl__nl_hgrid no yesno draw_minornl__nl_hgrid no yesno extend_grid_low no yesno extend_grid_high no yesno extend_minorgrid_low yes yesno extend_minorgrid_high yes yesno extend_majorgrid_low no yesno extend_majorgrid_high no yesno grid_draw_min yes yesno grid_draw_max yes yesno grid_force_nomin no yesno grid_force_nomax no yesno xyline_extend_low yes yesno xyline_extend_high yes yesno alt_xaxes no yesno alt_yaxes no yesno x2axis_ontop yes yesno y2axis_onright yes yesno use_labels_on_ticks yes yesno alternate_labels no yesno swap_bar_scaleaxis no yesno swap_bar_groupaxis no yesno swap_dot_scaleaxis no yesno swap_dot_groupaxis no yesno swap_box_scaleaxis no yesno swap_box_groupaxis no yesno extend_dots yes yesno bar_reverse_scale no yesno dot_reverse_scale no yesno box_reverse_scale no yesno box_hollow no yesno box_custom_whiskers no yesno pie_clockwise yes yesno by_edgelabel yes yesno by_alternate_xaxes no yesno by_alternate_yaxes no yesno by_skip_xalternate no yesno by_skip_yalternate no yesno by_outer_xtitles yes yesno by_outer_ytitles yes yesno by_outer_xaxes yes yesno by_outer_yaxes yes yesno by_indiv_xaxes no yesno by_indiv_yaxes no yesno by_indiv_xtitles no yesno by_indiv_ytitles no yesno by_indiv_xlabels yes yesno by_indiv_ylabels yes yesno by_indiv_xticks yes yesno by_indiv_yticks yes yesno by_indiv_xrescale no yesno by_indiv_yrescale no yesno by_indiv_as_whole no yesno by_shrink_plotregion no yesno by_shrink_indiv no yesno mat_label_box yes yesno mat_label_as_textbox yes yesno legend_col_first no yesno legend_text_first no yesno legend_stacked no yesno legend_force_keysz no yesno legend_force_draw no yesno legend_force_nodraw no yesno title_span no yesno subtitle_span no yesno caption_span no yesno note_span no yesno legend_span no yesno zyx2legend_span no yesno clegend_title_span yes yesno adj_xmargins no yesno adj_ymargins no yesno plabelboxed no yesno pboxlabelboxed no yesno contours_outline no yesno contours_reversekey no yesno contours_colorlines no * yesno p#labelboxed no * yesno p#boxlabelboxed no barstyle default barstyle default default barstyle dot dotdefault barstyle box boxdefault barlabelstyle none barlabelstyle bar none dottypestyle dot dot medtypestyle boxplot line pielabelstyle default none arrowstyle default editor arrowstyle editor editor starstyle default starstyle default default above_below star below zyx2rule contour intensity zyx2rule contour hue zyx2style default zyx2style default default zyx2style p1 default zyx2style p2 default zyx2style p3 default zyx2style p4 default zyx2style p5 default zyx2style p6 default zyx2style p7 default zyx2style p8 default zyx2style p9 default zyx2style p10 default zyx2style p11 default zyx2style p12 default zyx2style p13 default zyx2style p14 default zyx2style p15 default seriesstyle p1 seriesstyle dendrogram dendrogram seriesstyle ilabel ilabel seriesstyle matrix matrix seriesstyle p1 p1 seriesstyle p2 p2 seriesstyle p3 p3 seriesstyle p4 p4 seriesstyle p5 p5 seriesstyle p6 p6 seriesstyle p7 p7 seriesstyle p8 p8 seriesstyle p9 p9 seriesstyle p10 p10 seriesstyle p11 p11 seriesstyle p12 p12 seriesstyle p13 p13 seriesstyle p14 p14 seriesstyle p15 p15 seriesstyle p1bar p1bar seriesstyle p2bar p2bar seriesstyle p3bar p3bar seriesstyle p4bar p4bar seriesstyle p5bar p5bar seriesstyle p6bar p6bar seriesstyle p7bar p7bar seriesstyle p8bar p8bar seriesstyle p9bar p9bar seriesstyle p10bar p10bar seriesstyle p11bar p11bar seriesstyle p12bar p12bar seriesstyle p13bar p13bar seriesstyle p14bar p14bar seriesstyle p15bar p15bar seriesstyle p1box p1box seriesstyle p2box p2box seriesstyle p3box p3box seriesstyle p4box p4box seriesstyle p5box p5box seriesstyle p6box p6box seriesstyle p7box p7box seriesstyle p8box p8box seriesstyle p9box p9box seriesstyle p10box p10box seriesstyle p11box p11box seriesstyle p12box p12box seriesstyle p13box p13box seriesstyle p14box p14box seriesstyle p15box p15box seriesstyle p1pie p1pie seriesstyle p2pie p2pie seriesstyle p3pie p3pie seriesstyle p4pie p4pie seriesstyle p5pie p5pie seriesstyle p6pie p6pie seriesstyle p7pie p7pie seriesstyle p8pie p8pie seriesstyle p9pie p9pie seriesstyle p10pie p10pie seriesstyle p11pie p11pie seriesstyle p12pie p12pie seriesstyle p13pie p13pie seriesstyle p14pie p14pie seriesstyle p15pie p15pie seriesstyle p1area p1area seriesstyle p2area p2area seriesstyle p3area p3area seriesstyle p4area p4area seriesstyle p5area p5area seriesstyle p6area p6area seriesstyle p7area p7area seriesstyle p8area p8area seriesstyle p9area p9area seriesstyle p10area p10area seriesstyle p11area p11area seriesstyle p12area p12area seriesstyle p13area p13area seriesstyle p14area p14area seriesstyle p15area p15area seriesstyle p1line p1line seriesstyle p2line p2line seriesstyle p3line p3line seriesstyle p4line p4line seriesstyle p5line p5line seriesstyle p6line p6line seriesstyle p7line p7line seriesstyle p8line p8line seriesstyle p9line p9line seriesstyle p10line p10line seriesstyle p11line p11line seriesstyle p12line p12line seriesstyle p13line p13line seriesstyle p14line p14line seriesstyle p15line p15line seriesstyle p1dot p1dot seriesstyle p2dot p2dot seriesstyle p3dot p3dot seriesstyle p4dot p4dot seriesstyle p5dot p5dot seriesstyle p6dot p6dot seriesstyle p7dot p7dot seriesstyle p8dot p8dot seriesstyle p9dot p9dot seriesstyle p10dot p10dot seriesstyle p11dot p11dot seriesstyle p12dot p12dot seriesstyle p13dot p13dot seriesstyle p14dot p14dot seriesstyle p15dot p15dot seriesstyle p1arrow p1arrow seriesstyle p2arrow p2arrow seriesstyle p3arrow p3arrow seriesstyle p4arrow p4arrow seriesstyle p5arrow p5arrow seriesstyle p6arrow p6arrow seriesstyle p7arrow p7arrow seriesstyle p8arrow p8arrow seriesstyle p9arrow p9arrow seriesstyle p10arrow p10arrow seriesstyle p11arrow p11arrow seriesstyle p12arrow p12arrow seriesstyle p13arrow p13arrow seriesstyle p14arrow p14arrow seriesstyle p15arrow p15arrow * seriesstyle p1 line_circle * seriesstyle p2 line_square * seriesstyle p3 line_diamond * seriesstyle p4 line_x * seriesstyle p5 line_plus * seriesstyle p6 line_triangle * seriesstyle p7 line_smcircle * seriesstyle pa line_xcircle * seriesstyle pb line_xsquare * seriesstyle pc line_xdiamond * seriesstyle pd line_xx * seriesstyle pe line_xplus * seriesstyle pf line_xtriangle * seriesstyle pg line_xsmcircle * seriesstyle ph line_pcircle * seriesstyle pi line_psquare * seriesstyle pj line_pdiamond * seriesstyle pk line_px * seriesstyle pl line_pplus * seriesstyle pm line_ptriangle * seriesstyle pn line_psmcircle * seriesstyle po line_dblcircle * seriesstyle pp line_dblsquare * seriesstyle pq line_dbldiamond * seriesstyle pr line_dblx * seriesstyle ps line_dblplus * seriesstyle pt line_dbltriangle * seriesstyle pu line_dblsmcircle * seriesstyle pv wideline_circle * seriesstyle pw wideline_square * seriesstyle px wideline_diamond * seriesstyle py wideline_x * seriesstyle pz wideline_plus * seriesstyle paa wideline_triangle * seriesstyle pab wideline_smcircle * seriesstyle pac line_spcircle * seriesstyle pad line_spsquare * seriesstyle pae line_spdiamond * seriesstyle paf line_spx * seriesstyle pag line_spplus * seriesstyle pah line_sptriangle * seriesstyle pai line_spsmcircle * seriesstyle paj line_sppoint * seriesstyle pak line * seriesstyle pal dash * seriesstyle pam dash_dot * seriesstyle pan longdash * seriesstyle pao dash_dotdot * seriesstyle pap longshort * seriesstyle paq shortdash * seriesstyle px wideline * seriesstyle px widedash * seriesstyle px widedash_dot * seriesstyle px widelongdash * seriesstyle px widedash_dotdot * seriesstyle px widelongshort * seriesstyle px wideshortdash * seriesstyle px thinline * seriesstyle px thindash * seriesstyle px thindash_dot * seriesstyle px thinlongdash * seriesstyle px thindash_dotdot * seriesstyle px thinlongshort * seriesstyle px thinshortdash sunflowerstyle sunflower sunflower sunflowerstyle p1 sunflower sunflowerstyle p2 p2 sunflowerstyle p3 p3 sunflowerstyle p4 p4 sunflowerstyle p5 p5 sunflowerstyle p6 p6 sunflowerstyle p7 p7 sunflowerstyle p8 p8 sunflowerstyle p9 p9 sunflowerstyle p10 p10 sunflowerstyle p11 p11 sunflowerstyle p12 p12 sunflowerstyle p13 p13 sunflowerstyle p14 p14 sunflowerstyle p15 p15