* tufte.scheme * This scheme named after Edward Tufte tries to apply the advice put forward in his * book tetralogy on data visualization; in particular Tufte (1983) "The Visual * Display of Quantitative Information". * Inspired by S. Juul's lean2 and R. Newson's rbn1mono, tufte.scheme incorporates * a grey color for axes and other auxiliary lines. Clutter is avoided whenever * feasible. *! Version 1.0 06apr2011 *! Author: Ulrich Atz *! Date: 06 April 2011 * Based on the official Stata scheme s2mono #include s2mono * A pure background color background white * For the matrix plot (?) color foreground gs10 * Horizontal labels for the y-axis anglestyle vertical_tick horizontal * Axes and ticks color axisline gs4 // linewidth axisline vthin color tick gs4 color minortick gs4 * Legend color legend_line background numstyle legend_cols 1 * --- Specific plots --- * Histograms color histogram_line white color histogram gs9 ticksetstyle major_vert_nolabel * Boxplots intensity box inten20 * Matrix plots symbol matrix smcircle_hollow color matrixmarkline gs2 color mat_label_box background color matplotregion_line gs10 * By-graphs color textbox white color bylabel_outline white * --- Markers --- * Dark grey markers color p gs2 color p1 gs2 color p2 gs2 color p3 gs2 color p4 gs2 color p5 gs2 color p6 gs2 color p7 gs2 color p8 gs2 color p9 gs2 color p10 gs2 color p11 gs2 color p12 gs2 color p13 gs2 color p14 gs2 color p15 gs2 * Marker symbols symbol p circle_hollow symbol p1 circle_hollow symbol p2 diamond_hollow symbol p3 square_hollow symbol p4 plus symbol p5 circle symbol p6 diamond symbol p7 square symbol p8 x symbol p9 triangle_hollow symbol p10 triangle symbol p11 smcircle symbol p12 smdiamond_hollow symbol p13 smsquare symbol p14 smtriangle_hollow symbol p15 smx