* VERSION 9 * MARCH 7, 2007 program define sensatt, rclass version 9.0 syntax varlist(min=2) [if] [in] [fweight iweight pweight], [alg(string) se(string) /* */ Reps(int 1000) p(varname) p11(real 0) p10(real 0) p01(real 0) p00(real 0) ycent(int 0) /* */ pscore(varname) index logit comsup BOOTstrap] tokenize `varlist' preserve capture keep `if' `in' *To distinguish between binary and continuous outcomes capture assert (`1'==1|`1'==0|`1'==.) scalar tmp=_rc if tmp==0 { local Y `1' local SY `1' } else { if `ycent'==50|`ycent'==25|`ycent'==75 { local Y `1' qui sum `1',d scalar define med=r(p`ycent') gen simy= `1'>med local SY simy } else { if `ycent'==0 { local Y `1' qui sum `1' scalar define mean=r(mean) gen simy= `1'>mean local SY simy } else{ di as error "WARNING: The option ycent() can only take three values: 25, 50, 75." exit 119 } } } scalar drop tmp *To allow only binary treatments local T `2' local YT: list Y|T local rest: list varlist-YT if ~(`T'==1|`T'==0|`T'==.) { di as error "WARNING: The variable `T' is not a dummy. di as error "The treatment must be binary." exit 109 } *To select the matching algorithm if `"`alg'"'==""|`"`alg'"'=="attnd" { local est attnd } else { if `"`alg'"'=="attk" { local est attk } else { if `"`alg'"'=="attnw" { local est attnw } else { if `"`alg'"'=="attr" { local est attr } else { di as error "WARNING: You must use one of the following commands as algorithms to match treated and control units" di as error "on the basis of the propensity score: attnd, attnw, attr, attk." exit 119 } } } } *To fix the simulation parameters if `"`p'"'!="" { capture assert (`p'==1|`p'==0|`p'==.) scalar tmp=_rc if tmp==0 { qui sum `p' if `T'==1&`SY'==1 local p1 = r(mean) qui sum `p' if `T'==1&`SY'==0 local p2 = r(mean) qui sum `p' if `T'==0&`SY'==1 local p3 = r(mean) qui sum `p' if `T'==0&`SY'==0 local p4 = r(mean) } else { di as error "WARNING: The variable `p' is not a dummy." di as error "To simulate U so as to mimic an observable covariate, you must choose a binary variable." exit 109 } scalar drop tmp } else { if (`p11'<=1&`p11'>=0)&(`p10'<=1&`p10'>=0)&(`p01'<=1&`p01'>=0)&(`p00'<=1&`p00'>=0) { local p1 `p11' local p2 `p10' local p3 `p01' local p4 `p00' } else { di as error "WARNING: The parameters pij are probabilities. di as error "If you define them, you must choose values between 0 and 1. exit 109 } } *To calculate and show the baseline estimate di in gr _newline(3) "*** THIS IS THE BASELINE ATT ESTIMATION (WITH NO SIMULATED CONFOUNDER)." `est' `varlist' [`weight' `exp'], `comsup' `logit' pscore(`pscore') `bootstrap' `index' *To calculate and show the simulated estimate di in gr _newline(3) "*** THIS IS THE SIMULATED ATT ESTIMATION (WITH THE CONFOUNDER U)." qui sum `SY' if `T'==1 local a=r(mean) qui sum `SY' if `T'==0 local b=r(mean) local p5=`p2'*(1-`a')+`p1'*`a' local p6=`p4'*(1-`b')+`p3'*`b' di in ye _newline(1) "The probability of having U=1 if T=1 and Y=1 (p11) is equal to:" %9.2f `p1' di in ye "The probability of having U=1 if T=1 and Y=0 (p10) is equal to:" %9.2f `p2' di in ye "The probability of having U=1 if T=0 and Y=1 (p01) is equal to:" %9.2f `p3' di in ye "The probability of having U=1 if T=0 and Y=0 (p00) is equal to:" %9.2f `p4' di in ye _newline(1) "The probability of having U=1 if T=1 (p1.) is equal to:" %9.2f `p5' di in ye "The probability of having U=1 if T=0 (p0.) is equal to:" %9.2f `p6' matrix att = J(`reps',1,0) matrix se = J(`reps',1,0) matrix yodds = J(`reps',1,0) matrix todds = J(`reps',1,0) di in ye _newline(3) " The program is iterating the ATT estimation with simulated confounder." di in ye " You have chosen to perform `reps' iterations. This step may take a while." forvalues i=1/`reps' { tempvar uni u1 u2 u3 u4 gen `uni'=uniform() gen `u1' = `uni'<`p1' gen `u2' = `uni'<`p2' gen `u3' = `uni'<`p3' gen `u4' = `uni'<`p4' qui gen uconf=`u1' if `T'==1&`SY'==1 qui replace uconf=`u2' if `T'==1&`SY'==0 qui replace uconf=`u3' if `T'==0&`SY'==1 qui replace uconf=`u4' if `T'==0&`SY'==0 qui `est' `varlist' uconf [`weight' `exp'], `comsup' `logit' pscore(`pscore') `bootstrap' `index' matrix att[`i',1] = r(`est') matrix se[`i',1] = r(se`est') qui logit `SY' uconf `rest' [`weight' `exp'] if `T'==0 local names : colnames e(b) scalar find=strpos("`names'","uconf ") matrix b=e(b) if find==0{ scalar odds=. matrix yodds[`i',1] = odds scalar drop odds } else{ scalar odds=exp(b[1,1]) matrix yodds[`i',1] = odds scalar drop odds } matrix drop b scalar drop find qui logit `T' uconf `rest' [`weight' `exp'] local names : colnames e(b) scalar find=strpos("`names'","uconf ") matrix b=e(b) if find==0{ scalar odds=. matrix todds[`i',1] = odds scalar drop odds } else{ scalar odds=exp(b[1,1]) matrix todds[`i',1] = odds scalar drop odds } matrix drop b scalar drop find drop uconf } qui svmat att qui svmat se qui svmat yodds qui svmat todds qui sum att1 local avgatt = r(mean) local bse = r(sd) local bvar = `bse'^2 qui sum se1 local wse = r(mean) qui gen var=se1^2 qui sum var local wvar = r(mean) local tse = sqrt(`wvar'+(1+1/`reps')*`bvar') qui sum yodds1 local avyodds = r(mean) qui sum todds1 local avtodds = r(mean) return scalar att = `avgatt' return scalar se = `tse' return scalar bse = `bse' return scalar wse = `wse' return scalar yodds = `avyodds' return scalar todds = `avtodds' if `"`se'"'==""|`"`se'"'=="tse" { di _newline(3) _column(1) in gr "ATT estimation with simulated confounder" di _column(1) in gr "General multiple-imputation standard errors" di in gr _newline(1) in text "{hline 47}" di _column(1) in gr " ATT" _column(13) in gr " Std. Err." _column(25) in gr " Out. Eff." _column(37) in gr " Sel. Eff." di in gr in text "{hline 47}" di _newline(1) _column(1) in ye %9.3f return(att) _column(13) in ye %9.3f return(se) _column(26) in ye %9.3f return(yodds) _column(38) in ye %9.3f return(todds) di in gr _newline(1) in text "{hline 47}" di in gr "Note: Both the outcome and the selection effect" di in gr "are odds ratios from logit estimations." } else { if `"`se'"'=="wse" { di _newline(3) _column(1) in gr "ATT estimation with simulated confounder" di _column(1) in gr "Within-imputation standard errors" di in gr _newline(1) in text "{hline 47}" di _column(1) in gr " ATT" _column(13) in gr " Std. Err." _column(25) in gr " Out. Eff." _column(37) in gr " Sel. Eff." di in gr in text "{hline 47}" di _newline(1) _column(1) in ye %9.3f return(att) _column(13) in ye %9.3f return(wse) _column(26) in ye %9.3f return(yodds) _column(38) in ye %9.3f return(todds) di in gr _newline(1) in text "{hline 47}" di in gr "Note: Both the outcome and the selection effect" di in gr "are odds ratios from logit estimations." } else { if `"`se'"'=="bse" { di _newline(3) _column(1) in gr "ATT estimation with simulated confounder" di _column(1) in gr "Between-imputation standard errors" di in gr _newline(1) in text "{hline 47}" di _column(1) in gr " ATT" _column(13) in gr " Std. Err." _column(25) in gr " Out. Eff." _column(37) in gr " Sel. Eff." di in gr in text "{hline 47}" di _newline(1) _column(1) in ye %9.3f return(att) _column(13) in ye %9.3f return(bse) _column(26) in ye %9.3f return(yodds) _column(38) in ye %9.3f return(todds) di in gr _newline(1) in text "{hline 47}" di in gr "Note: Both the outcome and the selection effect" di in gr "are odds ratios from logit estimations." } else { di as error "WARNING: You must use one of the following arguments for the option se(): tse, wse, bse." di as error "The default choice is: tse." exit 119 } } } restore end